Jimin was like out of breath, curling onto Hoseok's lap, rocking himself to find some comfort.
His hands were tightly wrapped around his chest, which had been hurting for most of the day while the rapper's are stoking his hair tenderly.
Hoseok never said anything to Jimin, despite the fact that he got woken up more frequently during his sleep these last two weeks. He knew Jimin wasn't okay.
And Jimin knew that too.
He knew something was wrong but the tiny singer doesn't know how to put words on his symptoms.
He doesn't know how to explain that feeling burning his lungs from the lack of oxygen.
Nor the way his chest hurt as though his heart was ripped out of it.
And everytime Jimin goes to get his chest checked, the doctor never finds anything and keeps telling him that it may be a consequence of his tight schedule and the stress it involves: that he just need some rest.
And the blonde singer just went with it, he was no doctor to prove him wrong.
But he knew something was off with his body.
It happened less frequently then, like once or twice a month.
But now it has gotten worse.
At least three times every two weeks, he had to go through it.
The feeling of his heart beating dully, pumping on nothing.
And this even happens when he doesn't move that much, when he's laying on his bed or when he's sitting on the couch.
The pain he feels and the fear that's starting to built because of the worry about his health were the worst 'symptoms'.
So tonight, once again, he tried to find some comfort in Hoseok's arms.
- Chim, you have to try to explain your symptoms to the doctor, look at how poorly you are right now! Hoseok said, looking at his dongsaeng sadly.
He knew all about Jimin's chest discomfort but he didn't know what to do but trying to reassure him and keep telling him to get his chest checked.
- Hobi... I already told you the doctor found nothing, even when I tried to explain how I felt he just said it was because of stress and my heart and lungs actually work pretty well. Jimin's soft but pained voice came out as a whisper.
- *sigh* I don't understand... I don't know what to do, Jiminie. I'm scared something h-happens to you... The rapper's word were cut by silent sobs.
- I'm sorry hyung, don't cry, I'll be fine! Jimin tried to cheer up but as he sat up quite suddenly, his heart seemed to clench and skip a few beats, making him grimace from the pain.
- Careful, there.
Hoseok hugged the small boy tighter in his arms before placing his head on his chest.
- I like listening to your heartbeat hyung... Jimin whispered as his features soften, falling into a deep sleep.
But Hoseok couldn't seem to fall asleep.
He was carefully listening the sleeping boy's breathing, trying to convince himself that he'll be alright.
And after a few long hours and after changing posisions more than seven times, the rapper fell asleep, a hand laying on the younger's chest.
| t h e n e x t d a y|
I woke up in Hobi hyung's arms and smile.
I'm so greatful to have such a good friend.
I slowly got out of the bed, trying not to wake him up but as soon as I leave his arms, he jolts awake.
- Chim...
- Hyung, it's okay, you can go back to sleep. I said, pulling the blanket on his bare chest.
- No I'm up, I'm hungry anyway. He said, kicking the blanket away from him, before stretching.
I smile a little as he let out tiny mewls.
- Then let's get ready, last one that's ready makes breakfast for everyone! I chanted before running to the bathroom.
I giggled and took off my clothes as fast as I could before entering the shower.
I feel like today's a good day.
As I was getting ready as fast as possible, I could hear the others walking down the stairs.
I got out of the bathroom in a rush, putting on my sweatpants, my hair still wet and ran into the kitchen.
When I caught a glimpse of Hobi hyung's bright yellow hoodie, I dramatically accept my defeat, plopping down a chair next to him.
Taehyung and Yoongi smiled at me, putting some dishes on the table and I smile back, realizing I won't actually have to cook as they already did.
Today we have nothing special to do: no photo shoots, no interviews, no recording sessions.
Only five little hours of dance practice, then the rest of the day is off.
That's probably why I'm so happy right now.
I tried to cheer up the rest of the band as we enter the van, on our way to the bighit building.
That's all I have to say.
/t i m e s k i p/
Everything went smoothly during dance practing.
Even though sometimes, my heart decided to beat funny or I was quickly out of breath, it was something I was used to so I didn't pay much attention to it.
But when we finally got in the van to go back to the dorms, I started feeling weird.
A kind of weird I've never felt before.
Cold sweats, shivers, a feeling of my foot numbing for no reasons and that tightness in my chest again.
It was hard for me to breathe without the others noticing something is wrong so I pretended to fall asleep so they won't dare bothering me.
And I eventually really fall asleep.
Jungkook woke me up and I look at him quite lost.
I feel my left arm has gone all numb due to me sleeping on it.
I stumbled out of the van and would've collapsed on the floor if Jungkook hadn't caught me.
I didn't know my legs would feel so
I dragged my feet to the couch as soon as we enter the dorm, I felt exhausted for some reason.
A little nap before eating will give me some energy back.
I shifted a few times on the couch, feeling extremely unwell and uncomfortable before I fall asleep again.
