The Potion
"Ummm..Quick question Kanato"
I started off while looking at my plate of cheesecake with whipcream
".....Why is Teddy glaring at me?"I pointed at Teddy across the table and his face had anger written all over it.
"And why am I here in your room again like honestly I hate you and Teddy"
"Teddy hates you and he wants you to go rot in a hole"Kanato said casually and poured him a cup of tea in a teacup he stole from pigeon.
"Tell Teddy I said I feel the same way about his stupid face.."I said while I shoved a piece of cheesecake in my mouth with my fork.
"Teddy also says tha-"
I raised my hand up and shushed him.
"Do you hear that?"
Kanato looked around his room confused and shook his head no.
"Thats the sound of Teddy being thrown in a fireplace by the one and only Ally-chan"I said while pointing at myself and smirking at Kanato.
Kanato blankly stares at me for a long second,and his big creepy eyes started watering up.
He was stabbing his cheesecake with a fork.
Kanato started laughing as his cheesecake was getting ruined.
Yeah this is my que to run away from this retard...I thought and ran off leaving Kanato having a mental breakdown.
"Im so bboorreeedddd!"I whined outloud while walking in the hallway.
I could hear Kanato yelling and crying from his room.
Gosh living in this mansion with vampires is so boring,I mean dont get me wrong I loves ayato
and living with him everyday is awesome!
But this place is so boring!
I was walking and I came across Pigeons room.
His room door was wide open ,and his light was on.
So being the worlds most awesome ninja, I tiptoed against the wall and check to see if pigeon was still around here.
I rolled on the floor in his room flawlessy while hitting my head against the shelf.
I winced in pain and stuggled to stand up.
I seen a table covered with bright colored potions.
An old book was laying on top of the clean table wide opened.
For some strange reason,I couldnt take my eyes away from the colorful liquid inside those tube thingys.
Then I literally felt a lightbulb flickering on top of my head.
I flew towards the table and seen a small plastic cup.
I seen a bright blue and a minty green potion and poured it in the small cup.
I was laughing like an evil mad scientist,as I seen smoke coming out of the small cup.
Then I hear faint footsteps coming towards this room..and..Well I panicked.
I quickly grab my beautiful potion,along with everything else on this table, and flew out of Pigeons room.
Nah Im just joking I didnt actual fly,I actually did a backflip.
During this process,I accidentally broke his limited edition beauty and the beast tea cups.
I watched in slow motion as his tea sets slid off his shelf.
"Nooooooooo!"I yelled while trying to catch his disney plates and teacups.
I flinched as I heard the impact pigeons tea sets did as they roughly landed on the floor.
It sounded like a bomb just went off.
My face held pure terror as I tried my best to hide the evidence of me even being in this room.
"Wait I can just say that Kanato was the one that did this mess.."
I shrugged and ran out of pigeons room.
I quickly ran to the kitchen an slammed it shut.
My body was shaking and I was trying to steady my breathing.
"Phew that was close"I said to myself as I took out some ingredients from the shelf.
Eggs,flour,milk..I mumbled while opening the fridge.
I opened another shelf had a big pot so I decided to use it.
I was going to make chocolate cake!
I threw everything in one pot and stir it up crazy, then...Erm.. I got the potion thingy and hesitated for a brief moment to rethink my life.
For some reason...I really have a bad feeling about this...Should I really do this?I thought as I blankly stared at the potion I was holding.
The potion started bubbling up as I dumped the remains of it in the cake batter.
After I shoved the pan in the oven,I closed the door shut and set the timer on 20 minutes.
~Twenty minutes later~
Brought to you by handsome squidward-chan falling gracefully at the sight of krabby patties:P
The timer went off and I quickly placed an oven mitten on my hand.
I opened the oven and carefully slid the pan out without dropping it on the floor.
The cake looked like a pinkish minty green color.
Honestly,The cake didnt look overcooked so it looked fine to me.
I set the pan on the table while I was finding the plates,icings,sprinkles,and whipcream on the shelves.
