Gene's P.O.V.
I was internally freaking out because we were being kidnapped by a guy named Rage Bull who is part of the League of Chinese Zodiacs. "Drake do that fire thingy you did earlier on Murder Rat," I said. "Oh yeah," Drake said "BLAZING INFERNO!". Fire came rushing out of Drake's mouth and onto the ground around Rage Bull. "Rage you just had to be like that," Someone said. I turned quickly and saw a girl with a rabbit themed outfit. "The name's Dark Rabbit," The girl said pointing to herself with her thumb. "Yeah and i'm your worst nightmare," Scorp son of Scorpio said stepping in front of us. "SCORPION VENOM!" He yelled. An energy scorpion tail came out of his palm and stung Dark Rabbit. "Damn iiiiiit," Dark Rabbit said slurring the it. "What did you do?" I asked. "I used my special attack to paralyze her for about 5 minutes," Scorp said. "Then we gotta run," Lia said. "Rrrrrraaagggeee ggggeeeeetttt tttthhhhheeeeeemmmmm," Dark Rabbit said. "What did you say Dark I can't understand your slur talk," Rage Bull said. "The dumb one," Me and Paul said at the same time. "Oh I just got a brain idea," Tim said. "Brain idea really Tim," Carly said holding in a laugh. "Whatever. But we should evacuate through the roof," Tim said. "Oh yeah and Mr. Draco could use his move Drago Wing to levitate us to safety. Genius Tim," Caprice said hugging Tim. "No prob bae," Tim said. We ran to the stairs the led to the roof but they were blocked by banana tree vines. "Hello stellars. The name's Riot Monkey," A boy in a monkey themed outfit said. "BLAZING INFERNO!" Drake yelled breathing fire but not burning the vines. "Nice try dragon but these vines are enforced with Chinese Magic nothing can break these," Riot Monkey said. "Riot ssssstop exxxxxplaining our sssssecretsssssss to them," Someone said. I saw a girl in a snake themed outfit. "The name'ssssss Sssssasssssssy Ssssssssnake," The girl said. I was freaking out even harder than before and yelled on instinct "TWINIFY!". A bright light flashed and when I opened my eyes there were more of everyone. "Gene you used one of your moves," Adam said. "I did? Wow I did," I said.
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