Omake: Mikuni and Mitsuki
♧Inner Demon♧
[D o l l D a y s ]
♧Inner Demon♧
Onii-sama is really kind.
I like Onii-sama.
He is strong, brave and talented.
He is a fighter.
He is also a brother, my brother....
My older brother whom I love with all my heart.
There are times that I ask myself...
Why do I love this idiot brother of mine?
♧Inner Demon♧
"Miki-chan, look what I got for you!"
"Nii-sama.."I acknowledged, beaming as my eyes landed on the object he was carrying.
My smile fell as soon as I registered what he was holding.
Staring straight ahead, my eyes went blank.
"NO."I firmly said, making sure that it was declared in a tone of finality.
He immediately made a face.
"Miki-chan! I bought this just for you!" He complained as if it was enough reason for me to comply with his request but I beg to differ.
"Nii-sama, I have no interest in wearing such unnecessary burdens on my person."
The fact that such a simple object could hinder my movement and overall mobility is making me feel uneasy, not to mention how ridiculous and silly I would look while wearing it.
"But, but..! It's from Germany! The silk was imported from Greenland! The laces were from China and the beadings are from Rome! The corset took 30 days to make! I had to contact a one time business partner who owed me a favor just to order this for you! You must absolutely wear it!"
Wow..... All that just for one dress. I made a sound of bafflement.
"Miki-chan, I--"
"You can't make me. Tsurugi-senpai promised to teach me how to punch people in the faces properly! I refused to wear a stupid dress during training!" I yelled while crossing my arms. "Besides, you have the stup--I mean, Abel, to dress. I'm going to go look for senpai.."
"Ugh! But Abel-chan is different!" He said, holding the doll affectionately to his face. "And Miki-chan is my kawaii imouto..."
"I am not a doll." I deadpanned.
"You're much more beautiful than a doll~" A singsong voice said.
"Right! Right! I know! Miki-chan is the cutest!" My brother said, nodding absentmindedly.
I turned around. "Senpai, don't encourage him."
Golden eyes beamed brightly. "Ahahaha!! But it's true! Miki-chan is just way too cute~!"
"You!" Nii-sama made an offended sound and before I know it, I was now behind his back.
"Get your filthy hands off of my Miki-chan! She's only 12, how could you?! Pervert!!" Nii-sama accused, hiding and sheltering me from sight.
Tsurugi-senpai laughed madly as he watched my brother rant due to his sister complex.
"....scoundrel! Avert those vulgar eyes from her before I make you!"
I sighed.
"Nii-sama.."I stepped out.
He gasped dramatically.
"Miki-chan! Don't show yourself! You must hide!"
"I'll be fine. Senpai is capable of looking after me. You need not worry."
Senpai placed a hand around my shoulders. "Hai! Hai! She's safe around me! Of course, I was paid to keep her safe after all!"
If possible, the look of sheer horror pn my brother's face worsened tenfold, that I would've mistaken it for a work of art.
"Mitsuki! Stop hanging around shady people!" He nearly screamed.
"Kuni-chan, that hurts!" Senpai faked a hurt look with his palm over his heart.
I frowned.
"Nii-sama, please don't make senpai feel bad.." I said.
My brother made an exasperated expression and shot me a betrayed look.
"Ahaha! See~?" Senpai placed an arm above my shoulder. "Even Miki-chan understands me!"
"You don't even know what kind of food she likes. Tch!Right, Abel?!"
"I'm pretty sure that she likes strawberries~" Tsurugi-senpai shot me a wink.
"Senpai likes strawberries and I like them too. They're sweet."
"M-Miki-chan..! You..!Don't be swayed by this shady person!"
"Kuni-chan, you make me sound so bad!"
"Shut up! Mitsuki, listen to Onii-chan okay?"
"BOO~! Pulling the big brother card is cheating!"
"I'm her Onii-chan so there's nothing wrong with that! Mitsuki, why do you even listen to this guy?"
The answer was simple.
"It's because I like senpai."
Thud! The sound of something heavy falling made my body jolt.
"Nii-sama..?" I asked.
"Ah... Kuni-chan fainted!" Senpai exclaimed. My eyes widened.
♧Inner Demon♧
I love Onii-sama..
hate him.
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