Dress to Impress
The girls made their way into the small boutique, looking around in awe. This was the only place in Seabrooke that had gone with the change and added clothing and color schemes to attract Zombie and Werewolf customers.
Zoey and Wanda squealed as they ran off to look at all the pretty dresses. The girls all chuckled at their very apparent excitement.
"Don't go too far." Addison called after them. "Make sure one of us can see you."
"We will!" The two chorused over their shoulders.
The girls spread out and combed the racks searching for dresses they wanted to try on. They also kept an eye out for each other as well, showing off any dresses they thought another might like.
Addison had thrown a few dresses over her arm but she sighed as she combed through the racks. Everything seemed to go to one extreme to the other, there was nothing in between. Last year, she had worn a dress her mother helped pick out, a cookie cutter Seabrooke Prawn dress. This year, Addison didn't want to dress like a normal Seabrooke girl, she wanted to show off her werewolf side too.
"How's it coming over there?" Willa asked as she walked over with an arm full of dresses.
"Okay." Addison admitted. "I'm just not finding anything that I'm completely in love with."
"I'm sure you'll find something amazing Addy." Bree smiled, having overheard the conversation.
Willa nodded. "Bree is right, just keep looking. Theres bound to be a hidden gem in here somewhere."
"Thanks girls." Addison smiled.
They nodded and the girls continued their search. After a while, each girl had an arm full of dresses and headed for the dressing rooms.
They decided to go one at a time and model their selections for the others to get their opinions before choosing a gown.
The girls let Wynter go first since she practically ran for the dressing room. Her picks were all over the place from short dresses to long dresses, sleeves to no sleeves, and poofy skirts to a-line skirts.
Wynter tried on several dresses that everyone agreed were pretty, but didn't stand out as something that screamed, well, Wynter. Finally, Wynter came out in a simple mini dress with a sheer overlay skirt that was short in the front and long in the back with fur accents on the arm bands.
"That's the one." Addison replied. "It's perfect."
"Really?" Wynter asked, admiring herself in the mirror.
"Totally." Willa nodded. "That dress is all you Wynter."
"I agree." Eliza added.
Bree nodded. "Me too."
"Okay then." Wynter smiled widely. "I guess I found the dress!"
Willa went next and after trying on a few different dresses decided to go with a style she was more comfortable with. She chose a halter top outfit with a fur-lined collar and long over skirt.
"You look amazing Willa." Addison smiled as Bree and Eliza nodded in agreement.
"Totally were-tastic!" Wynter grinned.
Willa chuckled. "Okay, this one it is then."
Bree was next and after spending some time in the dressing room she finally came out in a short, pink, off the shoulder dress.
"I'm sorry I took so long." Bree admitted. "I was going to show off some other dresses but I really like this one."
"Bree its beautiful." Addison smiled. "Its totally Seabrooke, just like you."
"Thanks Addy." Bree smiled. "You think Bonzo will love it?"
"Bonzo would love you in a potato sack." Eliza blurted out as the other girls turned to stare at her. "What? Its true."
The girls all busted out laughing as Eliza just stared at them. After a moment she too began to laugh, realizing how blunt she sounded.
"Oh that was great." Willa smiled as she calmed her laughter.
"Agreed, this is fun." Wynter nodded enthusiastically.
Bree changed and then all eyes fell on Eliza. She stared back at them before realizing what was happening. "You want me to go next?"
"Yes!" The girls replied in unison.
Eliza sighed. "Fine, I'm going."
Eliza disappeared into the dressing room and showed off just a couple dresses before coming out in a simple, short, one shoulder dress with a layered skirt and layered shredded green tulle underneath.
"Oh Eliza you look so pretty!" Bree gushed.
Eliza looked at herself in the mirror. "You think so?"
Addison nodded. "Its stunning. Wyatt is not going to know what hit him."
"He'll be drooling is what he'll be doing." Willa chuckled.
Zoey poked her head out from behind a rack of dresses and her eyes widened when she saw Eliza. "Eliza it's so pretty!"
"Thanks Zo." Eliza replied, giving them a small smile. "And thank you guys. I guess I found my dress."
Eliza changed and it was finally Addison's turn. Addison tried on every dress she'd pulled from the racks and sighed as she walked out in the last one. "It just doesn't feel like me, none of them do."
"Don't worry Addy, we'll find your dress." Bree assured her. "But you really didn't like any of the ones you tried on?"
Addison shook her head. "No. They're all pretty, but none of them feel like the one. When you put on the right dress you just know and I haven't had that feeling."
"Let's all look around." Willa suggested. "Maybe we can find something by working together."
Wynter nodded. "Let's do it."
"Worth a shot." Eliza replied.
Addison smiled. "Thanks guys."
"Addison! Addison!" Zoey's voice squealed. "Look what we found!"
