Good Night
- Mmmmh... I'm tireeeeed... Jungkook moaned as he took a seat in their tour bus.
Bangtans are on their third month of tour and even though they get some time to rest properly, they are still exhausted, mostly due to jetlags.
It was now 4:26 am and they're all seated in the bus for a long 16 hour journey. They're leaving London for Germany, where they're going to perform in five days.
Yoongi moaned in response to the maknae as he went to his bed before closing his eyes.
So do the others.
But Jungkook wasn't sure if he should sleep now. He knew he was tired so he was apprehending the moment he'll fall asleep. He knew as soon as he'll close his eyes, he will sleep for the whole day and then be awake all night.
Despite the bumpy roads, Jungkook slowly falls into a deep slumber, lulled by the sound of the rain hitting the windows.
/t i m e s k i p/
Jungkook had slept the whole journey, without getting bothered by his band mates, who were actually chatting quite loudly while eating dinner.
- Shouldn't we wake Jungkook up? I mean, we're nearly there and he hasn't eaten anything today.. Taehyung said, looking at the sleeping maknae.
- Awe, poor him, must've been very tired to sleep like that... I'm going to wake him up. Jimin said.
- Kook-ah... Hey, Jungkookie, wake up.. Jimin whispered, shaking the sleeping boy's shoulder gently.
His eyebrows furrowed as he opens his eyes.
He got hit by a wave of tiredness.
- Jimin hyung?.. What time is it? I'm so tired... Jungkook whispered his eyes half closed, ready to go back to sleep.
- It's nearly 9:30pm, we'll be there in about half an hour if there isn't too much traffic. We just ate, aren't you hungry, bun? You slept all day and didn't get to eat anything... Must be hungry, aren't you? Jimin said in a soft tone.
So soft that Jungkook was ready to go back to sleep.
- Jungkook-ah. Namjoon called, a little more sternly.
Jungkook jolts awake, eyes wide open. A sharp pain shots in his neck. He was so exhausted he fell asleep on his seat instead of actually getting up to go to bed.
He groans, massaging his neck as the pain seemed to spread to his skull in a hammering, painful way.
- Are you hurt? Seokjin asked, his worried gaze laying on his youngest dongsaeng.
- I just slept in a bad position, I'm doing good. Jungkook replied, unbuckling his seat belt and joining the others.
The chattering resumed while Jungkook was eating, occasionally taking part in the discussion.
And they eventually arrived in Berlin.
As soon as they enter the appart'hotel (basically, it's a flat you rent for a few days, weeks or months. It's not the same as a hotel or a holiday village) they had booked, they all started unpacking and got ready to sleep.
Everyone was tired from the long journey they had, even Jungkook.
But being tired is not enough.
His mind was restless, thinking about what he could do during his four days off, if he remembered all the lyrics of the songs they were going to sing or if he should train a bit more to perfect the choreographies they were going to perform.
Eventually, the tiredness went away and Jungkook decided to play LoL to make the time pass faster and tire himself out so he can finally go to sleep.
But the hours passed and soon, the first ray of sun caressed his face as he was still playing, eyes wide open and alert.
The maknae was so into the game that he didn't notice it nor the others waking up.
- Oh my... Jungkook you look terrible, did you stay up all night?! Jimin exclaimed.
- Huh? He said looking at Jimin, only realizing now that it was morning.
- Umh... Yeah, actually I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd get tired if I played a little... The maknae added.
- Look at those dark circles, Jungkook-ah! You should've woken up one of us, we could've helped... Now you'll be tired for the whole day. Taehyung said, pouting a little.
- It's okay hyung, I'll be fine. I'm going to take a nap later and try to go to bed earlier. He started.
- What are we doing today? Jungkook asked to change the topic.
- Nothing special, today we're just chilling in the hotel. Unless some of you want to go out? Seokjin said.
- Noooooooo, the hotel has a spa, we could go there to relax? Then tomorrow, we could visit Berlin a little. Hoseok proposed.
