[LOONA's Orbit Ring]
Hyeri blankly stared at the phone in front of her while she waits for the next fan to call, "You sleepy, Hyeri-ah?" Jinsoul, who was beside her, questioned the frozen Hyeri. "Just had a little meeting in my mind" Hyeri chuckled as the older girl patted her head.
As if on cue, a fan had called as Hyeri readied herself. Answering the call, a girl popped on the screen who seemed to be flustered of Hyeri. "Annyeong~" Hyeri waved, the fan waved back. "Hello" The girl hid using her hands, hiding her reddened face. Hyeri made an 'o' face as she realized that the girl was a foreigner. "Ooh you're a foreigner! I thought you were a Korean because you look like one" Hyeri spoke in English, of course with her Australian accent.
"I am half-Korean but I grew up here in the states so I barely speak one but I can understand some of it. By the way, I love your accent" The fan complimented, Hyeri was shy but said thank you. "You have an amazing accent too" The panda complimented back.
"I have a gift for you!" The fan told before looking around to find her gift, taking something from below the below as the girl finally showed her hand forming a finger heart. Hyeri was astounded and became more shy, reaching out her hands to the girl, she did grabby hands like a baby. "Best present! I'll get that when we meet each other personally after this pandemic ends"
"Don't worry, you already got my heart" The girl explained before throwing her finger hearts at Hyeri who acted like she caught it, they laughed at their silly acts. "I have a question!" She asked. Hyeri expressed a confused face as she waited for her response.
"If you were a boy, who would you date between your other members?" She spoke, Hyeri had her fingers caressing her chin as if she is thinking before answering, "Can't I date you instead?" Hyeri confidently told before forming a heart with her hands as the person on the other line was a blushing mess.
"Share a TMI!" The girl suggested, "Oh I had jajangmyeon earlier, it was the best breakfast ever. Choerry fell from her bed while waking up, I have been working out with the other members to build up my body, and I love orbits!" Hyeri formed another heart but with her arms this time, "Were you making abs?" The fan had a shocked face as Hyeri nodded, "I'm working hard for orbits!~"
"When can we see it?" She questioned, Hyeri thought once again. "Now? Oh wait-I'll show you my muscles instead of my abs. You'll see it next time" Hyeri smirked before rolling up her sleeves, flexing her toned arm muscles.
"Waah, Hyeri beat me on making muscles" Jinsoul commented, caressing the younger's biceps while Hyeri laughed. Jinsoul came into the fan's view as she waved at Hyeri's camera, greeting the current fan Hyeri was talking with. "Acck Jinsoul!"
"Eonni, you're stealing my girlfriend. Go away" Hyeri pushed Jinsoul away, as the fan blushed once again when she understood what Hyeri said. "Alright-calm down" Jinsoul chuckled before going back to her own video call.
"Ah! I ship you two" The girl squealed, "Ship?" Hyeri tilted her head which means she was confused. "I mean, you two look good together" She said in a clearer statement. Hyeri once again made an 'o' face, "Of course, me and Jinsoul eonni are good-looking" Hyeri chuckled, the girl on the other line just chuckled knowing that Hyeri understood a different one.
"Ooh how old are you by the way?" Hyeri asked curiously, "I'm 17 years old" She replied. "Ah you're still a baby! My baby~" Hyeri crunched her nose as she chuckled.
"Oh look, the time is running out" Hyeri pouted like a baby she is, the girl sadly nodded. "Well then, we'll see each other next time!" Hyeri imitated Jiwoo's apple heart before blowing a kiss at the camera.
"See you next time, baby girl" Hyeri bid a good bye as the call ended, same as to the other members.
"That's a wrap, that's everyone's last call!" Hyeri cheered before stretching her arms and limbs out, "Anyone want to eat Kimbab?" Jungeun asked the others as they nodded their heads furiously, everyone was hungry.
chapter 17 and 18 is for you mate-hwang_yun-me
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