When I finally got out all of my ingredients for my....Erm...Cake.. I heard someone walking in the kitchen.
I quickly put the icing,the sprinkles,you know all that good stuff,and I managed to run out of the kitchen.
I was carrying a container of cake while jogging to Ayatos room.
"Hehehehe my first test subject"I said outloud to myself as I walk closer to his door.
I knocked on his door but I hear him groaning in response.
"Go away...yours-truly is tired of being with his stupid brothers everyday"Ayato whined from the otherside of his door.
"Open the door before I knock your teeth out"I said while having a forced fake smile on my face.
The door was quickly opened to a shirtless ayato.
His hair looked like a squirrel was living in it and his eye bags was worse than Kanato's.
I didnt think it was possible until now...
"I bought you cake senpai so will you marry me Ricardo!"
Before he could say anything else I pushed him out of the way and ran inside his room.
I put the cake on his table and I skydived on his bed.
"Senpai!Lets make a pillow fort and eat cake!"I yelled as ayato close the door behind him.
"Yours-truly only eats takoyaki,anything else besides takoyaki is gross well besides Melons blood,I can never get enough of that~"
I opened the container thingy and cut a slice of cake to ayato.
I placed slice on a small plate and closed the lid back on the container.
I took off my flipflops and layed on his bed while holding the plate.
The tv was on and the only thing I heard was the basketball channel.
"Ugghh seriously!I wanna watch anime!!"
I was holding the remote as Ayato sat beside me on his bed.
"Yours-truly was watching that turn it back!"Ayato said but I shook my head.
"No way I wanna watch Corey in the House!Thats the worlds best anime of all time!"
"House...of....Korey?"Ayato asked while tilted his head in confusion.
I gasped in horror and I felt triggered.
"Tch and you have the nerve to call yourself awesome!Corey in the House is the first,the best,the greatest anime ever of a
time!How dare you call yourself Yours-truly if you never watch Corey in the House!You should feel
shame I say feel shame!"
"Melons I have no idea what your talking about"
I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in frustration.
"Ugh forget it!Anyways do you want a slice of this cake or not?"
He looked at me for a long second and nodded yes.
I smiled really big and hand him the plate of slice of cake.
"I hope you like it,I made it myself"I said while smiling as he took a bite of his cake with a fork.
He swallowed the cake in his throat and blankly stared at me.
"Hmmm I guess it didnt work"I said in defeat but ayato lift his eyebrow.
"What didnt work?"Ayato asked but I nervously started laughing.
"Ooops...well I d-didnt r-realize I said that outloud!"I said while smiling nervously.
"Melons what did you do!?"Ayato asked
I shrugged my shoulders and turned away from him
"I dont know I just made you cake,I guess there was something inside of it that vamps like you are allergic to,or something"I said
I turned around to his direction and there was a big rainbow smoke..It was extremely glittery like my personality.
I was coughing while fanning this smoke away from my face with my hand.
When the smoke slowly disappeared,I had a clear view of ayato.
It was ayato as a baby.
A freaking baby.
He was naked and his face was a slight puffy red.
His big green eyes was watered up as he stares at me.
He started crying and I was just shocked.
"Woah...did you...did ayato turn into a baby?I asked in shock.
"OH CRAP,OH SHOOT,GOSH DANG IT UMMM PLEASE DONT CRY!"I yelled panicking while trying to figure out how to fix him back.
I picked ayato up and he instantly stopped crying.
He stared at me and smiled really big.
"Awwwww ayato you look so adorable!"I squealed causing ayato to giggle and make baby noises.
I was kissing all over his face while tickling him.
His giggles was so adorable as I kissed his cute cheeks.
I wrapped a blanket around him and picked him up carefully.
"Awwwwww ayato-chan your so adorable!"I said while poking his cheek.
He blankly stares at me and bit my hand.
Ayato squealed and started smiling when I was wincing in pain.
"Wow your such a big bully even if your a baby!"I said as ayato tried to bite my hand again.
Ayato started crying louder.
