The day before Sydney's high school graduation as her and Annie are graduating early, except for Amelia as she failed almost all of her classes, even with Sydney's help. She also tried to bribe Sydney to do her homework, that didn't work. Also, she's been also skipping school on top of getting expelled from school, more than once.
"Thank. God one more day." Sydney says as she was doing one last report of what she has learned from history. She was almost done with said report which was fine. She had a couple paragraphs left.
"You're telling me." Annie says as the two girls are at the BAU, the seniors got out of school early.
Which is a good thing because Sydney doesn't want to deal with her teacher Mrs. Hansen, the one who would constantly give her detention for dumb reasons.
Yes, Sydney would have an attitude but what teenager doesn't, calling Spencer for every little thing that Sydney did wrong. He'd pretend to scold her in front of the teacher but when they walk out of the classroom, they'd laugh about it.
"Yeah, I don't think I can deal with Hansen anymore." Sydney says as Annie agrees with her.
"She always wakes up on the wrong of the bed, every morning." Annie says as the two share a coffee from Starbucks.
"Hey girls." Was a voice that belong to Derek, as the two girls looked up. "Also, Annie, your sister just called." Derek says which made Annie's head rise up, as Amelia never calls.
"What did she want?" Annie asked semi irritated, as her and her sister hadn't gotten along since their mother died, also then again Amelia hangs around with shady people.
"I don't know how to say this to you..." Derek says as Annie locks eyes with him. "Your grandparents died."
"How?" She asked with a shaky breath, as Sydney stopped what she was doing to look at the two.
"They got into a severe car accident, and your grandma died on the way to the hospital."
"You're kidding, right?" Annie asked as Derek shakes his head at the teenage girl.
"I'm not sorry." Derek says.
"I need some air." Annie says as she got up along with Sydney, as she was silent during the whole thing. Sydney is usually a talker, and would talk about random stuff, but she didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry." Sydney muttered to her friend, as Annie left without another word. Sydney went to go after her, but Annie was quicker. "Annie wait!" Sydney called, but it was too late, Annie was already gone. Sydney had just gotten to the elevator, when the elevator had just gone down.
"What's wrong?" Penelope asked as she saw Sydney going after Annie. Sydney sighed as she went in the direction of the stairs and started going down the stairs as fast as she could. Leaving Penelope without another word.
Derek walked towards Penelope and told her what happened. Ten minutes later, Sydney came back out of breath. Annie just up and left to go somewhere. Sydney went back to finish her history report, but she couldn't concentrate. Sydney tried calling Annie again, and she wouldn't pick up, out of spite, Sydney threw her phone before putting her head in her arms.
A couple hours have passed, and Annie hadn't come back, Sydney is now in her cave avoiding her world. She has Taylor Swift blaring through the couple speakers that she has as she is back writing in her journal. The team had a local case which was nice as they didn't have to travel too far. Derek searched everywhere, almost forgetting that Sydney has her cave, in the office that the BAU doesn't use anymore.
She has probably tried calling Annie about thirty times and she didn't hear anything not even any messages, on Snapchat, anything. (Yes, Sydney as Snapchat, leave me alone). She is getting worried, as she probably went to the hospital or something to see her grandparents.
Sydney didn't even hear her dad coming into the cave as Taylor Swift was blasting through the soundproof walls, which made Spencer jump, as he wasn't expecting it. He should have seen it coming though. Once Spencer got his hearing back, he walked towards his daughter. She didn't even look up, when Spencer got next to her. He got down lower as Sydney was just writing away in her journal. He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her head, as she didn't say anything but leaning her head on her dad's shoulder. He held her in his arms for a bit, before she actually started talking.
The song 'All Too Well' came on, as she showed her father all the messages that she had left Annie. When he was done reading it, which took him seconds, he slid Sydney's phone back to her.
"It's okay, baby." Spencer whispered as that's when Sydney froze at hearing that. She didn't look at her dad. She couldn't bring herself to do it. Much like the other times before.
"How do you know that? Why does everyone I know keep on dying." Sydney said from her outburst, which somewhat startled Spencer as he wasn't expecting it as her dad turned off the music.
"It's not your fault, Syd. You can't control who dies."
"If I could, mom would be dead, and my life would be happy." Sydney snapped, as Spencer looked at her, not expecting her to say that.
"Syd." He says to her as he leaned on the desk as he looks at his daughter. She turned her head towards him with tears in the corner of her eyes.
"What?" She snapped at him.
"Hey, Spence, someone is here to see you." Said JJ, as the two Reid's turned their heads quickly to the blonde.
"Uncle Spencer!" Yelled Henry, JJ's son, as Spencer brightly smiled with his arms open as Henry runs into his godfather's arms.
"Hey, buddy!" Spencer says as JJ and Syd. made eye contact beflre Sydney looked down as JJ took the hint.
"I got out of school early."
"Huh, so did I." Sydney commented with a low chuckle that made Spencer look up at his daughter before he looked at Henry.
