C11: Relationships♧
♧Inner Demon♧
Dear Mama,
One of my friends is being stupid. He's been acting off these past few days and I'm trying my best to reach him but he seems so far away.
He used to confide in me so I wonder what went wrong?
Was I being too pushy?
I've kept his secret safe so I don't know what I did that made him distance himself.
M. A.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Yo! Mahiru, you called for me?" Sakuya shouted as he entered the classroom.
The brunette perked up, his hands immediately darting to grab someone's wrist. He marched towards Sakuya while his other friend reluctantly came with him.
"Sakuya, remember when I told you that I have another best friend?"
Sakuya blinked as his eyes immediately landed on the figure next to Mahiru. What he saw made his eyes widened.
"This is her. Her name is..."
♧Inner Demon♧
'Tai-chan' grunted and handed me the tea, I stared at the hot liquid, steam rising from the surface while I sat formally in my seat like a dignified noble.
If Mahiru and the others saw me, they would probably think twice before believing that such a behave and well-mannered female was the same person that always joked around with them like a crazy idiot. In my defense, it's been so long since I've resumed acting so formally.
Mahiru and the others were so calming to be around that I could actually let my guard down for once and not care what others would think about.
But I wasn't Mahiru nor was I Sakuya, so I wouldn't know the full extent of their reactions. Who knows? They might just surprise me or was it the other way around?
It has been exactly three months since I've been here anyway and those three months of absence have been really eventful thanks to my frequent encounter of the supernatural.
Things have certainly changed ever since the vampire incident and I am quite aware that it will continue to do so until the next few days.. Maybe weeks or months....
I don't really know for sure since there seems to be a lot of variables, some unpredictable and some easily influenced.
Though it is quite fun to watch them, 'Tai-chan' doesn't share the same humor as me.
He only has his goal in mind.
"I heard from Tsurugi that you called. Pity. Why not call me instead? "He asked, lighting his cigarette with a lighter, my nose scrunching up in disgust at the sign of smoke in the well-ventilated room.
He noticed my reaction and seemed to have find amusement in it because he purposely exhaled the smoke from his mouth right on my face, not even caring how disgusting and irritating it was.
I screeched in a high pitched voice and jumped away, fanning the smoke away with my hands using exaggerated movements.
He of all people knew how much I hated smoking and smoke in general. I made sure to show my distaste by giving him a pointed look, showing just how impressed I was of such behavior coming from someone like an adult such as him.
I stared for a few seconds before sitting back across from him, my eyes never leaving his form. How he was able to remain so casual yet intimidating is beyond me.
What a frightening man.
"Relax. It won't affect you so stop being so dramatic. " He exhaled more smoke as he skimmed over my distraught figure as if assessing me which is exactly what he's doing.
I gave him a warning glare before seating down more properly, pointedly conveying how insensitive and inconsiderate that sounded coming from him through my indifference.
His lack of concern for my situation and predicament is not surprising since he has always been like this. It took me a while to get used to his personality and even then, I could say that I have very little tolerance towards this man.
"Lately, you and Tsurugi... "He started casually, leaning on his chair languidly and staring at my drink with a blank gaze. "....have been very insufferable."
I didn't visibly react to his comment because I knew that he must've said something similar to Tsurugi-senpai before he even talked to me.
He then locked gazes with me, the movement saying a lot of unsaid and important things between me and him. "I'm trying to be nice. Don't make me do unnecessary things, okay? "
It was Tai-chan's way of saying : Don't make me angry.
I resisted the urge to clench my fists and say something snarky. For once, in my whole life, I wasn't able to talk back like I used to. It's as though all of my courage was suddenly thrown out of the window.
The utter helplessness I was feeling and the risks that was at stake was simply too much to put into words, I was weighing my options since I didn't want to make a mistake.
One wrong move could spell trouble, though I briefly wonder how Tsurugi-senpai could deal with such a ruthless man.
I know that 'Tai-chan' raised him and that he was indebted to him but I only knew so little based from the stories that Yumi-senpai and Jun-senpai has been drilling on me.
And even then, they were still a little aloof about the topic despite my probing.
"But I'm a very patient person. "He admitted, not caring how presumptuous that sounded from him. "And I'm actually very fond of you---"Bullshit.
"--So let's come to an agreement, ne...Miki? "His voice made my ears burned in fury and anger, hearing him call my name so familiarly made my insides churn in a direction I don't like.
