Chapter 3-
America pov
At the phrase "We must talk" I swallowed.
Russia turned and looked me straight in the eye.
"What happened? Why did everyone become some kind of mutant?". I didn't say a word, I kept looking at him not knowing what to answer, after all I didn't even have the answers. Without me noticing it my eyes filled with tears, I began to tremble but at the same time I found the words and the strength to speak.
"There was a little girl... on the palace... she had brown hair, a bordeaux sweatshirt and a yellow scarf... she was holding a jar with a strange green mist inside..."
Russia's expression made me understand that he was not understanding so I continued with the story.
"She threw it in the center of the square... w-where all the other countries were grouped together... the jar broke and that mist expanded... covering everything and...a-a-all countries have been enveloped by it..."
His expression turned to one of concern.
"I just know that I passed out and when I woke up... everyone had turned into some kind of zombie... I ran away and found this apartment to hide..."
"I went out every day to find survivors... b-but I never... found anyone... at least until... I f-found you... I... I-I don't know nothing... I was scared and... no- ".
I couldn't speak anymore, just remembering that afternoon which should have been like everyone else.
I looked down and put my hands on my tear-soaked face. I could feel Russia's gaze on me, but at that moment I couldn't help but give a damn about him and what he was thinking.
I kept crying until a hand landed on my shoulder and it almost made me jump. I whirled around and he wrapped his arms around me, trapping me in a tight, warm embrace.
In his arms I let myself go, it had never happened before, I had never trusted any country to the point of making this scene and showing my weaknesses, apart from my family of course, the situation had to be really disastrous.
Russia also brought a hand behind my head and he began to caress me, slowly, giving me a feeling of security. I needed it, finally a friendly face, someone I can talk to and trust, someone alive...
After a minute, Russia slumped on the sofa, carrying me onto his chest. I rested my head between his neck and shoulder and closed my eyes.
"You're cold ..." Russia said touching my forehead. In response I nodded and remained silent. "Why haven't you become a zombie like the others... I mean... you just look like a zombie but you can still communicate... it's strange...".
I felt my cheeks warm up a bit, I certainly couldn't tell him. "I was leaving and I wasn't wrapped in the cloud, I just inhaled some of those weird green gases, maybe that's why ...".
The truth is that I was looking for Russia, my father had no right to insult him and remind him of Soviet. When I saw him run away with tears in his eyes, I thought I could apologize. It might seem strange since I should hate Russia most of all... but now I can't do it anymore.
The more I look at him, the more I understand that he is so cold for what happened to him in the past, for the lack of affection he no longer received from his father ... I don't even dare imagine how it must feel to see your family crumble.
I know he hates me for being a major cause of his family downfall and I don't blame him, but ... I don't like him. I said I don't hate him but I don't like him anyway, the only reason I was going to apologize was just because I felt empathy. END...
So why don't I agree with what I'm saying either? That's why I was looking for him... so why do I feel so weird?... like I'm lying to myself?...
"Nobody escaped this epidemic right ... you didn't see any of my siblings, did you?".
His voice woke me from my stupid thoughts that were just confusing my ideas, certainly this was not the time to think.
I looked him in the face, lifting my head slightly to get a better look. He was worried and how not to be, he must care a lot for his family even if most of them abandoned him. Russia blushed and turned his head.
"Why are you staring at me like that?!". I didn't realize I'd been watching it for so long, and even the position we were in wasn't the best.
I was sitting on Russia's lap who had his arms around my waist, while I had mine around his neck.
My cheeks became even warmer than before. "s-sorry... I didn't notice it... anyway no... I haven't seen any of your brothers... with gray skin and some missing pieces of meat now it's hard to distinguish the other countries... ".
He nodded and looked down, obviously sad about this news.
The silence that had created was broken again by the rumbling of Russia's stomach.
He tried to hide it by hugging his stomach and that made me giggle, he was so cute. I got up and walked towards the kitchen, beckoning him to follow me.
Once in the kitchen I took some bottles of water and poured the contents into a pot. I didn't want to use the tap water for fear it was contaminated. "Can you get me that pasta that's on that shelf?"
Russia bring myself some spaghetti and once the water started to boil, I took 250 grams of spaghetti and put them to cook.
"We should appreciate pasta without nothing, okay?". Russia was about to answer me when another rumbling interrupted him, this time pretty loud. Embarrassed, he nodded and I began to laugh.
"Don't be ashamed, I too would starve after two days of fasting." Russia looked at me in shock, maybe he didn't realize I was joking. "Wait ... how many days have passed since the meeting?!".
I thought about it and made two calculations: "Almost two days and then it's evening now". Russia put his hand on his forehead and sighed with an incredulous expression. "Have I passed out for two days?!". Io nodded not understanding what was wrong.
"Hey, look, I too would faint if a building fell on my head." "Yes, but other countries will not be able to resist in this state forever, they will have to decompose and die -... wait... how did you know that I was not in the center of the square? ".
"Em... because... you are not... a zombie... that's why!".
He seemed satisfied and did not ask any more questions for my great luck. "Anyway you are right, every day they get worse, they will decay soon in my opinion ... my body is starting to rot too, albeit slower than the others."
"How much time do you think you have left?". I smiled at him, but a smile full of sadness and resentment. "Are you afraid of being alone?". I expected Russia to answer me badly and insult me, instead... he nodded.
I looked down and smiled to myself
Someone cares about me, I thought. "I still think less than a week for the others, I think five days, as far as I am concerned I still feel my body but I am still afraid".
After this sad conclusion that we both had reached, a disheartening silence fell, we had both lost the people we cared about and were more attached.
In the meantime, the pasta had become al dente, I also had Russia taste it to see if it was cooked to the right point.
Italia had given me cooking lessons because according to him, his heart broke every time he saw how I cooked pasta.
I sighed, nothing would ever be the same again. I put the pasta on two plates and we ate it in total silence.
This epidemic had changed us a lot, I hated silence and if I would have been me I would have already tried to start a conversation, but I didn't even have the strength.
Once we finished we washed the dishes and went into the bedroom which, like in all fan fiction, only had one bed.
"Excuse me, whose house is this? And then, there aren't any clean clothes?". In response, I pointed at a photo on the nightstand that depicted a country with three stripes: one blue, one yellow and one red with bat wings.
"Romania ..." he whispered looking at the photo better. "Yeah, so if you want to dress like a woman and look gay, you are free to do it ... I won't judge you."
I began to laugh at the thought of Russia wearing a skirt while he in response grabbed a blanket and went to the sofa. At least I wasn't alone anymore.
Luckily, I managed to get over 1500 words, I was worried, I don't like chapters that are too short.
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