As the training session continued, the wolves observed intently, occasionally asking questions through Edward, who relayed their inquiries with ease. Their presence added an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. When the session concluded, I joined Bella and Edward for the ride back. During the journey, Bella expressed her amazement at the speed and proficiency of my spells, admitting that she had never witnessed anything quite like it before.
For the remainder of the evening, I shared my day's adventures with my Grams, recounting each detail with enthusiasm. She listened intently, marvelling at my tales and expressing admiration for my proficiency in witchcraft. She did express her concern that exerting too much with my magic might have consequences, but she shared this out of love and care. Strangely, I didn't feel weakened by my efforts; rather, I felt even more empowered.
As the next day dawned, we resumed our training regimen, with the wolves observing once more. Time was of the essence, so we had to make the most of every available moment. I observed the Cullens engaging in combat with each other, Jasper taking the lead in explaining the tactics and strategies for combating newborns. He offered invaluable insights into their strengths and weaknesses.
I opted to wear the same attire as the previous day, though I made sure to wash it thoroughly, especially after it had been drenched by Emmett's playful antics. When my turn came around again, I gave it my all, just as I had done the day before. Jasper was adamant about ensuring I could handle a group of newborns if the situation called for it, so he arranged for all of them to spar with me.
With precise movements, I cast spells that sent them flying through the air or sinking into the ground, leaving only their heads visible. The air crackled with magic as I commanded the elements with a flick of my wrist, each spell executed flawlessly as if they were mere extensions of my own will. In a matter of minutes, I had each one subdued. Edward proved the most challenging, his speed unmatched within his family. Yet, even he succumbed to my magic, and slowed momentarily before being propelled into a nearby tree.
Once I was worn out—being human, I needed food, sleep, and energy to fight—I stepped to the sidelines to watch as the others continued their training. Bella filled me in on her conversation with Jasper from the previous day. He had revealed that he was turned into a vampire to train a newborn army for a vampire named Maria. That's why he knew all about them.
"Training's over," Emmett's voice echoed from behind me. I turned to face him just as Edward approached Bella, leading her away. I waved goodbye to her before refocusing on Emmett. "You were great, once again," he announced, making me smile. "Especially loved the part when you sunk me into the ground," he recalled, referencing my earlier display of power.
"Having control over the elements comes in handy," I remarked with a snigger, which made him chuckle.
"So, I was thinking," Emmett began, his tone becoming serious, "if you want to come over and watch a movie?" His eyes never left mine.
"Like a date?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in surprise.
"I mean, if you want to call it that," Emmett replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Just thought we could watch a movie, and hang out," he continued, lowering his hand.
"I would love to," I replied swiftly, deciding without overthinking. "It would be nice to relax and not stress over what's to come," my voice softened, almost whispering the last part.
"It would," Emmett replied softly. My eyes lingered on his, and my heart fluttered. At that moment, all I wanted was to kiss him. But I snapped out of my trance and smiled at him. My stomach filled with butterflies as I felt a mix of excitement and nerves for tonight.
After taking a refreshing shower, I changed into something casual yet comfortable. I wanted to look nice but also feel at ease. As I prepared to leave, I told my Grams I was heading to the Cullens' place since Emmett and I planned to watch a movie together. I noticed a glint of curiosity in her eyes as if she wanted to make a remark, but she held back. Instead, she simply bid me farewell with a warm smile.
I arrived at the Cullens' house using my Grams' car, which she kindly let me borrow for the evening. As I parked and stepped out, the door shut with a satisfying thud. My eyes were immediately drawn to the front door, where Emmett was already stepping out to greet me. We walked towards each other, meeting halfway. He offered me a boyish grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Did you knit that?" he joked, pointing at my red woolly jumper.
"Actually, my Grams did," I replied, a soft laugh escaping my lips. His grin widened, and I could feel the warmth of the evening settling in.
"Just to let you know everyone is out," Emmett commented, making me suck in a breath as heat flooded my cheeks. "Edward's with Bella, and the rest have gone on a hunt and won't be back for a while," he explained. Somehow, I managed to keep my heartbeat steady despite the fluttering in my chest.
Emmett guided me inside the house and led me upstairs, bringing me to the same room where they had watched the news report from Seattle. The cosy space felt inviting, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the coffee table in front of the couch. A bowl of popcorn, still steaming, sat in the centre, surrounded by an assortment of candy bars and several bags of sweets, offering a wide range of choices.
"You didn't have to do this," I said, turning my attention to him briefly.
Emmett shrugged. "It's no big deal," he replied, but to me, it was a big deal. After all, he doesn't even eat food. We both walked over to the couch and settled comfortably next to one another. I sat down first, and as he sat, the cushion dipped, tilting me slightly toward him. But I didn't mind in the slightest.
