The New Member
Zuma: Forrest and I made it back to the Lookout the other pups were playing as Forrest and I made our way to the tower Rocky approached us with a warm welcoming smile
Rocky: I was relaxing under a tree as I watched the other pups with a big smile I turned my head and saw Zuma with another pup I get up and walk up to them and smiled "hey Zuma who's your friend here" I asked Zuma
Zuma: As Rocky approached he asked me who my friend is I look at Forrest and back at Rocky with a bright smile "hey Rocky this is Forrest I found him downtown Adventure Bay he's been a stray is entire life" I said to Rocky with a sad nod of my head " Forrest here as been beaten and picked on ever since he was a young pup and when I found him in a back ally I knew Ryder would adoption him" I finished saying to Rocky who had a sad look on his face at what I just told him about Forrest
Rocky: I was sad at what Zuma told me about Forrest's back story it reminded me of my back story "I'm sorry to hear about your back story Forrest it sucks doesn't it I know the pain you carry Forrest I two was like you once" I finished saying with tears rolling down my face
Forrest: I was shocked When Rocky told me he was once in my place I knew he wasn't lying because his tears told the truth and I mean a painful truth
I smiled and hugged Rocky tightly "hey no tears you have found peace and harmony here Rocky and hopefully just as you did I can as well" I say breaking the hug I looked at Rocky and smiled
Rocky: I wiped my tears and smiled as Forrest broke the tight hug "Thanks for this Forrest" I say smiling at Forrest "oh Zuma, Forrest Ryder is working on his ATV if your looking for him" I say to them both with a warm smile
Zuma: I Smiled and thanked Rocky as Forrest and I walked to Ryder There was Ryder working on his ATV I smiled and walked up to him with Forrest standing beside me "Hey Ryder how's it going today" I say to Ryder as he stopped and looked at me and Forrest with a smile
Ryder: I was working on my ATV as Zuma and Forrest walked up to me Zuma asked me how my day is going I stopped what I was doing and looked at Zuma and Forrest with a smile "hey Zuma my day is going good and who's your friend here I've never seen him around Adventure Bay before" I say scratching the back of my head
Forrest: I looked at Zuma and back at Ryder "H-hello Ryder my name is Forrest and the reason you haven't seen me round Ryder is because I was a stray on the out shirts of Adventure Bay and one day I decided to come to Adventure Bay and I things changed since when I got here I was picked on, beaten on and I was wondering if I could join the PawPatrol Ryder sir" I say and asked Ryder as I now wait and play the waiting game
Ryder: I felt really bad about Forrest's back story and I looked at him and smiled brightly "Why yes you can Forrest I'll be happy and the other pups would love that was well welcome to your forever home and family Forrest but first you must do some tests before you become a official member of the Paw Patrol are you up to the task Forrest" I say to Forrest with a
welcoming smile
Forrest: i Ryder said these words my tail was wagging fast I jumped up and knocked Ryder down licking his face I get off and look at Ryder "Yes I'm ready for these tests Ryder sir" I say smiling at him
(After sometime Forrest past his test's with a huge percentage)
Ryder: I was a bit shocked as I looked over Forrest's test score it was on par with Chase's I smiled as Forrest our new member had joined the Paw Patrol i look out into the horizon and smiled "it's time to introduce our new member" I say pulling out my pup pad I pressed the middle button "pups to the lookout" I say Smiling
Pups: "Ryder needs us" they all say as they got into the elevator and went up to the main floor they jumped out and Chase says his line to Ryder
Ryder: I smiled as Chase and the other pups were waiting for me " okay pups we have no mission today but we do have a special treat today pups please welcome our newest member of the Paw Patrol Forrest our New Ranger pup" I say as the elevator door opens and Forrest walks out in a green and white pup pack I smile as he does
Forrest: I was all smiles as I walked out of the elevator and the pups where barking happily
I sat down beside Skye "no danger is safe from this Ranger" I say all confident as I did the other pups howled and barked happily I started to tear up as I never felt this much love before or better yet ever the other pups hugged me tightly as I braked happily
Ryder: I was all smiles "okay pups your dismissed and Forrest I need you to stay for a bit okay" I asked Forrest
Forrest: As the other's left I was one on one with Ryder "yes Ryder Sir is something up" I asked Ryder who was smiling at me
Ryder: when Forrest asked me what was up I looked at him with a smile " Forrest as a Ranger Ive build a Ranger outpost in the Forest and close to mountains and your vehicle/pup house is a Hummer that is green and white with Grey you will be living at the Outpost okay Forrest" I finished saying to Forrest brightly smiling
Forrest: I smiled as my tail was wagging very fast when Ryder said all this "can the pups come visit anytime Ryder" I asked him smiling
Ryder: I chuckled "of course they can Forrest" I say as I continue to chuckle as I was chuckling Forrest knocked me down and licked my face "okay okay okay Forrest now go and enjoy the rest of your day with the others I'm sure they would love to play with the newest member of their family" I say laughing as I got up and smiled at a happy Forrest
Forrest: I smiled after I got off of Ryder who smiled warmly at me Ryder then dismissed me so I can play with my new and forever friends as I walked towards the elevator for the first time in my entire life I felt wanted, I felt loved and I finally found a forever home my life had turned a new leaf and I have a very good feeling Deep down this is just the beginning of my internal happiness here
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