- I like the idea. Yoongi said simply, his eyes glued on his phone.
- Okay, so let's head in the restaurant to have breakfast first, I'm hungry. Namjoon said, getting everyone to get ready for their "chill & relax" day.
During that day, they all had the opportunity to have some good time and relax.
But Jungkook was still extremely tired, and decided he'd take a little nap before eating dinner.
20 minutes wouldn't hurt, would it?
- Where are you going Kook? Hoseok asked as he stared worriedly at the maknae. Aren't you going to eat with us?
- I will, hyung, I'm just a bit tired, I'll take a lil nap. He answered as he was going to the room.
- Okay... I'll wake you up for dinner then.
Jungkook then headed to bed and put an alarm clock.
- k, just 20 minutes *sighs*.
Not even thirty second later, Jungkook was out like a light.
Fifty minutes later, Jungkook was still asleep. His body was trying to get as much rest as it could so when his alarm ringed, he didn't wake up.
Only one hour and a half later, Hoseok came in to wake up the tired boy.
- Kook-ah... Jungkookie, dinner's here, wake up. He said in a soft voice, shaking him lightly.
- Hyuuung... The sleepy boy groaned, stretching his limbs like a kitty.
- Hey Jungkookie, you okay? Looking sleepy there. The elder said, stroking Jungkook's hair. Come eat something then take a shower and go back to sleep bunny, you really look like you haven't had enough sleep...
- Okay, what are we having for dinner?
- I think they ordered some KFC. The rapper replied simply.
- Did they think of ordering something non-spicy for me? He asked worriedly.
Jungkook didn't really like spicy food and he was not really in the mood for making any effort to eat it without complaining.
- Don't worry, we thought of you this time. He smiled awkwardly, remembering how Jungkook felt all queasy because of the spicy tteokbokki he had two weeks ago.
The two of them got up from the bed and headed to the little dining room, where the others were unpacking the food and serving everyone.
- Hello Jungkook, did you sleep well? Taehyung asked with a bright smile.
- I did, thanks. He replied as he took a seat next tho his youngest hyung.
They all digged into their food, happily chatting and joking around.
But Jungkook remained quiet. There was too much noise for his will, he just wanted to finish eating and go to sleep.
He wasn't even hungry, but he didn't want to worry his hyungs too much so he ate his chicken in silence, squinting his eyes as the light now seemed to be more intense.
Jungkook quickly finished and got up, making it loud as his chair scraped the wooden floor.
Everyone went silent and looked at him.
- Umh... Sorry, I didn't mean to be that loud... I'm going to bed, good night hyungs. He said quietly, head a little down as his sensitive eyes preferred staying away from the light.
- Sleep well bun. Jimin said.
Jungkook took a hot shower to relax a bit before going to sleep.
But as soon as his body laid on his bed, under the warm and comfy blankets, the tiredness seemed to leave his body.
He opened his eyes wide, in shock and frustration.
He just wanted to sleep so what, now?!
He tried to relax but his mind was still wide awake and he couldn't fall asleep.
With a frustrated grunt, Jungkook accepts the fact he won't be able to sleep right now so he went back in the living room, with the others.
- You're not sleeping koo? Seokjin asked.
- I woke up only an hour ago, I don't think I'll be able to sleep right now.
- Come here, we're watching Avengers. Namjoon said, sitting correctly on the couch so Jungkook has a spot next to him.
Jungkook smiled lightly, thanking his hyung as he sat between Namjoon and Yoongi.
Minutes were flying by quickly and Jungkook eventually felt tiredness come back. He let his body lay onto Yoongi's lap as he slowly fell asleep.
- Sleep well bunny. Yoongi murmured with a little smile on his face.
- I'm gonna tuck him in bed, give me a hand. Seokjin whispered.
Seokjin carried the maknae on his back while Yoongi opened the doors on their way.
- Here, sleep well bun. The eldest whispered, caressing Jungkook cheeks lightly.
