Crystal Snow
*cough cough*
Recently, I've catched a little cold. It wasn't that bad actually, but Seokjin hyung was being overprotective, always checking if I was warmly clothed or rushing by my side everytime I was sneezing.
It started to annoy me, I'm a grown man now, I don't need someone to constantly look after me.
I feel too oppressed, I don't like being babied all the time.
He was constantly on my back, as if I was going to faint at any moment.
So, to take a break from this hell, I sneak out of the dorm when everyone is asleep.
I need to breath in some fresh air, I can't stand this anymore.
|2 : 3 7 a m|
I get out of my bed, grabbing a random hoodie, trying not to make too much noise. But even if I did, I know Jungkook is too deep into dreamland to stir awake.
I tiptoed out of our bedroom, to the entrance of the dorms, put my shoes carefully and then I skillfully sneak out, proud of myself.
I'm walking to the park, I really like to go there to clear my mind and write some lyrics.
I've been doing this for the past three days and it really does stimulate my inspiration.
I sit on a bench, shivering a bit.
[It's a little cold, I should have taken a jacket...] I thought to myself.
But before I could even write a word, snow starts to fall delicately.
I watch it in awe, it wasn't supposed to snow before the end of November, it's so beautiful.
I always liked the snow, it's light, delicate, refreshing.
I snap out of my thoughts as a harsh cough cut my breathing.
I should head back to the dorm before my cold gets worse..
Namjoon gets back home but his cough significantly got worse.
Even if he's trying to keep as quiet as possible, his wheezy breathing and the harsh cough that he can't manage to stop breaks the silence.
He tried to shorten and calm his breathing so he won't cough but it didn't work at all.
While taking his shoes off, he thought he saw a shadow.
Did he wake someone up?
The rapper stops breathing, tiptoeing rapidly to his room, and go to bet without even checking if his roommate was awake.
His breathing was all wheezy and he couldn't fall sleep.
Namjoon let out a coughing fit, trying to muffle the sound in his pillow.
And he finally managed to fall asleep after a few hours.
The next day, he woke up feeling clearly under the weather. His body felt all numb and a blistering pain in his chest was nearly bringing tears to his unfocused eyes.
He eventually got up and went to one of the two bathrooms to get ready for the day.
[They can't know, or they'll found out I went outside..] The leader thought, as he took some syrup to calm his coughs and some painkillers before heading to the dining room, were everyone was already seated, ready to eat. (I love that syrup I swear)
Namjoon greeted everyone, grimacing a bit when he heard how bad his voice sounded.
He tried to hide the shooting pain in his chest with a smile.
And everyone seemed to go back to their plates.
Besides the maknae.
He found out Namjoon went out yesterday because he went to the bathroom at night and noticed the rapper wasn't there. He decided not to alert anyone and just wait until he comes back home.
And just as Jungkook was about to tell Jin, as he passed next to that entrance, he catched Namjoon's silhouette so he just head back to his bed, exhausted.
But now, he knows something is wrong with his hyung, so he just asked:
- Hyung, is everything alright? Your voice sounds very hoarse... Are you sick? Is it because you went out yeste-
And he suddenly stops, noticing his mistake.
- What? Seokjin asked in a harsh tone.
Don't get him wrong he wasn't angry, just worried and a bit disappointed.
- Uhm... I went out yesterday... When all of you were asleep. Namjoon admitted.
- You what? Why? Look at you now, poor thing, you seem all sick and you look in pain... Seokjin whispered his heart broken by the fact.
[I should have paid attention, this wouldn't have happened.] The eldest thought.
- I'm sorry hyung, I'm fine don't worry. Namjoon said, not daring looking at him.
The others watched the scene, remaining silent. They never thought Namjoon would do something so thoughtless. It's not in his habits.
- And you? Why didn't you tell me he went out? What would have happened if he didn't came back? What would you have done, huh? Seokjin snapped, staring at Jungkook.
- I'm sorry hyung, I was about to tell you but then he came back so I thought it'd be unnecessary. I won't do it again, I promise. Jungkook said, his tone sad from disappointing him.
Jin continued to scold both of them, before eventually calming down and advise Namjoon to take his meds with him as they'll go out soon.