- Wake up, we're eating Jiminie.
Taehyung's smooth, deep voice got me out of my slumber.
I'm still a bit dazed from my previous nap and I try to keep my eyes focused as I get up and go to the dining room.
As soon as I sit down, everybody start to eat, chatting happily.
But I just can't.
I feel weird.
My left arm is still numb, my heart beats hard and irregularly, so loud it's muffling the others' voices.
My breathing is fast but shallow, as though I wasn't getting enough air. But every time I try to calm down by taking a deep breath, I feel a sharp, piercing pain in the middle of my chest that makes my breathing stutter.
Something is definitely not fine.
I opened my mouth, ready to tell someone I'm feeling poorly but Namjoon hyung cut me off before I could start, asking me if I was okay.
- You look quite pale Jiminie... He added.
I wanted to reply but the words were replaced by loud whimpers.
I'm in pain.
All I could do was whimpering and clutching my chest as the pain was too unbearable for me to explain the situation.
They called an ambulance.
Jin had recognized the symptoms of a heart attack and as soon as he told them, they jumped in the heat of the moment.
Jimin was taken to the hospital and he had to run a few tests to finally find out what caused the heart attack.
Coronary artery disease they said.
He'll never get better but the treatment will make him feel better and keep the disease from getting worse.
They kept him a few days, to make sure his treatment was working properly, then, they give him a prescription with the beta blockers he'll have to get in a pharmacy.
And, in a few words, it made him feel horrible.
The side effects Jimin has been enduring the two last weeks nearly made him feel like he wasn't actually getting any better.
He kept fainting for no apparent reason, he was always extremely tired and would sleep off most of the day. He kinda lost his appetite because of how many times he skipped dinner or lunch to sleep instead. But even asleep, he was restless, he was haunted by nightmares nearly every single night. To the point he had to sleep with someone next to him.
He honestly thought he wouldn't make it through as more and more negative thoughts crossed his mind.
But thanks to his band mates, he could see the end of the tunnel.
And eventually, his body got used to his medication and now, Jimin started to feel better.
The schedule had been readjusted: a lot more breaks and less tight schedules.
So now, with the agreement of his doctor, Jimin was quite better and could go back to his idol life.
Everything was alright now.
Until today's dance practice.
/f l a s h b a c k/
The dance hall.
They were here for only two hours and they just had a break in order to let Jimin get his breathing back.
They were now back into their positions for the next choreography.
- Hyung! You're arms are too stiff and you use too much energy to make this move. If you do it that way *shows* then you won't be out of breath after having just danced the chorus. Jungkook said to his youngest hyung.
Taehyung has been in the dance line for awhile now.
He knows what he's doing and his limits.
- I can't help it, I can't do it that way. My way is easier for me and the result is the same. But I'll try to lessen the pressure in my shoulders, it should make the tension go away. He simply replied.
- He's right, TaeTae, try this way, I'll correct and guide you. Hoseok said.
Taehyung tried to move their way but nearly fell on the ground when he lost his balance.
- No! It's not like this.
- Told you I couldn't do it that way, just let me do it my way, my balance is way better then.
- No hyung, you'd try again, I know you can do it! Jungkook tried to encourage.
But Taehyung grew irritated.
He knew he couldn't do that move their way.
So why would they force him?
His way was good too and he was more comfortable with it. So why?
- No! He suddenly snaps. We all have our ways to do some steps or moves so why do y'all force me to follow your way if I'm comfortable with mine? Is it because I just joined the dance line? My way to dance is less better than yours just because I joined later? Is that what you think? He yelled, leaving everyone speechless.
Jungkook didn't mean it like that, he just wanted to help.
But instead, an argument started.
/e n d o f f l a s h b a c k/
Since they were back from dance practice, the second maknae didn't say a word to any of his band mates and went to his room and locked it.
- Tae, come here, we're eating. Jimin said, with his soft voice.
His soulmate didn't even talk to him once since the argument despite Jimin's numerous attempts.
Once again, Jimin got nothing in response and thought it was too much. He has to reason Taehyung, he couldn't just leave him be, looking at him getting upset for a misunderstanding.
- Please Taehyung, let me in, it's just me.
After a few minutes of silence, the door unlocks and opens to a bloodshot eyed Taehyung.
He's been crying to himself.
Jimin didn't even hesitate and engulfed him into a tight hug.
- It's okay Tae, don't cry anymore, I'm here now.
- I feel so frustrated, why wouldn't they recognize I'm as qualified as them? They kept forcing me to do it their way b-but mine was good too! He cried, sniffing loudly.
Jimin took a few seconds to reply. He knew what he was about to say will make Taehyung angry but he wouldn't lie just to give reason to his soulmate. Even if the said soulmate was extremely sad and sensitive.