But the feather like touch was enough to wake him up.
His eyes opened slowly in the dark room as his two hyung were leaving.
And that night again, Jungkook couldn't sleep.
The second his eyes opened, his brain went on fully awake mode and billions of thoughts kept him far away from his dreamland.
Or was it the fact his body was getting used to sleep so little?
In both ways, Jungkook was restless, fidgeting in his bed.
And after a whole two hours of changing positions, trying to relax and listening to music, he finally decided to go have a little jog around the neighborhood, aware of the dangers of the night.
He put on a mask and a beanie to cover his unmistakable cherry hair after putting some sweatpants and a hoodie then skillfully goes out without making the slightest noise.
Everything went pretty well and after about half an hour, Jungkook felt already out of breath so he made his way to their apparthotel.
Once his body collapsed on the couch, it finally gives out, letting the singer get some rest.
The next day, when Yoongi woke up, he found the maknae curled in a tiny ball on the couch. He looked at him worriedly, biting his lip as he was trying to figure out whether he should wake him up or not.
- He may be sick... He didn't look great the few last days, I should check on him. He muttered to himself as he slowly reached for the sleeping boy, shaking him slightly.
- Hey Kookie... What are you doing here, are you sick or something?
- Hyung? I-I'm fine, just had some trouble falling asleep.
The rapper observed his features for a few minutes before nodding.
- *sigh* If you ever have trouble falling asleep again, you should tell Jin hyung. I think he has some sleeping pills or anything that could help you.
- Hyung, please don't worry about it, I'll be fine. I'll ask if I need help but I'm pretty sure it's just the jetlag, I'll be okay soon. Jungkook said as he smiled widely.
Yoongi smiled back before waking up the other.
Today, they'll be visiting Berlin!
- Are we there? When will we go back? My foot hurts. Jungkook whined.
- Oh, you stop complaining now. It's only been three hours, you're less tired after dance practice. Jimin said, his eyebrows furrowed.
He get that Jungkook was tired but they just wanted to have some fun, some time to relax and he was kind of ruining it with his complaining.
- I'm sorry hyung, it's just I'm really tired today..
- I'm not mad at you, Kook. I just want you to enjoy it as much as we do.
- Let's go to the restaurant so we can have dinner. Then we'll head back home, how about that? Hoseok proposed.
Everyone agreed and the mood lifted up, the atmosphere filling with laughter and little talks.
After their long day of constant walking and shopping, they eventually got back home after having dinner at the restaurant. Most of them immediately went to their room, leaving only Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin in the living room.
- Wanna play Overwatch together? Taehyung asked the maknae, doing a pretty convincing aegyo.
- I didn't think of taking the ps4, actually I- Jungkook started.
- Don't worry, there's one hidden in the TV stand. And I thought of bringing the game with me, just in case. He answered with his boxy smile.
- Well... Not too late, I don't wanna be tired tomorrow.
- Yey! Wanna join us, hyung?
- Nah, you know I'm not keen of that kind of games. Seokjin mumbled.
- That's because you always die first! Namjoon said with a smirk as he entered the kitchen.
- You always kill me because I'm the easiest one to kill! Even when we play Among Us, y'all kill me first! He complains while going to the bathroom.
Jungkook laughed lightly and took a controller.
- Here we go. Taehyung said, a wide smile on his face.
They were both having fun together, it's been a while since the last time they actually had the time to play some video games together.
Jungkook missed that.
So did Taehyung.
Hours have passed. It was now about 4am and both young men fell asleep on the couch a while ago, leaving the bright TV screen on, the controllers still in their loose grip.
But it didn't last long.
For some reasons, Jungkook woke up.
He didn't feel tired anymore, he just felt a bit numb.
His eyebrows furrow because of the bright screen and he finally notices it.
Something is wrong.
He can't move.
He was aware of his surroundings, he knew he was on the couch, probably still with Taehyung but couldn't move somehow.
He couldn't scream, he couldn't call for help.
