Truth or Dare
Me: Zodiacs, we're taking a quiz!
Aries: I hate quizzes!
Capricorn: I love them! How could you Aries!?
Aries: -_-
Aquarius: A wild whale has appeared
Pisces: Where!?!
Aries: -_-
Aquarius: Look! There is another whale!
Pisces: *tackles Aries* I love whales!!!
Capricorn: Anyway, about the test...
Capricorn: Yeah so shut up already -_-
Aquarius: Look! Another wh-
Capricorn: Shut up Aqua!
Aquarius: ale
Taurus: I have some ale!
Virgo: You, my dear bull, are too young to drink some ale
Taurus: You, my dear virgin, are not my parent
Leo: *bursts out laughing*
Libra: What's wrong?
Leo: Pfft!! Like she's a virgin!
Virgo: And are you?
Leo: Erm... This is a family show, Virgo!! How dare you speak of that...?
Libra: Let's just pretend that it is never spoken
Capricorn: About the quiz...
Me: Yeah! *wipes tear of laughter* Lets t-take it!!
Scorpio: Who first?
Me: It's in order
Pisces: I hate being last :(
Aries: And I hate being first
Scorpio: Deal with it
Me: *bursts out laughing*
Libra: Huh?
Me: You guys actually fell for it!!
Sagittarius: What did I miss!?!
Taurus: You have missed a lot :/
Capricorn: Then what will we take then???
Me: It's truth or dare :/
Capricorn: -_-#
Aquarius: It's an angry wh-
Capricorn: Just. Shut. Up.
Me: Erm, let's start!
Me: Aries, Truth or Da-
Aries: Dare!
Me: I dare you to go to Twitter and tweet something negative to you favorite celebrity
Aries: #IHate5SOS WHAT HAVE I DONE!?! *receives lots of hate* *deletes tweet* I need to create another account.
Me: That's sad... Nope.
Aries: Exc-
Me: Moving swiftly on, Taurus?
Taurus: Mm?
Me: Truth or dare?
Taurus: Truth
Aries: Ha! Weakling...
Me: Eh. What's your favorite band?
Taurus: Green Day
Me: Nice choice... Maybe. Gemini, T or D?
Gemini: I'm might be truth but I like to do something like a dare. But then... Dare!
Me: I dare you to slap someone using a fish... a stinky fish to be specific
Gemini: *gets a raw fish out of nowhere and slaps Sagittarius*
Sagittarius: OW! What's that for???
Gemini: It was a dare
Sagittarius: Wha- Nevermind
Me: Cancer!
Cancer: Truth!
Me: Who's your crush?
Cancer: He's not here
Me: Of course he is! Who is it?
Cancer: Jason Grace
Me: That's from the Percy Jackson world tho... I accept it!!!
Leo: And now...
Me: It's your turn!
Leo: Dare
Me: I dare you to wear dog ears *smiles evilly*
Scorpio: Nice one!
Leo: -_-# And don't ever say anything Aqua! I HATE DOGS!
Aquarius: It's...a...unicorn!
Leo: Wow...
Me: It's Virgo's turn
Virgo: Truth
Me: Capricorn or Taurus?
Virgo: Wha-
Me: Just answer!
Virgo: Capricorn!
Me: Oooookaaay
Capricorn: I have the right to remain silent
Me: Huh. Libra, T or D?
Libra: Truth!
Aries: Argh! Why is everyone choosing truth!?! I don't have anything to film now...
Libra: Truth!
Me: We heard. No makeup or wear slippers in public?
Libra: That's not aloud! I choose or!
Me: No makeup it is!
Libra: WHAT!?!
Me: Sco-
Scorpio: Dare
Me: I dare you to... punch the one you hate from the Zodiacs
Scorpio: *punches Virgo* Your too nice to live
Virgo: *le roll eye*
Me: Sag, Dare, yeah?
Sagittarius: Duh.
Me: I dare you to swim with sharks
Sagittarius: Peace of cake!
Taurus: Did anyone say cake???
Sagittarius: *jumps in a bath tub full of toy sharks* See?
Me: That's now what I meant
Sagittarius: Eh.
Me: Uh...okay...? Capricorn, T or D?
Capricorn: Dare
Me: I dare you to eat chips
Aries: What!?! That's easy!
Me: Not for her
Aries: I'm confused
Capricorn: I hate unhealthy foods!!!
Me: A dare is a dare
Capricorn: Fine! *eats a chip* *gags*
Me: Wow... Just... Wow.
Pisces: C'mon! Hurry up, I want my turn!
Me: Anyway, Aqua?
Aquarius: Dare!!!
Me: I dare you to sing a song from your favorite singer
Sagittarius: You shouldn't have said that
Me: Huh?
Virgo: As me and Sag being best friends with Aqua, we realized that she likes One Direction very very very infinite much and she would most likely not stop singing songs of them
Me: No...-
Aquarius: *starts to sing Little Things*
Me: *mesmerized*
Others: *mesmerized*
Aquarius: What? I practiced for years!!
Me: Ehem... Yeah. Pisces?
Pisces: Truth ^_^
Libra: Aww Look at that Kawii face <3
Me: Anyway, What's your strangest dream?
Pisces: Oh well, when I was.... *starts talking gibberish*
Me: Uh... Okay? That's all for today! Don't forget to put some dares in the comment below!
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