Yet no matter how angry and horrified I felt, I remained emotionless. The only form of answer I made was a simple and slow nod, the movement itself calculated and not wasted.
Unnecessary movements were of course, unnecessary. It's common sense.
He smirked at my obedience because he knew that I have no power or rather, lack the will power to go against him.
And I hated it.
I hate this man and everything else about him.
But I also felt sympathetic, a mistake that needs to be corrected because why should I feel sympathy towards a monster?
Hah. It's ironic to call him that since I'm one myself but he's a different kind of monster, a monster that would even kill or lay a hand on a woman just to fulfill his goals.
A truly frightening man indeed.
The only thing that was truly keeping me from deserting was the fact that he saved my life once.
♧Inner Demon♧
It was the first time he saw her that he felt an unusual flutter of nerves. She smelled like roses and peaches, a distinct smell that made her stand out from the faceless mob.
She did not spare a glance his way, merely acknowledging his presence due to Mahiru's presence.
"Hn. Alicein Mitsuki. "She briefly said in an emotionless voice, arms crossed while looking away as if there was something very interesting in the distance.
He sweatdropped and nervously rubbed his neck.
"A-Ah! W-Watanuki Sakuya! It's a pleasure to meet you! Mahiru has told me a lot about you!" He squeaked, inwardly cringing at how nervous he sounded.
Afterall, first impressions last.
He waited for a response that nearly a minute has passed.
Mahiru, the kind brunette, was finally through of the waiting game.
"Ugh! Mitsuki! Don't ignore people, okay! You're suppose to say 'It's a pleasure to meet you, too!' "The brunette explained. "Now, let's try again."
Sakuya nervously laughed. "You have zero people skills, don't you?"
The glare that he received nearly made him ran.
"Ehh..! Don't scare him! Sakuya is really nice! He might be loud and annoying but he's a good friend!" Though he was touched that Mahiru thought of him as a friend, calling him loud and annoying infront of the crossdesser is really uncalled for.
Annoyed, she finally stared at him. "Commoner --"He visibly cringed at the title.
"--let's make something clear. I have no intentions to befriend an extra--"
Why does she feel the need to insult him? He thought, mildly irritated.
"-- like you even if you're Mahiru's friend. So don't try to act so familiarly around me, got that?"
"Err.. so what should I call you then..?"
"Alicein." She said in perfect English.
"Arisuin..?" He repeated in lame Japanese.
"Hih!" He took a step back when she narrowed her eyes.
"You have zero fluency in English. That's pathetic."
"Mitsuki!!!!" Mahiru cried hysterically, a scolding look sporting on his face.
♧Inner Demon♧
"Wait a second.. "Mahiru stopped walking while Mitsuki glanced worriedly his way.
They have decided to go find and meet Sakuya since he's been missing school lately.
Obviously, as his friends, they were worried and has planned to knock some sense into him, but that idea was suggested by Mitsuki herself.
Mahiru, knowing that you can't argue with the stubborn girl, has conceded without much resistance.
"The house of Sakuya, where was it?" The brunette asked absentmindedly and he looked as though he wasn't even aware that he said that out loud.
"Ah well! I'm sure that you'll remember once we get going!" Mitsuki cheered, her right hand carrying the bento that Mahiru made.
Of course, she decided to help him but knowing her cooking skills that were as nonexistent as her grade in history, got her kicked out of the kitchen without any questions asked.
"Eh..? But w-wait..! What am I saying? I've been there countless of times before! Huh...? " Mahiru paused. "When was I even there..? "
The brunette looked as though his memory was failing him.
"Mahiru? " Mitsuki asked as she shared a look with Kuro.
"Hey.. Mahiru.. "The feline said, looking quite troubled of his Eve's weird behavior.
The brunette clutched his throbbing head. Different questions were emerging inside his head one by one as if his whole knowledge regarding Sakuya was nothing but a pigment of his imagination.
Were they even real?
'What am I even thinking? ' Mahiru thought.
'Sakuya is my childhood friend! Wait.. Since when did we know each other? ' He questioned, dread filling him in.
'Are we even childhood friends..? ' At that question, pain made its way to his body.
"Somehow... My... head hurts.."Mahiru mumbled uncomfortably, head aching as he continued to question himself about his friend.
'He's always been by my side!.... Huh? Always with me.... Is that even true..? Rubbish. Of course, he's been with.. '
"Mahiru..."Kuro called again but it seemed that Mahiru didn't heard him.