"What do you want to watch?" Emmett asked, turning his gaze to me momentarily as he held the remote in his hand. He flicked through the channels, scanning the options.
"I'm not sure," I replied honestly, my eyes briefly darting to the TV mounted on the wall before returning to Emmett. "Can we talk?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Sure," he responded, setting the remote down on the cushion beside him. He turned his attention back to me, his gaze meeting mine. "What's on your mind?" He wore a soft expression, one that seemed to coax out every hidden secret I held within.
"I know you told me Rosalie saved you, and what life was like after turning," I started, adjusting my posture to orient half of myself towards him. "I want to know what you were like before you were turned. When you were human," my voice softened, the intensity of my gaze unwavering as it remained locked with his.
"Are you sure?" Emmett inquired; his expression etched with concern. "I wasn't the person you see now," he admitted, a hint of apprehension lingering in his voice as if he feared my perception of him would shift upon learning about his past self.
"Nothing you say will make me view you differently," I replied earnestly, for that was indeed the truth. He nodded, consenting to delve deeper into his human history.
"You know, I was born in nineteen-fifteen, down in Tennessee," he began, his voice carrying a rugged quality as he recounted. "Emmett McCarty was my human name," he continued, causing my eyebrows to flicker momentarily in surprise at the revelation of his last name. Nevertheless, he pressed on. "I was raised in a large house with older brothers and a younger sister. My teenage years were full of reckless decisions. Consequences meant little to me. I preferred to gamble, drink, and," he paused, searching for the appropriate term, "Have relations," he concluded, his meaning clear without further explanation. "But those habits lingered... I worked alongside my older brothers on the railroad, while my sister stayed at home helping. I was a hard worker, but I remained the happy child of the family, always engaging in games and being playful," he recounted. "Then, at the age of twenty, I went out hunting, as I had the knack for it. Plus, I would bring back kills for my family. I went alone that day, and then I was met with a black bear," he explained, the gravity of the situation evident in his tone. "I never stood a chance, yet I refused to surrender," he commented with a hint of amusement, though the tension in the air stifled any laughter. "The bear overpowered me, tearing me apart. That's when Rosalie smelled all the blood. She killed the bear and raced me to Carlisle, who then gave me a second chance at life," he recounted solemnly, but he wasn't angry about it.
I managed a faint smile, though my heart ached for him. He had been a devoted son, tirelessly toiling for the sake of his family.
"My transformation was excruciating, unlike anything I've ever experienced," Emmett interjected. "When Carlisle told me what I had become, surprisingly, I wasn't angry or upset. However, my love for my family stayed with me. Knowing I couldn't be with them, due to my uncontrollable thirst. So, I asked Edward to prepare a bag of money, because they lost a hard-working son," he recounted, prompting me to instinctively place a hand over my heart, feeling the weight of his words. "I placed the bag on their porch, and listened, hearing my mother and sister crying. If I could have cried, I probably would have," he admitted with a vulnerability that stirred my own emotions. Tears began to swell in my eyes.
"After that, I didn't look back. I had a new life, a new family," he continued. "It took me a while to adjust to feeding on animals. Yet, the strength of my thirst was relentless. Leading me to consume human blood on occasion," his discomfort with the memory was palpable, evident in the fleeting glimpse of unease that crossed his features. Unable to resist, I gently slid my hand atop his, feeling the lingering chill, yet disregarding it entirely. "Rosalie and I were together for roughly thirty years. I loved her, she saved me and offered me a second chance. However, there was always a sense of something missing. She felt it too. In the end, we realized we were more like siblings," he explained.
My expression softened, and I began gently tracing circles on the back of his hand, noting its smooth and supple texture, reminiscent of marble. Despite this tender gesture, my gaze remained locked with his, captivated by the warmth of his golden eyes.
"It must have been incredibly difficult for you. I can't even begin to imagine," I murmured, shaking my head in disbelief. The magnitude of what he had endured, what he had sacrificed, weighed heavily on my mind. The prospect of relinquishing the chance for a normal life—growing old, raising children, witnessing the growth of his family, and cherishing those moments—was unfathomable.
Unbeknownst to me, my tears cascaded down my flushed cheeks in silent streams as I gazed at Emmett. He responded with a tender smile before reaching up with his left hand. With the utmost care, he used his index finger to delicately brush away the tears, wiping them from both sides.
"I'm not sad," he confessed after gently brushing away the final tear. "It was a long time ago. And you know what? I'm grateful for every bit of it," he confessed a subtle note of positivity in his tone, causing me to tilt my head in curiosity. "Because if none of that had happened, I wouldn't have crossed paths with you," he admitted, eliciting a quickened pulse in my heart. "A radiant, compassionate, selfless, angel," each word he uttered stirred a bittersweet ache in my heart, yet it was a welcomed sensation.