He didn't know what was happening to him, he was just there, laying still.
I knew something was wrong with me but I didn't know I'd end up paralyzed.
I tried to move, to trash but nothing happened.. I can't feel anything, my eyes are just wide open, seeking help but I can't do anything else.
I eventually try to calm down a bit, panicking won't make it any better.
So I closed my eyes and tried to breathe as deep as I could
And after a few long minutes, I feel like I'm able to move again.
I brutally stand up, waking Taehyung hyung while doing so.
I was breathing quite hard, the shock and fright was still there, my hands trembling slightly.
- What's going on Kook?
- I... I-I couldn't move, I couldn't feel anything... I'm terrified hyung what's happening to me?
- Hey, it's okay bun, we're going to wake Jin hyung up to see if he has something to help you fall back asleep...
- But I don't wanna sleep! I snapped.
- Shhhh, calm down, we'll fix that. He whispered, hugging me tightly. I'm here, everything is going to be okay.
Taehyung could feel the boy's heart beating hard against his own chest so he waited for him to calm down a bit before calling for their hyung.
Seokjin immediately woke up and made some chamomile tea to soothe poor Jungkook to sleep.
But the boy was nervous, he didn't want to experience that again, he didn't want to sleep alone...
- Hyung, please can you stay with me?
- I'll stay by your side, just sleep Kook, you're safe.
And Jungkook fell asleep curled up against his hyung.
- You can go to sleep, Tae, we're waking up early tomorrow.
- I'm worried for him hyung... He said after a while.
He didn't give Seokjin the chance to try and comfort him.
He just went to his bed, falling asleep with his head full of thoughts.
[I hope he is okay...]
/t h e n e x t d a y/
Yesterday was their last day off, so they all woke up at 8 o'clock to get ready on time for their rehearsal at the stadium.
Tomorrow they had a concert. But Jungkook was so tired, he obviously lacked sleep and it was messing up his coordination.
It was getting on the others nerves.
Not the fact that the boy was messing up the whole thing but the fact he wasn't getting any better and refused to miss today's rehearsal.
- Okay, stop the music. Jungkook what's happening? The choreographer asked.
Jungkook lowered his head in shame. He did his best, he really tried.
- I'm sorry, hyung I'll do it again. He said, getting back to his position.
- No, you aren't. Jungkook-ah, are you perhaps not sleeping or eating properly?
- He hasn't been sleeping well for a few days. Yoongi affirmed.
He could tell that, he used to have insomnia a lot back to their trainee days.
Yoongi bit his lip in guilt, maybe he could've done something to help him earlier.
- Listen, Jungkook-ah, I think it's better for all of you if you skip rehearsal in order to get some sleep. It's either that or you won't physically be able to perform tomorrow. The choreographer said in a soft tone.
Jungkook keep his head lowered, nodding.
- I'm sorry, Jungkook, but I think he's right, it's for the best. Go and get some rest, we'll meet again later. Their manager said.
- O-okay. The maknae muttered.
- Want me to come with you? Namjoon kindly offered.
- I'll be fine on my own hyung, just keep rehearsing.
Jungkook didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to sleep alone.
But he didn't want to be a bother, he's already skipping the rehearsal, he better makes himself discreet.
[I'm a grown man, I should be fine.] He thought to himself.
He made his way to the parking lot, where their driver was waiting and remained silent during the whole ride.
- We're here, Jungkook-ssi.
- Thank you for driving me back home, have a great day. Jungkook simply said without giving a look at the driver, who smiled anyway.
He quickly entered the huge flat and went to his room.
But even when he laid on his bed, he couldn't fall asleep.
He doesn't want to feel that way again.
He remained awake for a long time, laying still in his bed.
The sun was setting, meaning the boys will be back soon. But even that thought didn't soothe the young singer enough to get him to sleep.
His mind kept wandering for awfully long minutes while his eyes remained glued on the window.