"Let's go say hi to the others." JJ says giving the two Reid's privacy.
Just when Syd walked out of her cave she looked up at her dad. There was an uncomfortable silence between two. It was something that the two don't want to happen. She knows that she needs to not shut people out of her problems, but it is just something that she can't help with. With that, Syd turned away leaving her father in her cave.
"Where's your pops? We have a case." Derek asked as Syd looked up at him giving him all he needs. He knew that something either happened and or something was said, between the father and daughter. Sydney sits farthest away from Derek wanting to be in her own circle and bubble.
In a little desk is Henry playing with some Legos, that JJ had found that Sydney had given her a while ago. Since the team has a case, Henry will be hanging out with Garcia.
"We just got a call from St. Louis. A missing child, a ten-year-old, Andrew Taffert. Parents Lida and Malcolm. Father found blood on the front door this morning." Garcia explained.
"I take it no test results on the blood yet." Derek guesses.
"No. That would be correct." Garcia answers as just then Spencer comes in the bullpen.
"Sorry, something came up." Spencer says as Sydney looked at her dad, before looking down at the file.
"No signs of forced entry or a struggle according to the initial police report." Sydney tells.
"Mom and Dad put him to bed at ten o'clock, woke up this morning, he was gone." Garcia tells.
"Any visitors or workers at the house recently?" Rossi questions.
"No, but the parents say in the last two weeks they've received five phone calls from what sounds like a little boy prank calling them." Penelope states as Sydney furrowed her brows at hearing that.
"They complained to authorities, but police determined that no laws have been broken." Hotch says.
"Mm-hmm. The little boy says, 'I'm going to get you'. According to police reports, there's a lot of crazy people talking in the background. It sounds like it's coming from an asylum or prison."
"Stalker" JJ asked.
"We've run checks through the family. They're as close as they could be. If there's a stalker, they wouldn't know they had one." Sydney says as she cleared her throat, something that she does when her anxiety strikes.
"I'd say the calls might be coincidental except the boy called again right after the parents found Andy missing, and he had a different message this time. 'Did you see what I did'?" Derek tells.
"So, he's taunting them." Sydney tells as the memories and flashbacks of Diane Turner come to mind when her and Maeve was kidnapped of Maeve's apartment a while ago. She adjusts herself in her seat, to make it look like she was sliding out of her seat. As she was sinking herself more in her seat, as she could tell that some of the others were looking at her weirdly, but at this point she doesn't care.
"Maybe it's about revenge." Spencer tells.
"I'm going to get you' is typically a threat, but in the case of children. It can also be a phrase used during playing with each other." JJ says.
"This sounds similar to a cold case from fifteen years ago, Frankie Clayvin of Memphis." Spencer says as the others look up at him.
"Frankie Clayvin?" Rossi asked. "Why does that name sound familiar?" He asked.
'That's because Gideon handled it." Sydney piped up as the others look at her. "What, I read, when I'm bored." She muttered.
"Frankie Clayvin was nine years old at the time. He never made it home from school one day. He was found dead in the woods thirty-six hours later, five miles from his house." Spencer explains.
"Frankie's parents also received prank phone calls from a young boy. I think Frankie's father was the prime suspect at one point." Rossi tells, connecting it to the current case that they have.
"Yeah, the police actually tapped the Clayvin's phone, but they couldn't trace the phone calls because they kept bouncing between different pay phones in the greater Memphis area." Spencer explains.
"Phone calls before an abduction murder - it's a rare signature." JJ says.
"But if it is the same Unsub, a dormancy period of fifteen years is highly unusual." Derek tells.
"Could be looking for a copycat." Rossi says.
"If I'm not mistaken, Frankie Clayvin was killed within two hours of his abduction." Spencer says.
"Which means we're wasting time." Hotch says. "Let's go."
Sydney was the first one to get up, and practically rush out onto the jet before the others get there. Derek saw the girl rush out without bumping into anything. "Okay, what happened between you two? First, she's awfully quiet, and now she's getting out of here like Taylor Swift is here. What happened?" Derek asked.
"I don't know. I tried getting to her, but nothing really." Spencer says as he hates when she starts blocking people from finding out what's wrong. Yes, he can get through her, but he has to break down the walls that she keeps on building up.
"Did she say anything that seemed out of the ordinary of Syd?" Derek suggests, as Spencer makes a face before shaking his head.
"No, nothing. If she did, I missed it." Spencer says as even though he can catch somethings, but not a lot of the times with Sydney. Then again, she's like her father, a genius and can hide her emotions from everyone else. So, that they don't question her.
It was one of the things that he did when Sydney was little during his drug addiction from Tobias Hankel, he hid himself from the team. As not all the time, but Sydney does that too.
"Maybe, I can try to get something, when I have the time." Derek says as he pats Spencer on the shoulder, as they got to the jet, as Sydney was already on the jet by the time that the others came. When Sydney saw her dad, she looked down back at her book, but he could see that something was wrong, as he could see through her.
