Lately, Hoseok got a lot of calls and texts from what he thinks is a sasaeng.
In 7 years of his idol life, he hardly ever experienced contacts with sasaengs.
Maybe because he was extremely careful?
They were still in Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia, having given their last concert abroad before returning to Korea the next day.
He kept getting texts from that sasaeng, them saying that they knew each of his movements and will be there at the airport tomorrow, waiting for him to kiss them tenderly before going on a walk together.
It was creepy.
Hoseok didn't really know how to react, he did get a lot of fans that say things like that but they know it won't ever happen, don't they?
Hoseok grew worried.
What if it was true?
What if they had bad intentions?
That night he didn't sleep.
He spent the night talking about it with Seokjin to get some comfort but it wasn't enough for him to fall asleep.
Even though his body was overly tired and in need of some rest, each time he closed his eyes, he jolts back awake, looking for the elder.
|4 : 4 9 a m|
He still couldn't sleep.
Tears were slowly making their way down his cheeks as he grew excessively tired and frustrated.
Before his sobs could wake his hyung up, he exited his room and went in the suite's kitchen.
He nearly screamed as he catched a glimpse of a dark silhouette, sitting on one of the high stools near the bar with its back facing the scared rapper.
He sucked in a breath, nearly choking and, just at that moment, his phone lit up, a text from that sasaeng fan popping up his lockscreen.
His eyes grew wider as the silhouette slowly turned to the source of the light and-
- Hoseok hyung, you aren't sleeping yet? It's very early y'know?
It was Taehyung's low, deep voice.
It was him..
Not a sasaeng or whatever.
It was just Taehyung.
Without realizing it, Hoseok broke down into tears as his cotton-like legs couldn't carry him anymore from both tiredness and relief.
- Oh my God, hyung, you okay ? Of course not, why did I even ask?! Taehyung said as he suddenly let go of his Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart theme still playing in the background.
He crouched down next to his hyung, hugging him and comforting as much as he possibly could.
And after a few long minutes, the rapper finally calmed down a little.
- What is it hyung? What's the matter?
- A s-sasaeng keeps texting and calling me, no matter how many times I blocked their number, they don't care at all! They said we'll meet at the airport and have a walk together... What if they kidnap me? He said, his voice going lower and lower.
- Hyung, everything is going to be alright, I'll make sure to tell Namjoon hyung so he can deal with it with the staff. I'll stay by your side in the plane if you want... And when we'll be back to Korea, we'll change your phone number, okay? Everything is going to be alright.
- O-okay. Hoseok said, letting his mind settle a little bit, giving him the opportunity to finally fall asleep in his dongsaeng's arms.
Hoseok woke up in the plane, a few hours later.
He looked around him, kinda confused about how he managed to come here but before he could think further, Yoongi's voice echoed in his head.
He just woke up so he wasn't fully awake and the headache he was having right now didn't help at all.
- You're finally up, you must've been really tired. We found you and Taehyung sleeping next to the kitchen's counter, is everything alright, Hobi-ah?
- Umh.. I'm fine hyung, I just had.. A-a nightmare ? He lied.
Hoseok didn't know why he lied but he just did it in the heat of the moment. But his tone was quite uncertain and Yoongi was the one who knew him the most out of the six of them.
- There is no need to lie, Hobi. Just tell me what's wrong, I'm here to help, not to make things worse. He said in a calm voice.
And after a few minutes of hesitation, Hoseok finally gave in.
He looked around him to see if anyone was looking at them before starting to explain the sasaeng thing.
- Hoseok-ah! You should have told us, we could have find a solution. I'm telling Namjoon! Yoongi said as he unbuckled his seat belt.
The scared boy quickly lift his face to him, his eyes begging the elder to stay with him.
- Don't g-go! He let out in a begging tone.
- Everything is fine Hobi, we're in the plane, there's nobody that's gonna hurt you in here, okay? Look Namjoon is sitting right there. He said as he pointed the rapper's seat, two seats away from them.
But it wasn't enough to calm Hoseok's building anxiety.
- H-hyung... He whimpered, his hands starting to shake with fear already.
Yoongi frowned a bit before sitting back down and hugging Hoseok tightly.
