I-IX. Scorpio
"Let me out of here!" Scorpio glared daggers at the stupid man in front of him that he so badly wanted to torture with his own hands. He absolutely despised whomever this stranger was. Not only did he just capture Scorpio, he wore too many rings in his hands that didn't even match his style--whatever his style is.
By the way, in case you didn't realize, another cage had fallen from above Scorpio. Other than that, the cage was also more modern. It somehow handcuffed his legs and his hands behind his back.
Also, about the new-discovered fact that Scorpio was Sol's brother, he didn't believe it.
Correction: he didn't want to believe it
No matter how often Scorpio flaunted off his wealth, he actually hated it. To be more specific, he hated it after he saw his parents flaunting off to one of their maids and making her cry. To be a bit more fair, he didn't even know that bragging about wealth could cause sadness for other more-unfortunate people.
Scorpio apologized to almost everyone that he knew. He didn't want to offend anyone intentionally, it's just that his parents were the one who told him about such things. That poor people were filthy and whatever. Scorpio just didn't know it was actually wrong.
Taurus was the only one that Scorpio didn't apologize to. He had known him since forever and they had been mocking each other since... Well, forever. It's quite hard suddenly changing personalities from a bad guy to a good guy in a span of one day in front of someone close to you...
It's absolutely difficult and complicated when that someone is a person that you liked...
As a friend, of course. Yeah. Absolutely. Note the sarcasm. Ha ha.
Scorpio shook his head out of the clouds and found that his captor had decided to ignore his existence and resorted to the next big thing. Taurus was visibly fidgeting as Mr. Captor examined him like he was an experiment subject, which, technically, he kind of was.
"What are you doing?" Taurus managed to voice exactly what Scorpio was thinking. He arched his back so badly that it looked like it might break into half, trying to get farther from Mr. Captor as much as possible.
I don't blame him, Scorpio thought. Mr. Captor was suspiciously sniffing Taurus' face, leaning in as if he was about to kiss him. Scorpio, too, would be horrified if some old stranger male tried to kiss him.
Mr. C--it's weird calling him Mr. Captor in your head, especially since Scorpio is trying to forget the fact that he is being taken hostage, so he changed the man's nickname to this--grinned, which was absolutely not a good sign to his prisoners, especially the one he was sniffing at. "Kei always said that the key to controlling magic is in the three main magic sources, but I never believed him anyways. Him and his stupid beliefs."
His two prisoners kept their mouth shut, unsure of Mr. C's point. They didn't want to accidentally offend him and speed up the arrival of their deaths. However, Scorpio was this tempted to say 'you and your stupid beliefs' because what else is the source of magic except those three main magic sources?
The royal family, Stars and the Zodiac Magic.
There was no other source of magic than those three. Even Taurus knew that, and he didn't go to school. It was basic knowledge. So, if this Mr. C guy, who looked like some kind of high-educated professor, was thinking there was another source of magic, he must be on drugs.
Speaking of, Scorpio should probably set up some kind of escape plan. He didn't know where in the world Virgo was, but hopefully he had called over the girls' group because Scorpio wasn't going to spend another second in this hellhole once he got out of this little dog cage.
All that aside, Scorpio didn't have a single idea of how he could escape. Mind you, the school never taught him anything about this kind of prison stuff. They merely taught him to 'follow the rules and not go to prison', not how to escape prison... Which was expected, because if anyone heard about a school telling their children to escape prison, that might cause a little problem.
All that aside, again, yeah, plans really weren't Scorpio's thing. He gave up a second ago.
"I believe magic power--which is also the term for 'magic source'--doesn't only come from royalties, Zodiacs or Stars. Honestly, that's such a weird theory, letting the royal family walk over us with that little ounce of magic they have." Mr. C sighed. "I also sincerely believe that magic power exists in all form of life; the royal family simply had theirs a little stronger than the others."
Scorpio watched his movements carefully, wondering if he was holding a key to this dog cage. It wasn't exactly a dog cage, but he really felt like a dog being inside it. Mr. C had stopped sniffing Taurus into oblivion, which was kind of a good thing.
"I think that the magic source inside you will expand and grow stronger if you use magic items such as crystals and such. You know who likes using a bunch of crystals greedily?" Mr. C asked rhetorically and smirked. Again, that wasn't a good sign. "Exactly. Zodiacs. And your friend here has been hanging out with you since a long time ago, so even though he is poor, he's had access to many magical items thanks to you."
Mr. C intently explained how Princess Sol and her siblings had always been taught to avoid using magic items because they might drain their power away. He stated that it was stupid and therefore, Scorpio was currently the strongest royal family member--even though unofficial.
"You know, you and your friend's powers combined would be thrice the amount of Princess Sol," Mr. C commented with an easy smile as if he wasn't about to go cutting off Scorpio's and Taurus' organs.
Scorpio coughed, finally getting the attention of the man who was lecturing about rubbish. "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. C, but I'm wondering how in the world could I be a part of the royal family? I'm merely a villager," he asked, trying to buy time. No thanks to him being horrible with plans, at the moment Scorpio could just hope that things were running smoothly with Virgo.
Mr. C chuckled. "Ooh, I like that name. Mr. C, eh?" he commented with an approving nod. "Didn't you know? Those annoying humans throw away their children if they don't radiate power after they were born. Most of them died, but I'm glad someone found you."
The words might've sounded sweet and caring, but Scorpio had never heard something that totally represented rubbish. He loved his family... And his Star, who is dead now.
"By the way, Prince Scorpio, I cannot believe your beloved friends are actually trying to destroy the AMELUX crystal." When met with Scorpio's questioning eyes, Mr. C snapped his fingers with yet another grin.
