I-V. Sagittarius
Her parents had always wanted her to be a healer just like them. After they build their own clinic, they just made it clearer to their only daughter that they wanted her to follow their footsteps. Not only that, the couple was actually famous around town as they were known as the best healers there.
Since a child, Sagittarius had always been taught about health. How to mix herbs to create the perfect medicine, a good diet to be healthy and all that kind of stuff. Indeed, she would be really happy if she could help the townfolks with their problems, but health just isn't her thing. She couldn't deal with something so delicate.
Other than that, she also had been feeling pressured since forever. Everyone expected her to be a great healer; just like her parents. Every day, Sagittarius thought about what if she made a mistake and such things. She didn't want to be compared to her parents forever.
Back then, she sometimes helped out her parents in the clinic. She thought she was doing a good deed, but she was wrong. She just made her parents more hopeful.
One day, she saved a little kid who got attacked by stray wolves.
No, she didn't kill the wolves or anything. Sagittarius only helped the boy with some herbs and potions. Her parents always made sure she brought important types of medicine everywhere she went; like painkillers.
Again, she managed to dig her grave deeper. It got boring how "our child will become a great healer one day" became an everyday topic in her home, but Sagittarius just went with it even though she really didn't want to be a healer.
Unfortunately, there was no one to talk to about her problem. She longed for freedom deeply. Many times had she thought about telling her parents that she didn't want to be a healer, but every time she had mustered enough courage to do so, her parents started talking about how great of a healer she was going to be.
That was until Sagittarius ran away from home. The smart girl had planned it all along. She left home two days before the Zodiacs welcome newcomers, but she barely had any money left after joining. At least, she got to meet some new friends. More accepting ones.
"How did you even fall?" Libra asked worriedly. She let Gemini sit on the bed and then knelt down in front of her. Sagittarius closed the door and gave Libra a first-aid kit.
The infirmary was a small room. Inside of it were two beds, glass racks full of medicines that went from one corner to the other and a small table next to the bed. Sagittarius bet she knew each and every medicine in that rack--their names, functions and how to make them.
Gemini chuckled. "It's a bit of a long story. Moreover, it's unimportant. So tell me, what's the mission Ms. Lenate gave us?" she asked, changing the subject. The reckless vice-captain hissed as Libra cleaned the wound and did what needed to be done.
Sagittarius sat beside the girl who was in pain. She was familiar with those first-aid objects, but she was trying to not get close to such things again. They brought too much memories for her. It was like an everlasting trauma.
"Apparently, the princess got captured and is being held somewhere in Earthland," Sagittarius replied. "Ms. Lenate said there's this organization called THIRTEEN who is holding her hostage for some project called Oppox?"
Libra chuckled dryly. "I believe it was Ophiuchus," she corrected with a smile. Gemini's wound had been cleaned and she was now putting a bandage over it.
The vice-captain frowned, deep in thought. She kind of looked like she knew something they didn't, like she was hiding something. Sagittarius assumed Gemini probably already read about THIRTEEN on the news or something.
"But didn't Ms. Lenate say we aren't supposed to take missions until next week? Also, we haven't trained enough," Gemini stated. "Most of us can't even fight except Scorpio, Leo and me. I can't even fight in this condition. What do they expect us to do?"
Sagittarius sighed. "It's a desperate attempt," she explained. "They are sending all available Zodiac groups, whether ready or not, to the battlefield. We're literally the newest one, the other new groups have been here for at least two weeks. They probably don't even care about us dying."
After that, the infirmary was absolutely quiet. Sagittarius swore though, she heard Gemini spoke, "At least I've completed my vow before I died."
Shaking that aside, Sagittarius felt used by those higherups. They didn't even care about the students' lives. The teachers never trained them a single thing about fighting. Moreover, she felt useless because what Gemini said was correct. The only ones who could fight were Leo and Scorpio. She wanted to fight too, but her parents were a whole different story.
However, if it were a choice, Sagittarius would've probably tried to persuade the members of Royal J254 to take that mission. After all, the royal family had been nothing but kind to the people of Sky. They never acted out of selfishness even though they were of higher status.
What made them so different was the magic that flow inside their bloodstream; inside their body. No one else, except Stars, had that kind of magic. That magic was what made the royal family, royalties. There had never been a case in which a royal family member couldn't use magic.
Sagittarius could just imagine what those cruel criminals were doing to the princess.
"Oh, by the way, since none of us can drive a battleship yet, apparently we have a pilot for now," Libra exclaimed.
"This is our ship, eh?" Leo examined the things around him. "It sure is big," he said and sat on a couch.
Aries was the second person to enter the battleship. He gaped at the sight in front of him. "This is like twice our dorms combined. On top of that, we don't need to drive this battleship," Sagittarius said from behind him.
The first room they got into when they entered the ship was the living room. There were two big white loveseats faving each other, accompanied with three fluffy pillows each. Beyond those sofas, there was a door.
Holding a small map, Libra pointed at that door. "That is apparently a door to a hall of our dorms... There are only six rooms, though."
