C8: The Liar and the Friend♧
♧Inner Demon♧
Dear Mama,
I realized that my letters never reached their destination so it makes me wonder if writing this has any purpose at all.
Please say something.
M. A.
♧Inner Demon♧
After managing to hide myself inside the west wing, I couldn't help but slumped down on the ground, feeling exhausted.
"Mahiru is so fastttt~" I drawled, regretting the fact that I have to be chased by him. He certainly has the stamina to win any event in the Sports fest festival unlike me.
I sighed before I took notice of my surrounding and found that I was inside a very familiar room.
I moved around cautiously and noticed a box with a lock where a diary laid harmlessly. Upon close inspection, I realized how eerily similar it was to my --
"Young miss?" A voice called. "You know that you shouldn't be here."
I whirled around and noticed Lily's figure. I snorted before raising my chin and squaring my shoulders. I began to walk towards the door, hell bent on ignoring the elephant in the room.
"Young miss?" Lily called again but I walked faster, passing him and onto the hallway.
A hand grabbed my shoulder while I slapped it away and turned around with a glare directed towards my perpetrator.
"Do not touch me!" I snapped, crossing my arms defensively.
Lily's face softened a little. "I'm sorry, Mitsuki but--"
"-but what?" I mocked, letting my anger bubble to the surface. I clenched my fists tightly as my shoulders down to my arms and hands began to shake.
"How could you?" I didn't want to sound like a wounded animal but it still came out that way and I almost want to pull my hair for letting my emotions get the better of me.
But I couldn't stop and I was hurting. I wish Onii-sama was here, he would know what to do and he would make me feel better.
Lily took a step forward which made me took a step back.
"Why did no one ever tell me? Why didn't you tell me? Was it so hard to tell me that Misono doesn't remember me or that Misono never received any of my letters? After all these years? So then, I guess the same could be said for my gifts, huh? Were are they, did you burn them all?"
He was about to answer but I shook my head.
"Nevermind. Don't answer that
Don't tell me and just keep silent." Scoffing, I spoke once more.
"••••• don't call me young miss anymore. And I won't call you •••••. It's Lily now, isn't it? Since Ojii-chan passed away and you're Misono's servamp now."
He looked quite sad at hearing my words as he used one arm to hug himself. If times were different, I would have went to hug him so he wouldn't have to feel so lonely, the same way I used to--
"Okay... Mitsuki. " He said in a soft tone which I nodded to but then Lily's next words made my face explode with anger.
"Are you finally coming home--"
I walked away before he could finish his sentence. I could hear him calling for my name and asking me to stop but my legs began to move faster as I was now running once more.
Misono was my home.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Curses don't exist. " Mitsuki said, yawning as she tried not to doze off.
Mitsuki was pretty sure that Sakuya was staring at her incredulously as he took note of her tired posture and sleepy eyes. She looked exhausted and almost on the verge of sleeping at the moment.
Being chased by four people was tiring afterall. Not that Chibi-chan chased her.. He did but it didn't even last ten seconds before he had to sit down.. Kuro was only told by Mahiru to run after her and he made an excuse saying that he's too sore so that's that.
The only real problem was Lily and Mahiru because they actually ran after her. Thank God she was faster. And then cue the drama between her and the Servamp of Lust.
Mitsuki was too emotionally drained to pretend that she was happy right now. She really could use a bed right about now.
"Hm! You're no fun, Mitsuki! But now that I think about that.. You look completely exhausted.. Were you doing something strenuous again? " Sakuya looked at her expectantly.
"Nah! I'm fine! Though if you're offering to carry me, sure! "
"I said no such thing! " Sakuya immediately defended.
"Oh don't be a baby~" She jumped on his back as the greenette yelped in surprise but he was able to hold her securely before she could fall and hurt herself.
"Geez! Girls are suppose to act cute and ask nicely not like this! "He complained.
"Well sorry for being fun. Boo, Sakuya~ Boo~ " She said near his ear, wrapping her arms around his neck securely.
"You're irritating. " He blurted.
"I love you too. " Sakuya blushed at her playful tone.
"Don't joke about that! Anyway, where's Mahiru! You're supposed to be with him today so where is he?! "
"Not sure.. *yawn*"
"Don't sleep on me! Is he keeping the cat?" Sakuya questioned while Mitsuki couldn't help but grin teasingly at his words.
"To think that you're capable of being jealous over a cat. Tsk, tsk. How predictable, Lord Sakuya. "
"I'm not jealous! " He defended, blushing but is thankful that she can't see his embarassed face since she was leaning her head on his shoulder. "Who gets jealous over a cat?! "
"Kuro is cute. "
"So?! He's just a cat. " Sakuya was starting to get miffed by how pushy she was being.
"Just a cat, huh? Is it really just a cat? If you're reacting so strongly like this, you're probably jealous again." Mitsuki has known him long enough to discern his personality so even though he tries to deny it, she could read him like an open book.
