Final Marathon
Includes: 3 ship stories, 2 short scenes, 1 short story
Sorry, my grammar is not the best :(
Cancer (f) x Scorpio (m)
Let's just say my love life is the the typical 'I fell in love with the bad boy' type. That's basically my life!
"Helloooo? Cancer, Earth to Crab?" snapped my thoughts. I turned around and smiled when I saw my best friend, Pisces, crossing her eyes and making a funny face to get my attention.
"I'm still here, Pi. What do you want?" I replied, trying to stifle a small laugh. But instead, I wasn't able to and instead of a small laugh, it was a big one. I covered my mouth quickly using my hand but I received quite small stares from the others. I turned around and saw that Scorpio was still looking at me and smirked before turning around.
"Awww, he looked at you!" Pisces exclaimed. I rolled my eyes playfully as I felt my cheeks heat up. "And your blushing!" Pisces added.
"Shut up, Pi. I could always tell that you have feeli-"
Pisces covered my mouth by her hand and looked at me straight at the eyes. "Don't tell." She demanded. I smiled and shoved her lightly.
"I know!" I chuckled.
I heard Taurus call, meaning it's dinner time. We got up and started leaving our little spot in the living room when someone grabbed my shoulder. I looked at Pisces who turned around, gasped, winked at me, before continuing walking.
I turned around to see Scorpio looking straight at my eyes, smirking.
"H-hey, S-S-Scorpio"Nice going Cancer, you'll totally win the Stutter Mess of the year. To my surprise, he smiled at me and walked by my side.
"So, uh, wanna go, like, hang out after this?" He said. I looked at him and saw him blushing. I decided to play along.
"Movies night?" I asked. He's face brightened up and smiled at me.
I grabbed some popcorn from my cupboard and placed it between me and Scorpio. I grabbed a blanket while Scorpio was busy with picking out movies.
I settled down and flopped on the sofa, bringing the blanket up to my legs. Scorpio put in the DVD and he flopped down beside me. We shared popcorn and the blanket until we fell asleep.
Next Morning
I woke up and realized that we were still on the same position. Me beside Scorpio, my head on his shoulder while his head was on top of my head. Does that makes sense? I hope sure. I hope that this is not a dream. I pinched myself to make sure it's not, OUCH! Yep, it's not a dream.
I smiled and cuddled into Scorpio, who was awake and cuddled next to me. I could feel Scorpio's breath gazing over my neck, his heartbeat can be heard. He brought his mouth to my ears and whispered,
"I like you"
I smiled, I cannot lie.
"I like you too." And that wasn't a lie.
Aries (f) x Leo (m)
Me, Aries, and Sag are playing Mario Kart. Why is Aries so good at this game? Like, she's been beating me and Sag for an hour, straight!
"Ugh, Aries, your making me lose!" Sagittarius complained. Aries shrugged and turned to me. I felt my heart rate speed up as she looked at me and smiled.
"Do you accept it?"
"Wha- Oh! Yeah, of course. I'll make sure you'll not beat me again, Aries!" I said, chuckling nervously at the end. What did she say? Ugh, Leo, stop going to your own world.
Aries tossed my controller and we started the game. Sagittarius stood up and said,
"Cap texted me to do my punishment for pranking her the other day. Bye guys!"
I smiled nervously as I realized that me and Aries were the only ones left in this kinda small room. I looked at Aries, her tongue stick out in concentration, her eyes so sparkly, her hair pure majestic, and the cute little freckles on her nose.
It's actually a funny story on how we met. We met at a musical project our school has. I signed up for the prince and Aries signed up for a maid. The story is, there was this princess but she was spoiled and her maid is beautiful and the prince fell in love with the maid and the princess ordered the maid to go to jail, and- Okay that's enough! You know the rest... Yeah?
"Leo? Helloooooooo????"
The simple words made my heart melt as I saw Aries shaking me violently.
"Woah... Take it easy!" I said. Aries laughed loudly and pointed to the screen that said that I lost. I grumped and playfully glared at her.
"Its not my fault, Lion! What were you thinking anyways, you looked deep in thought awhile ago" Aries said.
"Oh, well, I was just replaying the memory on how we met. Did you know that your so beautiful?" WHAT THE HELL!?! DID I JUST BLOODY SAY THAT!?!
Aries raised her eyebrow but I saw that there was a light pink shade on her cheeks.
"U-ugh, I mean, u-uh, I uh... Uh.... UHHHH....."
