C29- ☆Lost in You☆
Present Day
It is the sad truth, the truth that Nao could barely hide how much she likes the demon she befriended. Love was still far fetched but she knew that she was undeniably and unbearably attracted to Muzan.
No man has ever held her the way Muzan has and he was the only one who could make her feel so at ease and so, so safe... The idea itself made her feel calm and relaxed as if being with Muzan was the only thing that felt right at the moment. His strong arms and soft hand that would hold her as if reassuring her that nothing could ever go wrong, it was bliss.
Nao cannot help but be captivated. It didn't help the fact that he also liked her and Muzan was not even being discreet about it, openly showing her his affections. He would sneak a kiss or two once in a while or he would simply hold her hand and give it a gentle squeeze like he always do.
His eyes would look at her filled with adoration and Nao couldn't help but feel enamored by his intense gaze everytime.
Nao would forget who she was everytime they were together because it seemed like she could be herself infront of him and not put up any pretenses to gain favor. She was not the younger sister of Kagaya when she's with Muzan, but she was simply Nao.
Nao did not lie to Muzan but she wanted his attention solely on her and even when he's working away with his weird potions in his lab, Nao would sat near him and observe him work in a rather tamed manner... An action that is very unlike her. All the energy and pent up frustrations she had for being kept in the dark seemed nonexistent at the moment.
All Nao could care about now was her time spent with Muzan even if they weren't talking or even if they were simply enjoying each other's company despite such a prolonged silence.
Nao doesn't notice it herself, but her actions and the manner she behaves was something she was not supposed to be doing considering that she was actually kidnapped and taken to a place she has no knowledge of. Moreover, Muzan is a demon, a powerful one at that since the demons she met so far inside the fortress gravitated around him as if he was the sun and they would obey his every word as if their life depended on it.
Nao was not stupid and could deduce that Muzan is probably someone positioned very high in the demon hierarchy. But all those worries and doubt about him and his intentions were long forgotten the longer they spent time together.
Nao could barely count the days or weeks that have passed and she didn't seem to mind it anymore. To an outsider's point of view, they would be able to deduce that Nao has developed Stockholm Syndrome yet Nao herself fails to notice this since she is blinded by her feelings for Muzan.
In his lab, as Muzan kisses her softly on her lips while caressing her cheek, not once did it crossed her mind how bewitched she was by this beautiful being infront of her. He was everything and so much more.
Nao held on to the front of his clothes as she kissed him back, savoring the taste of lips against hers.
Muzan was a sweet lover, taking his time to coax her out of her conservative shell. He did not force her into doing anything but he was very thorough when it came to showing his affections. He would appear like a sly cat, patiently waiting for her and when all her self reservations are thrown out the window, he would hungrily devour her lips as if he couldn't get enough of her.
Nao moaned against his lips, desperately clinging to him as they made out in his lab. Nao knows how fervent he could get when Nao whimpers quietly at his touch. And sometimes, Nao couldn't help but purr when Muzan would look at her filled with affection and adoration. They would kiss passionately for a long time without speaking because everything seemed so right at that moment that they couldn't be bothered to let go of each other.
It was only when they needed to grasp for air that they both separated. Nao was flushed red as she breathed heavily, hiding her face on his neck as she timidly bit her lower lip.
He in turn caressed her hair and stroked her back softly as Muzan held her close to him.
"Mimi, it's time for your dinner. "He whispered softly to her ear.
Nao furrowed her brows at his use of nickname but before she could respond, the doors opened and closed simultaneously and the floors and walls shifted. They were suddenly standing in another room.
Food was already prepared in the table and Nao eyed the banquet as if she couldn't believe it was there.
After composing herself and regaining her senses, Nao turned to Muzan and spoke.
"Muzan is going to join me, right...?" Her voice tried to remain casual as if she was playing the role of the demure lover, eager to please the man of the house. Nao has always been curious of Muzan's appetite and taste in food. Surely, he doesn't just indulge on meat in a daily basis, right?
Nao wondered if he ever ate human food and enjoy the pleasantries of tasting sweet treats and sour snacks once in a while. What was he like when he was human? She seemed to ask herself but before she could continue her line of thought, Muzan disentangled her from him and gestured for her to sit so they could eat.
