Aries was in her room when a man came and tied up her hands.
"What's going on?" asked Aries. She was dragged into the hallway where everyone else was being dragged away as well.
"CAPRICORN!" screamed Sagittarius.
"SAGITTARIUS!" Capricorn tried to walk over to her but the man behind him kept him away.
Someone covered Aquarius' mouth. Aquarius seems extra angry for some reason.
They dragged everyone into the same room and locked the door. The floor was hard and the room was dark. It was very warm in the room.
"What's going on?" asked Gemini. There were speakers in the room.
"Zodiacs, it appears neither of you will answer my questions. So now I'll leave all nine of you locked up in this very warm room where it's so dark you can barely see. When you get bored, answer a few questions and I'll let you go. Every minute the temperature in the room will increase."
Cancer brought Pisces a cup of water.
"Thank you," said Pisces. She was getting better. "So what's going on now?"
"Leo is trying to rescue the other signs. He came up with a plan and he seemed pretty confident."
"Oh okay. I hope Leo doesn't get kidnapped."
"Leo has it all under control."
"So... We're all depending on Leo?"
"Oh. We're screwed."
A few hours later, Leo and the SWAT team remained hidden behind the trees and bushes. In front of everyone was a small building. It looked like an abandoned hotel.
"You better be right about this, muttered a SWAT officer.
The zodiacs were trying to stay strong. Capricorn and Sagittarius were sitting next to each other in a corner, Virgo was sleeping and using Taurus as a pillow, Gemini was trying to braid Aries' hair but her natural curls got very frizzy from all the heat, Aquarius and Libra were talking and Scorpio was sitting alone. Then they heard a bunch of noise.
Cancer was pacing around in the room.
"You don't have to stay here with me you know," said Pisces.
"Yeah but I have nothing else to do. It's stressing me out. Leo had a "big plan" but we all know Leo by now. I hope it doesn't involve explosives again!"
"Long story. A while ago Gemini and the fire signs got explosives and almost ended up in jail."
"That somehow doesn't surprise me."
Leo was waiting outside when a few SWAT officers ran out of the building with the zodiacs. He ran over to them.
"Leo! You saved us!" said Aquarius.
"I'll admit, I'm impressed," said Libra.
Leo's face lit up. "Well I couldn't just leave the two of you in that place alone." Then he put his arms around Aquarius and Libra and they walked away.
"Where are they going?" asked Aries.
Gemini sighed. "They'll come back when they realize they have no way of getting home."
"I just want to take a shower," said Virgo.
Taurus messed up her hair. "Aww Virgo wants to be perfect and clean?"
"Says the guy that exercised when we were put in that warm room," said Sagittarius.
Virgo pinched her nose. "That's why he's so stinky."
"Hey! Being kidnapped is no excuse to be lazy!" said Taurus.
"Actually, it is," said Capricorn.
Scorpio sighed. "Let's just go home."
Everyone else followed the SWAT officers.
Cancer was waiting downstairs when Leo returned with the rest of the zodiacs.
"Woah! What's with Aries' hair?" asked Cancer.
"It's because Callie tried to cook us alive," replied Aries. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Can I come too?" asked Gemini.
Aries took a pillow from the sofa and chased Gemini around the house hitting him with it.
"Glad to see at least something's back to normal," said Virgo.
Scorpio sprawled across the couch. "I'm so relieved! I thought I'd never get out of that place."
"Who wants to come with me to get a smoothie to celebrate?" asked Taurus.
"Me!" said Virgo and Libra.
Aquarius pointed at them. "Shower first!"
"Yeah! Libra's so stinky I can smell her from here," said Leo.
Libra walked over and started flicking Leo on the head.
"I'll cook something to eat." Capricorn walked into the kitchen.
"Scorpio! You're back!" said Pisces.
"Hey. You're looking a lot better now," said Scorpio.
"How are you doing?"
"Good how about you?"
"Good. You?" Scorpio just looked at her. Pisces laughed at her mistake.
"When I was gone I missed that personality of yours. You're always so happy even when you make mistakes."
"Your personality is so mysterious... I don't know much about you."
"Then let's play a game where we ask each other questions. I'll answer honestly."
"Okay... Why do you love me?"
Scorpio thought for a moment. "Because you're always happy, you always try your best, you like helping other people and I guess you're an amazing person. I'm never sad when I'm around you and I like that... and your eyes remind me of chocolate. I really like chocolate."
Pisces laughed. "Scorpio, I love you because I always liked being around you even though I never knew it. In class I used to secretly hope you didn't understand the topic so I could help you. You always made me feel special and I only realized this recently."
"Then I'll pretend to not understand more of my work."
"Don't even try to make me think you knew everything all along." Scorpio laughed. Then he leaned in and kissed her. "I like this game."
Aries and Gemini were watching tv.
"It's no different then usual," said Gemini.
Aries playfully punched him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." They were leaning in to kiss when Leo dumped a glass of water over them.
"LEO!!!" Aries got up.
"Uh oh." Leo ran outside and Aries chased him. Neither of them wore shoes and it was raining.
"Aren't they crazy?" asked Sagittarius.
"Look who's talking," said Gemini.
"Remember that time we almost blew up the whole city with explosives?"
"Good times."
Capricorn came downstairs. He grabbed Sagittarius by her wrist.
"What are you doing?" asked Sagittarius.
"You'll see," said Capricorn. "Put on your shoes." They put on their shoes. Capricorn pulled Sagittarius outside. Leo and Aries were doing some kind of challenge to prove who's better.
"What are we doing?" asked Sagittarius.
"Dancing." Capricorn started to dance.
"I'm getting soaked."
"It's raining, you're already wet so dance with me. Please."
"Fine. I can't say no to that face anyway." Sagittarius danced with Capricorn.
Aquarius walked downstairs. Leo, Gemini and Aries were watching tv. Aries had her hair wrapped up in a towel and Leo sat down with a towel just laying on the top of his head.
"Aries, Gemini, I beat your high-scores on that game you always play," said Aquarius.
Aries gasped. "Impossible!"
"We better go check," said Gemini. Then they ran downstairs.
"Why did you do that?" asked Leo who was curious.
"I-I wanted to ask you something," said Aquarius.
"I-I think that I like you. I know you might not like me but I really like you."
"Aquarius, I don't know what to say."
"What do you mean?"
"Well... I like you. As a friend. I'm very sorry and it kills me to say no to you, but I think I'm in love with someone else."
Aquarius sank down to her knees. Tears fell down her beautiful face. Cancer and Taurus were walking downstairs and stopped when they saw what was going on.
"I shouldn't have said that. You love Libra. I should've known!"
Leo stretched his hand out to help her up. "Listen, Aquarius..."
"Don't touch me!" She got up and ran up to her room.
Leo sat down on the couch and Cancer and Taurus walked over to him. "I hate saying no to her. Me, her and Libra were really good friends. I think I ruined our friendship."
"Leo it wasn't your fault," said Taurus.
"She'll have to forgive you eventually," said Cancer.
"Yeah," said Leo. "I hope so."
Cancer felt bad for Aquarius. He knew how it felt.
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