Aries smiled and shushed me, placing her finger on my lips and kissing my cheek.
"I have the same feelings for you as you have the feelings for me, Leo." She said and left me, my mouth gaping.
Best. Day. Ever.
Aquarius (f) x Leo (m)
I ran my life out of me, Leo doing the same.
"OH MY GOSH, LEO!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" I screamed. I looked at Leo who was screaming gibberish.
Recently, Leo thought that it was a good idea to smack a bee hive that contains wasps. I know right, silly isn't it? Well, he thought the bee hive only has honey bees but it contains deadly wasps. We're now running for our life as the wasps chase us.
Right now, Leo pushed me to the lake beside the road and I caught his arm and pulled him after me. Why are we so silly? I don't know, it's our traits, I guess. We came tumbling down and splashed into the lake.
"I'm wet!"
I rolled my eyes, "Isn't that obvious, Leo? Now, are the wasps still chasing us?"
Me and Leo looked up to see a clear sight. "Nope. We need to go home now, Aqua. See, it's your fault for getting both of us wet." Leo exclaimed.
"What!?! You were the one who smacked the hive not me! I saw you screaming so I went out of the house and saw that there were wasps flying towards us so I pulled you with me and, and, and-"
Leo shushed me and pat my head. "It's okay, I forgive you. Where now? You know, we're still in the water." He said.
I looked down and saw that we are in fact in water. The water is straight out blue that reaches my chest. My eyes widened was soon as I saw a fish that has sharp teeth, it's not a piranha though.
"OH MY GOSH LEO, SWIM!" I screamed. Leo looked confused but soon started swimming when he saw a a small group of big fish with sharp teeth heading our direction.
I swam after him but I tripped because of a frog. I mean, I stopped ridiculously when I saw the frog and the current hit me and I fell. Well, I'm drowning right now. Why am I still talking?
I swam after Aqua screamed at my face. I was already at the trusty land but I saw no sight of Aqua. Oh gosh, what happened?
"Aqua? Oh my gosh, Aqua!?!" I yelled. I looked around the lake and saw a bubble of water. Is she drowning? Wait, what am I doing still here? SAVE HER!
I jumped in the water and looked around for Aqua.
"AQUA!" I screamed as I saw Aqua trashing around the water, weeds tangled around her ankle and her wrist. I reached for her and stopped her from shaking. I rose up to catch my breath and took one big inhale before helping Aqua. I cut the weeds using my teeth and brought Aqua to the shore.
I looked at her pale structure. Her black hair now soggy, her clothes wet, and I don't know if she was still breathing. And then I realized.
"Aqua!?! You okay? Of course not! What should I do? CPR?" I screamed. You might be wondering why there are no people helping us, it's because we live in a quiet town. It's rare to see people walking by the road. Our house is far away and my phone is probably broken by now.
"Well, CPR it is!" Then I started the operation.
Her lips tasted like vanilla, sorry, I just need to state it. Her lips are so soft and pink and so kissable. But no, I'm giving CPR. I enjoyed it, at least. I like the feeling inside my gut, but what about Aries? I'll solve that later.
Her eyes fluttered opened and I sighed in relief. "Oh gosh, Aqua... Please don't drown again." I said, laying beside her.
"Thanks" Aqua mumbled. I looked at her and smiled,
"Your welcome"
What Now?
Taurus: So there's no ship story for me?
Me: Sorry, Taurus, no one requested
Taurus: I ship me with food
Gemini: And I ship me with my twin
Aries: I don't know why I'm shipped with Leo, but I'm fine with it
Leo: So you like me?
Aries: *shrugs* depends on the author
Me: *shrugs* depends on the readers
Pisces: True love
Cancer: I like the plot of me and Scorpio's ship
Scorpio: I prefer the plot of Aries and Leo
Capricorn: I find Aqua and Leo's ship story quite romantic
Leo: I saved her!!
Aquarius: Thank you for that but you don't need to say it twice a day, Leo
Capricorn: I taught Aqua sass, she's my daughter now
Aries: That came out wrong... Anywho... Now what?
Sagittarius: Let's sky dive!
Virgo: I need to advance study!
Aries: You always say that -_-
Aquarius: I have spotted a wild whale from the Caribbean
Virgo: Fine. Let's go
Sagittarius: :D
It's 2016?
Pisces: Guys, I know I'm late but, Happy New Year!
Aries: Why you so late?
Pisces: Dunno
Aquarius: It should be 'It's 2016!' not a sentence!
