Picses POV
I love sleep.. "PICSES!! WAKE UP!! THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!!" Sagittarius? Wait... EMERGENCY!? Wake up Wake up Wake up!! "IS ANYONE HURT!? ARE PEOPLE AND/OR ANIMALS GOING TO GET HURT!?" I screamed. "PROBABLY!! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A TORNADO!!" Sagittarius screamed. WHAT!? "WE NEED TO GET EVERYONE TO MY BASEMENT!! YOU GO SET EVERYTHING UP IN THE BASEMENT AND GET THAT STUFF DONE WHILE I GET EVERYONE OK!?" "WHAT!? I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY MONEY!" Sagittarius.. Reeaaalllly? "TAKE THIS!!" I threw Aaall my money and all my credit and debit cards. I'm.. Kinda secretly rich.. Well I use it for good things.. NEVER.. For myself. "WHAT!?" "THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR THE PLACE SAGIE!! NOW GO!!" Sagittarius ran out of my house while I jumped out my window and climbed down the tree. Dont judge me! I ran to Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio's house. I knocked on the door. Leo answered. "Picses? What are y- wait... Why are Y-you in your pajamas?" He said blushing. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!! A TORNADO IS COMING AND IM THE ONLY ONE WITH A BASEMENT!! NOW GET TIN MA BASEMENT!! I KNOW IT SOUNDS CREEPY BUT DEAL WITH IT!!" I screamed. "HOLY SHIZNIT!! SCORPIO!! AQUARIUS!! WE HAVE TO GO IN PICSES BASEMENT!! THERE'S A TORNADO COMING OUR WAY!! "
"WHAT!?" Aquarius and Scorpio yelled.
"WE ARE TO LAZY TO COME DOWNSTAIRS ANYWAYS!!"Again, Aquarius and Scorpio yelled. Leo turned to me and said " I'm not sorry for doing this." He then winked at me. I felt my face heat up.. Shiznit.. He turned twords the stairs. "PICSES IS WEARING HER PAJAMAS AND LOOKEN FIIINNNEEE AASSS F~" D-did he just do that!? Aquarius and Scorpio came running down the stairs. They saw me.. Then they said "DAAAAAAAAMMMMN GUUURRRRRL~" I don't have time for this. "I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CREEPY BUT I DONT CARE!! GET IN MA BASEMENT!!" I yelled that louder than I have ever yelled in front of the boys. Their faces turned shocked and scared. "Y-y-yes m-m-mam!" They ran to my house. Now onto the food house. I knocked on the door. "WE'RE EATING BREAKFAST!!" Taurus and Aires yelled threw the door. Welp.. Time for the big guns. "IF YOU DON'T ANSWER THIS DOOR I WILL NEVER COOK NOR BAKE YOU ANYTHING AGAIN!!" "NUUUUUU!!" The door opened to reveal a disheveled Taurus who opened the door, a faceplanted Aires with a worried Capricorn looking at him in the background. "YOU WOULDN'T!!" The disheveled Taurus said with fear in his eyes. "I WOULD BECAUSE THERE'S A TORNADO COMING TWORDS US AND IF YOU GUYS DON'T GET INTO MY BASEMENT YOU'LL DIE AND I WON'T BE ABLE TO COOK OR BAKE YOU ANYTHING!! SO HURRY UP AND GET IN MA BASEMENT I KNOW IT SOUNDS CREEPY BUT DEAL WITH IT!!" All three ran to my house. Now for the Smert hoose.. I knocked on the door. Virgo answered. "What do you need Picses?" Virgo asks kindly. "FOR YOU THREE TO GET IN MA BASEMENT BECAUSE THERES A TORNADO COMING OUR WAY!! HURRY!" Virgo, Gemini, and cancer run to my house quickly, while I make sure I didn't forget any- LIBRA!! I run to my house and break libras door down. She looks at me with a shocked face. "WHAT THE HECK PICSES!? ARE YOU GARROTH OR SOMETHING!?" ((Whoever got that reference you are now one of my best friends.)) "NO!! THERES A TORNADO COMING OUR WAY SO GET IN THE BASEMENT!!" Libra now looks scared. She runs down to the basement. I then run outside to see a Sagittarius driving a semi truck.. I wanted to yell optimus prime so bad but I just hugged her and helped her set up the basement. I then locked her and my friends in the basement. "PICSES!!" My friends yelled to me. "DONT WORRY! ILL BE RIGHT BACK!!" I did my best to safe proof the house especially near the basement.
~le magical timeskip of 2 hours brought to you by Scott cothon.. Because shamwow.. ~
I then unlocked the basement and walked into the basement to be tackled in a hug by Sagittarius and Cancer. "GAH!" I yell. "PICSES!! YOUR OK" "C-CANT...B-BREATH!" "OOPS! SORRY!" They say as they last go of me. "TORNADO WARNING!! TORNADO WARNING!! GET TO A BASEMENT!! TORNADO WARRNING!!" The alarm blared. Then the realization kicked in. 'There's a tornado. Cancer started freaking out. Then I realized something. Cancer has anxiety. She's having a... Panic attack.."CANCER!!" Taurus shouted as he ran over to her and hugged her . I walked away and sat in a corner. I was also having a panic attack. And an anxiety attack. Because ive been in a tornado before. My family died in that tornado. Everything started to turn black" Hey pi- WAIT PICSES! WHATS WRONG!?" Leo ran over to me while he said that.
"L-leo..." Than the world faded to black. The last thing I saw were leos beautiful brown eyes.
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