"Hey." He says as he sat down next to her, as Derek sat in front of her.
"Hey shorty." Derek says as Sydney turned her gaze to Derek, before going back to her book, avoiding these two.
"I know what you two are doing, and it's not going to work. So, don't." Sydney muttered as she took a sip from her iced coffee.
"Try what? I'm just saying hi."
"Please don't." Sydney muttered to Derek.
Garcia popped on the screen, as Sydney went back to her book as she crossed her legs. Penelope was debriefing the team about the case and connecting it to Frankie Clayvin's case. "Just confirmed there was a 10-minute segment on the unsolved Frankie Clayvin, murder on a low-rated show twelve years ago." Garcia says.
"Even with low ratings, probably a half million people saw it." Spencer tells.
"376, 000." Sydney confirmed before Penelope had the chance.
"What Sydsters said." Penelope says.
"That makes it more likely it could be a copycat." Hotch tells as he sits next to Derek.
"There's nothing unusual about the Tafferts." Derek says, as he looks at the file in his hands. "The father, Malcolm is a stockbroker, Mother Lida works at an antique shop."
"They describe Andy as a bright, well-behaved kid who likes video games." Spencer says. "Andy and Frankie are about the same age and build with similar coloring. If this is the same Unsub, he definitely has a type."
"We need to consider the possibility that Andy may have been targeted by a pedophile." Derek states.
"It could be someone who he met online playing video games." Hotch says.
"If there's any connection to the cold case, though, there was no evidence of sexual assault." Rossi says.
"Just in case, I am pulling up a list of online players as we speak." Garcia says.
"If this is the same Unsub, he must be using another child to make the prank phone calls. The original boy from fifteen years ago would be grown up by now." Sydney says piping up.
"Or it's possible the calls are recordings." JJ says, looking at her file.
"Guys, I just got a message from the local field office. The analysis from the blood from the Taffert house just came in, and good news - it is not Andy's. Actually, it's pigs' blood." Garcia informed as Sydney scrunched her nose at hearing that.
"Gross." Sydney commented as she finished her ice coffee as she had a slight frown on her face, when she realized. "Man." She whispered to herself making Derek silently chuckle at the girl.
"Yes, Syds, it's ew." Penelope says.
"Between that and the phone calls, it's safe to say this Unsub likes to play games." Rossi comments.
"I will go to talk to Frankie Clayvin's father. The rest of you head to the Taffert house." Hotch ordered.
"Yes, sir." Sydney commented making Aaron smile at the girl.
Sydney hadn't really talked unless someone was talking to her, which didn't really happen as the people thought that she was an Intern or someone who's training. Nope, it's just a girl who doesn't want to talk to anyone.
Rossi, Spencer and Syd headed over to search Burt Solomon's home. They arrived, holding their guns and tightened vests. They had discovered that he wasn't there after checking every spot in the house.
"Someone's been very busy here." Syd comments looking around at the computers.
"It's an Angelfish for cloning phone numbers." Rossi says looking down at a device. Spencer clocks the screen with a handkerchief and the recording plays along with a video, he pauses the video after.
"He used this video to make the recordings." Sydney says.
"I'll let the others know Daniel Milworth's not here." Rossi says.
After that Spencer and Rossi go to investigate the rest of the house as Sydney stays behind with the computers and clicks on a video and is in disbelief of what she's watching. Granted, yes, she's seen it all, but this pushes that limit. "Uh, guys!" Sydney calls. "This is just awful. Daniels' father didn't just make him watch the sexual encounters; he made him videotape them. Talk about a sick perverted ass."
Sydney had been looking through the other files and skimmed them and didn't even realize that someone was behind her, ready to kill her. A gunshot was heard, and Sydney held her gun up. She saw Burt Solomon on the ground with a gun in his hand and Spencer right behind him. Rossi followed beside him.
"It's a secret hallway connected to his bedroom. Lida Taffert was inside." Spencer explains as Sydney looks over at the open door to the tunnel. Rossi checks to see if the man was still breathing and Burt Solomon was dead.
Spencer walks towards his daughter. "Be honest with me, are you okay?" Spencer asked his daughter as she still had her gun in her hands. Spencer grabbed the gun from his daughter's hand without breaking his gaze from her face. He saw that she opened her mouth to say something, but the words didn't come out.
"Hate, to break it to you, two. But it's time to go. I have let Hotch know about Burt." Rossi says as with that the father and daughter walked out of the house without another word to each other.
On the jet back to Quantico, Sydney had once again tried to get through Annie, but she still hadn't returned her calls. So, she checked her Snapchat, to see if Annie had texted her. She had a sigh of relief when she saw a text message, but that little bit of happiness came to an end when she got a phone call.
She clicked the accept button and put her phone to her ear, making Derek look at her, as she didn't say anything but her panicked look on her face said it all. He got up and walked towards Syd. He sat in front of her. Without thinking she put it on speaker so her and Derek can hear the person on the other end of the call.
"Hi, baby. I can't wait to see you, soon. Love, Mommy."
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