Vansh : you will see .... Now don't worry ok I am here na ....
Vanya nodded still not sure what his father will do to make it up to her mumma
Vansh : let's see
Vanya sign ..... " Hope he does something really good "
Vansh : wanna have an icecream
Vanya : chocolate flavour
Vansh : of course
Vanya gave his a cute smile
Vansh : ok let's grab it and go home or your nanu will kill me for sure
Vanya : true
Riddhima was looking at some files
Riddhima " I need to be quick this meeting is important , I just hope it goes well I really want it to...if this hospital is constructed it will help so many people and my biggest dream will come true I was once a physiotherapist " she chuckled sadly
once's such an old thing ,when she was alone she indulged herself in work learning it and helping his father and even helped her get out of depression and start a new life and with the help of her family she learn everything it was different but riddhima had always been a bright student and now when she is standing on her own and has enough money to start her own hospital she will fulfill her dream she saw ..........
Riddhima 's pa : ma'am ....we are ready for the meeting....our client are arriving soon I thought you would like to see all the arrangements....
Riddhima nooded and went to see everything was perfect she is doing a partnership with another company for making this hospital....
Riddhima went their and looked at everything she was nervous and she did know why may be because it was a huge deal for her ......
All of them were ready when see saw someone opening the door ...
Riddhima stood up and went to him
Riddhima : hello
Person : hello
Riddhima was confused why was he here ? Isn't it should be the ceo himself
Person : sir will arrive shortly...
Riddhima gave a small smile and nodded
And then whom she was wasn't expected
Riddhima stood there shocked and on the other hand he entered and gave her a mesmerizing smile
Riddhima : you
Vansh smiled and chuckled in his mind " cute "
Vansh walked up to her : hello Miss oberoi
Vansh walked closer and whispered so that only she can hear him : or mrs vansh Rai Singhania
And moved back
Riddhima was still shocked but came out of track and looked at him again composed this time
Riddhima : shouldn't it be Mr Sehgal in your place Mr Rai Singhania
Vansh : yes it should be but I got to work with you now as he transferred this project to me ...
Riddhima : why
Vansh : because......( He said in a deep voice) But then changed it and said
Vansh : how would I know
He shrugged his shoulders but riddhima found it suspicious
Vansh : so shall we start the meeting
Saying so he moved forward
Riddhima: no
Vansh looked back at her confused
Riddhima : I was told this meeting will be with Mr Sehgal and it will be with him
Vansh : oh no problem swee.....Miss oberoi
He looked at someone
Person: hello I am from Mr Sehgal s team and it's his humble request to start this project with Mr Rai Singhania
Vansh : after this meeting you can call him and ask for details and I don't think you want to postpone this project do you
Vansh raised his eyebrow he knew she will never do that
Riddhima gritted her teeth and promised herself she will know why Mr Sehgal backed off but for now this meeting was important
Riddhima: ok let's start the meeting
Vansh smiled " plan successful "
After the meeting riddhima was impressed how well he had researched on this project as he himself knew all the details...but didn't show it ....
Riddhima: ok I am ready to do this project with you Mr Rai Singhania
Vansh : thank you Miss oberoi " soon riddhima soon it will be vansh and Mrs Rai Singhania just wait for it "
Riddhima " something is cooking in your mind vansh and I will get it soon you have done it ...I don't know huw but you being here is not a coincidence for sure "
Vansh : nice meeting you will meet soon Miss oberoi...
Saying this he went back but the smirk with a hint of smile wasn't able to get off his face
............................. ............ .........................
Vanya was doing her homework when her phone rang
Vanya : hello Vanya oberoi..
She answered with a similar attitude as of vansh
Vansh : hello princess
Vanya smiled : dad
Vansh : yes princess I called you to tell you that level 1 is completed I will be spending for time with your mumma now and I am sure I will soon be with both of my sweethearts
Vanya's eyes widened: really wow how did you do that ?
Vansh : ughh you can say your fathera magic.....
He grinned
Vanya : cool .....I love you papa are amazing but don't hurt my mumma okk
Vansh : never .....I promise
Vanya : ok now I have to complete my work and go for karate class bye I till call you at night
Vansh : ok bye
i hope you will like it please vote and comment please what do you think vansh hain done ?
Take care ❤️
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