[season nine; episode five]
Third Person's POV
As per usual the team was called in for yet another case, currently Sydney was seated in between her father and Derek, as she was leaning her head onto Derek's shoulder. Rossi was talking about a car as he was showing Spencer a picture of the car as Syd was playing a game on her phone.
"I just put in new brakes. She's running like a dream." Rossi says as Sydney nods her head even though she's not paying attention at all to the conversation at hand.
"I always admired the aesthetic of the classic torpedo c body, especially in 1947. they just don't make them like that anymore." Spencer explained as Rossi nodded his head at the boy's wonder.
"Yeah, well I'm lucky to have found it. Uncle Sal would be proud." Rossi says as Syd takes a bite out of her goldfish as she got hungry on the way here, and she always has snacks with her. Because she's always hungry, sometimes.
Suddenly, Hotch had walked in, and the rest of the team had moved on, they got in their seats. "Thank you for coming in, everyone. Let's get started." Penelope stands in front of the team.
"Okay, guys, meet Samantha Wilcox, a 16-year-old junior in Wichita, Kansas. Last night, she snuck out with her boyfriend, they were attacked, she hadn't been seen since." Penelope explained.
"Boyfriend got a broken jaw and a concussion." Derek reads from the file as Sydney looks at the file.
"And the description of the attacker matches her father, Eddie Lee Wilcox." Sydney says. "It says he's an ex-con." Syd adds.
"Oh is he ever." Penelope comments. "Still on parole."
"Eddie is a car thief and wheel man extraordinaire." JJ says. "String of assault charges, too. Been in and out of jail since he was a kid."
"Yikes." Syd commented.
"We don't usually work on parental abduction cases." Derek says.
"We do when the abductions are violent and dad's a former convict." Rossi tells.
"He hasn't been incarcerated in over three years. I mean he's had ample opportunity. Why pick yesterday to kidnap her?" Syd questions as Spencer nods his head as she shares some of her goldfish with him.
"Well, he beat the boyfriend within a half of his life to do it, so taking her had to be really important." Derek says.
"And to add on, I'm assuming Eddie was none too pleased that Samantha's mom, Melody, had decided to remarry and then move from Chicago to Wichita. That's a different type of anger unleashed." Syd explains as she reads the file. "He lost visitation rights the last time he got locked up."
"So the anger about that is the stressor that builds up over the years. Last night, he decided to do something about it." JJ followed with what Sydney said.
"This could be vengeance for taking his daughter away." Spencer mentions.
"if it's revenge against the mother, he'll either hurt Samantha or disappear with her." Rossi added.
"She's been missing for over five hours and we know how time sensitive these cases are. The AMBER alert is expanding...every hour...excuse me..."Sydney looked Hotch's way and he almost looked sickly. His face went pale and he quietly apologized and that was when he lost his balance and fell.
The team had immediately sought his attention and then realized that he had been unconscious and it was then when JJ had dialed 911. The team had never gone through something like that before, especially with Hotch, he was always healthy as a horse.
Rossi and Penelope had decided to go with Hotch to the hospital so they could inform the team of what was going on with Hotch. The reason why Syd didn't want to go with Rossi is because hospitals freak her out which is why the only reason she'd even remotely step in a hospital is if her dad is there, but since he's actually on the case Syd, doesn't want to go to the hospital without her dad.
After speaking with a doctor they had finally figured out what was wrong and had then brought it to the team via video chat on the jet. "Bleeding from where?" JJ questions as Sydney wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"They think it's probably all the scar tissue. Torn adhesions from the stab wounds from you-know-who and not Voldemort either all those years ago." Sydney explained as of course like always, she'd include a Harry Potter reference, but the team knew who she was talking about.
"George Foyet returns from the grave." Derek comments.
"Yup." Syd added.
"What's the prognosis?" JJ asks next.
"He's stable right now." Rossi states. "Did an ultrasound, but can't seem to see exactly where the bleeding was coming from."
"He'll need an exploratory laparotomy." Both Spencer and Syd said in unison.
"Does Jack know?" JJ questions.
"Not yet, I talked to Haley's sister Jessica. We didn't want to worry the little guy." Rossi answers.
"What about Beth?" Syd asked.
"I left a message, but she's on a business trip in Milan." Rossi answers once more. "Look, I know you're all worried. So am I. But a teenage girl has been abducted, and Hotch would want us to focus on the case, not on him. And that is exactly what we're going to do." Rossi assured the team to continue the matter at hand, which is to find Samantha. "Syd call it."
