Should've Seen This Coming~
I feel like we all figured that this'll happen, cause it's been over a year since I've updated XD
But yeah, I won't be starting this up again cause I've lost ALL motivation for this ;-;
But BOI that does not mean I'm not grateful for all the attention this book has gained.
1.14K votes??
That's CRAZY it's hard for me to believe that so many people appreciate this even though to me I found so many errors and cringy mistakes, but then again I'm kind of a cringy person for not doing anything with this for over a year XD
But this ain't only because of the lack of motivation, although if I do write without motivation it turns out like crap, so here's a list of reasons why I'm stopping here~
•My writing style has changed a LOT
•I'm not exactly hardcore into zodiacs anymore (still like them tho and still a proud Aries B3)(but I think they Myers Briggs personality types are FAR more accurate. If you dunno what that is, look it up, it's great X3)
•This story has NO actual plot, it's kinda all flop dialogue XD
•I'm writing different kinds of stories now
•I have a whole new account where I'll be posting original stories, and I spend most of my time there now (I'll mention it later~)
•It bothers me a bit when a lot of comments on the into chapter is complaining about genders (even tho I COULD make it all boys or all girls and have homosexuality happen, and I actually wanted to do that at first, but then I lacked the motivation XD)
•I'm not happy writing it anymore ;-;
But even with all the flaws, I am EXTREMELY thankful for all the support this book got. When I started this, I was literally just a derp (still am too tho XD) and I didn't expect the things to happen XD
But if you're still interested in what I have to say and what I've been doing now, stick around~
If not, then I hope you have a good day, and thank you for reading this far <3
So my new account is KeeksBeHere. There I have original stories and a life update book thingy which is more updated than the life book on this account. Sometimes I update, sometimes I don't, it all depends XD
The ongoing book I have right now is Spirits Soar, and just a heads up, I still don't update very often XD
But eh, I'm developing the world universe thing it takes place in, so there will be more stories to come in the land of Qesald ;3
But if you're homophobic, get out. Your negativity is not welcomed here.
The story is basically a romance story thingy about two homosexual couple things - one gay, one lesbian. There will be other stories in the future, but that's all I have in that world so far :3
I also have a story that takes place on the Oregon trail, so you can check that out if you wanta :3
I also have some palios that have works you might want to read, but I haven't gotten their permission to tag them, but here they are~
everqueercanadian ~ she has a story about gang violence, a book about history, and some writing tips that you might enjoy :3
MossstarOfFrostclan ~ She has a great story about spooky things, which she DOES UPDATE REGULARLY, unlike some people *cough*me*cough* XD
xxjointhecovenxx ~ she makes book covers and writes some fanfictions, and she also has a book filled with music and some other fun stuff :3
Sorry for the inactivity and discontinuing this book, but I hope y'all have a good day <3
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