Chapter 19: Eve of Pride♧
♧Inner Demon♧
Dear Mama,
I've never been to a festival before.
What are fireworks like?
Some people say that they are big bright flowers in the sky that explodes. How curious.
M. A.
♧Inner Demon♧
Mahiru was assigned to do volunteer work in the festival due to the stunt he pulled at the rooftop. He also met quite a strange man during that time but then again, people who wear glasses are often weird.
Truthfully, Mahiru wasn't just assigned to do the traffic work, he also ended up doing all kinds of job. Of course, it really didn't helped that his servamp was busy stuffing his face with so much junkfood, Mahiru had to direct people around the festival, not just the traffic!
Panting and trying to catch his breath, he held himself up beside his servamp while heaving a huge amount of air to fuel his lungs.
"I'm exhausted!" The brunette blurted as he sat down.
"Isn't it because you keep doing unnecessary things?" Kuro asked while munching on his food.
Mahiru sighed. "If Mitsuki was here, she'd probably say the same thing and tease me about being so workaholic. "
Kuro didn't bother making a comment on that, noticing the brunette's solemn face.
"Yet in the end, nothing's happened so far. "
Or so he thought.
Mahiru was startled to see a man with an eyepatch staring at him intently. He was wearing a white suit and a suitcase with his hair slick back. He looks as though he was going to say something any minute now.
He looks sharp too.
"Here." The suitcase was suddenly(or rather forcefully) pushed towards Mahiru and he barely had any time to react because the man is already telling him that it was a lost item.
It took Mahiru quite a few seconds to finally recover but the man was already away, leaving him with a seemingly unexpected task at hand.
Add to that was the fact that he needs to return it before the fireworks starts, which is in fact, quite suspicious given the time of return.
"Fireworks? Is he a foreigner? That's the first time I've seen an eyepatch like that." Mahiru muttered as he stood, carrying the suitcase in one hand.
He turned to Kuro."Well, I need to return this!"
The Servamp lazily spoke. "Don't get too far away. Servamps and Eves should stay together. " But Mahiru was already out of sight by the time he finished.
"Troublesome indeed." Another voice said. Kuro whipped his head to side, eyes widening slightly to see a familiar face.
"But that's MahiMahi for you~" She said with a grin.
♧Inner Demon♧
Mahiru blanched. He wasn't one to doubt people or to randomly call anyone a vampire but this blonde guy was looking for a coffin! A coffin! And if that didn't scream vampire, then what is it?!
"Ah..W-What's inside?" Mahiru nervously asked the muscled teen.
"Ah. Well since it's a coffin." The blonde started. "Ain't it obvious that a vampire is sleeping there?"
Mahiru inwardly panicked. How could someone say that with such a straight face?!
And why was he so forward?! A coffin is kind of a vampire thing, right?
Mahiru was conflicted. He didn't want to get laughed at for making another mistake since he can't simply know if a person is a vampire or not.
But this guy was searching for a coffin! How could he not suspect this person for a vampire? But then again, Tsuyuki-senpai was just an ordinary high school student.
He didn't want to feel humiliated after all.
Yet the situation still reeks of vampire.
He kinda wished that Mitsuki was here. She would probably downright ask this person if he was a vampire or not. But knowing her, she would directly accuse this person of being a vampire or maybe she would surprise him.
Mitsuki was unpredictable in so many ways.
He wouldn't even be surprised if she appeared now of all the ti--
A pair of cold hands suddenly covered his eyes and he yelped in shock.
The stranger chuckled from behind him.
"Guess who!"
His mouth parted slightly, knowing who that voice belonged to.
Suddenly gripping the hands that were covering his eyes, he yelled out. "Mitsuki!" Before removing them and whirling around. Speaking of who, he couldn't believe his eyes right now.
The girl in question grinned at him and she raised both of her hands in surrender.
Mahiru was overwhelmed with shock and surprise. He couldn't believe that she was here infront of him! It's been days since they've lost contact with each other and he hasn't seen a single hair of her in sight during those times. He could practically feel his eyes watering at the joy of seeing one of his bestfrie--
"Where the hell have you been, Mitsuki?!"
"Ugh!" She cried out, rubbing her head. "How dare you hit me! This is a grade A offense, I should have you arrested for thi--"
"Quit it!" He yelled. "I've been worried for who knows how long! Where have you been!? I haven't heard a single thing about you and you didn't even bothered saying anything!"
Mitsuki gave him an apologetic grin. "Sorry. My brother can be quite a pain and hasn't stooped hovering over me. But I'm sooo jealous of your screen time! How come you always get the fun~?"
Mahiru sighed. "What are you even saying..? I was really worried! Next time, atleast send us a message or something!"
"Okay, okay. No need to get your panties in a twist. "
He flushed slightly at the way she was teasing him.
"Seriously Mitsuki. Don't do that again or else I'll get mad at you. Your history of anemia and low blood pressure isn't something to be taken lightly. You said you were all healed up before so losing contact for the past few days really made me worry.."
For the first time in a while, her grin fell and she looked at him in shock.
Seconds later, Mitsuki was practically hugging his torso while whining.
"You can't do this to me! I'm your bestfriend!"
"Agh!! Mitsuki!! What?! People are staring!"
"I don't care! You can't be mad at me! I'll cry and tell Kuro!"