"With pleasure." Syd says she looks at the paper as Rossi told her to take 'highly important' notes, which she was happy to do. "When the plane lands, Der-bear and JJ, you two interview Samantha's mother. Dad and I will check out the abduction site. Dave is catching the next flight to Wichita and he'll meet us there." Sydney informed as the team nodded at their jobs.
"Penelope is here, she's not going anywhere. so you guys do your job and go find this girl." Dave says.
Penelope had been following an unconscious hotch and some doctors. "Get him in OR 2 right away." One doctor says as just then Penelope's phone began to ring as they followed. "Hey, chocolate thunder." Penelope greeted Derek.
"Hey, baby girl. How is he?" Derek asked.
"He's still out." Penelope states. "They just took him to surgery now."
"Listen, we need those big old beautiful brains if you're ready." Derek says as Penelope nods her head as she walks.
"I was born ready to serve you, what would you like to order?" Penelope asked.
"All right, we need you to check out all of Samantha's texts, and email correspondence." JJ states.
"Okay, what am I looking for?" Penelope asks. "Anything in particular?"
"She's been in touch with her dad on the DL. there might be something in there." Morgan says.
"Oh, and check ViCAP for any recent armed robberies between Wichita and Eddie Lee Wilcox's last known address in crazy town." Syd says as Penelope knew what she meant by 'crazy town'; Chicago.
They had wheeled hotch into the room and they stopped Penelope from following further more. "Why?" Penelope asked to Syd.
"Well, according to Samantha's mom, Eddie may have been more than a car thief." JJ says as Penelope furrows her brows.
"How much more?" Derek adds. "Armed robber more, he may be running from something work related."
"Gotcha." Penelope said. "They just wheeled him into surgery right now." She adds.
"Alright, keep us posted." Derek says.
"You know I will." Penelope says as she hangs up.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Syd, Derek and Spencer were in Texas waiting for the guy, but there was no sign of him. Syd was fine until they got out of the SUV, and into the sweltering heat, she started fanning herself but it wasn't helping.
"You'd think of wearing a tank top and shorts. I'm not sweating, but here I am, dying." Sydney said more to herself as Derek looked at her amused. "What are you looking at?" She asked him when she looked through her sunglasses.
"The fact you're dying of heat and yet, your pops and I are just fine, says otherwise, drama queen." Derek says as she gives him a look.
"No one asked your opinion." Syd muttered as her dad was reading a book.
"What are you reading, pretty boy?" Derek asked as Syd sighed.
"You shouldn't have asked that question, because it's boring and you should wait until the movie comes out." Syd says continuing the banter with Derek as he gave her a look with a shake of his head as he looked at Reid.
"Yo, Reid you in there?" Derek asked as Spencer glanced at his daughter and she looked at Derek.
"He said shut up, he's busy." Sydney says as her and her dad fist bumped as Derek shook his head again.
"Will you two stop ganging up on me?" Derek asked them as Syd had a little pout.
"Where's the fun in that? I'd watch yourself, Der-bear, you don't know when me and dad will prank you." Sydney says to him as Derek raises an eyebrow at her.
"Bring it shorty, I'll be waiting for you two." Derek says as Syd had a wicked grin on her face, as she was already starting to plot against him as she texted her dad the details but he didn't look at it right away because Derek was right in front of them. He waited until he left to look at what his daughter sent him.
Penelope had received info about their unsub's daughter and had called Syd. "Hey, what do you got, Ms. Maiden?" Syd asked.
"Nothing on sir grouch. I have a sort of something on Samantha Wilcox. She just called her mom from a motel in Odessa, but they weren't..."
Penelope hadn't even finished and Spencer interrupted. "That's only 103 miles west of here." Spencer says. "Alert local PD, we're on our way."
"Wait, wait, wait." Penelope stopped them. "I already did that. I called the po-po and Samantha and her dad were nowhere to be seen. Sorry, sweets."
"He won't like the idea of her calling home. that phone call will probably drive a wedge between the two of them." Spencer states.
"We're close and he knows it. Maybe he'll make a mistake." Morgan guessed as Penelope had hung up.
"Is it bad I want him to slip up, or is that just me?" Syd asked as she took a look at a long drink from her water bottle.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After about half an hour, Hotch had been out of surgery and now Penelope was waiting for him to wake up. Penelope was watching him and watching his breathing, as her eyes never left Hotch.