"Sssh ayato please shutup"I lifted ayato up while I wrapped a small pink blanket around his small body.
I was holding him and I walked out of my room.
I accidentally bumped into Laito,the biggest pervert snitch in the world,and he looks at me with a goofy smirk all over his face.
Kou was standing right beside him,mimicking his facial expression.
I gulped at the awkward silence until Kou spoke up.
"Aww Neko-Chan is this baby yours?I knew it thats why ayato and you wer-"
"Kou!No thats not what happened,Let me explain!"I said while ayato was sucking his thumb happily.
"How much do you want to bet that ayato is the father?"Laito asked Kou while Kou was laughing.
I was blushing in embarassment as I looked to see ayato face.
His giving me the "what the heck"look.
"Hahaha well its was nice talking to you I said while walking away slowly.
"Actually I take that b-back,no it hasnt"I said while I ran away from those two.
Ayato was glaring at me even though he barely had any eyebrows.
"Ayato whats with that look?"I asked but he start gagging.
"Ehhh?What the he-"
I didnt get the chance to finish my sentence.
The baby version of ayato threw up on me.
I stared at him and my shirt covered with gross baby barf.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"I yelled in disgust
Ayatos eyes started watering up and he was bawling his eyes out.
I couldnt help myself,I started to cry with him.
"Ewwww a-ayato why did you b-barf on me!"I said while sobbing.
Ayato stopped crying and smirked at me.
"What the crap!?I didnt think that it was possible for a baby to smirk!"I asked shocked
"C'mon baby ayato-kun,lets go take a shower!"I said while trying to put a force smile on my face.
I went in my room to grab my clothes,and placed ayato on the bed.
"Wait!Babies cant sleep on a normal bed,they need one of those...Er...Bed thingies that are meant for little infants!"I said to myself as I looked at ayatos puffy bright red face.
I scooped ayato up in my arms and decided that it'll be best to take him to Rin's room.
I knocked on her door as baby ayato was placed on my hip.
She swiftly opened it with a tired expresion on her face.
"Ally what do you want...wait a minute why is there a baby!?Whose baby is that!Wait is it yours,because he looks awfully like ayato!
"NO!Rin a long story, I'll tell you later but I have to take a shower so can you please watch him"
"But I dont wanna!"
I rolled my eyes at Rin whining and I hand her ayato.
As soon ayato left my arms he started sobbing and hiccuping.
I ran to my bedroom so I can go inside the bathroom to take a shower.
I made sure that I had all of my clothes,my brush,towel,sponge,etc
I took off my clothes and I climbed in the bath tub.
I wrapped my hair up with one of those shower caps and start to take a bath.
~30 minutes later~
I walked out of my bathroom while carrying some if my clothes.
I went through my drawers and picked out a shirt that had cats shooting laserbeams in outerspace.
I got my bra and underwear and my skinnyjeans.
I put my clothes on and took off my showercap on my head.
I put some deodarant on and sprayed myself with perfume.
After I got finished getting dressed,I went in Rin's room.
Her door was already opened as Rin was struggling to take care of ayato.
"This baby of yours hates me!Hes giving me an evil grin right now!"Rin yelled while poiting at ayato.
"Here just have him!"Rin said and gave ayato to me.
"Im sorry..that I put you through all of this trouble"I said and she shrugged her shoulders.
"I dont really care,Im still waiting on your explanation for this"
"Oh yeah,its a funny story you see,I was in pigeons room making potions and I made cake which had a bunch of that potion stuff inside it and ayato ate the cake!Hahahaha..and this is him right now"
I nervously stared at Rin as Ayato was sleeping soundlessy in my arms.
"I dont know how to change him back,and before you asks I havent asked Pigeon for help because I was too scared that he'll punished me"
"Do you got anymore of that potion stuff?"
I stared at her confused while I nodded my head.
"Yeah its in my room"
"Awesome!I really needs some of that stuff that'll be such an awesome prank to pull on the others!"
Rin said causing me to laugh nervously.
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