"They're leaving tonight, during the game." Isaac says. He had shown up to the animal clinic in search of Scott.
Scott turns, "So, why are you telling me?"
"I'm not telling you. I'm asking you." Isaac says as Scott passes in front of him, "I'm asking for your advice."
"From me? Why?"
"Because I trust you."
"Because you always seem to want to do the right thing."
"I usually have no idea what I'm doing." Scott says before he frowns, "Actually, I always have no idea what I'm doing."
"Hmm." Isaac hums, "Do you want to let me know what you're doing right now?"
"I'm not going anywhere if that's what you mean. I have too many people here who need me."
"Well, I guess that makes me lucky 'cause uh- 'cause I don't have anyone, so." Isaac says as he stands up
"What about Brooke?"
"I haven't talked to her since the rave." He says, "And even then she didn't want to talk to me."
"Are you gonna go with them?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I think I will."
"Well, don't you think you should at least tell her?" Scott asks as Isaac looks down, "She cares a lot about you. That's why she's so upset that you're with Derek. She just wants what's best for you."
"But I'm not what's for her."
"You don't get to decide that. She does." Scott says
"She's better off without me." Isaac mumbles
"At least tell her you're leaving."
He nods, "Good luck with the game though."
"Well, thanks, but I'm not- I'm not going either. Can't even think about playing some meaningless game right now."
"You weren't at practice last week, were you?" Isaac asks
"No, I skipped it. Why?"
"Then you didn't hear?"
Scott sits up, "Hear what?"
"Jackson was there."
"What do you mean "there"? Like, he was-"
"As if nothing had happened."
"Really That means- the game tonight?"
"Yeah." Isaac nods, "He's playing."
Brooke sat with her dad and Melissa on the bleachers. There was a lacrosse game happening and she was hoping somehow Isaac would be there. She hadn't seen him in days and quickly began to feel bad because of the last conversation they had.
Besides what she had going on, Isaac was going through things as well. His dad passing and having to come to terms with becoming a werewolf had to have been difficult. While it didn't excuse the fact that he was being an asshole, they at least needed to have a conversation.
Her leg bounces as she looks through the players that were walking back and forth. She hadn't spotted him yet, but Stiles and Scott were sitting on the bench. So, she stepped down and made her way over.
"Hey." She says before sitting by Stiles, "Have you guys seen Isaac at all? I know its a long shot that he'll be here, but-"
"You haven't talked to him?" Scott says
"No. Why?" She asks. Scott lets out a small sigh as Brooke frowns, "Scott."
"He came to the animal clinic earlier and said he was leaving with Erica and Boyd."
Brooke's face falls, "What?"
"I told him to at least talk to you before he left. I thought he would."
Stiles looks over at Brooke who looks off onto the field, "Brooke?"
The girl turns to him with tears in her eyes, "Yeah?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." She says tucking her hair behind her ear
"There's still time." Scott says, "He said they were leaving during the game."
"Okay." She mumbles as she stands up and pulls out her phone. As she walks back to the bleachers, she brings up Isaac's contact. She brings the phone to her ear as it dials. She takes a seat beside Melissa and sighs as it goes to voicemail.
"Everything okay?" Melissa asks
"Yeah." Brooke says giving a small smile. Melissa smiles back before turning back to her conversation with Noah. Brooke sends a text before setting her phone in her lap.
"Oh, no. Why is my son running out to the field?" Noah groans
Melissa furrows her brows, "Because he's on the team?"
"He is."
"He's on the team. He's- he's on the field." Noah says standing up, "My son is on the field!"
Brooke covers her face in embarrassment as her dad cheers. Melissa smiles as Noah finally notices the eyes on him and sits down.
The game started a few minutes ago and Lydia joined them in the bleachers. Beacon Hills wasn't doing great and Stiles wasn't doing any better. Brooke couldn't count how many times he had missed the ball or hadn't caught it at all.
She was hoping that sooner or later Coach was going to let Scott play and it seemed Scott thought the same thing as he stands up, but immediately gets pushed down.
"Sit down, McCall."
"But, coach, we're dying out there." Scott exclaims
"Oh, I'm aware of that. Now sit."
Scott groans as Coach walks off. He turns to his left as someone sits beside him. His eyes light up as Isaac finishes putting his gear on.
"You came to help."
"I came to win." Isaac smirks. The two look over at Gerard who glares at them, "You got a plan yet?"
"No, right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone."
"Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so coach has no choice but to play you."
"How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field." Scott says looking to the other players. He turns back to Isaac who tilts his head at him. Scott immediately picks up on his plan, "Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?"
Isaac lets out a breath, "I can try."
He puts his helmet on and steps out onto the field. His steps slow as he smirks at Jackson. Walking past him before looking up into the bleachers. He watches Brooke take a deep breath as she looks at her phone. She sets it down in her lap before looking out onto the field again.
Her eyes jump around to the different players before they land on Isaac. Her brows furrow as she sits up to get a better look. Isaac smiles at her before getting in position to start the play.
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