Penelope had finally taken her eyes off of him and went back looking through her computer to see if she'd found anything about Samantha and Eddie Wilcox. Penelope didn't realize that when she was looking at her computer that Hotch's eyes were open and that he was awake. She nearly jumped up. "Hotch." Penelope greeted me. "Hi, sir. Welcome back." She smiles. "Do you feel okay? Do you need anything?" She asks rapid fire questions.
"What happened?" Hotch asked groggily looking around as this is definitely not the BAU at all.
"uh, you-you collapsed and they performed emergency surgery because you were bleeding internally. The doctor said it had something to do with the stabbing. But you're fine, you're okay now. There were some complications with the operation, but you're-you're okay." Penelope says before continuing. "I mean, you're healthy as a puma, a bedridden puma. But the point is you're going to be fine."
"Where's Jack?" Hotch asked.
"He's at home with Jessica. Shall I send it to him?" Penelope asked and Hotch nodded immediately.
"Please, and I need my phone." Penelope hands over his phone. "Thank you. I need to call Beth."
"I'm going to...call Jessica and let the team know you're okay." Penelope tells him and then immediately went in for a hug and afterwards apologized because she knew he had just woken up but she couldn't help it. "Sir, I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm really happy you're back. you made us worried sick." Penelope tells and before she could leave, Hotch stopped her.
"Garcia..." Hotch says as he takes a deep breath. "Thank you for staying."
Garcia smiled brightly. "wild horses, sir. wild horses."
Garcia had gone to get Jack and Jessica came with balloons in her hand. Jack reunited with his father in a hug and asked if he was okay and hotch assured that he was.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After the others were done with the case, they headed back as Derek made sure to keep an eye out for Sydney and Spencer not knowing when they were going to strike at him. Everything seemed to be going smoothly when they got back to the BAU, and Derek had a phone call from Savannah that he wanted to get back to.
So Sydney took this as an opportunity as she asked Annie if she could borrow her pet snake as she has a corn snake to pull a prank on Derek. Annie didn't want to miss it, so she came to the BAU with her snake.
Her snake went into Derek's desk where his bag is for his stuff, like his personal stuff like laptop and stuff like that. Then on top of it, Spencer foiled everything on Derek's desk with aluminum foil. After the stuff were set in motion, and Sydney sneaking off to make it like she wasn't doing it. Spencer was at his desk as Annie was with Sydney, hiding to where Derek wouldn't see them.
After he got done with the phone call with Savannah and he walked in the direction of his desk and that's when he finds out about the foil not realizing that there's a snake in a drawer. For as long as Sydney's known Derek, he's terrified of snakes since he was a kid, as she found that out when she was six during the whole carl Buford thing in 2006, as her dad told her that Derek was afraid of snakes. So, she thought that she would prank him on the snakes and her dad would do the aluminum foil prank.
When he got to his desk and saw the aluminum foil covering literally everything on his desk he looked at Reid who was reading a book and avoided looking up at Derek. "Okay, kid, was this you or shorty?" Derek asked, as that's when Spencer looked up he pretended to look around his friends' desk and he shrugged his shoulders. "
"Why are you asking if I did that? I definitely didn't do it." Spencer says as Derek furrows his brow as that's when Penelope walks around the corner and she tries not to smile at seeing what Spencer did.
As Sydney got her into the prank war too. "Babygirl.....do you know anything about this?" He asked her as he started unraveling the foil as that's when Derek found a piece of paper that had Spencer's hand writing on it.
Derek shook his head at Spencer who now had a smile on his face, as that's when both Annie and Sydney creeped around the corner and watch Derek open the drawer and got the bag as he saw something in the back of the draw and when he pulled it out it was Annie's pet snake.
Derek screamed when he realized it was the snake he looked over at Spencer again with a glare as he hadn't seen Sydney or Annie yet, until now. He saw two heads poking out from the corner of his eyes and that's when the two girls realized they have been caught.
Derek put the snake down as it slithered towards where Annie and Sydney were following Annie's scent.
"Oh, I'm so gonna get you."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Here is the chapter!
figured i'd get back into the game of doing the episodes again.
the next chapter and the following chapter will be a bit complicated for some, as here me out!I know that Emily supposedly dies in season six, but comes back in the beginning of season seven.
but I will be changing that. the reason why Emily hadn't been in the chapters is because I want to reverse the timeline of when she dies. so instead of emily supposedly dying in season six it will be season eight, and so fourth.
basically what i'm attempting to say is that emily will come back in the next chapter, but after, like she did in season seven.
okay, okay!
hope i explained it semi-good for you all.
see you in the next chapter!
please vote and comment thanks!
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