During the day, they had some dance practice and vocal recordings but Namjoon kept messing the steps and his voice was all hoarse and he couldn't stop coughing.
At first annoyed, they rapidly remembered something was probably off with Namjoon.
In fact, the boy was now a little feverish.
They were eating, keeping an eye on Namjoon, who was poking his food with his chopsticks.
Suddenly, he dropped his chopsticks and actually faints in his black noodle bowl.
Taehyung, who was sitting next to him, quickly standed up and pulled on the leaders hair to get his head out of the bowl.
He earns a light, cracked whimper as the leader slowly opens his eyes.
His dilated pupils wandered from a face to another, the others asking him if he was alright.
- Are you okay Joonie hyung? Jimin asked with his sweet voice.
- What happened? Why are y'all crowded around me like this? He slurred in response.
- You just fainted, you have a fever, Joon. Yoongi said calmly.
- 'm tired.
- I'll help you going to your bed hyung. Jungkook said.
- I'm calling the manager, there's no way he goes to tomorrow's practice like this.
/l o n g t i m e s k i p/
They tried to handle it by themselves, thinking it was just a tough flu.
But Namjoon wasn't getting any better...
(⚠ lil gross moment jsbdjdbdhdbdjdbnxjx ⚠)
His throat was extremely sore, the pain in his chest was getting worse and lately, he started coughing some greenish/whitish mucus.
Seokjin and Yoongi, his main caregivers quickly noticed and after a few research, he might have a bronchitis but they weren't 100% sure.
Both of the said 'caregivers' kept on going to the dance practices as well as taking care of their dongsaeng.
But quickly, they became tired... Exhausted... And eventually developed the same symptoms as him.
They couldn't manage it by themselves so they called for their personal doctor to know what they could do to get better quickly.
His verdict was as clear as (my face) water.
It was, indeed, bronchitis.
The maknae and Hoseok took some days off to take care of them.
- We will take care of you, hyungs! Taehyung chanted happily.
It's going to be harder than they thought...
*harsh coughing fit*
I woke up from my light sleep and look at Jin, who was nearly coughing his lungs out.
I got up, going near him and managed to make him sit down.
Jin hyung continued to cough for a few minutes before finally stopping.
I look at him worriedly, silently asking the eldest if he was okay.
- I'm fine. He whispered.
- Hyung, I'm going to make you some tea with honey, would you like that? I asked softly.
Jin-hyung was the most bearable person while sick : he isn't complaining all the time, he isn't whining and he doesn't get clingy nor bossy.
He never asks for anything, as though he didn't dare bother the others.
I'm lucky I'm the one who's taking care of him now, I know Yoongi hyung and Namjoon are a bit harder to handle.
- You'd do that? Awe, you're so sweet. He said quietly, his voice cracking a bit.
Seokjin hyung was also the one who has the lightest symptoms: no fever, no muscle ache, just the basic symptoms like cough, tiredness and excess of mucus obstructing his breathing.
The doctor told us they will need a lot of rest to heal properly, and so far, I think Seokjin hyung is on his way to recovery.
/m e a n w h i l e/
- I'm so tired. I muttered.
It has already been a whole week since the doctor came and I didn't get a lot of rest.
Yoonie hyung is very clingy, he always wants someone to stay with him to cuddle. That swag worldwide known rapper who used to hate skinship was now extra cuddly and extra whiney.
And that someone is me, of course.
But other than that, it was pretty okay.
Lately, I noticed he had a really hard time catching his breath after a coughing fit.
And his breathing is very short when he sleeps... Add that to the fact we already had to take him to hospital because his fever reached 41,7 °C (abt 107°F) three days ago. I don't want that to happen again...
So, to make sure he's fine, I usually stay up at night.
And it's starting to take a toll on me.
I hear noises downstairs, from the voices, I can tell it's Hoseok hyung and Jin hyung. Namjoon hyung probably joined them since it's difficult for him to fall asleep.
I take a look at Yoongi hyung, putting his soft blanket over him correctly before lying by his side.
And without I even notice it, I succumb to exhaustion.
/t i m e s k i p/
It was late night and most of Bangtan was already asleep.
Except for Tae and Namjoon.
They were playing video games, as Namjoon still couldn't fall asleep.
But then, Taehyung's eyes started to itch from tiredness.
