"He didn't say much when he called. Just that he was okay and he's still looking for his dad." Jamie says
"At least he's alive." Sienna sighs, "Now you can have fun with your family."
"Yeah, about that." Jamie chuckles humorlessly, "I think I'm gonna come home early."
Sienna gasps as she sits up, "Seriously?"
"Yeah. I just, had unrealistic expectations of being here and it's getting exhausting hoping for something that won't come."
"Well, JJ, there's other family over there that care about you."
"And I have family over there, too."
"Well, whatever you decide to do, I'll support it." Sienna nods, "But if you do come home early, I will be very excited."
Jamie laughs, "Aren't you having fun with Eli? You guys aren't doing a bunch of couple stuff?"
"We went to the movies yesterday and that was fun. He wants to take me to Golf-n-Stuff later too."
"And you're going right?"
"Of course I am. I'd be a bad girlfriend if I didn't."
"You know it's actually a nice change to see you actually caring about your boyfriend."
"It's actually weird to care and put in effort." Sienna says as Jamie chuckles, "It's different though. It's like I can feel that he actually cares about me and not my social status like the other guys."
"Yeah, I get it. I'm happy to see you actually happy with someone for once."
"Don't get all sappy please." Sienna cringes as Jamie shakes her head with a small smile
Eli and Sienna close the car door as they get out at Golf-n-Stuff. As they walk up to the curb, Sienna stops. Eli turns to her with a frown, "What?"
"I have a feeling."
Eli's frown deepens as he walks closer, "A feeling?"
"What kind of feeling?"
"A feeling someone that I don't like is here." Sienna says
"What is that like a super power?" Eli chuckles
"I'm serious, Eli." Sienna sighs
"Okay, okay." He says setting his hands on her arms, "You wanna go somewhere else?"
Sienna sighs, "No."
"No. Let's just go." She says holding her arm out toward the building
"If you wanna leave, we'll leave." He says as they enter the building.
The night went on with the two having a lot more fun than Sienna thought they would. Any feeling she had of someone being here, disappeared. Which was strange to her because she was never wrong about things like this.
Eli had just won another game and he was waiting for the tickets to finish coming out. Sienna stood beside him as they laughed at a joke she told.
"Well, look who it is."
They both turn and Sienna's good mood quickly diminishes.
"Your bestie skip town? Couldn't handle losing the All-Valley could she?" Priscilla says with a fake pout. A guy from Cobra Kai chuckling behind her.
"From what I remember she kicked your ass with flying colors. Keep talking shit about her and I'll be skipping rocks with your teeth." Sienna says stepping closer
"Okay." Eli says stepping in front of her, "Let's calm down."
"She didn't kick my ass. I could easily beat her."
"So, why didn't you?" Sienna says tilting her head. Priscilla huffs as Sienna raises her brows waiting for an answer, "Exactly because you can't."
"You know what?" Priscilla says holding her arms up, "I don't have time for this. Tell your friend to watch her back."
Sienna goes at her, but Eli holds her back. Priscilla turns away her friend following her.
"I told you." Sienna says looking up at Eli, "I knew there was someone here. I told you."
"Yeah, okay. Let's go get the prizes before you kill somebody." He says turning her around and leading her toward the prize counter.
Nevaeh was usually home alone. Her dad dealing with deadlines and business proposals 24/7 and her mom trying to preoccupy herself with anything to deal with the fact that her husband was never home, didn't leave much time for her with her parents.
Sienna always had some kind of plan happening with someone. Now that she actually had a boyfriend, she was out even more. Especially considering the fact that it was summer.
Of course, Nevaeh had friends, but she was also only 14. Meaning her friends' parents wouldn't just let them be out any time of night even though currently it was only around 9. Fortunately, and unfortunately, for Nevaeh, her parents didn't care much.
So, Nevaeh decided she would take a walk somewhere. Eventually, she ended up at the park sitting at a bench by herself. A few couples or groups of friends would pass her on the trail.