Four large screens appeared before Scorpio's eyes. Three of them showed different angles of Gemini, Pisces and Cancer were fighting off a bunch of robots. One of them showed Virgo who looked frightened.
"Oh, I didn't see that. Is he one of your friends?" Mr. C asked, sounding kind. "Oh, who am I kidding. Of course he is your friend. What's his name again? Starts with v, but every time I think of that letter, I think about inappropriate things, you know?"
Scorpio understood. Mr. C was lying about the location of the AMELUX crystal and they fell right into his trap. On other occasions, the Zodiacs would've probably thought it through, but they weren't having any other leads.
"Well, no trouble." Mr. C squinted his eyes at the screen. He watched as those girls fought of the robots. "They'll probably die soon, anyways. And then we'll use them for magic source, just like you."
Gemini had jumped on a rack and shot a barrage of arrows from above, hitting pretty much half of the whole robots, but she was running out of arrows. The other girls weren't doing that well. Pisces was scared by the blood, even though it was fake blood. Her shrieks kept distracting Cancer who was shaking so bad.
Taurus grunted. "What do you do to squeeze the magic source out of us, anyways? Cut off our organs, no?"
"Oh, that's the finishing act. First, we need to take out us much blood as possible. It's the strongest essence of magic. We also cut the few parts of your organs that will not affect our blood-absorbing, like the hair and nails," Mr. C explained in detail.
His next words, though, (especially since he was holding a pair of scissors,) sounded scary:
"Let me demonstrate."
Pisces had finally gathered enough courage to start shooting some arrows. She was closing her eyes when shooting, though, so most of her arrows didn't really hit anything. One even nearly hit Gemini. Cancer, now more focused, started swinging her heavy sword Aries-style.
Some of the robots had started climbing up the tall book rack that Gemini was standing at. She jumped to one's head which lost its hold immediately. Three robots, who were below the said robot, fell with them to the floor. Gemini started kicking and punching the other robots, even though it was pretty visible that she never took boxing lessons.
Scorpio's eyes widened, realizing the man's was about to cut off Taurus' perfect hair. He shouted loudly, "Stop it, you idiot! What the hell are you doing?!"
The man looked at him with an evil smirk as if teasing, waiting to see Scorpio explode. "Your sister, Sol, her First Magic is to change her beautiful orange hair to pink. Stupid right? After doing such a minor act, she fainted for two days. I want to know what your First Magic is."
Scorpio had been taught about this. He knew that for royalties and Stars who had magic source truly inside their body, (unlike the Zodiac Magic that was given in the form of magic items,) their First Magic was kind of like their strongest magic.
Of course, if they kept practicing and such, they could go stronger beyond. However, your first magic as a royalty would represent how strong you were in the magic world. And, say, dyeing your hair pink isn't considered strong.
Usually, the easiest way to force that 'First Magic' was to drive the person angry. At the moment, Scorpio wasn't sure if he should calm down or go on with Mr. C's plan. After all, he was scared to know that his family all this time actually wasn't his real family.
No matter how stuck-up they were, Scorpio had always considered that man and woman as family, after all. He just thought that they strayed the wrong path, just like him back then. That didn't mean they were actually bad people because no one knew them like Scorpio did. Everyone had a good in them, he believed that.
"Say, if you do let out your First Magic, I might not ruin this guy's hair," Mr. C offered with another scary grin. "After all, this guy is important to you, right?"
Scorpio gritted his teeth in angriness. Okay, let's see. What did Sol think when she is changing her hair pink? Pinkiness? Then, what do I do to make this nonexistent First Magic come out? What to do, what to think...
By the way, other than being scared that his family wasn't his family, Scorpio was actually also scared of accidentally changing his hair pink. Taurus would laugh at him for ages.
"Fine, you don't seem like you'd be cooperating. I'll count to three, then," Mr. C announced loudly as if Scorpio was deaf. Not that he would be able to hear if he were deaf, anyways.
"One." Shoot.
"Three. Whew, I thought you would cooperate for your dear friend here. I guess I need to get rid of these, then." Mr. C threw his pair of neon pink scissors down to the floor and grinned. Again.
Out of nowhere, Taurus' hands somehow got handcuffed in an invisible handcuff. So did his legs. Apparently, his cage had decided to upgrade itself because it was jealous of Scorpio's cage's advancement.
Mr. C started to pull Taurus' hair so hardly that Taurus' face turned red immediately. "Get away! Ouch! Ouch my hair!"
"Shut up, you imbecile!" Mr. C laughed and slapped Taurus in the face before continuing his hair-pulling session. A few of his hair actually came out, making Taurus let out a bloody scream.
Well, at least it made Scorpio's ears felt like they were bleeding.
In rage, Scorpio let out a pretty cool bloody scream too. "STOP IT! LET US GOOO!!!"
Suddenly, light enveloped the building. Scorpio and Taurus found themselves free of the invisible handcuffs and it was barely seconds before they found themselves--including Virgo and the girls--in front of another weird mansion.
This time, Leo and Aquarius were in front of them.
"Huh?" their beloved male vice-captain asked like an idiot.
Gemini patted his back with a smile. "Oh, hi, Aqua. We just came after Scorpio and Taurus almost got a horrible haircut. By the way, Pisces, Cancer and I fought some weird-looking robots. Also, don't tell Virgo to do the spying stuff. He sucks at that. Also, guys, I think one of their weapons hit me in the back and I'm probably going to faint in three. Three."
Next up is Leooooo~
(He likes Gemi)
I'm too lazy to do the spaces so like, just ignore it.
-J. x
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