I Don't Know
*cough cough*
It was currently 3:28 am and Taehyung couldn't sleep.
At all.
It's been a few days that he's been hearing Yoongi coughing quite harshly at night and worry was litterally keeping him awake.
He can't take this anymore: later today, he was going to talk about it with him.
Taehyung decided the best moment to talk about it was during the breakfast, just before going to dance practice as his hyung will be trapped and won't be able to avoid the questions as he usually does when it comes to his health.
- Hyung? He said, pausing right after, thinking of a way to ask it smoothly.
Four pair of eyes turned to him, bringing the attention of everyone on him as well.
- Yoongi hyung. He corrected.
- Are you sick? I heard you coughing last night. He added simply, not really knowing how to make it less obvious as it wasn't something he often did.
Taehyung was probably the most honest person in the world.
He was maybe too honest and sometimes, he lacks tact, going straight to the point.
Yoongi looked at him, his brows furrowed, still sipping on his coffee.
[I didn't think I'd wake someone up... What do I say?!] He panicked inside.
But his face remained straight and at the moment to answer, he casually said:
- Don't worry Tae, I'm fine. I think I've caught a little cold but I should be good in a few days.
His voice didn't even tremble nor did his facial features betray him.
But Taehyung knew his hyung too well to know there's something more.
Something wrong.
[Indeed something was wrong, but it was something far from what both Yoongi and Taehyung thought...]
Despite the fact he wasn't feeling at his best, Yoongi kept going to practices and so on. He just tried to discreetly slow down a bit when he started feeling too bad but other than that, everything went well.
But today, in addition with their four hours of dance practice and two hours of recording, they had a fan meeting.
Yoongi wasn't too keen on the idea because it's litterally freezing outside and he was feeling sick enough, he didn't want to feel worse.
But he doesn't have a choice, so he just get extremely warmly dressed as to prevent the cold from making him sicker than he is.
At night, once again he can't stop coughing and it seems to get worse as he can't quite catch his breath back.
- Hyung, I know you're sick but you won't admit it. Taehyung's voice suddenly echoed in the room, startling the rapper.
- It's just a cold, Tae. I'll be okay in a few days, you don't need to worry about me like that.
- Fine... But let me at least sleep with y-
- I don't want you to get sick, you'd go back to sleep or you'll be tired tomorrow. Yoongi cut him short.
- Hyung, please~. Taehyung whined cutely, a small pout and glistening puppy eyes appearing on his face.
Yoongi can't resist his dongsaegs' cuteness.
- Alright, but don't blame me if you end up sick. He said nonchalantly, making a little room in his bed for Taehyung to come.
- Sleep well hyungie! He just said as he kissed the elder's tip of his nose, falling asleep right after.
- Sweet dreams Taebear. Yoongi murmured, smiling as he was looking at the intruder's soft features.
And he finally fell asleep, completely worn out.
The next day Yoongi woke up alone, feeling awful.
His head was pounding a little and he could hear that uncomfortable wheezing each and every time he breathed in and out.
He had a sudden coughing fit that seemed to last centuries, and at the end of it, he couldn't help but expelling some thick mucus. (I'm so sorry it's gross)
He was definitely sick...
It was not just a cold, he'll have to tell someone before it gets worse.
But at the moment he got out of his room, he noticed everyone was in a rush.
- Hyung, were gonna be late for dance practice! Get ready quickly then grab something to eat, we don't have time for breakfast.
He didn't even have the time to tell Jimin he was sick that the tiny dancer rushed down the stairs in a matter of seconds.
He quickly got ready, just grabbed a little snack in case he needed to eat and took a mental note to take a hot coffee at the coffee shop in front of the Bighit building.
Maybe hot coffee will soothe the pain in his chest.
|d u r i n g t h e p r a c t i c e|
- Yoongi, stay focused, you're out of the beat. The choreographer said.
Of course he was kinda sloppy.
Because he was tired due to the poor quality of his sleep.
And because he was sick.
He could feel the fever that's radiating from his body and the fact he was actually dancing didn't make it a lot better.
Not any better at all.
He started to feel faint, his senses were slowly fading.
So, Yoongi suddenly stopped in the middle of the choreo and went sitting near the wall, fanning himself.
- What the h-
- I was going to faint, I'm sorry Hobi... Yoongi cut Hoseok.
Namjoon noticed he had trouble breathing.
- You okay there? Do you need anything?
- He has a fever. Taehyung said, his hand resting on the sick boy's forehead.
- And he had quite harsh coughing fits last night. He added.
