I hear my father's characteristic waves as he swam into my dimly lit room. I turn my head to the front, refusing to meet his gaze. I was beyond upset at how my 16th birthday had unfolded. Understandably.
"Ara..." he sighs, there was unsettled pain in his voice. "Ara, you must understand that as your father, I only do things to protect you."
I remained silent, only twidling with the beads in my hair. I wouldn't speak to him; I refused, not until tomorrow. I knew I would say something out of anger if I addressed him.
"Sirens are dangerous Ara. You saw how fearful the other merfolk were. You saw how Iressa killed all those people...including Prince Fai."
"Iressa. You mean my mother?" I snap, reminding him to use her proper title.
"That woman...that THING is NOT YOUR MOTHER!" he fumes, making my bed rumble. I only close my eyes, letting a soft tear trickle down my cheek.
"She killed him..." was all I said. He stretched out his arm to pat my shoulder but I pulled away. I didn't want his calming embrace.
"Ara...the healers tried everything to revive him..but what's done" he mutters, swimming up from his place on the edge of my bed.
"Triton?" I knew it best I call him that from now on. He was no longer my father.
"Yes Ara." he said, taking in the iciness of my title for him.
"I would like to be left alone now."
He nodded, kissing my head before leaving. Once the door shut, I zipped across the room packing everything and more. My small packs of seaweed, a few extra shells, and most importantly the globbybobber, I had dug up from the sunken shipyard. Carefully I unclasp Prince Fai's emerald pearl from my neck and put on the shiny globbybobber. I needed it for the long journey ahead; maybe it would bring me closer to the humans above...if I saw one.
"Come on TAILS!" I whispered, grabbing his tail and pushing him in front of me, forcing him to swim.
"SQUEAK! squeakkk squeakkkkk" he cries characteristically. Of course, he's all he ever did.
He was probably lamenting how dark and scary the waters looked this late at night and although he was wouldn't stop me from venturing to the ocean's surface. I just had to see what was up there!
Two guards stood watch at the edge of our kingdom, swimming back and forth at a fixed interval. They would swim to each perimeter, stop, then turn. I was familiar with their patterns of swimming. It was not the first time I had snuck out of the kingdom.
"Okay go Tails!" I whisper, pushing him forward. He resisted, of course, swirling between the coils of my hair.
"Don't be a scardey tails" I muttered, grabbing his tiny body and pushing him forward. He squeaks what appears to be a series of profanities before lightly kicking my ear with his tail.
"I love you too" I smirked, kissing his forehead. He spins around, mustering up his courage before shooting forward to distract the guards. I would owe Tails big time for his assistance. I just hoped this plan went through...I only had one chance to see the surface...
"Hey! get back here" one guard yelled after Tails.
Perfect! Tails had distracted them.
I shot upwards, swimming with all my might to reach the surface, slowing my pace as I reached the middle of the sea. I had to be careful not to swim too fast lest I pass out. The change of current and exposure to the waves could kill a mermaid if not done properly.
I swam, taking it the changing patterns of light surrounding me. I could see a bright shiny white circle in the distance. The human world!
"Just a few more swims," I thought to myself. I finally reached the surface, gasping for breath and taking in the fresh air. I couldn't see a thing but instantly, I felt free! I swam across the surface of the waters, jumping and leaping and splashing. It was such a freeing feeling being away from the gloomy seas beneath me.
"TAILS! TAILS!" I shouted, dipping my head beneath the waters to see where he was. Tails squeaks, following after me before jumping and squeaking into the air. We both swim and giggle as we point at everything on the surface. It was a beautiful view. Sharp brown ridges of rocks painted the calm horizon while the soft ripples of crashing waves brushed against the sand.
And that shiny circle in the sky! I wondered what it was? It was pretty and helpful, lighting the path for Tails and I.
"Squeakkkk squeakk!" Tails squeaked again and continued spinning in glee.
"I'm surprised you're having fun" I smile knowingly. Just as I went to join him, I felt a sharp pain in my tail. I hissed, thinking it was a small piece of coral but deeper and deeper it went until I saw blood in the waters. It blood?
I looked behind me and saw a thick white string of soft netting.
A few other small fish started swimming my way, trying to escape the large white mass. I tried to swim against their current but they were too fast, each fish slapping against my body.
"Tails!" I shouted but before I knew it, the soft white net clung to me and another gathering of fish, engulfing us in its web of hopelessness. The large group of fish was frantic but so was I.
I couldn't see a thing! Everyone was distracted, trying to escape and push for space. I tried to search for tails in the thick school of fish but it was hopeless. I knew struggling to break free was pointless for I had been captured.
I had been fated by nature's clever ensnare.
And on my sixteenth birthday.....
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