The New Pup
Zuma's Pov
I was watching my best fwind Wocky playing with Chase these to Pups awe like bwothews to me evew since I joined the paw patwol I chuckled as Wocky scawd Chase pwetty good
Rocky's Pov
Zuma my best friend just watched me scare the crap out of Chase my second best friend
Who says nothing scares him and I just proved something can scare him me
Chase's Pov
Rocky and Zuma my two best friends ever since they joined the paw patrol I treat them more then best friends they are my brothers instead and yes I say nothing scares me but Rocky got me good today lol
Zuma's Pov
I decided to take a walk Thwough town as I was walking past Mw. Powtews
I heawd a noise down a
couple blocks
fwom wewe i was I followed the noise and I found a very cute scawed Bowdew Collie mix Gewan shepawd pup
" hey thewe I'm not going to Huwt you" I said to him with a smile
Kaige's Pov
When I saw the Chocolate Lab walk to me I blushed he was so cute the labs can't pronounce his r's
It made him even cuter I was scared though if been lonely ever since my mom and dad left me
I tired to smile back but I was to sacred to do anything so I worked up the courage to smile "h-hello m-my name is K-Kaige" I reply back to the Cute Lab
Zuma's Pov
I smiled as the pup intwoduced himself " it's nice to meet you Kaige I'm Zuma
tell me do you have any fwiends ow family ow a safe place to stay duwing the cold months by any chance Kaige"
I ask Kaige with a bwight smile
Kaige's Pov
Kaige looks at the cute Lab " no Zuma I don't my family left me to fed for my own
it's been a struggle to survive and I also have no friends at all I've been treated like trash every day every month and every year"
*Kaige sighs* "I just wish I could be loved and have friends to play with Zuma there's none of that on the streets these days
it's rough enough when your picked on Zuma" Kaige answers Zuma with tears falling down his cheeks
Zuma's Pov
Aftew I listened to Kaige's stowy I stawted to teaw up then I got an idea that could help Kaige
"hey Kaige why don't come back to the lookout with me thewe you can have
a lot of fwiends to play with"
Zuma says with a big smile and his tail was wagging as well " plus you can meet
Wydew ouw ownew And he's weally good of adding new pups to his patwol"
I continue to say to Kaige with a big smile and my tail was still wagging
Kaige's Pov
I finished listening to Zuma explain about the paw patrol of stuff I took a couple of seconds to decide
" hmm okay Zuma I will come with you it's to lonely out here anyways lead the way Lab" Kaige reply's with a smile and his tail wagging in happiness
~Time Skid~
Zuma's Pov
As me and Kaige got back to the lookout I saw the other pups whewe playing tag I smiled snd so was Kaige
Rocky's Pov
I Was playing tag with the other pup when I noticed Zuma was walking beside anther pup
I walk up to Zuma " Hey Zuma who's your friend here" I ask Zuma while scratching behind my ear
Zuma's Pov
When Wocky asks me about my new fwiend I smiled "Wocky I would like to intwoduce my new fwiend Kaige" I answered Wocky
Rocky's Pov
"Kaige it's very nice to meet you" I said with a smile
Kaige's Pov
When Zuma introduced me to Rocky I felt very happy because I made a second friend
"It's a pleasure meeting you Rocky" I said smiling at Rocky
Zuma's Pov
Aftew Wocky And Kaige said thewe hellos I told Kaige we have to go see Wydew Kaige agwees and Me and Kaige walk into the lookout elevatow it takes us to the top of the lookout I was thinking to myself we wewe waiting to hit the top floor "
Kaige is vewy cute I mean vewy cute I bet he's not gay but doesn't huwt to ask" as I finished thinking to myself I didn't realize I blushed as well
Kaige's Pov
Before we hit the top floor I was thinking to myself " dam Zuma is so handsome his speech problem makes him even more handsome" As i finished saying to myself I didn't realize I was blushing as well
Ryder's Pov
I was playing a game on my device when the elevator door opened " hey Zuma who's your friend here" I ask him with a smile
Kaige's Pov
I looked at the boy who looked very nice and trustworthy when he asked Zuma who's your friend I replied " Hello sir you must this Ryder fellow I've heard about my name is Kaige it's a pleasure to meet you" I finished saying with a smile
Ryder's Pov
When Kaige introduced himself I smiled brightly at him " it's a pleasure meeting you as well Kaige So I'm guessing you've come here for a safe home and a job on the paw patrol am I right Kaige" I finished saying to the pup
Kaige's Pov
When Ryder asked me about all this I nod my head and replied " yes it's true Ryder sir for many years I was lonely on the streets my mom and dad abandoned me
I not built for not surviving this long and then Zuma came along and he took me to you
(This is my fist Story ever my wonderful people I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of it any feed backs would be nice any tips how to write better anything would be be very helpful indeed I thank you my wonderful people until then peace out)
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