- Why do you always have to hide your pain, hyung? Jungkook asked to as he carefully pulled his hyung to a hug.
- I'm not hiding anything... Well, I was but then it got kinda worse and I was about to tell Jimin this morning but we were all in a rush so... He whispered as he closed his eyes to block the light.
- I'm sorry hyung, I should have listened to you. Jimin said, his head hanging low as his fidgeting hands seemed more interesting than the said 'hyung'.
He didn't respond and the others thought he actually fainted but before they could panic, he opened his eyes and growled with a really hoarse voice.
- We can't keep him like this, someone has to take care of him. Namjoon said while composing their manager's number.
Yoongi got dismissed and Taehyung proposed himself to take care of him.
As soon as they entered the dorm, he took the eldest's temperature and leaded him to the bathroom.
- Hyung, would you be okay taking a shower on your own or should I help you? Taehyung asked, blushing a little.
They had already seen each other naked back in their trainee years but now, just the thought of it made him go all shy towards his hyung.
- I'll be fine Tae, thank you. I'll call you if I need anything okay? He said casually.
The youngest nodded and went down to cook something light.
Even if Yoongi didn't mention he was feeling nauseous, he didn't want to take the risk of his hyung ending the day in the bathroom, throwing up.
/t i m e s k i p/
As the days passed by, Yoongi grew more and more sick.
The coughs had turned into deep, throaty and harsh coughs, his fever episodes last for two or tree days before dropping then back again to a quite high fever, his nose was blocked and red from the constant blowing, and he still couldn't get rid of that wheezy breathing.
His cold, that had already turned into 'worse-than-a-cold' surely has turned into something else again.
Something worse.
Something that even with the help of Taehyung and the others, he doesn't seem to get better.
Something that can't be cured with the antipyretics, the cough syrup and the painkillers he had took the last three days.
That quite worried him as at the moment, they were in lockdown because of the covid-19 pandemic.
What if he got sick when he went to visit his parents ten days ago?
He couldn't help but think about it.
He hasn't been careful enough.
Guilt ate him.
The others were probably sick too, but the symptoms maybe haven't showed yet.
He went over thinking all day long about that, not caring about his stomach begging for food.
And that night, he cried himself to sleep for the first time in awhile.
He wouldn't forgive himself if one of the others, or their parents got sick because of him.
Tomorrow he'll talk about it, he can't hide it any longer from them.
They'll find a way to sort it out.
-...-ung... Hyung ?! Hyung, wake up!
Yoongi jolted awake, his eyes wide and his breathing rapid and wheezy.
He looked around him, quite lost.
- You were having a nightmare, hyung. I think you have a fever again. Taehyung sighed.
All he's doing seemed to be worthless. His hyung wasn't getting better and his fever kept imitating a roller coaster, going up and down at random moments.
Taehyung took his temperature: 39.2°C (102.6°F).
- It's pretty high... He mumbled, looking at his hyung sweaty face and half closed eyes.
He caressed the sticky bangs on his hyung's forehead then went downstairs to take a cloth and a cold water filled bowl.
When Taehyung got back in Yoongi's room, he wet the cloth with water before putting it on the oldest's forehead, who sighs a bit before starting to shake from the coldness.
He looked at Taehyung with a smile and thanked him.
- T-Tae... You know I think I catched that damn virus hahahaaa~. Yoongi sing-songed, getting a little delirious from the fever.
- Shhhhhhhhh, go to sleep hyungie... He just said, rubbing circles in his hyung's back.
The tiny rapper quickly fell asleep but Taehyung remained awake.
[What if it was true? Yoongi hyung couldn't possibly have cough this virus, he so careful about everything...and he's been sick for what... Five days? It can't be that corona thingy.] He thought to himself.
He just tried not to think about it and sleep.
They'll talk about it tomorrow.
The next day, Yoongi woke up quite early.
Well earlier than Taehyung, the others were already up.
That's understandable, Taehyung hasn't had a lot of sleep recently so he let his dongsaeng sleep and went downstairs to get some coffee.
He was feeling a little better since his fever had dropped significantly but his breathing was still obstructed and his body still achy.
And he still had to tell the others...
He anxiously but his lips as he entered the kitchen, being immediately greeted by the others.
- Hi guys. Yoongi greeted back, avoiding eye contact.
He was nervous and didn't know how to bring the topic.
- You okay, hyung? Taehyung asked as he entered the kitchen.
Yoongi was pouring himself some coffee as he answered his main caretaker.