Someone plopped down on the loveseat with a large thud. "Two people in one room, then?" Gemini clarified, hissing because of the pain on her knee. Props to her, who refused Leo's offered her a piggyback ride.
Speaking of, Leo who was sitting beside her furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" he asked in genuine worry. For whatever the reason though, Gemini just sent him a chilling cold glare.
"Let's go see the dorms!" Sagittarius cheered and walked through the living room. She opened the door. The hall was decorated elegantly, with a wooden floor and cream-painted wall. A few paintings were hung on the wall here and there.
On one side of the hall, which was in front of her, there were six doors. On the other side, there were three; one of them led to the living room. There was also something that looked like a lift on her left. It wasn't like a battleship at all--more like a flying villa.
Aries walked next to her. "I guess everyone's free to pick where and who they want to sleep with."
Leo smirked from his seat. "Sounds dirty, Ari," he stated, earning a smack from Gemini. "Ow, that hurts." He grinned.
A hand made its way onto Sagittarius' shoulder. It was Libra who then claimed, "We're sharing a room, Sagi. Which one should we pick?" She pointed to the doors in front of her.
They ended up picking two doors from the left. At the moment, they just finished putting their clothes in their wardrobe and were now lazying off. Libra announced she was going to make tea.
After a little while of relaxing silence...
"I heard something," Sagittarius stated with furrowed eyebrows. A sound of rattling could be heard as she was laying on her new bed. Instantly, the girl shot up and concentrated her hearing.
Libra raised an eyebrow, expressionless and bored. "What is it?" she asked, unable to hear anything out of the ordinary. She was leaning on the chair she was sitting at, sipping the tea she just made.
Without saying a word, Sagittarius left the room. She got into the list and went to the second floor. There were now three doors on her left and another three on her right.
Since the sound she heard came directly from right above her, she went to the first door on her left and opened it. Apparently, it was the male's changing room. She had read somewhere that they somehow had a quite large jacuzzi in this ship.
There really was nothing weird about the room, except that movements were coming from the cupboard. Quickly, Sagittarius opened it. Her hip accidentally made contact with the corner of the cupboard, but she ignored it because it didn't bleed.
Inside was a man with a pilot uniform, which could only mean one thing.
"Who the hell are you?!" Aries glared angrily at the man in front of him. He sent another punch to his cheek, panting a little from the anger. Like the other members, he also felt the incredible want to kill this pilot imposter.
Virgo sat on the couch, looking at the other twelve Zodiacs who were huddled up around the poor imposter. At least that guy could actually drive a plane, otherwise they'd probably be dead by now. "One of the member of Thirteen?" he guessed.
Capricorn put on her thinking face. "But targeting on a newbie group of Zodiacs? That's not really strategic," she stated.
"Thanks for finding the real one, Sagi. We might have been led to our doom before we even tried our new jacuzzi. Now, that's a bad thing," Cancer said with absolute relief painted on her face. She sat down on the other loveseat, right in front of Virgo.
"Tell me!" Aries shouted again at the stranger. "Where are you guys holding the princess?" By that time, he was already certain that this man was also a part of the Thirteen organization even though that idea never came up to him.
The pilot imposter coughed up a bit off blood. "Marsland. They're holding her in Marsland, in Pixle," he told them. After that, he gave in and fainted.
Capricorn sighed and patted Aries' back. "That's enough, cap'n. We can't kill him... Yet," she reminded. She managed to coax Aries to go back to his dorm and take a little nap to calm down.
Sagittarius sighed, plopping down on the couch next to Cancer. "Where are we headed again?" she asked, having trouble to remember.
"I suppose we should be headed to Earthland right now," Aquarius replied, sitting next to Virgo. He sighed, looking at the other members. Everyone else just looked tired whatsoever except three people; Gemini, Pisces and Taurus. They looked more uneasy than the others.
"I'll tell the pilot to change courses to Marsland," Virgo announced and then left the room.
"Guys, look at this." Taurus held up a piece of folded paper on his hand. "I found this inside his pants, looks important."
Scorpio snatched the paper from his fingers. "I was the one who found it actually. Anyways, I'm gonna read it," he corrected as he unfolded the paper. His eyes squinted at whatever it was in front of him.
From behind him, Gemini muttered quite loudly, "Ophiuchus... Blood... Sol's blood... Organs..."
Then, she fell on the floor. Taurus was immediately beside her. The paper wasn't easy to read, but they both understood the outline meaning of it--of what would happen.
Sagittarius furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. She knew that those people were hiding something; Aries, Gemini, Taurus and Pisces.
Around that time, Vigro reentered the room.
"Sagi, please call Aries back," Aquarius commanded. He sounded annoyed and angry. "There's something you all aren't telling me and I absolutely hate it. Comrades aren't supposed to hide things from each other like this."
Hey, guys! Can y'all share this story to your friends and stuff?
By the way, can everyone comment their Zodiacs and describe one thing about themselves? It would make it easier for me to make this book relatable, then.
-J. x
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