C14: We Were Friends♧
♧Inner Demon♧
Dear Mama,
I'm glad that I could protect Misono. Are you proud of me?
I got hurt but I'll be fine!
I just need to rest and drink my medicine to recover. Onii-sama is no doubt going to ground me but I'm too happy to care.
Tell him to take it easy on me please.
M. A.
♧Inner Demon♧
["We're friends, right?" ]
Sakuya took a deep breath, absentmindedly rubbing the sore area while staring at the distance as he reminisced something from the past.
♧Inner Demon♧
"I have a younger brother or rather... I used to have one."
"Really..? Well... I used to have a sister. Ahaha.. B-But that's all in the past now, right?"
"Yeah... The past."
"Mitsuki.. ? Why the glum look on your face?"
"Are you saying I look ugly?"
"Huh?! No! I was asking if you're okay!"
"...are you?...."
"....Not really.."
♧Inner Demon♧
Mahiru was still shaking from the aftermath, a mixture of fear, surprise and shock were written all over his face. He also felt extremely worried for Mitsuki who was leaning on the wall, wide awake as she hugged her body with one arm.
How she was able to remain awake with her wounds was beyond him though Mitsuki was passed out for a while and only woke up because of the noise coming from multiple gunshots.
She should've accepted Lily's offer and went to the hospital but he couldn't understand why Mitsuki stubbornly refused.
In the end, Misono still got injured on his arm but it wasn't life threatening. His weak body made him collapse and he had to go to the hospital. Mitsuki would also be at the hospital by now but why did she insist to stay. She also refused to be touched by Lily and the others.
Mahiru clenched his fists, guilt coursing through his body, it was so much that he felt it would burst.
Didn't he say that he would protect his friends?
Because they were his family since he have no parents?
Didn't he say that he didn't want them to be in danger just because of his selfishness?
Mahiru's body trembled from frustration and anger, blaming himself for getting Mitsuki and Misono hurt. And Kuro turned into that thing because his resolve was weak and he was undecided.
What kind of friend was he?
How could Mahiru let them get hurt like this?
And Sakuya...
Sakuya, he lied..
Mahiru felt overwhelmed as he inhaled deeply, not knowing where to start first.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Mahiru! Give me your hand!" A distant voice shouted but it seemed so far away.
My body felt cold.
"Sakuya," Another voice said, monotonous. "Saving the enemy is a problem."
"Shut up! Mahiru, hurry! Order him to just kill me! I lied to you because I wanted you to kill me!"
A gunshot sounded and almost as if it was a wake up call, I was suddenly very much aware that I was hurting in various places and I was feeliing very, very cold.
My fingers twitched as I mustered the strength to open my eyelids. They felt so heavy as I did so, even moving slightly was enough to send bolts of pain coursing through my body.
Something even more cold touched my face, specifically my cheek and my eyes moved to see who it was that was touching me.
"Young miss?" A familiar voice said. My eyes narrowed slightly, focusing at the hazy image infront of me before it finally cleared and I noticed the distinct blonde hair of the servamp.
"L-Lily?" I croaked, my mouth suddenly dry.
There was a look of relief in his eyes as he regarded me. I heard more gunshots in the background which made my lips twitched.
"Young miss, we're going to take you to the hospital now."
Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to sit up.
"Mitsuki, you're hurt, don't move--"
"Don't touch me. "I snapped which caused the hand reaching towards me to stop.
"I'm staying. "I told him in a firm tone, not leaving any room for argument. But he didn't seem to be having it.
"Young miss, you're badly hurt and you lost a of blood, please you need go to a hospital. Misono would also be there, recovering."
My eyes widened at what Lily told me.
"Misono got hurt?" I stiffened, turning to him.
"Yes but--" I shook my head and forced myself to stand up, slapping his hand away when he tried to assist me.
"Go. Misono needs you. I'm fine." I gritted out, clutching my arm as I leaned on the wall. Lily stared at me with disbelief in his eyes, I glared at him.
