(For reasons that will make sense to the story i'm combining Halloween H20/Resurrection with Halloween 2018. I know it may sound confusing now but I will fix it. Enjoy the story!)
[Full playlist instrumental/Non-instrumental]
"Let her go Michael!-"
"(Y/n)? (Y/n) fuck! Get up!-"
"Please don't do this please... Please!-"
Metal clashes with skin.
A figure collapses hard with a thud.
Broken sobs echoed the empty park.
Afternoon summers can be really fun or really tedious. It really depends on the person. But you can't deny that something about going swimming with your friends, going to get icecream as you cool off from the warm heat. Other people find it to be hot, getting sunburns and turning on the air conditioning which really adds on to the house bills. Though most people really love summer. Laurie is no expectation, wearing shorts with a simple modest white t-shirt along with really long socks. Her classmates preferred to make sure they wear as less clothing as they can. Though some of them are modest. Laurie hated the way shorter clothes would tighten her body, something about more loose clothing felt nice, in fact wearing sweaters and long skirts are better. Laurie shrugs her shoulders when people ask her about that topic. She knows it sounds dumb but when you are raised in a modest religious family. She knows what makes her comfortable.
Annie called her today and good timing Laurie just finished her homework and her household chores. So of course she can't turn down an offer of icecream and heading to the local theater for a re-watching of star wars a new hope that came out about a year ago. Its only a dollar to purchase a ticket before it goes to VHS. So of course she took advantage of that. When she knocked on the plain brown door Mrs Brackett opened it with a warm smiling entering her features. She let the blonde haired girl in.
"Hey Laurie your here i'm almost done so hold o- OH SHIT!-" Laurie could hear clutter coming from upstairs. Laurie snorted as Mrs Brackett chuckled.
"Ok i'm here, i'm here!" Annie came downstairs quickly, nearly tripping. Her hair messier then usual and her clothes obliviously out of the drayer. They both sat down on the couch for a while to watch some dumb sitcom while they waited until they can drive down to the theater. Laurie looked around the room and noticed the familiar police man wasn't near anywhere. Usually he would be home on the weekends but there was no sight of him.
Laurie raised an eyebrow at that. Mrs Brackett did mention in a brief conversion that Annie's father was working on a domestic violence case with a young CPS trainee.
"Who would want to work on that?" Annie commented with a playful scoff.
"It would just make me depressed for weeks seeing those poor kids..." The curly haired teenager sighed, Laurie could tell that Annie was feeling rather gloomy with the subject.
"I'm hoping of becoming a teacher when I get older. I hope that I can move forward with that passion. Seeing kids sad really breaks my heart. Thats not the thing i'm looking forward to at all..." Laurie mentioned with a dreary smile. Annie nodded her head, listening closely to her words. Annie grinned at Laurie who returned it gently.
Sometimes Laurie wonders if she will find someone that will be even bigger then friendship. She loves Annie obviously but even though Laurie would not admit it. She's been liking the idea of someone to swoop in and provide her with a happy life, giving her some kind of romantic relationship. A loving relationship maybe even resulting in marriage. Laurie knows she has to focus on her studies first. But the idea of her future to share with another person makes her smile when she dozes off in bed, dreaming about her future husband and what he will look like. Having little kids that run around and giggle while Laurie and her spouse watch. It warms her heart. Though of course if she opened up to this secret to Annie and Lynda. They won't shut up about it and pester her to find a boyfriend.
Laurie watched her childhood friend giggle at the jokes of the show while Mrs Brackett walked into the room and observed it while holding a laundry basket. Laurie beams at the sight, remembering how her parents would watch television with her. Being raised by parents who adore and love you is a great thing to have for your life sure. But in a way she couldn't help get this sinking feeling that her parents knew something that the kind babysitter didn't. From the way every time halloween comes up they would always try their best to avoid that subject. They weren't good at lying at all, coming from a christan household and all. I think part of it was due to the fact that she was adopted. Laurie accepted that a long time ago, her parents were nice enough to let her know that when she was young.
Laurie felt a deep pit in her stomach. Not the kind when you get scared rather its a gloomy feeling that sets in everytime that one holiday comes up. That one holiday where you dress up in your little costume and go to door to door and yell trick-or-treat to your neighbor. She couldn't help but clench her lips at the idea of her love interest getting scared away because of what her biological family went through. Laurie couldn't blame them for that, I mean what your older brother did all those years ago. It would scare a lot of people away. Sometimes she wonders how he is doing? Is he surviving up there in smiths grove? Does he still give her those cold eyes?
"Oh hello dear your home early!" Laurie popped her head to the direction of the door. The middle aged police officer walked in with a strained smile on his face. Mrs Brackett walked up to him, giving him a little kiss on the cheek with a calming smile. Laurie and Annie furrowed their brows.
"Hey dad are you ok?" Annie commented as her dad took off his coat and hung it up. Even with a tense gaze he smiled at his daughter and ruffled her hair just responding with a simple 'i'm fine just a tough day.' Laurie knew there was something more to that in his response. From the way his response was so vague, it wasn't like Mr Brackett at all to act like that.
Before Laure could check up to Lee there was another figure that walked into the door. A female figure with her posture straight up and her expression carrying a sharp gaze. Annie groaned and rolled her eyes among the presence of the stranger in her living room. Laurie raised an eyebrow at her. Annie avoided the females gaze and opened her magazine with a hidden sneer. But knowing Annie all to well she wasn't giving a pleasant air around her like she did 5 minutes ago.
"Hello Mrs Brackett i'm so sorry for intruding. Me and your husband are nearly done with our work." The women politely waved. Mrs Brackett nodded with a warm beam. Now that Lauries got a good view of her. (H/c) hair was the first thing she seen, combed in a really even way. A brown trench coat along with a short sleeved buttoned shirt that matched really well with her orange bell bottoms pants. She hardly smiled at all even in the presence of a really kind middle aged mom.
She briefly glanced at Laurie and Annie, Laurie waved with a smile. The womens eyes narrowed with a cold expression as she walked upstairs with Annies dad in tow. Laurie huffed. Annie glared at the women before turning to the blonde haired teenager with a pat on the back.
"Sorry about her. She's always like that..."
"Its ok, just surprising... Who is she? I haven't seen her at all here?"
"My dads been working with her about a domestic violence case. I don't know what her problem is? But she is a major bitch..."
"Oh is that the young CPS trainee?"
"Sadly yes... Wish it was somebody different.. She seems to be to stuck up to be this young. Did her feelings get hurt in highschool? Thats a big mystery to me..." Annie shrugged turning on the television to a different channel and changing the subject quickly. Laurie turned back to the staircase. Her eyebrow raised with a glance. The college graduate voice could be heard responding to Mr Bracketts questions.
No humor in sight in her voice.
Laurie shuffled in her seat.
(Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Before I leave I just wanted to let my Quotev readers know that the story will be a better experience in wattpad. If you want gifs to fit the mood in the story. Love you guys!)
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