The Baby
It was a beautiful morning in the Eastern Air Temple, for Katara was making breakfast, Sokka was practicing his boomerang, Aang and Toph were practicing earthbending, and Zuko was taking care of his daughter. Two months ago, Zuko was found by Katara and Toph in the forest, heavily pregnant with his baby. Thanks to them getting him to the temple in time, Zuko managed to deliver a healthy baby girl. She had raven hair and amber eyes and was just about the cutest baby ever.
Her name is Kiara Nova Rose, and she's a very good baby. Kiara only cries when she wants her mother to pick her up, feed her, or change her diaper.
Aang and Toph were just coming back from practicing, when they almost ran into Zuko. "Whoa! Sorry, Zuko. We didn't see you there," Aang apologized. "It's okay, Aang. I understand. Kiara's awake if you guys wanted to meet her after breakfast. I was just coming out to warm up her bottle and get her dressed," Zuko explained, smiling warmly at the children in front of him. Both of their eyes lit up with excitement and ran to the dining room to tell the others. Zuko watched them leave while shaking his head in amusement. Aang and Toph have been wanting to meet Kiara for a while, but Zuko wanted to wait until she was at least two months old.
At breakfast, Katara kept giving Zuko hated glares as she ate. For breakfast, Katara made warm rice with fish caught from a nearby creek.
"Um, Katara? Can you please stop glaring at me? You're making me uncomfortable," Zuko asked, slightly backing away from the table with his empty bowl in hand. "I'll stop when I'm sure you won't betray us!" Katara snapped, making Zuko tense.
"Guys, when you're done with your food, you're welcome to come with Aang and Toph to meet the baby," Zuko announced to the group. "I'll take care of lunch and dinner. "
The whole table erupted in cheers as the occupants rushed to finish their food. Later, Zuko lead the GAang to the room where Kiara was. "She's right in here. I sat her down in her bed so she wouldn't be too uncomfortable. Everyone, this is Kiara, my little sunset shimmer," Zuko introduced as he led them inside. When their eyes landed on the occupant of the crib, their hearts melted, even Katara!
"Aww! She's so cute, Zuko. You're so lucky. Wait, does this make me her uncle?" Aang asked Zuko. Zuko just smiled and nodded, "Yes Aang. Hold on." He gently stroked Kiara's cheek, and the baby's amber eyes fluttered open. She looked at her mother and raised her arms to be picked up. Zuko complied to her request and lifted her up. "Hello there, sunset. I'd like you to meet some friends of mine. These are your uncles Aang and Sokka. And your Auntie Toph and and Aunt Katara." Zuko introduced. "Aang, would you like to hold her first?"
Aang was surprised! He nodded and Zuko shifted the baby into his arms. Kiara was in awe of the person holding her. "She is such a good baby. Congratulations, Zuko. Hello there, sunset. I'm your Uncle Aang, " Aang said to the baby in his arms. "Thank you, Aang. Who wants to hold her next?" Zuko asked after taking Kiara back. "Toph, how about you?"
Toph shrugged and nodded before feeling the baby being placed in her arms. "Hey there, Squirt. If you ever need me to beat up someone, I'll do it." Toph then passed the little girl to Sokka. "Aw, you're so cute! Don't worry, I'll always be there for you." the water tribe warrior said to the baby cradled in his arms. Then, Kiara was passed to Katara.
"I'll admit that you are adorable, little one. But, I still don't trust your mother. I'll give him another chance. And if he can convince me to move on, then I'll eventually forgive him for what happened in Ba Sing Se," Katara suggested looking at Zuko, who nodded in agreement and sagged in relief. Then, he looked out the window and noticed that it was dark outside.
"Okay, twilight. Looks like its bedtime for you, " Zuko said to the baby on his bed. He walked over to her and sang a lullaby that his mother used to sing for him when he was little.
Zuko's friends were shocked at how well he could sing and the lullaby lulled Baby Kiara to sleep.
The next afternoon, the friends were playing with Kiara. They were having fun making her laugh and happy, but then she started crying and fussing. None of them knew what to do to calm her down.
"What do we do?" Aang asked frantically about he held the shrieking child. "How should we know?!" Sokka, Katara, and Toph chorused. Zuko reached into his bag, and pulled out a golden pan flute. Bringing it to his lips, he played a melody that calmed everyone down.
(Stop at 2:55)
Kiara slowly calmed down and fell asleep, snuggling against Katara, who took her back into her arms.
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