"Hey Hyeri-oh god, could you please put the fire extinguisher down?" Vivi told Hyeri who was holding a fire extinguisher while watching her bread in the oven.
"Not gonna happen, eonni. This is the 4th set of Gyeran Ppang I am baking today and I won't let it burn again. Heck, the kitchen might be on fire or worse the whole dorm and I won't let that happen. Who knows, we might lose our job and reputation with this bread" Hyeri intently watched the bread inside the oven as she readied the fire extinguisher.
Vivi went towards the younger as she gently took away the extinguisher from the girl, "Stop thinking about those kind of thoughts, panda. That's not gonna happen if you would calm down and take the extinguisher back to its place"
"I had baked Hodu-gwaja earlier with Yeojin and all of them burned. The ingredients I used were wasted so I moved on to Gyeran Ppang which was suggested by Heejin eonni" Vivi led the younger to a chair and made her sat down, "I can see no signs of any Yeojin here, where is she?"
"Oh the kid decided to ditch me and went off with Yerim eonni, so I was left to burn the cookies and will be alone when I'll get scolded by either Sooyoung eonni or Lip eonni" The younger girl sighed as she earned a chuckle from Vivi.
"Well, I guess I really am bad at cooking" Hyeri sighed before slouching on the table. "Hey don't feel bad, you're not bad at cooking. You're good at it though you still need some practice on baking" Vivi reassured, patting the panda's back for encouragement.
"I could help you bake Hodu-gwaja again after this bread you are baking right now" Hyeri's mood lit up upon hearing the older girl's statement, "You know how to?" The panda asked curiously as Vivi scratched her nape.
"Well not exactly but we could use some help"
"To whom?"
"To those who are willing to help..?"
As soon as Vivi said that, Sooyoung popped out behind a wall which made the two flinch. "So I heard you two needed help? Ha Sooyoungie at your service!" Sooyoung saluted, making the two burst out laughing.
"Hey, you don't need to be afraid of getting scolded anymore Hyeri" Vivi spoke as the youngest amongst the three nervously chuckled. Sooyoung froze as her eyes glared at Hyeri, "What did you do, Kang Hyeri" Vivi and Hyeri stopped on what they were doing as they look at each other.
"I'll deal with you later, Miss Kang. For now let's get baking!"
"Mmhm! This is good" Jiwoo exclaimed, taking another bite of the walnut cookie the three made. "As well as these Gyeran Ppang! Nice work, Panda" Heejin complimented.
"Well, thank you" Hyeri smiled proudly, Sooyoung cleared her throat making Vivi chuckle. "Eherm, we deserve credit too" She told.
"I'll admit that these baked goodies tastes like heaven but it was a bit disappointing to know that Hyeri eonni wasn't the only one who made this" Yeojin munched onto the cookie. "Hey! You left me alone and went out with Yerim eonni, don't talk to me like that" The younger Hye pouted, crossing her arms.
"You seriously need a Loona in your life" Hyunjin spoke, grabbing a handful of both the egg bread and walnut cookie.
"Well, I guess I do"
Hehe short, like Yeojinie-
but anyways, Happy New Year!! and mOMMA SEUL IS BACC asdfghjkl
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