"I said go, Lily!"
He flinched at my tone before backing away.
"Miki-nee-chan, you're hurt!" I caught sight of the twins who was staring at me worriedly. I felt bad for making them feel that way but I only nodded.
"Please get Misono to the hospital." I told them.
Lily was carrying Misono but his eyes lingered on me as if torned while I remained quiet, getting in the car, it taking off seconds after.
As soon as they left, I looked around to find where Mahiru is. I limped towards him while the brunette wasted no time to meet me halfway, placing his arms around me just as I slumped forward.
"Why didn't you go with them?! Your injuries are grave and you've lost too much blood!" He said in a pained tone, threatening to cry.
"You and Misono... It's all my fault..!"
I blinked tiredly at him.
"It isn't your fault. Sakuya tricked you.. and our decisions were our own responsibility. "I wanted to say more but I was suddenly feeling very tired.
"Mitsuki is right. A person has to take full responsibility for their own actions." That voice... "I'm sure Alicein Misono was fully aware of that when he took action. Nice to meet you, young man. This is the Servamp of Envy, Doubt Doubt."
I looked up.
"And I'm his Eve. A poor antique dealer who's hobby is to travel around the world."
As soon as he was done with his introduction, I felt myself getting pulled away from Mahiru, a pair of arms carrying me.
"Jeje-san?" I muttered, seeing the robes. Just as I spoke, someone's face was suddenly infront of me, too close for my liking.
"Miki-chan, are you okay!?" Onii-sama said. "It's fine! Onii-chan is here now so you don't have to feel scared! Here, swallow this!"
I felt something press against my lips and I made a face before swallowing the pill.
"..is she okay?" Mahiru managed to asked.
"Not to worry, young man! Mitsuki's a very tough girl, she'll be recovering soon. I've given her a special medicine. "
"Mitsuki, I'm sorry." I heard Mahiru say.
"I told you.. It's not your fault. "I said, his face still dejected.
"But still.."
"Ahh!! "My brother suddenly shrieked. "What's with that look?!"
Mahiru almost jumped from fright
at the loud voice.
"Don't look at her with those lewd eyes! She's only 15! How could you, pervert!!" Onii-sama drowned in his hysterics pointedly shielding me away from Mahiru's lewd eyes.
I would have shouted back at my brother but my eyelids were getting a little heavy for my liking. I could feel the pain ebbing away and I noticed that after a few more seconds, my body no longer felt any pain.
As expected, that amount of induced regeneration would drain me of all my stamina, any remaining amount of energy that I have was barely keeping me awake at this point.
"Who is?!" The brunette protested just as I opened my mouth to explain.
"This is my brother." I told him as my eyes promptly closed, my consciousness slowly leaving me.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Huh..?"Mahiru said dumbfoundedly as he stared at the sleeping girl.
"Ah yes! You must be surprised. Mitsuki is my kawaii imouto!" The blonde man extended his hand. "Thank you for looking after her."
"What?! You don't look alike at all!" Mahiru paused, completely bewildered at how different they look. Just from the hair color and eyes, it was already hard to decipher that the two were related.
But thinking deeply, MAHIRU realized that Mitsuki's habits....
["How shameful! Its despicable! Those eyes, such shamelessness! I can't believe this! " She yelled indignantly while giving him a disgusted look.
"--Eh? " Mahiru suddenly turned to her in shock. "Mitsuki, what is --??
"Stop staring at Mahiru with those lecherous eyes, FIEND! I won't allow it! I simply will not stand idly by as you stare at him with such perversion, pervert! "
"EHHH?! " ]
Yes..Mitsuki's habits ....
[ "You..! " She suddenly uttered, pointedly narrowing her eyes at him.
"Uh... S-Sorry! I didn't mean to sta--"
"What's with that look? " She said in an irritated voice, halting his words. "Tch! How shameful and shameless! Staring at a girl with such vulgar eyes! Pervert! "
"WHAAAAT!??" He exclaimed in shock.
