My First Meeting With A Zombie .-...
I found myself groaning as a faint bit of light disturbed my sleep. My eyes opened automatically like a doll searching around the room. Knowing well that it was a school day. I reached over to see what time it was, my heart skipping a beat realizing it was midday. (and no one decided to wake me up... ) Who knows, maybe mum wants me to have a day off after what happened? I threw the covers off my bed shivering over the slightest gust of cold. slowly I found and wore my usual T shirt and leggings. "I so need to work out" is all I said as I realized the Leggings were becoming a little tight on me.
My throat was dry but I still raised my voice well enough, "mum I've missed school!" I shout with my voice croaking a little. As no response came I decided it would be best to go downstairs to grab something to drink. As I creek open my bedroom door I hear nothing but a siren sounding very far away from our house. I slump up the stairs clearly still half asleep and shout again, hoping for a response. "Mum can you hear me?!" I half scream walking a little faster.
I notice outside one of our windows a guy was standing there looking at a cat... something wasn't quite right about him. His body looked like it was about to crumble underneath his feet and his body was kinda crooked. I laughed at the thought of him looking like one of those zombies in the walking dead games. "Oh well" I sighed and reached the top of the stairs...
"Mum you're scaring me where are you?!" I said more desperately as I couldn't find her in her room, the kitchen, bathroom or the lounge. I realized that I was starving and thirsty as it was now 3:05 pm and I haven't had a single bite to eat. I opened the fridge and pulled out some leftover salad from last night and plopped it down on the table more concerned about my sore throat. While I was pouring myself a glass I noticed that the T.V was not on and there were no notes left for me on the table from my mother.
After finishing a small bit of my salad I realized that I could just text her on my phone. I felt like face palming because it never really came across my mind...
"BANG" Is all I needed to hear to react like an animal being hunted and run upstairs to my bedroom. As I was running up the stairs I noticed that the guy wasn't there anymore and the cat was gone. Another "BANG" reminded me that someone was banging at the door (most likely to be the dude) and I've watched too many zombie games to bring myself to even go near the door. As soon as I walked into my room I stopped breathing so I could hear what was going on at the door. No noise came from the door...but I could hear footsteps coming even more closer. I could no longer breath as I heard the heavy breathing of the man right, outside my bedroom.
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