A/N: For those who don't know, menchies is a frozen yogurt place where you can go and pick out a regular bowl or a bowl like the ones in the picture. Then you fill it up with frozen yogurt and you get to select toppings. There's also some flavours that you can get them swirled together. When you're done you have to pay based on how much your bowl of frozen yogurt weights. You also can use these little cups to get as many free samples as you'd like.
Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces were all in the living room.
"IT'S SO HOT IN HERE I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" Sagittarius dramatically tried to fan herself with a pillow.
"Over dramatic much?" asked Taurus.
"Sorry Aries and I have been taking drama lessons from Leo," announced Sagittarius.
Taurus sighed. "Go figure."
Capricorn chuckled. "Sorry it's so hot. Next time I'll just stay home."
Cancer stared at Capricorn. "You ARE home."
Aquarius facepalmed. "Fail."
Cancer groaned. "We have all the windows open and all the fans are on."
"But we're all still sweating, it's so hot outside." Pisces and Cancer we're trying to fan each other.
Aquarius put her hair up. "I'd go swimming but, I'm not exactly in the mood."
"Then what else can we do?" asked Capricorn.
"It's like the heat is draining my energy!" Pisces dramatically collapsed on the floor.
"Let's get some ice cream," suggested Cancer.
Pisces moved the fan so that it was facing her. "There's none left. I checked earlier."
Cancer made the fan face him. "Well that sucks."
"Maybe we could go out and get some ice cream," suggested Aquarius.
"Let's go to menchies!" Sagittarius jumped up from the couch.
"Yes!" cheered Capricorn.
Taurus made the fan face him, earning a glare from the two water signs. "Yeah. When the others are done, we can all go."
Aquarius walked over to the window since there was no way she was going to get the fan from Taurus. "Great idea."
"Where are the others anyway?" asked Cancer.
"They're swimming," replied Pisces.
Sagittarius groaned. "Hopefully they finish swimming soon, because I'm seriously craving menchies frozen yogurt now."
"CANNONBALL!" Leo jumped in the pool with his arms and legs tucked in. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio were all swimming.
"I call this one the Leo." Scorpio ran and screamed as high pitched as he could with his hands in the air before tripping and falling in the water on purpose.
Libra chuckled. "Well, he's not wrong."
Virgo laughed.
Aries glanced at Virgo suspiciously. "What's so funny?"
Virgo pointed to Leo and Scorpio."Just them."
All of the sudden, Aries was being lifted into the air and she looked down to see herself sitting on Gemini's shoulders. Aries crossed her arms and looked at Virgo who smiled innocently.
"All aboard the Gemini express." Gemini looked up and smirked at Aries.
"YAY!" Leo jumped on Gemini, which pushed Gemini and Aries underwater. Gemini swam to the surface and spit the water that he accidentally swallowed at Leo's face. "EWWW! GEMINI SPIT WATER!"
Libra laughed at Leo. "You get what you deserve."
"Watch this." Then Scorpio dove underwater and grabbed Leo's leg which resulted in Leo kicking Scorpio in the stomach.
"I think I'm done swimming now." Virgo got out and grabbed a towel.
Aries got out of the pool with Virgo. "But it's so hot outside that there's nothing to do but swim."
Scorpio groaned. "We'll find something to do."
"I'm coming with you guys." Gemini also got out of the pool.
Libra smiled at Leo. "I can stay here with Leo."
"HURRY UP WE'RE GOING TO MENCHIES!" screamed Sagittarius from the other room. Leo and Libra quickly followed everyone else.
All twelve zodiacs arrived at menchies.
"Yay menchies!" cheered Leo.
"I hope they still have cake batter. It's my favourite flavour!" announced Aries.
Pisces smiled. "I hope the have something strawberry flavoured."
Virgo couldn't wait to get frozen yogurt. Strawberry was her favourite flavour. "I'm sure they do."
Everyone walked inside.
"Look at all the toppings." Taurus pointed to the toppings.
"Hello and welcome to menchies." A worker smiled at them.
"Hi." Gemini waved.
"If you guys would like free samples, just use these little cups here. Take as many as you'd like."
"If you say that, you should know we'll be taking quite a few free samples," chuckled Sagittarius.
The worker shrugged. "That's alright as long as you buy a bowl of frozen yogurt after."
"Sweet!" said Capricorn. Then everyone took a few free sample cups.
Cancer tapped Aquarius on the shoulder. "Oreo is really good."
"Strawberry mixed with peach is really good too." Aquarius gave Cancer the rest of her sample cup so he could have a taste.
"Bleh. Don't try purely tart." Scorpio frowned at the evil flavour of disgustingness.
Libra tried it. "I actually really like purely tart."
After trying a few samples, the zodiacs got a bowl with the little waffle things inside.
Pisces looked at all the flavours and wondered how many she could fit in her bowl. "There's so many flavours to choose from."
"I know right. I want them all!" Libra poured a bit of each flavour in her cup.
"Aries are you getting more then just cake batter?" asked Virgo.
"Yeah. But cake batter is the best so it's going to fill up eighty percent of my bowl."
Sagittarius enthusiastically pulled the lever for strawberry. "I'm getting all the fruity flavours."
"Me too." Virgo drummed her fingers on her bowl and hoped that strawberry wouldn't run out before she got some.
"Look at this beautiful fabulousness." Leo grinned at his bowl full of frozen yogurt.
"Look at mine." Gemini grinned at his bowl which was full of toppings and he put a gummy bear on top to "rule" over his frozen yogurt kingdom.
"Mines better." Leo put two gummy bears on top of his bowl full of frozen yogurt.
"No way." Gemini added another gummy bear. Then Gemini and Leo kept adding more and more gummy bears.
"Hmm chocolate sauce, caramel sauce or strawberry sauce? Screw it I'm getting all three." Taurus started pouring the sauce in his bowl.
"Hey! Save some strawberry sauce for me." Cancer anxiously watched to make sure Taurus wouldn't take it all.
"Guys! What's popping boba?" asked Aquarius.
"Those are so good!" Scorpio ran over to get some.
"They pop as soon as you bite them," explained Capricorn.
"I love those." Aries filled her bowl full of them.
"Me too!" Virgo also filled her bowl.
Sagittarius scooped more toppings in her bowl. "Oh look! Little chunks of cookie dough. Must get those."
"They also have little bites of brownies and strawberries," said Scorpio. After everyone was done, they payed for their frozen yogurt and sat at one of the long tables to eat their frozen yogurt.
Taurus grinned at his bowl. "This is so good."
"I love the little spoons with the ice cream cone thingy on them," said Capricorn.
Aquarius looked at everyone else. "We need to came back again soon."
"Definitely!" agreed Libra.
"Um... Guys?" Pisces who looked at Gemini and Leo who were making their gummy bears fight each other.
Cancer elbowed Pisces. "You probably shouldn't ask."
Scorpio sat down.
"You're just finished getting all your toppings?" asked Libra.
"Nope. I ate it all so fast that I got a second bowl."
After everyone was finished eating, they went home.
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