Zoey and Wanda came running towards them carrying a dress. It was a blue dress with a layered purple tulle underskirt.
"What is this?" Addison asked, examining the dress.
"We found it for you." Wanda smiled.
Zoey nodded excitedly. "Try it on pretty please?"
Addison chuckled and took the dress. "Alright, let me change."
Zoey and Wanda jumped up and down excitedly as Addison walked back onto the dressing room. Moments later she emerged in the dress they had picked out.
"Oh Addy." Bree smiled widely. "You look amazing."
"I feel amazing." Addison smiled.
Wanda ran up to her and handed her a matching pair of arm sleeves that were lined with fur at the top. "I forgot to give you these."
Addison slipped on the sleeves and admired herself in the mirror. "This, this is exactly what I was looking for."
Eliza nodded. "Its part Seabrooke,"
"And part werewolf," Willa finished. "Just like you Addison.
Addison pulled Zoey and Wanda into a hug. "Thank you girls so much."
"You're welcome." They giggled.
Scene change brought to you by Wynter's Excitement
The boys were gathered in Zed's living room trying on the suits they had bought. With Prawn growing closer it was time they made sure everything fit.
"Do either of you know how to tie these things?" Wyatt asked, hold up the ribbon that was supposed to be his bow tie.
"Dude." Zed chuckled, holding up his clip on bow tie. "This is the 21st century. Just get a clip on."
Wyatt growled, throwing the ribbon aside. "Forget it, I'm not wearing one."
"Dude relax, I'll teach you how to tie it if it's that big a deal." Zed offered.
Wyatt shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. I don't need it. Not my style anyway."
"You're worried about impressing Eliza aren't you?" Zed smirked.
"Za (Yeah)." Bonzo chuckled.
"Shut up." Wyatt huffed. "So what of I'm nervous? It's my first dance with my girlfriend."
"Wyatt," Zed sighed. "Eliza loves you just the way you are. She's going to be happy as long as you are there with her. It doesn't matter what you wear."
"Thanks Zed." Wyatt replied, flashing him a small smile. "So I can forget the bow tie?"
"If that's what you want." Zed replied.
"Well then," Wyatt began, standing up and looking at his friends. "I'd say we are one handsome looking group of gentlemen."
"Za, gruzome (Yeah, handsome.)" Bonzo agreed.
"Except, what is on your feet?" Wyatt asked Zed with a chuckle.
"They're my dad's." Zed replied, looking down at the black loafers he was wearing. "He gave them to me and I couldn't say no. It made him happy to see me wearing them."
"Its the thought that counts." Wyatt nodded. "And I suppose they work with your outfit."
"Ha ha." Zed replied sarcastically. "Let's get these suits put away before the girls get back."
The Outfits and Hair Styles
Okay guys. Finding images of outfits that go with the Zombies characters is super hard. I tried....and gave up. So, to show you what I pictured in my head I did some sketches. They aren't perfect and they don't have faces because I cannot draw faces but they should give you an idea of what their clothes and hairstyles look like. Also, anything that is whitish brown on the werewolf outfits and Addison's is fur.
Willa has a halter top with a fur collar, a black belt with a moon color, and a long over skirt that's purple on the outside and orange on the inside.
Wynter's outfit is a more simple design using a two toned mini dress with an orange sheer overlay skirt. It's a light and flowy dress which matches Wynter's playful personality. The lower hanging arm straps on her dress are made of fur and the brown and white parts of her hair have been swirled into a single bun.
Eliza's dress is a one shoulder maroon gown with a layered skirt. Underneath the skirt is shredded green tulle. There are also black accents.
Bree's dress is a simple pink chiffon gown with dropped sleeves. She's a typical Seabrooke girl and her dress reflects that. (Also my sister says she looks like sleeping beauty, not my intention, but true)
Addison's dress is a Seabrooke style dress with some werewolf flare. Now that she knows who she is I wanted her dress to reflect that. So I added the purple tulle to the dress as well as the fur lining the top of her arm sleeves.
Bonzo is rocking his traditional Zombie colors and is looking very handsome in his maroon suit pants and black jacket.
Zed's outfit also rocks the Zombie colors while almost being a direct opposite of Bonzo except the green shirt. He's also sporting some black loafers he was given by his dad.
I'll be honest, Wyatt's outfit is probably the most similar to his Z2 prawn outfit. Except this time theres a little less fur and instead of being all buttoned up like Zed and Bonzo, Wyatt is choosing to be a bit more lax, leaving his jacket unbuttoned as well as the top button on his shirt. No bow tie for this wolf.
Author's Note
Well guys I hope you enjoyed the drawings. I would have posted this yesterday if my images would have inserted properly. However issues raised but not to worry cause I figured it out. I worked really hard on this so i hope it turns out as well as i hoped!
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