Nao smiled at him, seemingly pleased at his action only to realize that he was only there to watch her and not share the meal with her.
She frowned somewhat behind her sleeve. "I can't eat all this food..."She muttered, looking at all the dishes that were served.
Muzan gently took her hand and squeezed it.
"I would be surprised if Nao-san did." He teased which caused her to look down uncomfortably. "But all this food was prepared so that you can choose whichever dish suits your palette. I don't know Nao-san's taste in food so I resorted to this. "
Nao peered at him through her thick lashes before gazing at the food, somewhat touched at his idea.
She slowly smiled at his thoughtfulness and turned to face him.
"Join me then?" Nao said boldly, addressing him directly.
Muzan's smile never wavered as he answered her.
"I would love to but surely Nao-san would not want to see me in such a gorish fashion. I feel that it would affect Nao-san's appetite."
Nao narrowed her eyes at him, knowing full well what he meant.
"I don't mind. "The words were out of her mouth before she could realize what she said. Muzan's eyes widened briefly but Nao held his gaze, not wanting to back down.
Their staredown lasted for what seemed like eternity before Muzan cruelly laughed.
His hand slowly let her go before gently caressing her cheek and standing up in the process.
"How brave of Nao-san to suggest such a thing. "Muzan said with a smirk. "Very well. I will join Nao-san but rest assured that Nao-san won't like every minute of it. "
Things happened really fast afterwards, Nao's face was suddenly pale as ghost as she watched Muzan take a bite of what seemed like human flesh. He was still the same elegant man, using utensils in the process as he held her gaze. It was the first time Nao has ever seen him like this. He truly is a demon yet seeing and knowing were two different things.
Nao was shaking and she tried to stomach the contents of her food while eyeing Muzan. She could clearly see the blood staining the side of his lips. Nao trembled at the sight but she managed to muster the courage to wipe the corner of his mouth using a napkin.
Muzan stared at her, amused at her actions and he looked at her with little surprise.
"Mimi." He softly called as he placed his fork down and reached out to hold her hand.
Nao shivered unpleasantly as she tried to stop the tremors of her body. She was scared, Nao understood her body's reaction. Nao had already accepted the fact that Muzan was a demon but to actually see it was a whole different manner.
Nao gripped his hand as she tried to compose herself, releasing a shaky breath that she didn't know she was holding.
The blood.
Oh it was a sight to behold.
Nao faced Muzan with an unsure look on her face.
"Are you scared of me?" Muzan asked her in a flat tone.
Nao shook her head slowly before voicing out her own fear.
"I am ... I'm scared that Muzan has to kill people just to live. The fact that Muzan can't walk under the sun like a normal human being pains me. Doomed to a life in the shadows without ever being able to see the light of the day again. And in order to survive, Muzan need humans. "Nao shook in her seat as she stared at him.
"It's unfair. "Nao told him, surprising Muzan since he was fully expecting her to hate him for what he is.
"I want to hold your hand under the sun. I want to kiss you day and night. And I don't ever want to feel the need to hide you because of what you are. Why is it so unfair? You deserve to be happy too..." Nao said through tears.
Muzan gently pulled her to him, cradling her to his chest as Nao sobbed quietly with his arms around her small figure.
"It's u-unfair... "She sobbed as she clung to him, forgetting all about dinner.
Muzan softly whispered in her ear. "There is no need for Nao-san to weep. It has been like this ever since I became a demon but I promise you..." He placed a soft kiss on her head. "I will join you under the sun. Hold your hand and kiss you day and night. I would shower you with my affections nonstop until you grow tired of me and even then I would not leave. "
Nao sobbed harder at his words but Muzan continued.
"Mimi, this time, we will be together and you'll be mine. "
Hi. Your author is not dead and still very much alive. Sorry for the late update but college has been a great pain in the ass. I also quit from my part time job due to how much stress I was being subjected to.
And now there's a pandemic and the city that I lived in is under lockdown to prevent ncov from spreading. School is suspended until april and I have a lot of free time now so expect a lot of updates.
Also, for your own good, stay home and stay away from crowds. Always wash hands and use alcohol.
Keep safe everyone and pray for the whole world.
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