She sighs as she looks around. Her eyes watching a party go on across from her. Her legs swinging back and forth as she looked around. She almost jumps as she turns to her left and sees someone standing near the bench.
"Jesus, LaRusso, you scared the shit out of me."
"Sorry." He says, "What are you doing?"
"Sitting on a bench." She sasses, "If it wasn't obvious."
"Obviously you're sitting on a bench, Miranda." He sasses back, "I meant why are you in a park by yourself at 9 o'clock at night?"
"Because I want to be." She shrugs, "Is that a crime?"
Anthony chuckles humorlessly, "That's the last time I ever try to wonder about you."
Nevaeh rolls her eyes as she looks away. She turns back quickly as she feels the bench shift.
"Why are you sitting here?" She groans
"Because I want to." He says, "Is that a crime?"
"Haha." She says sarcastically, "You know there's like 20 different benches you could've sat on."
"Yeah." He sighs, "But I want to sit on this one."
"Because it's a public bench." He says before he smiles, "And you don't want me sitting here."
Nevaeh squints as he smiles at her. She sighs deeply as she turns away from him. Anthony's eyes linger on her before he looks elsewhere.
After talking with Sienna, Jamie decided she would go home early. Of course, her grandmother was a little upset, but she really had no choice but to accept Jamie's decision. She was in the middle of packing her bags when she got a knock on her door.
"Come in." She says without turning to them. The door opens and she hears the person enter, "I'm almost done grandma. I should be ready for-"
The girl turns and her heart drops. Standing a couple of feet away from her was someone she hadn't seen in almost 6 years, "Dad."
"Hey, Jamie." The man smiles
Jamie couldn't believe it. She'd almost forgotten what he looked like. He was tall, his hair short as it sat on top of his head in crazy curls. He was tan with brown eyes and scruff. He looked a little different than what she could remember, but she knew it was him.
"Oh my god." She says softly as she walks toward him.
Jamie wraps her arms around him and he hugs back. She had a million questions and didn't even know where to start. She pulls away and looks up at him, "How are you-"
"I came to see you. Your grandmother said you wanted to leave. I wanted to come visit, but I was just so caught up with things."
"Wait." Jamie shakes her head, "I'm confused. Are you telling me that this whole time I thought you were being stationed so many different places, you were here?"
Her dad sighs, "Jamie, I stopped re-enlisting about 4 years ago."
Jamie frowns, "What?"
"The last time I saw you, I told you I was leaving and I was. I was stationed for about a year and a half. When I came back, I didn't reenlist."
"So, then where were you this whole time?" She notices his hesitancy, "Dad?"
"I've been here with my family, Jamie."
"I've been here too and I haven't seen you-"
"My wife and kids." He mutters. Jamie's breath hitches. She instantly feels the tears start to fall, but she could care enough to stop them, "I wanted to tell you, Jamie, but I didn't know how."
"So, you left me all alone. Made mom lie to me for years and have her break her back to take care of me by herself. Just so you could go off and have another family?" She scoffs
"It wasn't on purpose. I wanted to, but I just couldn't. There was too much going on with my family-"
"I'm your family!" She cries. The man goes silent, "I was your daughter and you left me. Let me think you were somewhere else and this whole time you were right here."
"I'm sorry, Jamie." He says trying to come closer, but Jamie steps back. He sighs, "It was all my fault, but I'm here now."
"You're too late." She says. The man deflates as he steps back. Jamie wipes under her eyes and looks up at him, "You coming here was a waste of time. I don't know why you or grandma thought you would convince me to stay, but I'm going home. I'm going back to Mom. Who actually wants to see me."
She turns back to her bag and continues to pack her things. It's not long before she hears footsteps retreating and the door closing. She lets out a shaky breath as she sits down by her bag.
Her tears start to come down more rapidly as she thinks over the argument she just had with her dad. As much as she wanted to see him and forgive him for leaving, she couldn't. Not after learning that he has another family and just forgot about her.
She looks over as her phone chimes. She wipes her eyes as she picks it up. The last thing she expected was a text from Miguel.
I'm coming home.
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