'You better give everything that's in your bag... or you wouldn't be alive to see the next sunrise.', one of the cyborgs said.
He had a chainsaw for an arm and the other one was huge and had wheels for legs. Everything changed after the war, humans started merging into their own creations for better lives, in this dying, but slowly healing world. Those who do merge are mostly are either those who became disabled in the war or had disabilities from birth. There are even some rare cases where people are willing to cut off their body parts just to get these mechanical ones.
I was also a cyborg but didn't have weapons like my arms or wheels for legs. I only had mechanical upper limbs and mechanical eyes. I was born blind, but not born handicapped. When I was ten, my home was attacked by some cyborgs, like the same in front of me. In the attack, I lost both of my upper limbs. Our family friend, uncle Jim, built me with mechanical limbs and eyes. They opened up a new world of possibilities for me. It also helped my mom a lot, now she doesn't need to look after me so much, like before.
'I don't think so.' I reply calmly.
'Aww, isn't it just adorable that little kitten wants to fight?'
'Oh, you bet. You will see this kitten fight, and see your own leg in your arm. Oh, am sorry, I mean wheel. Honestnestly what a terrible choice, there are so many better par-' He didn't even let me finish!
He swung his arm towards me in order to slap me, but stopped it with just one arm. The modifications in my body made me much stronger.
'Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking! didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to interrupt people?'
I swung the bag off my back and kept it beside me. The other cyborg reached for my head, but I dodged it, luckily, or it could have chopped off my head.
'So, you have chosen death, my friend. Good for you, no one wants to live in this shit hole anyway.'
I jumped up on the shoulders of the cyborg with the chainsaw. With just one kick, the limb broke off. Instead of blood, wires and sparks came out. Sometimes some cyborgs will change themselves so much that, only their brain and spine is what is alive.
I grabbed his head between my forearm and upper arm, and twist their spine. It's better that they are dead. Their being alive will be more problematic for more people. I thought.
Killing the other one was not so hard either. And as I said, I broke off his wheel and gave it to him. I picked up my bag and swung it on my back.
Law is not a real thing in a place such as State 7, in fact, if I am right, in all of the states. The world was still recovering from the war. Unemployment, hunger, poverty, and bad living conditions, are what you get being born in this world. Slums are what is in place of huge cities.
But State 7 was the worst place to be in all of the states. It's a living hell. Here crimes are so common that almost 500 crimes are reported each day, but no one really cares, neither the order nor the people. The officials are corrupt and selfish. Everyone just cares about themselves, everyone is selfish. If you aren't selfish, you won't be able to survive in this world.
After the war, the atmosphere was party ionised. Hence, instead of transmission lines, now, electricity can be transmitted through just air. But even that is not possible because the war used most of the world's fuel resources. All that we have remaining is nuclear energy and fission energy. The order takes special care of these energy resources, the water resources, and the remaining forest cover, honestly it is all that they do, never caring about the people. Also because of the ionised atmosphere, we have to wear special respirators which do convert ionised oxygen back to o₂.
Since some of us were born after the war, never in our enter lives have we ever seen the clear sky, the stars or the moon or even the sun. The sky in the morning is always of that mucky brown colour, the most disgusting of colours.
I was running to my home through the narrow roads of my colony. 'Hey, bitch! wait up!', Adhya screamed. 'Try and catch me you motherfucker.', I screamed back. It was a hot scorching evening, and most people would be in their houses sleeping, but I didn't care, everyone just did what they wanted.
She started to run with me, and soon Ree joined. We slowed down, 'Hi.... how are you two doing?', I said between breaths.
'Oh, so now you notice us.', Ree said, taking big breaths.
'Sorry, I was a little late, I got hold up in some...... business.' I replied, panting.
'Please tell me that you weren't attacked again by some thugs...' Ree asked. Instead of replaying I just shrugged.
'I'll beat those motherfuckers' ass! How dare they touch my bitch?!', Adhya said, already rolling up her sleeves.
'They're already dead. You have no reason to worry.'
We just stared at each other for a whole minute, the awkward silence finally broke after Ree opened her mouth, '... So the usual?'