From where he was, Jungkook had a beautiful view, and if he actually had the time, he would've tried to picture it in his sketchbook.
Especially that blue bird, which looks like it's floating around the window.
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut and opened them again.
The blue bird was gone.
At that moment, Jungkook knew he was overly sleep deprived. He was seeing things.
He sighs heavily. He doesn't know if he'll be able to wait for his hyung to come back home before falling asleep.
Even though it didn't feel safe, he was way too tired.
Time keeps passing slowly and the others finally arrived home.
At that exact same time, Jungkook body went limp and he didn't even had the energy to fight it.
He just closed his eyes and fell asleep.
- Okay, I ordered us some noodles, what time is it right now? Shouldn't we wake Kookie up? Hoseok asked.
- It's 8:21pm, I think we should wake him up, he didn't eat again and he probably won't sleep later if we don't do it. Jimin said.
- No, I don't think we should. The boy has been really poorly for a few days, let him get some energy back. Namjoon argued.
- Well, he has to eat, then he can go back to sleep right after. Seokjin concluded.
- I'm going to wake him up.
Hoseok made his way to Jungkook's room and opened the door carefully.
Soft snores could be heard from where the rapper was, he chuckled and silently made his way to the younger's bed.
- He seems so peaceful, I don't know if I should wake him up... Hoseok murmured for himself.
He strokes the boy's cherry hair and poke his cheek.
- Jungkook, you have to wake up to eat something... He said barely louder than a whisper.
Jungkook stirred awake and whined loudly.
He was still extremely tired and when he finally falls asleep, someone comes and wake him up.
The frustration and anger were building in the pit of his stomach and he snapped at his hyung, letting some tears stream down him face.
- Why would you do that!? Can't I get some rest? I just want to f****** sleep! Why are you bothering me?! Just get out! GET OUT I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU HERE, GET THE F***OUT OF MY RO-om! He yelled, his voice cracking slightly at the end of his sentence.
Hoseok looked at him completely and utterly shocked. He didn't mean to bother... He knew the maknae was speaking out of anger but it still hurt.
He just stands up and heads back to the living room, where the others were all watching him with wide eyes.
All of them could now hear the heart breaking sobs coming from Jungkook's room as Hoseok forgot to close the door.
And a few seconds later, Yoongi got up and made his way to the singer's room, soon followed by Namjoon and Jimin.
The others tried to comfort Hoseok a bit before joining them too.
- Jungkook, what's going on? The eldest rapper asked softly, as to not scare him.
Jungkook doesn't answer.
He messed up. He new he messed up and he was feeling so guilty right now.
- We're not mad at you, we're just trying to understand what's going on. We know you didn't mean it but we can't help you if you keep everything from us. Namjoon added in a warm, comforting tone.
- I-I'm just so tired, hyungs. I can't sleep at all, today I had hallucinations! I know I'm tired but I can't seem to fall asleep... He just said.
- You messed up you body clock, so your body doesn't know when to sleep anymore and you end up extremely tired. This can lead to serious issues, Jungkook, I'll give you some pills for tonight and we'll talk about it with the doctor tomorrow. Seokjin said, his eyes obviously worried.
He didn't think it'd be that serious.
- Thank you hyungs, and, I'm sorry for yelling at you Hoseok hyung... I shouldn't have cursed at you either. I'm really sorry, please don't take it to heart, I didn't mean anything I said earlier.
- It's fine Kook, I know it's not easy to be in this situation.
The food arrived, ending their conversation.
They all dig in, chatting every now and then and went to bed right after finishing.
All of them were tired.
But even with the pills Jungkook just took, he was still dreading bed time.
However, the singer fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
/t h e n e x t d a y/
Jungkook managed to get some sleep last night but it still wasn't enough to cover up fot the many sleepless nights he had those last few days.
Again, during their last rehearsal, his coordination was lacking him which didn't go unnoticed.
So during a break, the choreographer called for the medic and all of bangtan.
- Jungkook-ah, did you manage to get any sleep since yesterday? The choreographer asked.