'Was that.... Was that even real? '
He asked himself as his image of Sakuya shattered inside his head like broken pieces of glass.
Mitsuki was eyeing him with a frown as Mahiru looked up in a dazed state.
"Huh? "His eyes grew wide slowly. "Who was Sakuya again? "
Mitsuki stiffened.
"Mahiru! "She shouted with urgency, but what snapped Mahiru out of his little episode was a hand grabbing his shoulder.
It was Sakuya, who looked just as equally surprised and shocked, not his usual goofy expression or shit-eating grin. Mitsuki immediately showed her irritation by punching him in the arm.
Sakuya hissed in pain. "Ow! What was that for?! You punch like an ox! "
She merely huffed at him. "I told you not to make people worried! Geez!"
Sakuya showed his shock, he recovered immediately by rubbing the back of his neck and smiling lightly. "Ah yeah.. But what's wrong with you and Mahiru? What are you two doing here? "
"More importantly, why didn't you go to school lately! "The brunette demanded, finally having the wits to react after all that confusion.
"Well, you see... "Sakuya said. "I told you that vampires appeared in this area, right? I was actually attacked by one! I could barely escape and I was so scared that I wasn't able to leave my house again! " Throughout his story, Mitsuki looked indifferent while Kuro looked distrustful of Sakuya.
"Now.. How much of that was a lie? " Mitsuki didn't know when or how Mahiru did it, but the bento was magically in his hands as he dropped it on top of Sakuya's head.
Sakuya actually hunkered forward as though the bento weighed a ton!
"I knew you'd say that! Here, a bento!"
"You're telling those lies again! "
Mitsuki crossed her arms and pouted. "I told you before.. If you're going to lie, atleast make an effort to look or sound convincing... " She said in an unimpressed tone. "I'm so mad at you right now.."
Sakuya stiffened. "Y-Yeah. Sorry about that..." He then grinned. "I recalled what you said... "
Mitsuki's looked vey displeased. "I told you to tell me and the others... Does it even matter to you that Mahiru was so worried he couldn't stop asking about you? Even Ryuusei and Kouyuki were wondering if you're okay. And what about me, I saw you last and you were being so distant!"
Sakuya looked away, a guilty look on his face.
She huffed."Is that the only thing you're going to say?!"
"Hey, Mitsuki! Let's calm down first, okay? I'm sure that Sakuya has his reasons.." Mahiru said, placing a hand on her shoulder but it looked like she wasn't hearing any of it.
"Sakuya, you--" Mitsuki's words were suddenly cut out by a loud scream somewhere.
Both Mahiru and Mitsuki snapped their gazes towards the attention but there isn't much time to move when Sakuya grabbed both their wrists and started running towards an alley.
"This way! "Sakuya said.
"Where are we going?! "Mahiru shouted.
"What is going on?!" Mitsuki asked him as her legs run, trying to keep pace with Sakuya. She didn't understand why he was taking them in such a secluded area.
"It's alright. I'm your friend. "Sakuya reassured. "You can trust me. I won't betray you. "
Mitsuki's brows furrowed. Why would he say that?
Finally, once they stopped into an open area, Sakuya released their wrists.
"Why are we here, Sakuya?"
"Mitsuki. " Sakuya suddenly said aloud with his back still turned to them.
"Shut up." She paused, lips pressed into a thin line before erupting into laughter.
She laughed for quite some time before finally recovering.
"Ahaha! Really.... ! You're not the boss of me. I don't follow anyone but Tai-chan!" She loudly retorted.
"Who's Tai-chan..?" Mahiru questioned but Sakuya cut him off.
"Do you trust me...? Mahiru, Mitsuki?" Mahiru looked quite alarmed by what Sakuya said while Mitsuki merely frowned.
"What a ridiculous question. " Mitsuki answered.
"If I didn't trust you, I would have never befriended you."
Sakuya closed his eyes shut at that before he clenched his fists, trying to maintain his calm composure.
[ "Commoner, don't be ridiculous." ]
"If you trusted me, you wouldn't lie, right?"
"You're being kinda off again... Did something happened..?" Mahiru questioned worriedly.
Said girl frowned.
The brunette felt nervous hearing his name.
And just as Sakuya spoke, a slew of strings came down, wrapping around their limbs and capturing them as Mitsuki, Mahiru and Kuro hovered in midair.
"To what extent, is our relationship a lie?"
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