🎀 Chapter 3.🎀
>Your pov<
>Timeskip to a few weeks later
You were just in your room staring at the ceiling. You didn't really feel like going to 'work' as you basically called it. Since it basically was and Lui was your 'boss'. Your heart began to hurt; thinking about Lui. You loved Lui so much but also hated him too. It was very complicated, and it was only that way because of how he treated you. You thought about quitting; because honestly how Lui treated you started to take a mental toll on you. You became more and more distant with people, including Valt and Shu. Taking out your phone you saw that you had over 100 messages from the two alone. You could feel tears rolling down your face. "I'm sorry guys.."
*Knock knock*
You covered your ears and turned over, not wanting to answer the door. You lived alone so you assumed it was probably Valt or Shu. That's when the knocking got more aggressive. "Y/N?! Where are you?" You heard Lui's voice and you froze. You never gave him your number; let alone where you lived! That's when you heard him at your door. "Y/N.. Open up." You didn't wanna get up so you didn't. You just waited for him to leave; if he would that is. Of course he didn't and instead just busted the door down. "Y/N! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be-.." Lui was about to go off on you until he noticed you full on crying. "Go away.." Was all that you managed to say to him. Lui walked over to you and sat beside you and you turned the other way. You didn't wanna see Lui right now and the fact that just literally let himself into your house kinda just made it worse.
"Y/N.. Look I.." Lui couldn't really figure out what he was trying to say, "I.. I'm sorry." He said quickly getting up, facing away from you to avoid eye contact. "You're what?.." You asked quietly but loud enough so Lui could hear you. "I said sorry. Happy now?" Lui turned back around to face you but still never made eye contact with you. You got up and walked over to him, "Lui.. that's all I wanted to hear, you know." You sniffled as you cried a little bit more but this time not from sadness. "What do you mean?" He asked, making small glances your way. "These last few weeks have been hell for me, Lui, and it was because of you. It's not because of the tasks you give me; it's just all your insults and.." You looked down at the ground contemplating on what to say next.
"Look, what I'm really trying to say is.. I don't wanna be your assistant anymore. I wanted to join your team and instead I get this. I would enjoy it so much more if you were nicer to me. I think... It'd be better if I just stayed out of your life. Since it really seems like you hate me.. " You say laughing a bit, hoping that Lui wouldn't get mad. Though, little did you know that those words hit him like a truck. Lui really did care you; he just didn't know how to show it. All the work he gave to you was just so you'd stay by his side. He'd never admit that he'd want you to stay.
Although Lui really didn't know what he was feeling he knew that he didn't wanna let you go. He wanted you to stay with him. All those times you wanted to hang out with Valt and Shu and not him made upset because he just wanted to be with you. Lui felt like his heart was gonna burst. (see what I did there? :p)
So he made his choice; he wasn't going to let you go. He wanted you to stay with him forever but not like in a crazy way or anything. But of course Lui just put on his normal façade and pretended not to care, "Tch, w-whatever I don't care. I don't need you anyway-" Lui stopped himself before he hurt you even more. "I mean- ugh- never mind." Lui said before he stormed out of your house.
>Lui's pov<
I tried really hard not to think about Y/N. I don't understand why it hurts so much to not have them here with me. I walked over to my dresser beside my bed and looked at a picture I had of them. The way that they looked, their smile, everything. It was just so..
Ugh, what am I talking about? This is stupid! I can't possibly be in love with someone like them! Or... am I?..
>The next day
>Your pov<
I finally decided to talk to Valt and Shu again. I knew they missed me; I mean how else can you explain the 100 missed messages. "Hey guys!" I waved to them as I saw Valt's face light up as he ran over to me. "I missed you so much! I thought you hated us or something!" Valt began to hug me tightly; Shu gave me a soft smile, which I returned. Valt finally let go of me and we all sat down on the grass and began to talk. "Soo why haven't you been talking us?" Valt asked and I sighed, "Well you see I thought I could join Lui's team-" "You thought you join Lui's team? Are you crazy, Y/N?" Shu interrupted you. "I know it's stupid that I even thought that.. But anyway I didn't even get a chance. He asked me if I wanted to be his assistant, to which I thought it wasn't going to be that bad but.. It was awful.." I said with tears starting to form in my eyes. Valt and Shu started to hug me tightly.
After the hug you turned your head and looked around. "I know its weird to say but.. I feel like someone is watching us.." Valt and Shu looked around as well but shook their heads when they saw no one around.
'Weird.', You thought.
Little did you know a certain blue-fired haired male was watching you guys from afar.
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