- Yeah...
- Your moves are still a bit uncoordinated, are you okay? Tell me honestly, how are you feeling right now?
Everyone was silent, waiting for the maknae's answer.
But it didn't come.
- Jungkook-ah... Namjoon whispered, looking sadly at the poor boy.
- I'm still a bit tired...
- Jungkook-ssi, you don't look 'just a bit tired'. You really seem exhausted, I think it'd be better for you to not perform tonigh-. The doctor started until Jungkook interrupted him.
- NO! Please let me at least sing, I won't dance but please let me sit there and sing... That's all I'm asking for, I'll do everything I can in order to get better but you can't prevent me from doing this... Please, I'll do anything. He said, nearly begging.
- Okay, fine. But you better have a nap before the concert, at least 20 minutes. I'll have you examined so I can maybe prescribe you something to get you all better.
They all sigh in relief. At least Jungkook will be there, they'll be 7, they will be BTS.
Namjoon was fearing the moment the doctor would tell them that Jungkook will be in bed rest for a long moment.
But he didn't.
And everyone was grateful for that.
- Well, Jungkook, go take a nap, there's a mattress in my tent. The doctor kindly proposed, already guiding the singer.
(you know, those medic tents just in case someone faints or has a problem)
- Sleep well Kook, get tons of rest, as much as you can! Taehyung said happily to cheer him, and the others, up.
Jungkook just smiles lightly before heading to the doctors tent so he can get checked and have some sleep.
/t i m e s k i p/
he concert went very well, even though Jungkook cried a bit at the end, exhaustion taking its toll on him.
Hoseok was the first to run and comfort the young idol, soon followed by the others, all crushing each other in a tight group hug.
ARMY's awe at the sight, cheering to comfort the maknae too.
They were all happy and the excitement remained vivid during the ride back home.
They'll give another concert in two days and they were already all looking forward to it.
Even Jungkook.
Despite the fact the boy was still extremely worn out, thanks to the medication and the advices the doctor gave him, he should be fine in about two days but it may take a few weeks for him to get back to his energetic self as it takes a lot of time to get the circadian cycle back to its usual schedule.
After a long relaxing shower, Jungkook put on his pajamas and took a sleeping pill before laying in bed, tucking himself under the heavy blankets.
He didn't really remember if the doctor told him to take one or two pills so he only took one, for safety reasons.
He sighs in relief as he already feels his eyelids getting heavier.
And after a few minutes only, Jungkook fell into a deep slumber, not noticing Taehyung who joined him.
Very early the next morning, Jungkook woke up.
His eyes fluttered a few times but as he wanted to get up, he noticed his body was limp.
[No... Not again.] He thought as his eyes were seeking help.
I'm trying to relax, I know panicking will make it worse but I noticed something else than just the lack of movement.
I can't hear himself breathing.
I try to breathe louder, to make some noise, to talk, to scream
But nothing came out of my mouth and I feel like crying.
My body seemed to weigh hundreds of tons as I still couldn't move a muscle.
I don't know what's happening to me but I don't like it at all. I'm out of control.
I can't do anything.
I'm going to die from asphyxia.
Taehyung woke up, immediately furrowing his eyebrows.
Was this Jungkook?
He turned around and looked at the youngest.
Something is clearly wrong with him.
His eyes were closed tightly and his body was limp yet stiff to the touch.
And he was breathing loudly, kind of gasping for air.
Was he having a nightmare?
Taehyung tried to shake him out of his transe but nothing happened.
Except Jungkook's eyes were now wide open.
He was awake
But his body remained limp.
He took a sharp breath in but remained still.
I don't know what's happening to him but it's starting to freak me out.
Maybe he was in some sort of absent seizure? I don't know! I'm lost, what should I do?
- HYUNNNNNNNNGS!! Hyuuuuungs please help me! I screamed on top of my lungs.
- We're here, Tae, what's happening? Yoongi hyung said.