- A last one, hyung, then I'm going to sleep, I'm tired. He said.
- Oh... We can go to sleep now Tae, I'm sorry, I should have thought about it before asking you to stay awake with me... You guys take care of us day and night an-
- It's okay hyung, let's just go to sleep. Taehyung interrupted, smiling softly.
They made their way upstairs and as they came across Yoongi's slightly opened door, they heard weird noises.
They both frowned before Taehyung opened the door wide, looking at the two sleeping in the rapper's bed.
But then that weird sound comes again.
It sounds like...
Someone was actually choking?
- Yoongi! Taehyung yelled, suddenly aware of the situation.
Jungkook shot up from all the commotion.
- Huh? He lets out, looking around him a bit dazed.
- Yoongi is choking, Kook, I'm calling an ambulance. You, try to wake him up!
- Hyung? H-hyung... Please, wake up! Hyung! The maknae cried desperately.
- Hyung, could you please go outside to guide the paramedics? If you don't feel go-
- I'm fine you go wake the others up, I'll go outside. The leader said, cutting Taehyung as he was talking.
A few minutes later, the paramedics entered the room, rushing towards the choking boy.
One of them put a tube down his troat and the two others put him carefully on a stretcher.
- Something is blocking his airways, he's in respiratory failure! We have to take him to hospital now!
- I'll go with you! Hoseok said, following them in the ambulance.
Jungkook was still crying, he was feeling guilty.
He couldn't help but think it was his fault if his hyung was in this state, if he hadn't fell asleep, then he could have prevent something like this to happen.
He did need some comfort but everyone was busy looking for the car's keys to even pay attention to him.
- Kook! I got the keys, hurry up, we're going to hospital! Jungkoo-... Hey, what's happening, bunny? Why are you crying, huh? Jimin asked.
- It's all my fault... I fell asleep, I could have prevented it if I was awake. Maybe he was like this for a long time, suffocating next to me while I was dead asleep! The maknae cried.
- Hey... It's not your fault, he is sick. I know you're you've been worried sick for him... I know you stay up late at night to look after him, to make sure he's okay. You were exhausted and did your best, you couldn't avoid that situation. He's going to be alright, let's go to the hospital, okay? Jimin said.
They made their way to the car and Taehyung directly started it, rushing to the hospital.
/t i m e s k i p/
- Min Yoongi's relatives?
They lazily reached the doctor, looking at him, waiting for him to just tell them how is Yoongi.
They were exhausted: some were sick, some have been crying themselves till exhaustion and the others were extremely tired from the sleepless nights.
- Your friend is okay, we managed to get rid of the excess of mucus that was blocking his airways by succion. He'll be able to go back home by tomorrow morning. He's actually resting and your friend is with him in room 24, 7th floor.
- Thank you very much. Seokjin managed to mumble before they all head the rapper's hospital room.
|t h e n e x t d a y|
Yoongi was at home since early in the morning and he was now sleeping soundly on the couch, tightly cuddled up with both Jimin and Jungkook.
Seokjin, who was feeling a lot better, was trying to force something down Namjoon's throat. Ever since he's been sick, the leader had totally lost his appetite, as well as a few pounds.
- You have to eat Joonie, or you won't get better anytime soon! Hoseok said.
- Don't wanna ! He whined, his face resting on the table, next to a bowl of (chicken noodle) soup.
- Just a few spoons hyung, please. Taehyung begged.
Everyone was worried, he hadn't had a proper meal for two whole days.
- But I'm not hungry-
- I'll feed you! Taehyung suddenly exclaimed.
Namjoon blushed a little but didn't refuse anyway.
The youngest took that as a yes and gently guided the spoon to his hyungs lips, opening his own mouth for the rapper to mirror him.
Jin looked at the scene in awe, smiling widely.
- Thank you for taking care of us. He said, looking at Hoseok deep in the eyes.
But both of them knew it was meant for all the caregivers.
Hi everyone! I hope you did like this OS, I think it's very different from what I have the habit to write but I still did my best! It was a request from Brokebaddie and Netflix4life13 ! I really thank both of them for their patience and for requesting 💕
If you notice a mistake, don't hesitate to tell me please 🙏
(Hoseok and Taehyung mostly, I don't have many from them. But others are also accepted!)
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