He knew Hoseok was a scaredy cat and all but he does not usually whimper and beg like this.
- Jimin-ah. Yoongi called.
- Yes, hyung? Jimin asked, his eyes still half closed from his previous nap.
- I'm sorry for bothering but could you please call Namjoon? I have to talk some issues with him.
- What's the matter? Jimin asked, his mind now fully awake.
- It's about Hobi, he had some trouble with sasaeng fans...
Jimin shivered a little before looking at Hoseok with sympathy.
Jimin knew very well about sasaengs and how it feels like to get our privacy invaded as he already experienced very bad things with some crazy sasaengs more than once.
- I'm bringing everyone here so we can just sort this out. Jimin announced.
Even after having talked about it together and asked the staff to stay close and keep an eye on them, especially Hoseok, the scared boy couldn't seem to relax.
Hoseok kept on fidgeting during the whole flight, and even Yoongi couldn't do anything about it.
No matter how cuddly he acted or how soft his voice sounded when he murmured sweet nothings into his ear.
/t i m e s k i p/
<Dear passengers, I'm happy to announce that we landed safely at Incheon's international Airport. Please make sure you keep your belt buckled until the plane completely stops. You will then be able to get your baggages and leave the plane calmly. Thank you for choosing Korean Air, ladies and gentleman I wish you a wonderful day.>
These few words were enough to make Hoseok's heart beat faster. He looked at Yoongi with worried eyes as he grasped his seat belt tightly.
- Everything is going to be okay, Hobi. Just remember to stay close to us while we make our way to the van, okay? Yoongi said as he unbuckled his seat belt.
They made their way to the airport calmly, even if Hoseok couldn't help but look around his as if he was going to get attacked at any moment. But how could you blame him? The poor boy has been going through this alone before he finally decided to tell them earlier.
Inside, he was thankful they were forming some sort of shield around him while walking but as soon as they arrived near the entrance, the enormous crowd start to cheer and yell.
This made the rapper scared.
In this crowd was that sasaeng fan.
The more they walked, the more their shield-like formation dissolved and Hoseok ended up lagging behind.
The fans noticed it and took advantage of the situation to touch him and take pictures of him.
And he just looked at it in horror as the thick feeling of being trapped built in his stomach.
Again, he looked around him, trying to locate his friends but he saw nothing else than boys and girls screaming in joy.
He felt nothing but the hands that kept touching him, pulling him as though he was some toy a bunch of children were arguing about.
He was feeling uneasy.
And just the thought that the sasaengs was probably in that crowd, waiting the best moment to appear and take him away made him feel worse.
He didn't know what to do.
He was trapped and the others were to far.
So, in a wave of panic, as the crowd seems to get closer (if it was possible) to him, he pushed them and ran away.
As far as he could.
The fans followed him and of course, the others have noticed his absence.
Taehyung screamed his name as he saw him running far from them but Hoseok didn't seem to hear as the panic was eating him alive.
- He didn't hear... Jungkook started.
Then suddenly, without the others nor the staff could stop him, Jungkook ran to his hyung.
He has to help him, no matter what.
So he ran as if his life depended.
Despite the fact I usually have a good endurance, my legs can't take anymore of it.
It feels like they're bending under my weight, I'll soon collapse and those people won't stop running after me.
Tears are streaming down my cheeks.
I feel helpless.
Is this airport a maze?
I can't seem to find an exit.
Or maybe is it the fact I can't stop to look at my surroundings?
Suddenly, my arm was grabbed and I got pushed into what seems like a restaurant.
I scream on top of my lungs but I meet Jungkook's gaze.
- Hyung, don't scream that loud or we won't be able to hide for any longer! He whisper-yelled.
I look at my surroundings and I feel the color drain of my face.
[What the f is this place?!] I thought.
- Don't worry, they won't be able to find us in here.
I look around me again, looking for the door handle.
But there was none.
My breathing start to pick up as I notice that detail.
That small detail that made my world fall apart.
I'm usually not the type of person that is claustrophobic or anything like that.
But today, I felt like I was.
I was put in some hard situation with the fans earlier and I didn't want to feel trapped like that again.
But, fate seems against me.
- Jungkook... W-we're locked.. I stuttered.
Jungkook start to also look for the handle.
