The usual atmosphere of the sky is what greets you as you woke up.
However, instead you were greeted by bright lights of the Council's Meeting Room.
How did we get here .... ?
You don't know, honestly...
What did you do to get here ?
You've never done anything to upset the sky.
You could barely hear what the higher ups were murmurimg about either.
You sat up, pain all over your body.
The glow on your halo dimmed greatly ; your eyes looking over to the other angels of the board who are in front of you
Why can't you hear them, damn it? Everything was a blur.
Your eyes darted around the bright room for what was happening.
However, the moment you did, everything felt like it was burning to you.
The room kept getting brighter.
You use your wings to block it out, trying to spare your eyes from the light.
You wanted to wake up from all of this.
Its just a dream, right?
" Do you know why your here , our child ? "
The voice of a higher angel asked.
You looked up, your wings dropping as you shook your head.
" Well ; before we explain, I'd like to apologize. "
Apoligize? Apologize for what exactly? You don't remember anything the higher ones have done to wrong you.
" We're taking you down for a reason. You have a purpose elsewhere ; "
What was this higher up on about...?
A purpose elsewehere....?
What was that supposed to mean?
....taking you down? Why?
" We wish the best for your new purpose. "
You quickly intervened with a shaky voice, asking them what they meant. You wanted an explination after all.
" Have you noticed your differences from the others ; child? "
" Greatly skilled in combat , is what I mean. You had nothing but two sharp fans and you were able to take down several angels in the arena. "
You remember that.
Your ( Parent/s | Guardian/s ) often trained you in combat, as they've been a part of the Angel's Guard.
But why you?
Was there no one else to take this forced role?
You asked that question.
" With your [ Parent/s | Guardian/s ] gone child ; you are the only option we have for this assignment. "
.....gone? Wait... what do they mean gone?
......surely they mean retired.
Thats true-
But then why you, specifically?
What was this assignment anyway?
Your head felt like exploding, so you reached out to hold it.
Your ears rang as you did, rubbing your head and feeling something on it.
You shivered a bit.
You had horns.
The angel explained that they gave you horns for the assignment they were sending you to.
A world of demons?
They said they wanted you to explore this new world.
You weren't sure about this.
However, the desision had been made.
You were given all necessities in your bag. (Which had infinite space apparently since the angels feel bad about sending a young adult who knows nothing but home to a whole new world)
Then you were falling.
And falling...........
And falling........
NAME : [ Y / N ]
WEAPON/S : Two sharp iron fans that can seperate themselves into sharp knives ( 6 knives per fan )
CLASS : Support
HEALTH: 175 | SHEILD : 50
PRIMARY : Angel Slash
Your main attack. Get close to a phighter and slash them with both fans. Deals 7 damage.
SECONDARY : Godthrow
The first ranged attack you have. Seperate your fans into knives and throw them at other phighters. Headshots deal 15 damage while anywhere else deals 9 damage. If one of these hits an ally, it will grant 10+ hp to ally and 5 hp to self
Cast a bubble on self that expands to heal allys nearby, and take away health from enemies who are in the bubble. Heals allys and self by 10 hp ; damages enemies 10 hp aswell.
Your second and last ranged attack. Take off your halo and throw it at an enemy to deal 30 damage. The brighter your halo grows, the more damage the enemy will recieve.
Heal all nearby allies within a 150-stud radius by 75 HP ; Any enemies in this radius recieves 60 or more damage depending on amount of allues in said radius. Heals self by 50 hp + 30 hp for any enemies that get damaged in the process.
You appear with a halo around your horns ; wrapped in a black cloak with [ Favorite Color ] embroidery. A mask to cover hald your face and in the middle of your horns, an angelic eye.
You have hidden your wings from view and carry two Tessen Fans i your satchel ; your satchel hidden in your cloak, of course.
You can wear the cloaks hood if you want to or not
And thats about it
For now. Might update this lol
Anyway bye now :3
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