-... You know, they just wanted to help, Taehyung. They didn't mean it tha-
Jimin couldn't finish his sentence, his best friend jolted up and rushed downstairs, not wanting to hear anything from him anymore.
- Tae! W-wait, I was just trying to explain the situation... It's not what you think! Jimin shouted, running after him, knowing exactly what Taehyung is thinking right now.
He knew his closest friend felt betrayed, he should have waited for him to calm down a little before trying to arrange things.
They were now in the living room and everyone was there, alerted by the commotion.
- What's happening in here? Seokjin asked firmly.
He hated arguments and hated even more when people were shouting.
- I was just trying to reason Taehyungie... Jimin whispered.
- To reason ?! So you're on their side? Don't call me Taehyungie again. You know what? If I knew my best friend, my soulmate would be so hypocrite about something that makes me so upset... You act like you'll always be there for me but look! If I knew you'd let me down then I wouldn't have befriended you... I wouldn't even have signed this stupid contract! Taehyung yelled out of anger more than actually thinking what he said.
These words seemed to hurt Jimin a lot as his face went pale and his eyes closed harshly due to the pain he felt in his heart.
A real
Physical pain
His best friend's harsh words...
His face was contorted in pain while he clutched the soft fabric of his sweatshirt as he fell on his knees.
- Oh don't be so overdramatic, Jimin! Tae said, obviously letting the anger speak, not thinking about his soulmate's health problems.
Taehyung ran away from the dorm, banging the door, the noise startling everyone.
Jimin kept whimpering and the others' mind went blank
Yoongi rushed by his side but as soon as he got him up, he collapsed on the rapper, making the both of them fall on the carpeted floor. Yoongi managed to slip under Jimin to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.
- Jimin? Jiminie?! Are you okay? Hoseok said, shaking the limp body in his arms.
Jimin was still conscious but in pain.
After a few minutes of soothing, he was feeling much better and managed to get up with the help of Jungkook and Namjoon.
- God Jiminie, you scared me to death! Hoseok said, tears ready to flow.
- I'm sorry.. It's just.. I-I was shocked and all of a sudden I thought I was gonna have a heart attack again. He said then teared up as he thought of his best friends words again.
Taehyung was still outside, angry at all of them. It has been awhile now and he has had some time to think about what he said.
He regrets it.
He knew Jimin would never let him down.
But instead of listening to him, he just yelled mean things to him.
He hurt him.
- H-he collapsed as though I made him have a heart a-attack...
He seemed to realize the impact of his words at that moment.
- Oh my god. He whispered.
He quickly went back home, he has to know if his soulmate was okay.
His phone died a few moments ago... He regrets not having picked one of the many calls. What if they were trying to tell him that Jimin was at hospital? Or worse...
No! He can't think that way! He'll get to the dorm quickly and Jimin will be sleeping peacefully in his bed.
Taehyung really hoped so.
It was late and everyone was sleeping.
But Jimin had insisted to stay until Taehyung replied their calls or got back home.
So he was up with a dozing Yoongi, cuddling with Namjoon and Jungkook on the couch.
They were soothing him, caressing his hair and rubbing his back but nothing had stop the tears from leaving his eyes.
He was not sad because of what Taehyung said to him.
Not anymore.
Jimin knew he spoke out of anger and didn't mean anything he said.
He was worried for his soulmate who still wasn't back despite the fact it was now 2am.
He was alone, in the cold, dark streets of Seoul, his phone was off so he didn't reply any of their text or calls.
Jimin was really afraid today was the last time he'd see him.
He was afraid Taehyung had decided to quit them... To leave him.
His heart clenched at the thought as a sob left his lips.
Just as Namjoon shushed him, Taehyung entered the dorm, immediately running to his best friend to hug him tight.
The others came, woken up by the commotion.
They looked at the cute sight that both soulmates were offering them.
- I'm sorry. He said with his deep, husky voice.
And after a few minutes without getting any responses, the young man frowned a bit.
- He fell asleep. The oldest rapper said, his eyes still closed.
Tae smiled and hugged his friend close, apologizing to everyone.
- Let's carry him to bed, he needs rest. Hoseok said.
But as Jungkook took Jimin's hand from Tae's neck, he whined in his sleep.
- Let him be, I'll drag him to my bed.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Sleep well.
[I'll take care of you Jiminie] they all thought for themselves as a small, faint smile appeared on the sleeping singer's lips.
HI THERE! It's been a while, hasn't it? I missed y'all so much hihi 🌻
Here is a new os, requested by Honeymoondreams
Thank you very much for requesting! (please y'all give this person a lot of love for his/her patience and kindness! 💕💕💕)
I tried to make it quite long to make it up for all the waiting, I hope you'll like it!
Dare telling me if you spot mistake please, I've only proofread it once (I usually do it 4-5 times) but it was so long and I didn't want to make y'all wait any longer!
Just to know:
What's your fav color?
Well, requests are still open (Jungkook mostly but I take everything).
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