My breath quickened, my gaze flickering to his luscious lips. "Can I kiss you?" I blurted out, the words slipping from my lips in a soft, almost shy tone.
"I thought you'd never ask," Emmett quipped, a playful grin lighting up his features as we both leaned in closer. I couldn't suppress these emotions any longer, nor did I want to. I yearned to embrace them fully. I deserved love and happiness, and I was determined to seize it.
Our heads inched closer; the anticipation palpable in the air. The touch of his lips against mine was tender, a restrained caress born from his desire to protect me, a reminder of the strength he held back to prevent causing harm. With playful intent, I teased him, brushing my bottom lip over his, savouring the electric thrill that surged between us in this heated exchange. With resolve coursing through me, I fully pressed my lips to his, igniting a surge of electricity that intensified as our lips melded together in a passionate lock.
A whirlwind of emotions swept through me; each sensation heightened by the significance of this being my first kiss. There was a fluttering in my stomach, a tingling warmth that spread from my lips throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced with exhilaration, pounding against my chest as if trying to break free from the confines of my ribcage. Time seemed to stand still, the world around us fading into the background as I lost myself in the intensity of the moment.
With a hint of reluctance, our lips parted, lingering for a moment as if reluctant to break the connection, as if they yearned to remain entwined. It was as though the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle had finally found its place, completing the picture we had been building together. The whole ordeal left me breathless as we pulled away, our gazes locking in a silent exchange.
"That... that was..." I stumbled, at a loss for words to adequately capture the intensity of the experience.
"Amazing," Emmett attempted to encapsulate the moment with a single word, but it felt inadequate. It was beyond amazing; words seemed to fall short of describing the depth of what we had just shared.
I clasped his hand tightly and guided it to my chest, where it rested atop the red jumper I wore. His fingers pressed firmly against the fabric, their cold seeping through as I felt the reassuring weight of his touch against my heart.
"This is the effect you have on me," I countered, feeling my heart race against my chest, its rapid rhythm surely palpable against his hand. "I think about you before I go to sleep, and you are the first thought on my mind when I wake up. And when I see you, you give me this adorable smile which just melts my heart," I confessed, baring the depths of my feelings. "And all I want is to spend every single day with you," I confessed, laying bare my feelings without holding anything back.
"I want to spend every single day with you too," Emmett responded, his husky voice resonating deeply within me. "I want to see you smile, hear your laugh at something I've done. I want to see you do magic, to marvel at your power," he continued, his words overflowing with sincerity that enveloped us both. "I want to spend every single moment together because I can't imagine anything better," he concluded, his sentiment echoing the depth of his feelings.
With each word he spoke, my heart pounded against my chest, against his hand. The intensity of his words washed over me with a wave of love and depth. Unable to resist, I lifted my hands to cradle his face gently, drawing him closer as I kissed him deeply. Before it ventured into a more passionate embrace. His tongue danced against mine, exploring every crevice as our connection grew even more intense.
Before I realized it, he effortlessly lifted me into his arms, settling me onto his lap as I straddled him. Yet, our kiss remained unbroken, the connection between us unyielding. Our lips melded together seamlessly like a long-lost puzzle finally finding its missing pieces. Things were undeniably heating up, his hands exploring areas filled with a passionate intensity. However, I reluctantly broke the kiss, locking eyes with him as my breaths came in heavy, almost panting gasps of anticipation.
Drawing in a few deep breaths through my parted lips, I lifted a hand to smooth down my tousled hair, delicately tucking it behind my ear. "This must be so hard for you," I said, my eyes indicating myself, knowing he had to hold back to avoid hurting me.
"You have no idea," Emmett growled, sending a shiver through me. The sound was intoxicating, making me tremble with anticipation. My left hand wandered up to his lips, my fingers gently grazing over them, as if I was savouring the touch and longing for another kiss. Emmett began to kiss my fingertips tenderly, making me bite my bottom lip.
"I think we should watch that movie," I admitted, though I made no effort to move, our eyes locked in a stalemate.
"We should," he agreed, but he made no attempt to shift me from his lap. I despised the fact that we couldn't do more, but I reminded myself that good things come to those who wait. Moving my hand from his mouth, I leaned in and kissed him again, drawing out the kiss. I wanted to etch this moment into my memory forever.
Reluctantly, I climbed off his lap and returned to my original position on the couch. I could have sworn I heard him grunt as if he didn't want me to leave his embrace. But I nestled up against him, and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.
He flicked through the channels, and in that moment, we were just two people who deeply cared for each other. My mind was blissfully free of any thoughts about the upcoming battle; I was fully immersed in the here and now. And I loved it...
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