A Mysterious Stunt: 4
Sorry for leaving you guys in a cliffhanger last chapter ^_^ Here's part 4 in A Mysterious Stunt story! Enjoy!
Girls: Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces
Boys: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Gemini's POV
[Thursday - 6:58 pm]
I sighed in relief and was about to turn back when I felt a cold object tracing my neck. I closed my eyes shut and accepted the pain but there's none. I opened my eyes to be met with cold black ones.
"Looks like you've found us."
I stumbled back and stared at Scorpio terrified. "S-Scorpio...?" I whispered, looking at Scorpio up and down. He has huge black circles under his eyes, a knife in hand, and bloodstains all over his clothing. I looked at his eyes again and noticed that his brown sincere ones are gone and is now replied with solid cold black ones, I think I've seen these eyes before.
I looked behind Scorpio to see the three cops dead on the floor, Virgo nowhere to be seen. I was about to scream for help when a cold hand muffled my scream. I looked behind me to see Aries glaring down at me. I shook my head, not believing what's happening right now.
They led me inside the basement and turned on the lights. My eyes watered when I saw all of my friends on chairs, their mouths covered in duct tape and their hands and legs tied on the chair using ropes. I looked at all of my friends and began crying, no no no no.
They're all lined up in order: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
I looked around to find Sagittarius leaning on the far corner, his arms crossed, staring at me intently.
What have I done to them?
My eyes met Libra's and teared up even more, seeing her condition. They're all pale, their eyes red, and big black circles around their eyes.
Aries pushed me on a chair beside Taurus' and finally let go of my mouth, tying my hands behind the chair and tying my legs together with the chair's legs.
"What the hell did we ever do to you, you fucking assholes?!" I shouted, trashing around the chair.
Why didn't the cops hear us yet?
Aries grabbed the duct tape from the counter and taped my mouth shut. I glared at the girl and trashed again, only to give up since it's not working at all.
Aries shook her head sadly and stared behind me, tears already forming in her eyes. I looked at who she was staring at, Aquarius. Aquarius didn't look up once but he stared at his lap all the time.
She stood beside Sagittarius and looked down at her shoes, fidgeting with her hands. Sagittarius glared at her and walked towards Scorpio, who was watching us the entire time.
Third Person's POV
[7:46 pm]
Suddenly, Scorpio abruptly fell on the floor. Sagittarius immediately took notice and kneeled beside him while Aries just watched the head of curls.
Scorpio twitched and he suddenly became paler and thinner, and all the signs thought that he's dead. A light beam shoot outwards from Scorpio's body and an outline of a girl becomes visible.
And everyone knows who it is, Cetus.
"Oh man! I was so sore inside that freak's body, God!" She laughed bitterly and looked at the signs that were lined up in front of her. "Good job, Oph--" The blonde girl glared at Sagittarius and ordered him to get out of Sagittarius' body.
The blonde boy sighed and fell on the ground, Ophiuchus stepping out from him.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?! I THOUGHT-- I THOUGHT... I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE DEAD?!" Aries shrieked, finally getting her senses back. She ran towards them and stood in front of Aquarius, who was watching the entire thing break down in front of him, along with the other signs.
Ophiuchus crossed his arms and glared at Cetus. The older girl only shrugged and she's suddenly in front of Aries, looking down at the girl with stormy grey eyes.
"You might as well take a sit, I'm not yet done explaining from a couple of years back then." Cetus said and flicked her wrist, sending Aries to an empty chair at the other side of Taurus. Aries was then wrapped up with black vines crawling on her skin.
Cetus snickered while Ophiuchus watched behind her back, looking at the signs guiltily again. "So... where should I start?" Cetus started. She paused for a while and struck her finger in the air.
"Oh! I know! Maybe a few years ago when I did my little apology back then. And the little suicide I did after. And maybe the fact that Ophiuchus did the same. And then what did you did? Nothing." Cetus said, "And yes, I didn't really kill myself and Ophiuchus didn't too. It's funny how you believe something without actual proof. Haven't you heard? Cetus and Ophiuchus are stronger than you. I can't just easily kill myself using a normal blade, same goes with Ophiuchus. And yes, I did use Scorpio's body while Ophiuchus used Sag's. And for you little Aries, we used you to help us. Your break up with Aquarius is caused by me. I used Libra's number since I know you're not going to completely trust Scorpio again. And the bloody knife? Caused by me and I used Ophiuchus to do it for me."