But it's useless.
- Haha sorry hyung, I didn't think we would've been locked from the outside.
I can tell his smile is nervous sending me into a deeper level of panic.
My teeth start chattering as my body was starting to get awared of the situation we were in.
We're locked in a restaurant's cold room.
- Kook... I mumbled, my breathing shallow but still fast.
The weight of anxiety has settled on my chest, making it difficult for me to breathe..
My heart rate picked up and my head start to pound in a hammering, painful way.
- Hyung, what's happening? Are you hurt? Jungkook asked worriedly.
- C-call for help Kook.. Please.
My ears starts ringing and my vision has got blurry from the lack of oxygen and the tears that were blocking my sight.
I can't.
I won't make it trough.
I heard him scream but his voice seemed distant
My muscles went numb, just like my mind.
And soon, I felt myself getting hugged tightly.
I whimper, at the verge of passing out.
I let out a few more tears before collapsing on Jungkook.
The maknae called his manager and the others a few minutes ago and they were now in front of the cold room, with the chef.
- Hurry up, open the door! Namjoon said a bit harshly.
He still cannot understand how the chef nor any workers here haven't noticed two people running in the kitchen.
- They must be freezing there... Seokjin said as the chef finally opened the door.
The sight broke their hearts.
Hoseok was passed out on the maknae's arms, both of them bodies shaking harshly from the cold.
- 42°2C (-108°F)
- Oh my god for how long have they been in here? Should we call an ambulance?! Jimin screamed.
- They don't seem that cold to the touch, let's just get them out of here first and we'll see. Their manager said.
They helped Jungkook, who was still conscious, out of the cold room, as well as Hoseok.
- Kook, can you hear me? Yoongi said.
- Hyung, I'm fine... He said in a quiet tone, his teeth still chattering.
- What happened? Why is he passed out? Taehyung asked.
- S-some fans were running after him and we came t-to hide here but I-I... I-I d-didn't know we were gonna end up locked here... He had a panic at-t-ttack, I think he's claustrophobic hyung...I couldn't do anything, I'm s-sorry! He sobbed.
- It's okay Kook, don't be sad, it's not your fault you didn't know. Jimin reassured, caressing the maknae's bangs.
Just as he finished his sentence, Hoseok start to come back around.
- Slow down buddy, everything is okay. You had a panic attack and fainted, you remember? Sejin asked the confused rapper.
- Y-yeah, I'm sorry for scaring you, Kook. He just replied.
- Let's go back to the dorm, then we'll take care of you two before you catch a cold or something. Seokjin said with a smile.
At the dorm, they asked their personal doctor to check up on them, just in case.
Even if Jungkook and Hoseok seemed fine, we never know.
- Both of you are okay so there is no need to take you to hospital. Get some rest and stay warm, you may get a cold from the temperature of the cold room but it seems like your bodies dealt with it really well, even if I suppose you weren't there for long.
- Thank you. The manager said in relief.
It took only a few minutes for Jungkook and Hoseok to fall asleep.
Jungkook on a chair, his face buried in his folded arms that were laying on the table.
And Hoseok on the couch, his back awkwardly twisted.
- Both of them will get terrible muscle ache if they sleep like this. Namjoon affirmed.
- Who will carry them, though? Yoongi asked, knowing that none of them would agree to wake them up from their tiring day.
- Rock, paper, scissors? Taehyung asked, his hand already raising in the air, earning a few giggles from the rest.
- Rock, paper, scissors! They whisper-yelled, showing their hands out.
- Good luck y'all! The eldest rapper said, proudly showing his flat hand (paper) while the others looked at their fists (rock) in defeat.
HI! It's been a while haha but I'm back with a new os :)
It was requested by xxs0ftm0chixx, thank you very much for your patience and for being so understanding. I really hope you liked it because I had a lot of trouble writing it in an original way. I wanted the os to be different from the usual scenario where the claustrophobic one gets stuck in an elevator... If it's not good enough then let me know (xxs0ftm0chixx) it won't bother me to rewrite it :^p
Here is a lil question but you don't have to anwer:
Have you ever had a panic/anxiety attack?
Anyway, all requests are open so don't hesitate!
Please let me know if you notice any mistakes, have a great day ❤️
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