He sweatdropped. "What does that have to do with all of this?!" He screeched. "I'm just telling you to send us a word if you ever get in a situation like that again! Stop overacting! And where are you even touching me?!"
Mitsuki flashed him a teasing smile. "So you're not mad?"
"Of course I'm not! I was worried, didn't I tell you?"
Mitsuki merely smiled at him before righting herself up.
"This is why I really like Mahiru~" She said aloud. "As my bestfriend, he always listens to my plea."
"That's not something to boast about " he grumbled." You're just feeding my ego."
"But it's true. And...."She said, dragging the word. "I kinda traumatized your servamp before meeting you. "
"You what?!"
She winked at him. "But he's okay now!" She brushed off. "It's nothing to worry about!"
♧Inner Demon♧
Contrary to what Mitsuki said, Kuro was still at the place where Mahiru left him, and he was slumped on the floor with his head hung low as if he saw something he wasn't supposed to see.
The Servamp looked quite bothered but he didn't dare open his mouth, fearing that his Eve's crazy albino bestfriend would somehow pop out of nowhere again.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Geez! You've been missing these past few days and you decided to show up just now?" The brunette was looking at her with a disapproving look, the usual look he gives her whenever she ends up worrying the brunette.
"Forget about that! We need to help this guy!" Mitsuki said, changing the topic with a flawless grin.
"You lost a coffin, right?! I think I saw it over there by the trees!"
The blonde guy turned to her. "Really? Thanks. I was looking for it."
"Mitsuki...quit ignoring me."
"Come on! I'll show you." Mitsuki invited, motioning with her hands as she proceeded to grab Mahiru by the wrist.
"Do you both live around here? I know about vampires. "The blonde suddenly said.
Mahiru went stiff. Seriously?!
"A vampire planned a hit so I came to stop him. You should be careful."
"Don't worry about us. We'll take that in mind~" Mitsuki answered, way too giddy if you ask him.
The brunette gaped at her, momentarily remembering his panicked thoughts about the blonde teenager.
"Hey, Mitsuki!" He whispered. "What are you doing! Doesn't he look suspicious at all? This guy might be a vampire!"
Much to his dismay, Mitsuki merely waved him off.
"Relax! He's not, I can assure you that." Mitsuki said it with so much confidence that he couldn't help but eye her suspiciously as well.
"How do you even know that?"
She flashed him a smirk. "I'm an informant, remember?" She winked at him and he was about to say more when a sudden explosion was heard from a distance.
"An explosion!"
"The fireworks?!"
"Apparently, it was a bomb!"
"Omygosh! I saw it! It was a suitcase that exploded!"
Both Mitsuki and the blonde teen automatically turned to Mahiru, eyeing the suitcase he was holding with a blank look on their visage.
The heterochromatic teen stared at him. "Mahiru.. are you serious?"
"You're kidding, right? It can't be--this is a bomb, too?" The blonde teen said.
"Mahiru, you're a bomber?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Mitsuki asked, a hysterical look on her face.
"I'm not!" He replied with an irk mark on his face. Mahiru was slowly panicking. Thinking back to earlier, it was the eyepatch guy from before!
He probably gave him the bomb and planted another one. He also said before the fireworks, right?
Wait, so the fireworks, it's--
"Ah, geez! Give me that! "He was startled when Mitsuki snatched the suitcase away from him.
She looked irritated and a little annoyed for some reason. "Stop overthinking! It was probably a vampire so instead of wasting our time doing nothing, call for your servamp!"
"But what about the suitcase?" He asked, suddenly eyeing the blonde teen who was looking surprised at the mention of 'servamp'.
Mitsuki, she grinned while lifting the suitcase with one hand. "That's easy."
"What are you--"
"Just do this!"
In the blink of an eye, the suitcase was suddenly thrown upwards, rapidly spinning towards the sky and once it reached its maximum height, it began to descend down. He didn't even had any time to be amazed by Mitsuki's monstrous strength.
"Oh no! Too early! The fireworks isn't before 8:30! There's still a minute left!"
"Why did you hit me?!"
Mitsuki merely rolled her eyes, sparing a glance at the blonde teen. "You're not a bad guy, right?! I could tell from first glance so I'm trusting you with this!"
"..Okay..?" The guy replied, confusion in his eyes.
"Mahiru, it's up to you now! Do it! Before that thing explodes on us!" She said, gesturing at the falling suitcase.
He gripped his clothes but in the end, the determined look on Mitsuki's eyes was the one that gave him courage.
"You're not really the type to doubt people, Mahiru." She added.
His eyes widened and he sent a look back to her before finally opening his mouth.
"Kuro!" He shouted.
♧Inner Demon♧
"How weird." A male voice said. "Miki-chan isn't answering any of my phone calls."
"That's because you couldn't give her the file she was asking for, dumbass."
"Yumi-chan! So c-cruel! Even Miki-chan would never dare call me with such a horrendous nickna--"
"Cut the chatter, Tsurugi! We're supposed to be working here!"
"Yumi, don't get too worked up. You should get used to his behavior by now." Someone sighed. "He's just too fond of Mitsuki that it's grating on my nerves."
"I can't help it, Jun-chan! Miki-chan called me after so many months of losing contact!"
"But she didn't even went to look for you and straight up went to Touma."
"Ahaha! That's okay, Jun-chan! I'll just have to pay Miki-chan a visit then!" Golden eyes gleamed in the dark.
"She'll be really surprised."
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