Bring The Pain
Jimin has been working on the choreographies a lot lately, he wanted to reach the top of perfection.
So he and Hoseok usually stayed late after the dance practice, to perfect their moves.
And today wasn't an exception: right after the dance practice, as the others were getting ready to head back to the dorm, Jimin announced he and Hoseok will stay a little later so they could just go back home, adding that both of them will be there for dinner.
It's the third time of the week they've done this 'routine'. They are not overworking, just improving.
So they started to dance without seeing how fast the time flew by.
Until the music stopped, letting them hear Hoseok's ring tone. They immediately stopped, Hoseok rushing to his phone, answering the call before it's too late.
As soon as he did so, Seokjin's impatient voice burst out of the speakers.
- We're on our way hyung! Hoseok replied hurriedly as his stomach growled loudly.
- Okay, hurry up, the driver's already there, waiting for you!
Then they heard the tonalities that told them he had hung up.
- Let's go. Hoseok said, getting all his stuff in his bag.
- But hyung we- Jimin started.
As if he knew what Jimin was about to say, he just cut him, answering his question.
- We can't stretch now, you heard Jin hyung, the driver's waiting. Make sure you stretch when we get home or at least before you go to sleep.
- Okay.
They exited the dance hall and rushed down the stairs, going to the parking lot.
They were both out of breath from all the dancing plus the little run down the stairs of the building to go to the car but they managed not to make the driver wait for too long.
They entered the car, greeted the driver and apologized for taking so long.
The driver just smiled and looked at them through the mirror, a little smile on his lips.
The journey went smoothly and when they arrived, they thanked the driver before heading in the dorm.
- Finally! Just in time, we were about to eat. Go take a shower and then come sit with us. Jin said.
- But hyung, I'm hungry! Jungkook whined.
- Umh , it's okay hyung, you can start without us, we'll be quick. Hoseok affirmed.
Jimin nodded in approval and went to one of the two bathrooms they had.
He takes a quick shower, not letting the time to his tensed muscles to relax.
He knew Jin wasn't going to let the others eat until he and Hoseok are there, so he just hurried to get dressed in his soft pj's and joined the rest.
They waited a few more minutes, filled with small talks and funny jokes and finally started eating when Hoseok sat down, next to Namjoon.
Tomorrow, they had a day off so they decided to watch a movie before they go to sleep..
The evening went calmly, everyone falling asleep on the large couch, one by one, lulled by the soothing sound of the rain pouring against the windows.
And with all those distractions, Jimin forgot to stretch.
/t i m e s k i p/
The next morning, Jimin woke up feeling a dull ache browse his entire body.
Every single cell of his screamed in agony and he couldn't help but whimper loudly.
He attempted to sit up, trying to keep himself from shrieking.
The pain was unbearable.
All his muscles were sore and tensed, making every slightest movement feel like he's getting hit by a seven tons truck.
He somehow manage to get up, using his weak legs to carry him to the bathroom.
[Maybe a hot bath will make this soreness go away.] He thought.
He quickly undressed while filling the tub with hot water and immerse himself carefully in it.
During that time, the others were waking up, some helping Jin to prepare the breakfast, the other setting the table.
Jimin muscles eased up a bit, allowing him to move a little less painfully
And after he got dressed, he joined the other in the kitchen to help them.
The breakfast was finally ready and they were now eating in a comfortable atmosphere, joking and talking about anything that crossed their mind.
- Jiminie, would you mind and come with me to the dance hall? It's just a matter of an hour or two, but if you're tir-
- Sure, I'd like to go with you, Hobi hyung. Jimin smiled.
[My body doesn't ache that much anymore so it should be okay.] He hoped more than actually thought.
After eating, he prepared his bag, putting a t-shirt, sweatpants, a few water bottles and granola bars before heading to the entrance, where Hoseok was putting his shoes on.
- Ready? He asked.
- Yeah!
- Jinnie hyung! We're going out, we'll be back soon! He yelled for the eldest to hear.
- Okay, stay safe!
They go to Bighit by foot as their driver was on holiday and the building was only a little 30 minutes walk away from the dorm. (I love walking so this seem like the perfect amount of time for a walk, not too short but not too long either lol)
When they arrived, they stretched and Jimin made a wrong move. Pain was invading his body for the 2nd time today but he just ignored it.
He should be okay, he's gone through worse than just aching muscles.
They started dancing, giving the best of them and after a full two hours and a half without any break, their bodies dropped on the floor from tiredness.
They laughed a bit, Hoseok offering to take a 15 minutes break. Break that Jimin eagerly welcomed.
He was exhausted and his body was all sore. He gulped down a whole bottle before taking another one... He didn't realised how thirsty he was.
After their labored breathing finally calmed down, Hoseok got up and went back to his position.
- Are you okay Jiminie? (xd when I write Jiminie, this cute locust appears in the suggestion bar 🦗) He asked as he noticed the pained expression replacing Jimin's soft features.
- I'm a bit sore but it's okay.
- Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
- Don't worry hyung, I'll stop if it hurts too much.
And with that they returned to their dance session.
For two more hours.
Two long and painful hours.
When they finally decided it was enough, Jimin excused himself in the bathroom while Hoseok was stretching.