"You're despicable. "
"I w-wasn't! Who would do that?! You got it all wrong! " ]
"Ah!! So that's why Mitsuki used to act that way!!!!" Mahiru suddenly exclaimed.
"You're really Mitsuki's brother? The one she always talks about? The one she calls annoying and too affectionate??" He inquired nonstop but paused midway as Mahiru realized just what he had blurted.
"Ahaha! I know Mitsuki is in good hands. If she's comfortable enough to tell you that she has a brother, then you must really be someone she trusts a lot."Mitsuki's brother told him.
Mahiru rubbed his neck, completely flattered by the statement.
"But more importantly, Miki-chan thinks I'm annoying, overly affectionate and loud?! Lies!" The dealer pointedly raised his chin. "My kawaii imouto loves me too much to say such mean things!"
"I'm s-sorry!"Mahiru apologized.
"Hmm, I guess Miki-chan is just being rebellious. She's at that age afterall." The antique dealer said. He, then, put the doll's mouth to his, him nodding as he spoke, "Abel thinks so, too! Huh?"
He listened to the doll once more, as if it was actually speaking to him. "Can we trust this young man? He seemed so angry before? Hahahahahaha! We can trust him, Abel! You worry so much!"
Mahiru just gave the guy a weird look, a thought crossing his mind, "Another weird person..." Now he understands why Mitsuki complains how annoying her brother is and how she hates dolls so much. It was because of this guy, he couldn't really fault her for feeling that way.
The antique dealer suddenly gasped, like he'd just discovered something, "That gaze! Don't look at my Abel with those lustful eyes! You pervert! She's a doll! You were already leering at my Miki-chan! How could you!"
"WHO IS?!" Mahiru protested loudly, shocked at the accusation.
The comical scene faded in an instant, though, when a bullet nearly pierced the blonde's head, it going through his hat instead. The Servamp of Envy, was upset, clearly, even as he held the sleeping form of Mitsuki using only one arm, showing a surprising amount of arm strength.
"Why don't you keep your promise?"
The antique dealer just turned to the servamp, a wicked smirk on his face. "Huh? What do you mean?"
His servamp, however, didn't find it amusing at all. He just fired at his Eve, going through who knows how many rounds of ammunition and Mahiru is wondering why Mitsuki hasn't woken up again from all the commotion.
"Jeje, you're so scary!" The dealer said, evading the bullets easily. "You're going to wake Miki-chan if you keep doing that!"
After that, Mahiru could see the Servamp of Envy seemingly sulking at the corner while still holding Mitsuki dutifully.
"Jeje always immediately shoots. Really scary, right, Abel?"
The dealer then picked up Kuro and handed him to Mahiru.
"Your cat. I do wish I could've broken Tsubaki's subclass while I was at it."
Mahiru stiffened, completely stunned by the older man's words.
"It would have been better if you just listened to that Sakuya and killed him." The Eve of Envy shockingly said in a dark tone. "Afterall, it was his wish to die by your hands."
He then approached Mitsuki's sleeping form as his servamp seemed to give him a glare through the hole of his bag. The dealer placed a hand on Mitsuki's cheek, his lips quirked downward.
"Even Mitsuki, despite her indifference, isn't capable of killing someone so close to her. That person was your friend, right? The two of you, I mean. "
Mahiru seemed to deflate at his next set of words.
"Isn't it good to know you lack the resolve for something like that? Of course you didn't have the resolve to break your friend. That's good though." The dealer added. "So that's why, I'll teach you how to undo the contract between a servamp. But in return, you'll give me this Sloth-bear, okay?"
Mahiru just stared, not bothering to answer so the man kept going. "You see, I'm a busybody, someone who enjoys butting in and I thought you might be regretting your choice to form the contract. After all, you never thought things would turn out this way, right? The moment you lose control of your power and fear it, the Servamp will gobble you up whole, skins and bones."