'Yeah, let's rush there quickly, we are already late.', Adhya said.
After fifteen minutes we reach the mountain top which is just outside our colony. Watching the night lights in the shit hole we call home, and eating some of the food we collected from the market.
Ree lived with her little brother while Adhya lived alone. As for me, I live with my mother. She had been sick those days. So I also take some medicines with me. She earns money by doing small repairs on machines. But the work has been off, for a few days due to her sickness.
'How has your mum been doing?', Ree asked.
'She is getting better, the meds are working.'
'Oh good, I hope she gets better quickly.', Adhya said, gulping the bite of her sandwich 'By the way guys, did you know that there is a rumour that the Prince and the son of the army general are in OUR colony?!
'Adhya, you really need to stop believing in fake stories.', Ree said.
'It's not fake! I know it!', Adhya said.
'And may I ask how you know it?', I asked.
'I don't know ok, Zero! I just heard some girls talking about it.'
'Oh, stop getting ahead of yourself! We know you have a crush on prince Ifor!', Ree said.
'Well maybe I do, but that doesn't mean that this rumour is fake...'
'Ok Ok, the rumour may not be fake. But right now it's late let's go home.'
I extended my hand to both of them and pulled them up. We climbed down the hill and continued on our way towards our homes. As we walked back, I thought about the rumour, if they were really here, they are not safe. They need to go back to where they came from. The people here really hate the order. If they find him they won't be left alive. People will take killing the prince as a form of protest, even when the prince did nothing wrong...
'Hey! Zero!', some voice said, breaking me away from my thoughts. It was Christopher, the son of uncle Jim. They were really close to my family. They helped me and my mum a lot after my dad died.
'Hi, can you take this to your mom? Dad said that these might help her a lot.' Christopher said, handing me a bag of meds.
'Thanks and mum have invited you and your dad for lunch tomorrow.', I replied.
'No, there is really not a need to do so....'
'Please, it's a thank you for all that you both had done for us...'
'Well, dad won't be able to come, he had a huge order... but I will surely come.'
'Great... and then-' I stopped as I noticed him staring at Ree, who was talking with Adhya and had a blush creeping up on his cheeks.
'You should really talk to her, I'm sure she feels the same way about you.', I said.
'But she barely notices me, I cannot do this...'
'You can and you will. ok? I'll see you tomorrow.'
'K... bye.', I waved him goodbye and walked towards my girls, 'Let's go?'
'Yeah, let's go, we are very late.', Adhya said.
'By the way, what were you guys talking about?', I asked.
'Nothing, just getting the prince out of her head. If he is here, people would have already killed him.', Ree said.
'Ms. Young, please. The prince did nothing wrong... why would people kill him?'
'You both have a point, but I think Ree is right... if the prince was here they would either kill him as a form of protest or he would have a bounty over his head.'
'Speaking of bounty.... he already has one.', Adhya reported, 'look...' We see a poster with the prince's picture with "wanted" on it. The award was..... 10004500 credits.... with that anyone can live a life an order's official... this was amazing... only if I could...
'Who is paying this much?!', Ree asked.
'I heard that the resistance is... though no one knows...', Adhya said.
'I don't know how but it seems that you have every single news in the world.', Ree said.
'It seems-'
Suddenly we hear footsteps in the alleyway that we were walking through. I took out my dagger. Adhya took out her twin guns. Ree didn't need any weapons. She was a meta, who could generate high voltage enough to shock a person to death. Metas are those people who were born with genetic mutations in them, of which the cause is yet unknown to humanity. Adhya was a cyborg like me but just had enhanced senses, she has what people call the sixth sense. She also has 4d vision instead of 3d, which gives her the ability to see through the walls.
'They are wearing respirators, and it's three of them. Two of them are metas, and the other one is a cyborg.', Adhya said. It's not that we weren't, you can't go out without them.
'One on one, k?', I suggested. The girls nodded.
'They're coming.' Adhya said.
I attacked a meta. I don't know what it was but it felt like he was pulling my insides out, especially my upper limbs. Ree had it way easier, she herself was a meta and was attacking a cyborg. Suddenly Adhya screamed 'Stop, it's the prince.'
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