⚠️⚠️TW : this chapter contains suicide attempt and degrading/sad thoughts, please skip the chapter if you're not comfortable with this. ⚠️⚠️
After all we have gone trough.
All those times we made love.
He told me he loved me.
But he ended dumping me.
He lied to me.
He teared my heart into pieces.
All those time he told me I was perfect.
He told me I was beautiful.
It was just a joke.
A game.
He never actually loved me.
Who would love someone like me?
I can't.
The pain is unbearable.
He sugar coated our love but it was just an illusion.
He lift me up.
Away from my insecurities,
Far away from doubts.
But now that I fell in that deep hole again.
I don't know if I'll be able to bear it.
[f l a s h b a c k]
- Jin, we have to talk... Namjoon said quietly.
- What is it honey?
- Listen Jin, I don't know how to tell you that without hurting your feelings but I... I-I think I was wrong... What I thought was love actually wasn't. I think it was just a form of deep brotherly and friendly love, respect and I noticed it lately... You're beautiful but I noticed my heart won't speed up for you, those butterfly in my stomach...I... I-I'm in love with Yoongi, I'm sorry I didn't have enough experience to know my true feelings toward you. I don't want you to think I was using you hyung, I'd never do that. I don't want to lie to you nor do I want to hurt you but I wanted you to know it because I can't hide things from you. I'm deeply sorry hyung.. I-
I didn't even let him finish.
My world has crashed down.
My heart is smashed into million of pieces.
It hurts.
A lot.
He used me...
I was a test.
A waste of time.
Before I could let the tears slip, I ran out of the house.
I can't look at his face again.
As I reached the outside, alone in the cold dark night,
I screamed my pain.
But no-one heard it.
[e n d o f t h e f l a s h b a c k]
I ran.
Ran till I was out of breath.
And I finally reached my destination.
The last thing I'll have the luck to see would be the shining stars.
I let out a shaky breath as I stand on the barrier, climbing to the other side.
I then look at the stars, tears slipping down my face.
- I hate you! I screamed.
- I hate you... I whispered, sobbing loudly.
My arms were shaking and as I let go of the barrier...
Too late.
I'm cold.
But I don't fight.
Before closing my eyes I see a shadow.
Namjoon called Jin when he suddenly went out.
He ran after him calling him again.
But nothing.
As though Jin didn't hear him.
He just ran faster.
Namjoon did his best to catch him up but he just couldn't,
He was already out of breath.
Then he saw him going to the other side of the barrier.
He screamed again, running faster even if his legs ached, about to give up on his own weight.
- Sh*t. He mutters, jumping in the river without thinking twice.
He swam to the now unconscious boy and then pick him before struggling to go back to the surface.
The water was so cold, his muscles were all achy and if he didn't get out of here quickly, he'd probably pass out as well.
He swam to the shore and listened to Jin's breathing.
Nothing but silence.
With no hesitation, he started the CPR, counting 30 compressions where his heart is.
He then gives two insufflations, watching as the elder's chest rises slowly.
- C'mon Jin, you can't die you hear me?!
He started again 30 compression.
2 insufflations.
Some tears went down his cheeks, but he's not going to leave him, he's not going to give up on him.
- Jin don't do this to me please!
30 compressions
2 insufflations.
He never thought he'd be so happy to hear someone cough.
Jin takes in a deep but shaky breath before slowly opening his eyes.
-Hyung? Hyung can you hear me?
- J-joonie? He mumbles.
- Yeah it's me hyung, you're okay hyung, I'm gonna take you to hospital please stay awake.
/t i m e s k i p/
- So how is he?
- Your friend will be okay, he'll be able to go back home in 3 days. Next time you play near the river, be more careful, especially since your friend can't swim... The doctor said.
- We will! Namjoon replied.
Namjoon lied to the doctor.
He knew Jin didn't want to deal with doctors and psychologists.
It was his fault after all.
So he decided he'll fix his hyung's broken heart and help him moving forward.
- I promise. He whispered before entering his hyungs room.
Hiiiii xd ig I'm already back with a request from Fairytailandbnha I thank her very much for her request.
I hope I didn't do too many mistakes lol it's actually 3:45 am so I'm a bit tired sorryyyyyyyy 🙏
I hope you enjoyed reading it, do not hesitate to request
I hope you'll sleep well, good night 💚
e d i t : i proofread this OS but i just noticed i didnt pit any disclaimer/trigger warning, im really sorry about that :( also I wanted to let you know that lying to a doctor (and lying in general) isn't something Namjoon should've done, especially considering the state of mind of Seokjin it could lead to a lot of serious issues
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