"I'm not --"
"It'll probably work on the others but I know a lie when I hear one. " She said, cutting him off. "Add the fact that you're my friend, it only makes it more easy to tell. "
Sakuya carefully registered her words. "You're acting really weird, you know. "
Mitsuki laughed jokingly and buried her face on his back. "Yes, I know~ I'm glad you noticed! "
"That's not really something to be happy about!"
"Mmm.. "
A moment or two passed and it takes Sakuya a few seconds to process that she wasn't responding.
"Mitsuki? " He asked softly.
"....." He received no answer but after a few more seconds, he could hear soft sniffling sounds as the hold on his neck tightened.
Sakuya's eyes widened comically as he glanced behind him to confirm whether his suspicions were correct.
"H-Hey Mitsuki?" Sakuya tried again. "Are you..." He hesitated but asked anyway. "..crying?"
Instead of answering, he heard her sobbing and sniffling quietly. He could feel his shoulder getting damped. Not sure what to do, Sakuya began to panic. Sakuya has never seen Mitsuki cry at all and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do since he's never really seen a girl cry.
"M-Mitsuki?" He said. "Do you want me to carry you h-home?"
At his words, Mitsuki's cries got louder and Sakuya was now panicking wildly as he looked around and for once, he wished Mahiru was here to help him with her.
In the end, he took her to the nearby park and sat her down on the swing.
Sakuya kneeled down infront of her and he grabbed her hands that were covering her face. He gently pried them away to get a better look at her cryint face.
"N-no!" She protested, trying to hide again but he scoffed. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and pulled her hands down again.
"I'm just going to wipe the snot from your face." He joked.
"Huh?! I don't have snot on my face!" Mitsuki screamed indignantly at him, grabbing the handkerchief from his hand and wiping her own face. She turned a little away from Sakuya, still sniffling but the tears finally stopped.
He sighed in relief before looking up to study her expression. He could only see one side of her face since she was trying to avoid looking at him.
Sakuya laughed a little at the small pout on her lips.
"You can be cute afterall, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki turned to him, glaring.
"I'm not cute!" She argued, puffing her cheeks as an angry color of red took over her face.
Sakuya thought that Mitsuki was really cute, knowing that she barely showed this side of her and he was one of the few people privileged enough to see it made him feel a little smug.
"Whatever you say, Mitsuki." He said before his expression became completely serious.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked seriously.
Mitsuki's face dropped at his question, she hastily looked down on her lap and fiddled with her fingers as if they were the most interesting thing there is.
"....no." She said after a short pause.
His brows furrowed and he was about to ask further when she stood up and grabbed his hand, tugging at it as if to make him stand up. He complied quietly.
"Can we go to the aracde today?" She asked, not meeting his eyes.
Sakuya covered his mouth with the back of his hand, an embarrassed look on his face. He really did found Mitsuki cute when she was being this nice and not whiny.
"Okay." He said, agreeing as he took her hand.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Arcade..?" Mitsuki tilted her head. "What is this arcade? Is it edible?"
Sakuya stared blankly at her, unsure of how to react as he assessed her expression for any signs of lying.
And when he noticed that she was telling the truth, he instantly looked mortified.
"W-Wha!!??? How come you don't know what an arcade is?! Have you been living under a rock or something?!"
The moment those word left his mouth, he mentally facepalmed. He was tactless!
So, so tactless!
Mitsuki was now glaring at him with a scowl on her face.
"Commoner." She said tonelessly.
He immediately took three steps backwards.
"You're dead."
♧Inner Demon♧
"Hey, what are you laughing for, Sakuya?! Go get me that snake plushie! I want the black one of course!" Mitsuki demanded, snapping Sakuya out of his memories just in time for her to slap his elbow.
He cringed.
"Is your hand made out of lead?" He asked.
"I know I'm strong, Sakuya~" She beamed proudly.
"It wasn't a compliment!"
She stuck her tongue at him and once again pointed at the snake plushie inside the crane game machine.
"Enough chatter! Go get me my Jeje plushie!" She demanded once more, pressing her face on the glass.
He snorted. "You look weird doing that." He deposited the token inside the machine and placed his hand on the controller, maneuvering the claw towards the snake.
"I don't need your opinion right now."
"Why do you even want a snake plushie? Isn't the rabbit cuter? That's what girls like, don't they? Snakes aren't cute at all."
Mitsuki obviously ignored him because she was watching the claw intently, her eyes fixed on the snake inside.
Sakuya smiled slightly at the sight.
'You want it that badly, huh?'
He wasn't sure if he was going to laugh or make a joke at how Mitsuki was hugging the snake plushie after he managed to win it (by a stroke of luck of course). She was back to her usual cheerful mood as if she'd completely forgotten what happened just a few hours ago.
She also looked at the snake in an obsessed manner.
He was tempted to ask but thought better than to do so.
"Do I have to walk you home now?" Mitsuki slapped his shoulder lightly.
"No need. I'm not a child!" She told him. "And Onii-sama isn't going to like it if he saw a guy with me. It's already quite late."
"Oh you wound me, Mitsuki!" Sakuya faked a hurt look. "Getting rid of me after you've gotten your fill--Hey! That hurts!"
He said, rubbing his head soothingly.
