C35: ☆Water☆
So a filler chapter before Giyuu's inner dilemma... Also Nao's thoughts about Giyuu and a little dialogue between zaddy Kaguya and Nao when they were still together.
Feed me your thoughts in the comment section uwu
"Kagaya-onii-sama.. let me ask you. Is it really impossible for demons to become human again?"
"Mimi, at the moment there is no possible way to reverse the demonization process. Once a human gets injected with demon blood, they lose their humanity and become demons, creatures with eternal life. They can only be killed thru beheading and exposure to the sun."
"So there's no other way then..? No--maybe.. maybe it's because no one has thought of a way yet.."
"Mimi, you.."
"Right, Onii-sama?! I mean.. There must be someone out there trying to find a way to turn demons back to humans again! There are so many people out there, so it's possible. It's so sad afterall... a demon's life. You get to live for so long yet you have to eat human flesh and hide from the sun for 12 hours just to survive! It's a cruel fate... I hope someday... there will be a time where demons won't have to live such a lonely existence.. It makes me thankful that I'm human because I get to experience a lot of things only humans can!"
"You are so optimistic, Mimi. That makes me happy.."
"Ahehe~ Times like this, I have to remain positive! There will always be hope and even if I don't get to live past thirty like the rest of our family, atleast I was happy because I'm blessed enough to be alive. And it also helps that I have Kagaya-onii-sama with me!"
"I feel the same. Mimi, you're always so cheerful and smiling.. Whenever I'm with you, my chest feels light and I can't help but return the smile you're giving me. "
"Uwaa.. Onii-sama, don't say such embarrassing things..! I'm going to faint. It's unfair how easily you can make me feel happy just by saying that and you don't even need to smile... Onii-sama really is so charismatic.. You really are the best Oyakata-sama there is!"
"I'm glad. It's because when it comes to Mimi, I don't have to put up a brave front or lie. I can be myself when I'm around you. Only Mimi knows this.. When I'm with you, I can gladly feel at ease, because I'm not the leader of the Demon Slayer but your brother at the moment. Seeing your smile is enough to lift up my spirits. You've always believed in me and never doubted my strength and capability as a leader. Your words always gives me encouragement, it is enough to make me feel motivated. With you, I feel like I could continue to hope since Mimi believes so strongly in such positive results."
"O-Onii-sama..! Do you really think so..? Ah.. Onii-sama's words really is the best. I could listen to your voice all day and not feel bored at all. You could even lecture me or tell me off and it would still feel like I'm listening to you speaking softly. Onii-sama never raises his voice afterall... Ah.. being praised by Onii-sama really makes me happy. Kagaya-onii-sama..! If it's you, I really can do anything! "
"I would never raise my voice on you. Mimi has never done anything to offend me at all. And I would never shout at my own sister, it isn't the way to properly discipline someone afterall. And Mimi listens to me even if I'm talking softly which means I don't have to raise my voice. "
"It's because I trust Onii-sama which is why I listen to you without any questions. Kagaya-onii-sama has never done anything to deceive me so I have my complete faith on you!"
[... afterall, Kagaya-onii-sama loves me, right? Since I'm your sister..]
The last time Nao saw her brother, she was barely fifteen. His health has started to deteriorate quite rapidly, a little too rapidly in her opinion and Nao was still able to travel long distances at that time.
But they didn't want to take any chances so Nao couldn't see him anymore since he needed to stay inside the headquarters to recuperate.
Travelling was simply out of the question with how weak his body has gotten. Word has it that he needed Amane beside him all the time or one of his children just to assist him from walking or doing anything.
Since then, Nao could only contact him through their letters and even then it would take days or weeks before a single letter would arrive. Nao would agonize for a long time over those letters when they stopped seeing each other because it was the only thing keeping her connected to Kagaya.
It was also her only way of knowing about his health condition and it has always pained Nao not to know what he was experiencing since they were so far apart from each other.
Nao has contemplated travelling to him on her own many times before but she knows that she wouldn't be able to make it since the curse mark on her lungs prevented her from doing so. She would always be short of breath despite not being tired.
It was hard and for many days, it made Nao distraught since she hated that she wasn't beside Kagaya. It was because she dreaded the day that she would receive word that her brother has passed without even catching a single glimpse of him again.
This has always bothered Nao and troubled her to the point that simply thinking about it was enough to make her feel like she was on the verge of crying.
Whenever it came to her brother, Nao has always have a soft heart. She loved him too much as his sister since out of all the people she knew, he was the one to have loved and encouraged her to be free without any judgement or restrictions.
Growing up as a female and with such a sickly body, Nao has always been scrutinized by so many people and she was always been pampered and coddled because of how fragile she is.
Kagaya was the only one who understood that Nao was stronger than she looks. He was also the only one who has ever encouraged her to do the things she wanted without criticism or judgment in his eyes.
He praised her a lot and supported her without any hint of worry that she would not be able to do it.
And because of Kagaya, Nao learned so many things. Because of him, she was more motivated enough to learn how to defend herself, to study herbs and poison and become a person she wanted to be, all because someone believes in her.
When she was feeling depressed or sad, it was him who would talk to her and lift her mood by saying encouraging statements.
Nao doesn't know how he does it but if it's him, Nao can really do anything and be anything she wants.
That was back then..