- I'm better, thank you Taehyung... But I have something to tell y'all...
- Go ahead, Yoongi, you can tell us anything! Seokjin said.
Yoongi stared at his coffee, trying to find the right words but he just couldn't. No need to beat around the bush.
- I don't think I have caught a cold... It's seems a lot worse and I'm afraid I got infected by.. B-by the corona virus. I'm sorry, I wasn't careful enough and now maybe y'all are sick too... B-because of.. Me.. He said, his voice getting weaker and cracking at the end.
There was a little moment of silence where they all looked at each other in utter shock.
- What? Namjoon said.
- Let's not jump into conclusions... Did you take any test? The eldest asked to the now sobbing boy.
- N-no... But what.. W-what else could it be? The symptoms aren't lying : the loss of taste, the fever, the weakness...
- But you're coughing, maybe it's something else... Jimin tried to reassure.
- But what if it's not?! I got y'all infected by that damn virus... I'm sorry! He broke down.
- Don't worry hyung, there aren't any risk for us to get complications. If we got sick, that can't be that bad... Jungkook said, smiling a bit.
- We are not 100% sure that there is no chance for us to get complications... Plus we all went to see our family a few days ago... Our parents and grandparents might be people at risk... Namjoon said quietly.
Hoseok and Jimin were trying to comfort the little rapper but his tears and sobs didn't stop.
- I'm calling the doctor, we'll sort it all out! Taehyung announced.
As he said, Taehyung called their doctor, who came thirty minutes after.
Taehyung had, of course explained the situation trough the phone and the doctor came dressed in consequence and bring what he needed to take blood samples from all of them.
As he arrived, he first examined Yoongi.
- At first glance, I'd say he has a pneumonia... But I'm still going to take blood samples from everyone to make sure it's nothing else. He said without mentioning the covid-19.
- He will need a lot of rest as well as these medicines. Here is a prescription for a stronger antipyretic to lower his fever and these antibiotics to get rid of the mucus obstructing your breathing. It's not recommended to take antipyretics now as it prevents your body from fighting against potential infections so I'll ask you to wait until you get your results, just in case. If you feel like the pain in your chest is unbearable, you can take painkillers of course but make sure you tell me if you start coughing blood or if the pain isn't fading in a few days. He said.
- But he has been taking ibuprofen for the past two days! Taehyung said suddenly.
- It didn't take any effects, so I guess it should be okay. I'll inform you tomorrow for all of your blood tests results.
- Thank you doctor. Yoongi and Namjoon said, waving goodbye.
- Don't worry hyung, well be alright. He said, patting the eldest shoulder.
- Go get some rest, I'll wake you up for lunch. The leader added, smiling.
/t i m e s k i p/
- Our tests are all negative! Yoongi has just pneumonia, as the doctor thought! Seokjin announced right after hanging up with their manager, who told them their results.
- I'm so relieved I havent made any of you nor your family sick, I wouldn't have forgive myself if I did. Yoongi mumbled, relieve painting over his features.
- I told you everything was gonna be alright! Jungkook said, smiling softly to his sick hyung, caressing his hair as he was falling asleep for the third time of the day.
When he woke up again, Yoongi was in his room, with Taehyung watching over him.
They looked at each other for a few minutes, both of them smiling when Yoongi broke that comfortable silence.
- Thank you so much Taetae.
- There's no need to thank me hyung, it was nice finally having someone to take care of. I'm mostly happy because it was you... He said blushing a little.
- I'm gonna make some tea, then we're gonna cuddle a loooooot, don't move I'll be right back ! He added, suddenly jolting up, running to the kitchen as Yoongi laughed a lil bit.
Just seeing his cheery and clumsy dongsaeng made him feel better already.
Taehyung hasn't always the chance to take care of the others when they are sick so he didn't really have 'experience', but he was doing well.
[Very well.] Yoongi thought to himself, smiling slightly as he fell asleep before Tae could get back with his tea.
- What a sleepy kitten, I've been out for like three minutes. Taehyung laughed, accompanied with the rest of bangan who had followed him back to the rapper's room.
HIIII it's been awhile, I know hihi
This os is longer than I thought with 2600+ words xd I hope it doesn't bother y'all?!
I didn't proofread because I was kinda lazy (I usually proofread 4 times but I did it only once this time), forgive any of my mistakes, please 👉🏻👈🏻
Thank you @fair and @Net for requesting and for having so much patience!
I really hope you liked it despite the fact there are probably a lot of mistake, timeskips and other annoying things probably :)
Have a great day 🌺
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