"It's because you're saying such nonsense! "Mitsuki gave him a dirty look as she crossed her arms. "But I guess I have to thank you."
"You can thank me by doing this again tomorrow after school."
Mitsuki's head whipped so fast towards him that it almost hurt to watch it.
"Are you serious?" She asked, face turning red.
"What? Of course I'm being seri--" Sakuya paused before realization dawned on him. He did not just ask Mitsuki on a date.
No he did no--
"Fine!" Mitsuki answered which made him turn to her in surprise this time.
"It's been a while and I miss going out. Don't make me regret this, Sakuya!" She told him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face on his shoulder.
"W-Whaa?!" He panicked but Mitsuki was already pulling away.
"The festival is next week.. You have to attend, okay? You can't miss it!"
Sakuya raised a brow. "I won't miss it, of course. "Then he grinned. "Maybe you'll humor me by wearing a dress during the festival. Mahiru and the others would be so shocked!"
"Oh come on! It's just this once!" He tried once more but then he paused.
"Wait, did you just.."
Mitsuki rolled her eyes at him. "I said okay. I'll wear a stupid dress just this once. "
"Ehhh?!" He exclaimed loudly, unable to contain his surprise.
But she only looked at him once before turning her back and walking off.
He stared at her disappearing form for what seemed like ages, he didn't even know how he managed to go home. He was too bothered with what happened that he ended being oblivious to his surrounding even as he arrived at the hotel.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Miki-chan! " Nii-sama said in a singsong voice. "Why do you look so glum? It's not like you to skip school at all."
I angrily scooped another spoon of ice cream, glaring at him but not answering.
"Do you want to tell Onii-chan about it? " He urged but I kept my mouth shut. I wouldn't even be able to answer since there was so much sweet stuffed inside my mouth.
"Ah! I think I know what's wrong! Boy problems? "Another voice said from behind me.
"Johann! " My brother exclaimed. "I told you to stop coming inside of the shop! You're not allowed to breathe the same air as my Miki-chan!"
"Ahaha! But I'm right, aren't I? " Glasses said in as a matter of fact tone.
It only made my mood worsened and it doesn't help that Mahiru is bombarding my phone with messages.
I think he even coaxed Ryuusei and Koyuki into texting me because I'm 99.999% sure that half of the messages in my phone belongs to Mahiru while the other half belongs to the two.
Such a worrywart. But I'd be lying if I said that I was fine.
"You.. You think she has a boy--No! I can't bring myself to finish! My kawaii imouto can't be--! " My brother said, drowning in his hysterics again.
"She's already at that age. It's normal."
"What are you saying?! She's way too young!!! My Miki-chan isn't allowed to get any boyfriend until she's fifty and wrinkly!! That's final! "
I stared at my brother with a look of utter disbelief before gulping down my food.
"That would never happen.. "I murmured softly but Nii-sama seems to have enhanced hearing because his face is now infront of me, way too close for comfort.
"Miki-chan! Don't be like that! You have to listen to Onii-chan, okay? "
I turned away. "I guess I could turn fifty.. But not wrinkly.. It just won't happen."
There was an awkward silence that suddenly befall around us.
"Ah... Now you've seriously done it, MikuMiku. " Glasses-kun blurted, I could see my brother's face turning solemn.
He looked extremely guilty which made me shift from position, my discomfort growing.
Don't look as if it's you're fault.
"Jeje-san! " I suddenly pointed when the Servamp of Envy came, I stood up and went to him.
This place is way too suffocating.
"Onii-sama and Glasses-kun are being annoying. Let's go to a park, away from them! "
"What?! Jeje, you can't take my Miki-chan away! " My brother protested but I was already latching myself on the Servamp who seems happy enough to get away from both his Eve and the crazy vampire scholar.
"Onwards! To freedom! " The Servamp of Envy nodded, carrying me away as we got out of the antique shop, ignoring my brother's plea and shouts.
Jeje and I are at our best place, a rooftop where we could see the city lights and the sunset. There was a nice shade so he wouldn't have to worry about turning into his animal form.
It was already near nightime anyway. And it wasn't that far so the distance limit is fine.
"Jeje-san... I just met Chibi-chan again.. " I suddenly confessed, he glanced at me.
"...you didn't tell anyone?" He said in a low voice but he didn't sound accusing or anything.
I shrugged. "Onii-sama will know soon enough. I have a feeling that they're going to meet again very soon."
"...hn. " I appreciated the silence. The Servamp of Envy was unlike my brother so it was always a habit of mine to tell him a few things going inside my mind along with my secrets because I know that he won't tell Nii-sama or anyone about it.
To be honest, I trust him more than anyone right now.
Even though he was the one who killed..
"Does Jeje-san wants a picture of Onii-sama?" I said suggestively because it meant that I was willing to show one of my cards for blackmailing.
Jeje seemed to have taken interest, he's probably going to use it against Nii-sama if he decides to back down on his promise. Nii-sama always lies to Jeje about blood.
I don't really care. I don't want to be bothered by such things about vampires anymore.
But I can't just ignore Mahiru.
My phone buzzed and I fished it out from my pocket to look at the message.
"He did not just-"
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