010 // Ruby
London made his way down to the therapy office, where it was a huge room filled with individual offices, he kept walking, he played with his fingers, he had painted his nails a pretty lavender color, he loved it. He had also grown his nails out a bit. He was surprised to how his father wasn't saying anything, but either way he was happy with it.
His mind slowly began to wander over to the attractive guy that bumped into him, he seemed very monotoned, just so blank and empty, he seemed like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with colors and light.
But, what did he know. He only said 'Sorry' to him.
He finally got out of his thoughts as he opened the door to be greeted by Emmy. "Good morning sweetheart, your nails look pretty today." Emmy stated, smiling.
London shut the door and sat down in the spacious room, "Morning and thank you." He replied. She smiled,"You know, I'm proud of you." She stated randomly, he frowned.
"Why?" He asked, She smiled again. "Well, I personally think you've grown. I mean look at you, you started painting you're nails, talking more. I mean when you first met me, you wouldn't even look at me." She replied,
London smiled softly at her words,"Thanks, I guess I have improved." He replied.
"Of course love. Now, were gonna have to get a little but more deep today, I know you hate talking about you're past but. We have to go there today." She responded.
"Now, London. You know that this is between us, I promise you that. I don't share anyone's personal lives to other people." She continued, putting her hair up in a ponytail, before she sat back in her chair and looked at London in the eyes.
"Wanna tell me about Ruby." London nearly lost it, he never talked about her. Ever.
"I don't want to ever."He replied. Emmy nodded, understanding. " London. Why's you're name London?" She asked randomly. He frowned in confusion.Why was she asking me this? he thought.
But he knew the answer."When I was born my mother had thought I was different, she hadn't had a kid like me so far, my sisters and brother were both like her, tanned and brown eyed. She just didn't want to give me a normal Hispanic name, like Carlos or something. She wanted something unique. When she was younger she had always wanted to visit London, she thought it was a beautiful place despite the history behind it. So that's how I got my name." London responded. Emmy nodded.
"Exactly." She responded. He frowned. "I don't Understand " London responded.
"London, Your Mom loved London despite it's past, she loves the place not the history. Just like how I've grown to love you and not you're history. London, you're honestly like a son to me, We've been with each other for almost two years and I like you by your personality not your past. Just like how your Mom liked London because of it's sights, not it's past." She responded.
"Basically to make things less confusing, I like you for you, Not you're past." She smiled.
London understood and actually liked the concept Emmy used, He did love her as a mentor and a second Mom.
He was silent for a moment, but began.
"When I was younger, I had a older sister, she was the first born of my family, she was everything that I could've ever wanted in an older sister, she was so kind and loving, so funny, she was there for me at my lowest points and there for me at my highest, she just gave me so much appreciation that I really didn't need." He stated.
Emmy nodded."What happened to Ruby sweetie?" She asked, London felt tears sting his eyes, he looked down at his lap, where his hands were resting, he started playing with them again, letting a tear fall."She died. She.. killed herself." He responded his voice cracking.
Emmy, was quiet. The room fell silent for what felt like a while. Before Emmy grabbed a tissue and handed it to the boy. "London, please look at me." She begged. London took a moment before looking at the woman.
"I'm so sorry." She replied,"And I want to know how you feel." She continued.
"Angry, irritated, sad, happy, euphoric but also nostalgic." He responded. Emmy then continued to ask.
"Explain you're emotions to me, why do you feel like that?" She asked.
"I'm angry because I wish I knew, I wish I could've—" London stopped, blacking out, disconnecting himself from the world.
He was only twelve years old, his parents sat him and his other siblings down in the living room. His mother was crying, so hard. she was crying hysterically.
He didn't understand why, he just wanted to know where Ruby was. "Ma, Dad where's Ruby? she's not sitting with us." He asked. Which that only made his mother scream out 'My baby' and cry even more. His father hugged his wife tightly and rubbed her Back as an attempt to calm her down.
"Ma? why are you crying? Ruby? where is she? Dad? why are we here" the young children had so many questions, especially London he just wanted to know where his sister is.
"Kids, We are all going through a lot, everyone has. Even those who you would've never expected to be so.. sad. Ruby was one of them, she was very sad so she gave up." His father explained, London didn't understand no he refused to.
"No, Ruby's okay right?! everything's okay though right? right Paps? right?" The only blue eyed boy in the room asked.
"Dad, she's okay, everything's okay were all okay this meeting is useless because Ruby's in her room organizing her closet or or—" the boy started screaming at this point shutting everyone else up. The boy kept hyperventilating and speaking insisting, insisting that she was okay, insisting.
"London she's dead, she committed suicide!" His father yelled, his voice echoing the room. That's when his other siblings cried, London was quiet.
He stopped. "London I'm so—" His father and everyone else was interrupted by a loud bloody murder scream coming from the blue eyes Hispanic, his father tried to reach out to hug his son but London continued yelling, so loud that you could hear it from neighborhoods away. His scream aching his throat but he didn't stop
(a/n: I'm taking Spanish & I don't know very much Spanish, because I'm not Hispanic so i'm not even going to google stuff basically the bold italics are them speaking in Spanish but it's just English.)
"YOU'RE A LIAR," The boy cried out, His mother was just crying, finally trying to step in and calm the heartbroken boy down.She went out to grab him to try to hug him but he screamed backing away from his mother yelling more in Spanish,"GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" He cried, running out the living room sobbing.
He ran up the stairs, blocking out the sounds of his Mom and Dad crying and yelling for him. He ran down the hall to his sister's room and locked himself in it. Hiding himself from everyone
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