But after years of being alone and apart, a lot of things have changed..
Nao stil believes in him..but she learned to live alone and in loneliness since the only person she ever trusted was her brother.... That was until she met Tomioka Giyuu, a lonely swordsman with nonexistent social skills.
Seeing such a lonely person had her wondering if the boy had any friends.
He always seem to have that blank look on his face and his eyes looked so sorrowful but when Nao first talked to him, he seemed really surprised. It was the first genuine expression she saw on his face.
He almost looked nostalgic when she pointed out how close their age was and if he wanted to be friends with her.
His expression got really sad which made her wonder if he lost someone recently. He was new to demon slaying and his heart already seemed so heavy with burden.
Nao felt his sadness at that time and it made her want to give him a hug so he won't have to feel lonely anymore.
On the contrary, Nao asked him to visit her atleast once a month since she wanted to get to know him more. She couldn't stand his lonely expression since it reminded her of how she looked whenever she would stare at the mirror.
It always made her feel down just by remembering.
To her surprise, he visited her once a week and he was a good listener since he didn't seem very inclined to talk.. so that left Nao as the conversationalist between the two of them.
Giyuu didn't seem to mind at all since he would listen to Nao quietly and actually nod or shake his head if she asks him something. Atleast he was responding and there was even a time when she made him smile a little.
Nao could barely believe her eyes back then which got her smiling in return.
Then Himejima, the Rock Pillar, visited her once and he was by far one of the few people that Nao listens to. He seemed happy to see her but he didn't stay very long since he was on a mission.
He also encouraged her to forge friendships with others, the Rock Pillar subtly reminding her that not all children or people are the same. That some people could actually be trusted.
Nao thanked him for his kind words yet there would always be a lingering doubt in her mind when it came to other people especially females. It really is no surprise that she dislikes Amane, out of jealousy or simply because she didn't trust her enough.
Well Nao could atleast trust Giyuu, since he never doubted or questioned Nao. He also doesn't mind that she is the younger sister of the current Oyakata-sama. He talks to her as an equal which makes Nao really happy.
And then there's the fact that he patiently listens to her whine or complain about how restricting being a heiress is, from the dozen layers of kimono she wears everyday, to the numerous hairstyles her hair would undergo in.
It's a wonder he hasn't gotten bored or annoyed at how much Nao talks.
"Giyuu-kun, you know, I wish I could wear a hakama. It'll be much easier to move."
"Nao-sama, you're a woman."
"Oh, I know! But being a woman can be so hard sometimes..."
Sometimes though, there would be a rare time that Giyuu can be annoying since he would ask the most stupidest question there is..
"Eh.. Giyuu-kun, are you really asking me that question? Ahaha~ Why is it hard to be a woman? Oh Giyuu-kun.. Don't get me started on the responsibilities a woman has to fulfill! To be a wife someday... To marry and rear children.. not to mention we're the ones who have to go through nine months of pregnancy and not men.. Oh! You have no idea how hard that would be and sometimes we don't really get any choice on who we marry.. It's so difficult. Being a woman.. I have to smile infront of guests, not antagonize the men and just become a decorative flower to make them look good. We need to act demurely, wear conservative clothes and not be too close to men or else it would be indecent. Even the company we keep can be questionable in the eyes of many.. We are expected to remain inside the house and do all the housework, cook, clean and make sure the husband lives a good life. Women are also expected to raise the children while the men are allowed to leave and work, leaving all the responsibilities of caring for the child to the wife. It's hard, that kind of expectations....and I even have this weak body which makes me more damaged than other women.. Who would even want to marry a sickly person like me? Ah.. I'll have to live my days alone.... It's so hard to be female... Guys have it easy. "
"Can't men get pregnant instead of women?"
Nao had to do a double take just from that question alone.
"Ahaha...Giyuu-kun... do you know how babies are born..?" Nao asked nervously and when he shook his head, Nao was too embarrassed to continue the conversation since she didn't want to corrupt his innocent mind yet.
"How are babies born..?"
She nearly fainted when he insisted on knowing, Nao got too embarrassed and made the excuse of her not feeling well. He didn't seem to buy it though but he let her go.
Hopefully that was the end of that conversation or so she thought.
Nao made a mental note never to mention that to Giyuu again and as years passed, Nao could safely say that her friendship with Giyuu who became the Water Pillar, was relatively stable. He still visited her but only once every two weeks now since being a pillar demanded a lot of attention on his work.
He actually made life in the manor very tolerable for Nao and he understood her, not a feat that many are capable of. Despite being antisocial, Nao actually thinks that Giyuu is a great friend though he really just needs a few coaxing and verbal beating at times since he doesn't like to explain himself.
Nao doesn't know the whole story but Giyuu told her how he didn't deserve being a pillar since in the selection he never even killed a single demon. It was his friend, Sabito, who died protecting everyone from the demons.
Giyuu always did feel like he didn't deserve living since he sees himself as weak unlike the other pillars who take their roles very seriously.
Nao would try to cheer him up by encouraging him though it really did next to nothing when the Water Pillar was depressed.
It hurt to see him like this since Nao could see how closely they look alike when thinking about the loss of someone so important.
Maybe it's why they get along so well.
Well atleast Nao could safely say that even though she could not heal his wounded heart, he was able to heal hers little by little.
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