I know he hates being woken up and I feel quite sorry when I see him rub his eyes with his fists.
But the panic is still there as I hear Jungkook grunting.
I bit my lip harshly as tears well up in my eyes. I'm feeling useless.
Everyone was in the room and Jimin was hugging Jungkook's limp body, whispering sweet things to him.
Hearing his soft voice and feeling Jin hyung's arms around me calmed me down a bit.
After a while, Jungkook came around and sat down properly, looking into nothing.
Silence was invading the room, while he was taking deep, slow breaths.
- I don't know what's happening to me hyungs, I'm afraid. He said once he had calmed down, his voice slightly breaking.
Nobody answers, we all knew he was going to talk, he just needed some time.
- At first it was as though I was awake, doing just what I'd usually do if I wasn't that exhausted : playing Overwatch with Taetae hyung. But I knew it couldn't be real because I was extremely exhausted and I remembered very well taking a pill and immediately going to bed. There was no way I was possibly awake after 4 days with barely any sleep. I-
- You had a lucid dream. Namjoon said calmly. Would you mind telling us what happened next?
- I was trying to wake up since I knew I was dreaming but it didn't work. Instead, I was unable to move, I was paralyzed. This has happened to me twice in the last few days and this is driving me crazy, it's haunting me in my dreams! He said, in a slightly louder and distraught tone.
- Then I really woke up... But I really was still paralysed, I couldn't move and I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was suffocating. But I didn't feel the pain you feel when you lack air, it's just, I couldn't hear nor feel myself breathing and in a panic, I thought I was gonna die and I don't know, I was stressed...
- You know Kookie-ah, I used to have sleep paralysis a lot back then, but now it has calm down a little as my sleep apnea gets treated. Namjoon said when he was sure the youngest was done talking.
- I believe you had those paralysis and dreams because you have messed up your sleeping schedule. I'm not blaming you, we're on a tour and I know you had a lot of trouble since the ride from London to here. You'd try to sleep a bit earlier and, in order for you to sleep at the right time, you'd stop the naps. If you can't sleep at night then you can take a sleeping pill, you'll be back to your usual self in a few days, trust me. He said confidently.
- The doctor prescribed me those but I took one instead of two... That's why I woke up so early I suppose. Thank you for your advice, hyung. Thank y'all for being there. Jungkook said, a little smile on his face.
- We will always be there, Jungkook. Hoseok said, smiling back at him.
- Now get some rest, bun. Jin and Yoongi hyung said at the same time.
- JINX! Seokjin whisper-yelled as the young boy was falling back asleep in his tiny hyung's arms. (aka jiminie ♡)
Yoongi sighs, chuckling at the childish behavior.
- Night night, kookoo. I whispered, kissing his forehead before laying back under the warm blanket.
- You can sleep here if you want, Jiminie. There's still room for you right next to me. I murmured.
- Thanks, Tae. Sleep well. He said as he closed his eyes.
Hi c: it's been a while, I'm sorry I'd been struggling a lot with my sleep (that's why I wrote about it; everything that Jungkook experienced in this OS is what I had experienced)
I hope you liked it, it was kinda hard for me to write it because I had a lot of trouble trying to put words on what I had experienced. Also, I didn't compare my experience to others so I'm sorry if you don't find it accurate or relatable to the things you've heard/learned /experienced.
Something that made it quite hard too was the fact that sleep paralysis doesn't just come from nothing, if your sleep schedule is fine, u'll be very unlikely to go through that. So I had to explain the reason why JK was that poorly.
Please, don't hesitate to point out the mistakes, I didn't proofread because I'm a lazy piece of bacon c:
Now a lil question for y'all :
Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? If yes, would you like to tell me about it (I'm just being curious)?If not, have you ever had some sleep related problems?
Requests are currently closed but I may open them just for 1 or 2 members at a time. I have like 30 requests on my list so I'll try to write them before taking any more requests. Thanks for understanding ;p
sweet dreams y'all :]
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