Aries: What are you talking about?
Aquarius: *le sigh* I'm talking to myself, get used to it
Capricorn: See people, my sass lessons are working!
Taurus: Anyway, my goal this New Year is to eat food
Cancer: Of course
Leo: *runs outside the door bc she was holding donuts*
Taurus: *sees Leo* *sprints like a cheetah* *gets the donut half a second*
Virgo: She has talents!
Scorpio: Duh
Gemini: Who wants to hear my New Year resolution?
Everyone: ...
Gemini: No one?
Everyone: ...
Gemini: :(
Female: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Male: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius
Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, and Virgo are performing tonight at school. At this special occasion is where the seniors graduate and the teachers found the talent of singing in the boys.
"I'm so excited to see our friends perform tonight!!" Pisces squealed. Cancer joined in and showed Pisces her DIY hat that says 'Team ACVST'.
"Wow Cance, you really support us, huh?" Capricorn said while chuckling. Cancer rolled her eyes and smiled, "You guys are my friends after all!"
"Cap, cmon, we need to practice! And choose outfits." Aquarius said. Capricorn said bye to the girls and followed Aqua.
"So, let's meet up with the others, agree?" Pisces suggested. Cancer nodded and texted the others to meet them at the Central Park.
Aries and the other signs except for the performing boys all met up at the park at the end of the day.
"So what's the plan?" Aries asked. Cancer nudge Pisces' side and gestured her to speak.
"Me and Cancer were just planning that we can buy our outfits together...?" Pisces said.
"Sure, why not?" Leo said as they hopped in Libra's car. After a moment later, they finally arrived at the mall.
"Is it formal?" Sagittarius asked. "No, it's like party style." Leo answered. "Okay."
The signs went to buy their outfits and they were out of the store in no time. "It's almost 7, cmon! I dont wanna be late anymore!" Aries complained.
"Hurry up!" Sag included but Libra shot him a glare, "Sorry..."
"I'm so nervous." Taurus said, pacing back and forth. "Get dressed!" Aqua scolded as Taurus only was in his boxers.
Taurus pouted but took one more bite of his burger before wearing his outfit, a white tank top under a sleeveless motorbike jacket, black jeans and white converse shoes.
Aquarius was dressed in a floral green polo with the first three buttons unbuttoned, black jeans, and black shoes.
Capricorn is dressed in a sleeveless black shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.
Virgo is dressed in a red shirt under a denim sleeveless jacket, black jeans, and red converse shoes.
And lastly, Scorpio is dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up up to his elbows under a black denim jacket, black jeans, and black shoes.
Summary is, they look like a rocker band type. Especially with the hairdos and the outfits.
It finally strike 7 and the boys huddle up before running into stage. Cheers erupted as soon the boys step outside.
Watching proudly in the front are the other signs, cheering loud enough that they can be heard in Antartica.
Then they boys started.
The intro of Live While We're Young by One Direction starts playing and the girls erupted in squeals while the boys just groaned even if they secretly love the song.
"Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya.
Come on and let me sneak you out.
And have a celebration, a celebration.
The music up the windows down."
"Yeah, we'll be doing what we do.
Just pretending that we're cool.
And we know it too (know it too).
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do.
Just pretending that we're cool so tonight."
"Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun.
I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love.
And never, never, never stop for anyone.
Tonight let's get some.
And live while we're young.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh "
"And live while we're young"
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some, "
"And live while were young"
"Hey girl it's now or never, it's now or never.
Don't over-think just let it go.
And if we get together, yeah get together.
Don't let the pictures leave your phone.
Oh oh."
"Yeah, we'll be doing what we do.
Just pretending that we're cool so tonight."
"Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun.
I know we've only met, but lets pretend it's love.
And never, never, never stop for anyone.
Tonight lets get some, and live while we're young.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"
"Wanna live while we're young"
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some, "
"And live while we're young"
"And girl, you and I, we're about to make some memories tonight"
"I wanna live while we're young
We wanna live while we're young"
"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young (young)
Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we only met but lets pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight lets get some, and live while we're young
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live while we're young
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live while we're young
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live while we're young
Tonight lets get some"
"And live while we're young"
The cheers erupted and the boys took a bow before leaving the stage, hugging all of their friends on the way.
"You did great!" Cancer said.
Lol, sorry if you don't like 1D. I just really love 1D so much <3 Hope you guys don't mind! This is my last chapter before the AN: The End.
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