C26- ☆Slowly☆
Heian Period, in the late 700's
It was the start of something sinister. Where her radiant face morphed into utter despair and she was face to face with what seemed like a dream.
And yet the body was warm and the tatamis were wet and soaked with red. A never ending red that splattered the walls and decorated the room.
The beginning of an end... when did it happened?
"That smile on your face. You seem really happy."
Mimi continued her work, humming softly as she continued to cook.
"I don't know if I should be glad or not. But you look good smiling and at the same time it's kinda creepy."
He slowly leaned closer to peek at her cooking.
"Mimi-san, you're too distracted... Can you even hear me?"
A light tap on her shoulder made the woman jump a little before she decided to face the male beside her.
"Yuu-kun...? Ahh..Don't scare me like that! Don't tell me that you've been standing there the entire time?" Mimi asked in a confused manner before she placed the spoon down.
The male rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.
"I've been here trying to get your attention the whole time. The first time I see you after coming back from that lord is you acting weirdly. I mean... you're smiling! It's so unlike you...and I don't like it. "
Mimi raised a brow at his statement. "Is there something wrong if I smile once in a while?"
Yuu, her childhood friend blushed a little as he awkwardly held his other arm. "N-No... I mean, it's rare to see you so happy. And you look good with a smile on your face."
Mimi placed a hand on her mouth as she tried not to giggle at his response. The male blushed even more as he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Don't laugh at me!"
Mimi did the opposite of what he said. She laughed loudly and placed a hand on his head.
"You're too precious, Yuu-kun! You really need to improve your social skills. You're good looking and really handsome. You don't have to be so nervous and awkward when you have so many strong points!" She cheered.
"Mimi-san..... Did you just told me how pathetic I am in a nice way?" Yuu asked with a frown on his face.
Mimi chuckled a little at his accusation. She ruffled his messy white hair in an affectionate manner before placing both hands on his shoulders.
"No! You're the one who's weird, Yuu-kun. I don't think you're pathetic. In fact, I think you're an amazing person. You just need to believe in yourself more. If you believe in yourself, then you can make a lot of things possible!"
Yuu responded in a soft manner. "Does that mean you'll marry me if I try hard enough..?"
His question was said in a very innocent way but Mimi simply thought he was joking like all the times he asked her if he could marry her.
She smiled at him. "You're so sweet, little brother. But I'm sure you'll be able to find a better woman than me. Besides, I'm older than you! You're still young and youthful. There would still be a lot of opportunities for you."
Yuu frowned before his eyes stared down.
"Didn't you tell me that age doesn't matter in a relationship as long as they're in love with each other?" He muttered in a depressed tone.
Mimi blinked and eyed him curiously. "Yuu-kun, what are you muttering?"
Yuu shook his head before grabbing her hand. "It's nothing, Mimi-san. I'm just happy to see that you're back. Your father would be glad to see you."
"Hai! It's been two weeks since I've seen Otou-sama! I have a lot of things to tell him! "
"Can't you stay with me for a while before you head off?" Yuu said boldly. He blinked for a moment before realizing how blunt and demanding he sounded.
He waited for Mimi's violent reaction but she simply laughed at him.
"You don't need to worry! We'll hangout after I visit Otou-sama. I want to catch up with you! You look so down and troubled. You can tell all of it to me, I'm your big sister and you can trust me." Mimi said as she placed her arms around his waist and gave him a hug from behind.
"Mimi-s-san..."He stuttered nervously, feeling her soft chest that were pressed against his back.
"Don't worry anymore, Yuu-kun!"
"O-Okay..."Yuu responded shyly. "If it's you, then I don't mind at all."
Mimi smiled even more. The two of them grew up together in the village. Mimi was two years older than him yet Yuu was much more taller due to him being a boy.
Yuu had always been really withdrawn and shy but he was a nice boy and the ladies always fight over his attention. Yuu was simply too oblivious for his own good but despite his conservative nature, he can also be funny and humorous.
Ever since they were young, Yuu would always tell her that he'd marry her when they grow old enough. Mimi thinks that its sweet of him and she would simply give the boy a quick kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head, dismissing it as childish woes.
Even as they grew older, Yuu still did not stop humoring Mimi about marriage and stuff. He was always so nice and very concerned for her but Mimi knows that they are like family to each other, like brothers and sisters who share the same blood.
Being close and intimate with him never really bothered her because she considers him as her younger brother. She was comfortable in his presence and likewise, Yuu is not averse to the idea of being touched.
Little did she know, the male had always felt strongly for her, he simply did not know how to express it because Mimi never even considered the idea that the male was truly inlove with her.
During her stay with her father, Mimi told him all kinds of story and she also spent a lot of her time with her childhood friend, Yuu.
Mimi was happy to see her family again and her growing relationship with Lord Muzan made her father very pleased.
All is good but Mimi is still very worried for her father because his health is still declining rapidly.
"Otou-sama, I feel like I could grow to love Muzan-sama. He is a very complicated person but he treats me nicely and gently all the time. "Mimi confessed as she played with the loose strand of her hair.
For once, she was smiling sincerely in a happy way and her eyes were beaming with hope. Her father saw this sudden glow surrounding her and he couldn't help but feel happy for his child.
"I am pleased to know that Lord Muzan is treating you well. I am glad, Mimi. You've always been burdened by me. It is time for you to be happy, to create your own family and forget about your troubles. You don't have to care for me anymore. You've done enough for me, child--"
"Otou-sama." Mimi abruptly said as she grabbed his hands.
"Don't. "She said pleadingly while shaking. "Don't say that please. You were never a burden to me. Never." She continued with more intensity in her voice. Mimi refused to cry despite how painful his father's words sounded to her ears.
"I enjoy being with Otou-sama. Otou-sama makes me happy, you were my guiding light in this dark world. I feel strongly for Muzan-sama but he is merely my betrothed. He is not my family yet, he isn't like you. Depending on how things turn out for the two of us, it will decide whether I would actually marry him. Because even though I will soon be a married woman, a world without Otou-sama would be very sad. It would make my life dark."Mimi's eyes were blank and her voice was flat. She was not crying or sobbing but she was telling all of this to her father as if she was confessing all of her greatest secrets.
She wasn't lying when she said that her father meant the world to her.
It may sound selfish, but if her father died, while she is married or not, Mimi wouldn't know what to do. She would probably lose her drive to live and just feel so emotionally empty inside. Worst case scenario, she breaks it off with Muzan and hung herself out of misery.
This is because she was still not prepared to be alone in this world.
The only explanation was because she was scared. Scared that the one person whom she calls family will leaver her in a beat without even saying a proper goodbye.
But death is never timed. It comes unexpectedly and Mimi knows that she was still not ready for it.
A/N: The angst is approaching!😖
A few chapters more, maybe two or three and it's here. Anyway! Congratulations on 50k reads!
Thank you so much for all your support everyone!
Keep reading and waiting because we're almost near the climax!😘
Muzan, our demon god is watching you!
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