I didn't get I think why chapter 2 has 55 votes and other have 35 to 45 why! do you you love the 2nd one more or you lost interest .... 🤔🤔
Hi guys I am again here with a new chapter
FB continue
Riddhima came in Oberoi mansion
Asha : Riddhima right Abhay told me a lot about you
Abhay signed something
Asha : you must be tired go and take rest if you want any think just call me ok 😊
Riddhima was very happy for the first time somebody loved her like this ❤️
Riddhima : ok
Riddhi was not able to say anything else and went
Asha : what happened
Abhay : don't know why I fell so connected to Riddhima and yes I stopped you because I think she has a better past and I don't want someone reminder her past to her.
Asha : don't worry I will treat her as my own daughter
Abhay : ok.
After sometime
Asha went to Riddhima's room
Asha : do you want something
Riddhima : no thank-you.
Asha : I knew you will say something like this what if I was you mother then also will you be this formal now I am bringing the food eat it ok .
Riddhima started crying
Asha : what happened I am sorry if I said something wrong
Riddhima (with tears): no just you are the first how related me like this thank you for this much love
Asha : are you mad am I not like your mother .
Riddhima nodes
Asha : so no thank-you and yes I am bringing the food and I will feed you ok
Riddhima (chunked sadly) : ok
And then she feeds Riddhima and told her to rest.
Abhay got some information about Riddhima the orphanage she lived and to make her happy bought her things that were still there and decorated her room
Abhay: Riddhima I have a suprise for you
Riddhi gave a confused look
Abhay: just come
Abhay and asha took her to the room
Abhay : how is this
Riddhima saw all her belongings pics of her friends and old clothes which see used to wear when she was a kid ( a small smile crept on her face)
Abhay : how is it
Riddhima : thank you
Asha : again thank you ( I got the idea of thank you from RIANSH421 😂) no need ok if you want to thank me be Happy and smile every time ok
Riddhima nodded
Asha and Abhay ( Abha room )
Abhay: doc said Riddhima is in depression we need to help her I don't know why I fell so contacted
Asha : she is a very sweet girl I don't know what happened that she is in depression ☹️ .
Abhay : but we will help her right
Asha : of course
Few days passed like this
On day asha noticed something
Asha : Riddhima what is this ( seen a pendent )
Riddhima : this was always with me I used to wear it everytime
Asha : Oh ( I don't know why I think I have same pendent some were "she thought" )
In room
Abhay : what are you finding
Asha : you had the pendant of madhu her last last sign
Abhay : you know I don't let anyone see it not even you
Asha : I know but please just for once I want to clear a doubt
Abhay ( with a confused look ) : ok
Abhay want to the locker and enters the password and that was it pendent was right in front of them
Abhay : take this
Asha : why is it half where's the other half ?
Abhay : it was of madhu she gave the other half of it to
Asha : to your daughter right!
Abhay : how do you know
Asha : if I give you your daughter back then ?
Asha shows him the other half
Fash back starts
Asha told Riddhima to take rest and took the pendant
Flashback ends
Abhay (disbelief) : imposible
Again a Fash back ( Tohra purana hai yeh wala 😂)
Abhay : after so long we have came for a holiday
Madhu and a small girl: yes papa /Abhay
Abhay smiled on his cut small family
Girl : papa we will have a lot of fun
Abhay: ok my love
Abhay(seeing the ice cream vendor ) :Riddhi do you want an ice cream
So the girl is Riddhi
Riddhima : Yes papa
Madhu : a small one ok
Abhay : Ok wait I will bring
And went out to buy the ice cream
Abhay : one chocolate ice cream one vanilla and one butter Scotch
Vendor : ok sir
He picked the ice cream and turned and thudd heard a noise
What do you think what would happened ......
Done for the day thanks for reading please vote and comment lo💘e you all
Guys I wanted to say sorry for writing a topic but l like giving details 😅
Bye take care 😊💕
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