He was in an extreme pain but didn't want Hoseok to find out so he just went away from his sight.
In the bathroom, he held onto the sink with his trembling hands. He looked at his reflection, trying to breathe deeply, massaging his shoulders to ease them up a bit but it did nothing less than hurting him more.
After a few minutes, Hoseok came in, a worried expression on his face.
- It took you a while, I was starting to think you were being sick or something. He started.
- Is everything okay? He asked.
- Yeah, don't worry. Let's go back to the dorm. Jimin smiled painfully at Hoseok, hoping the other won't notice.
On the way back, the sky started to cover with dark clouds. And only a few seconds after, rain starts pouring, drenching the two dancers in a matter of seconds.
They started laughing at the situation, running to the dorm even if they were already soaked.
They took of their shoes as soon as they entered the dorm, puddles already forming from how bad they were drenched.
- Tae! Jimin called, his lips already blue despite the fact they were inside now.
- Tae, could you get us some towels please?! Hoseok added.
Taehyung quickly arrived with two warm towels, giving them to his hyungs.
- Should I make some hot chocolate? You two should go take a warm shower and get changed into warm pj's. He said sweetly.
- Awe Tae Tae, you're such a sweetheart! Jimin replied, already looking forward to drinking the hot beverage.
- I know ♡! He responded with a cute aegyo, followed by his boxy smile.
/t i m e s k i p/
Jimin kept moving uncomfortably in his sheets, moaning in discomfort.
His body felt heavy and sore and he could feel his fringe sticking to his forehead as he was sweating profusely.
Jin, as the light sleeper he is, immediately woke up.
- Jimin, are you okay? He asked.
- I don't really know, I've been sore recently and now I just can't find a position to go back to sleep... Everything feels so uncomfortable hyung. He sniffled.
Jin got up from his bed. He had expected Jimin and Hoseok to catch something after walking/running under the rain for this long.
Just as he thought before running a hand on the dizzy boy's forehead, it feels warmer than it should.
He has a fever.
- You're feverish Jiminie... I'll give you something to make it drop and we'll see how it'll be tomorrow, okay?
- Okay... The poor boy whispered weakly.
He could not go back to sleep.
His body was too sore.
He has been going through this for hours now but he couldn't restrain his whimpers anymore.
He started sobbing from pain and frustration.
His muscles were now uncontrollably spasming, making his every move so painful he didn't dare budging.
- Jimin, what is it honey? Jin asked.
Jimin was so deep in pain that he didn't notice he woke Seokjin up.
Along with the others.
They were all alarmed by Jimin loud wailing and they rushed to his room as fast as they could.
- What's happening to him? Jungkook asked, a little scared.
Namjoon was the first to notice and understand the state of his dongsaeng.
- His muscles seem like they're spasming. It must be really painful... I think we really should take him to hospital, there's nothing we can do to help him. He said firmly.
With those words said, Yoongi attempted to reassure the tiny dancer so he could relax a bit.
If Jimin keeps feeling stressed out and panicked because of his state, it'll just make the pain worse.
Jungkook called an ambulance, waiting outside to guide the paramedics.
Then, it all happened fast.
They arrived in Jimin's room with a stretcher and injected him a muscle relaxant before taking him to the hospital.
Seokjin went with him in the ambulance and directly started comforting him.
Soon the muscle relaxant kicked in and the exhausted boy finally fell asleep.
- Do you know what may have cause this to him? A paramedic asked, looking at Jin.
- I don't really know, he's has been heading to the dance hall a lot recently and he's having a fever since yesterday so maybe the two combined made it all worse... He said quietly, clearly worried.
- I see... Don't worry for your friend, he'll be alright.
/t i m e s k i p/
Bangtans were now in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to tell them how their tiny (I just love that word so much, it's so cute) friend was feeling.
- Park Jimin's family?
As soon as they heard their friend's name, they rushed near the doctor.
- How is Jimin? Hoseok was the first to ask.
- He just woke up, his muscles have been through a lot lately maybe he didn't stretch well or made a wrong move. Maybe both and from the reaction he has had, I can tell he continued to take exercise despite the pain. But well, he'll be okay now. We'll have to keep him until tomorrow in observation and then he'll be able to come back home. I'll prescribe him some Ibuprofen to lower his fever, some muscle relaxant shots, painkillers and a few sessions with a massage therapist.
They all let out a relieved sigh as the doctor was showing them the way to his room.
- How are you feeling Jiminie? Taehyung asked while entering the hospital room.
As his gaze caught his friends entering his room, a large smile formed on his plumped lips.
Even if the muscle relaxant made him feel like he was in liquid state, and his fever making him feel all giddy, he still was glad to see his friends.
- I'm fine, don't worry Tae. He said softly, his eyes closing as he's too tired to stay awake.
He tried to fight it but Jungkook's soothing voice lulled him.
- Sweet dreams...
That's the last thing he heard before falling into a deep slumber.
They don't have to worry about Jimin, he'll be back on his feet in a matter of time.
Heyyyyy! I hope you liked this OS! It was requested by Brokebaddie , thank you very much for requesting and for your patience! I hope there aren't too many mistake but let me know if you notice any :)
Don't hesitate to request HERE
Have a great day 👾
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