He then smiled. "But I don't want that to happen. Contact me if you feel it. You'll go back to being a normal student. As for Mitsuki..." He trailed off, a vacant look on his face as he gazed at the sleeping figure.
"Mitsuki isn't always like that." The Eve of Envy said while holding his that.
"I'm surprised that she actually has friends. Whether it was a good or bad thing...." The brunette gulped when the older man eyed him with a sickly sweet smile.
"Anyway! As her Onii-chan, I'm really happy that you're taking good care of Mitsuki. However, for yours and her sake, leave her alone. She almost died today, that would be very bad."
"Who are you..?"
"Ah. I'm just a simple antique dealer! Isn't that right, Abel?"
♧Inner Demon♧
"Kuro." The brunette said. "I haven't heard a single thing about Mitsuki ever since then. It's usually not like this.." He was frowning.
"Mitsuki started acting strange ever since the vampire incident...no..it was when.."
..they met Kuro.
Thinking simply ...
The Mitsuki he knew would always be the first to call for him, asking if he was okay and then he would fret since it was supposed to be the other way around.
She was a worrywart even if she denies it and since she was still quite prideful, she'd never admit it to his face.
"Mahiru, aren't you going to school?" The servamp asked, peering from the door.
Mahiru didn't move."How are your wounds?"
"Huh? They're all healed up. I'm a vampire afterall."
"Yeah.. You're a vampire, afterall."
Kuro opened his mouth."Do you regret taking me in?"
"Shut up."
The brunette heard the Servamp leaving. He didn't regret taking the feline in. Regretting things after doing them is what he hated the most. Mahiru just didn't know what to do.
'What is power?'
Mahiru thought that if he had power, he could reach out and help them.
Even now, he could barely register what happened that night.
Both Mitsuki and Sakuya..
They were similar yet so different in many ways.
Mitsuki who was very protective over him, the heterochromatic girl who values her friends above all else.
She looked so different when she exchange words with Sakuya.
The expression on her face, the frustration and disappointment she felt.
Mahiru could see them on her face and no one had probably noticed it but she looked like she was about to cry yet her gaze hardened and she steeled her expression. It was still all very familiar.
It meant something on the lines of 'Why? Why did you do it?'.
Mahiru has only seen Mitsuki cry once ever since he met her because she was too stubborn to show any signs of vulnerability. And she only cried because it was a rainy day that time. The thunder and lightning were so loud and bright that Mitsuki broke down infront of him, absolutely terrified.
Mahiru could only comfort her and it was Sakuya who managed to cheer her up, lending his headphones and giving her a lollipop.
Mahiru has always been aware that even if Sakuya and Mitsuki bantered all the time, it was their way of communicating and getting along.
Though the two of them would never admit it out allowed, it was so unmistakably true that the two value each other a lot. Even Kouyuki and Ryuusei were very aware of this strange friendship going on between the two.
As for Sakuya, if Mahiru decides to go to school now, he wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye anymore because now, he knows that Sakuya would most likely be gone along with everyone's memories of him.
[ "What to use my power for? " Mahiru asked himself while looking at his wristband.
"Sakuya got that for you, right? " Mahiru looked up.
"Huh? Oh yeah. And this power, I want to protect those around me. My friends whom I've known like a family since I don't really have any parents. "
Mitsuki smiled softly at that. "Then use that. It can be your purpose for using your power for. But what about the others?"
"Huh? "
"Nothing. "She immediately smiled while Kuro stared at her.
"But I guess I'll start with that. Protecting my friends!" Mahiru said aloud. ]
Mahiru didn't know why he suddenly remembered Mitsuki's words but as he immersed himself inside the memory, he could see how the heterochromatic girl's smile faltered for a brief millisecond.
He remembered her brother's words, and a sense of foreboding came onto him.
[ "However, for yours and her sake, leave her alone." ]
A chill went down his spine and his eyes blew wide, out of terror or fear, that he might lose his friend.
[ "I'm glad I met you, Mahiru." ]
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