A gasp was heard behind Cetus but she ignored it, now focusing the fact that Aries is now guiltily looking down.
"You see, we need each of your blood to make me powerful. I got Taurus' first because I need it to enhance my stamina first. And in came the other signs! Each of your blood has power and you're still so stupid and clueless to figure it that out on your own. Scorpio and Sagittarius is kind enough to give me their own blood and they actually gave me invisibility and swiftness. Aries, you may remember the night after you broken up with Aqua. Yes, I'm the one who tempted you to cut yourself. And thank you for ripping your skin apart, I got your blood and it made bigger and stronger. After that is Cancer, Libra, and Aquarius. Cancer, dear, you gave me some mist thingy majigy and it was absolute worthless but hey, it looks good and shiny! Libra, you gave me cool wind control and yes, that's why I want Gemini last because he has the same power like Libra's. Aquarius, yours is pretty cool actually 'cause it gave me the power to control the water." With that, Cetus raised her hands up and a stream of water came shooting on Aquarius at the face. Libra and Gemini are thrown at the back while Cetus laughed manically.
Capricorn noticed that Ophiuchus is nowhere to be seen. "Leo, thanks for you I could transform into a lion! And Virgo and Gem, why did you leave Pisces with Capricorn who obviously need comfort as well? It's quite easy, just sliced Capricorn's leg open and grabbed Pisces from the floor, leaving a quick note behind. Actually, the two cops are actually me and Ophiuchus. Pisces gave me the ability to change someone else's body multiple of times! Capricorn, you gave me powerful eyesight, shooting light beams is cool."
Capricorn perked up, she can shoot light beams from her eyes? Like Superman? She looked around subtly and found Ophiuchus at the very dark corner of the room, holding a bow and an arrow that represents the night sky, dark with light sparkles. Ophiuchus sensed Capricorn staring since he looked at her straight at the eyes. He shook his head and moved his finger on his lips, ordering her to be quiet. Capricorn can't help but smile, Ophiuchus is helping them.
"Oh, and last but not least is Virgo! Oh dear virgin, you gave me the ability to outsmart people! That's like... so weak!" Cetus snickered and chuckled without humor when Virgo sent her a glare.
"Anyway, since I have everything I need to kill you, might as well I should!" Cetus raised both her hands up in the air but before she could do anything, a long thin black arrow shot her and pierced her right a the chest.
Cetus gagged and quickly pulled the arrow out from her. Her eyes widened when she noticed it was not a typical arrow, but an arrow from the night. She frantically dropped it and looked at Ophiuchus in shock.
"Why? I-I thought w-we were in this t-together!" Cetus said in between coughs. Ophiuchus only glared at her and walked towards the dying girl, bow at hand.
"Together? Bullshit! You said you're using me! Is that together? Ha, nope!" With that, Cetus bursted in a pile of dust on the floor.
Without really knowing what Libra is doing, she flicked her hand and a strong wind carried the dust until it vanished into thin air.
Ophiuchus ran towards the signs and untied them, breaking the vines from Aries. "Thank you, Ophiuchus. We appreciate it, very very much!" Capricorn said once she was untied. Cetus gave her a small nod in return.
Once everyone is untied, a silenced tension lingered in the air. "How about Scorpio and Sagittarius? What would happen to them?" Pisces asked.
"They're not dead, I promise you that. They just need sleep, food, water, and some normal medicine and they'll be awake in no time." Ophiuchus answered. "Look, I can't stay alive. I did the same things Cetus did, and I don't deserve to be alive. Please, someone kill me."
Ophiuchus handed the bow to Capricorn and nodded. Capricorn gulped and pulled the string back, an arrow becoming visible. She looked at the signs who nodded, agreeing. She closed her eyes and released.
The next chapter is the final one and then the epilogue! And then back to normal, squads, conversations, etc.! Please vote, comment, and maybe share? Thoughts?
REMINDER: This will not affect the other stories/chapters! This is only for this story and it would not continue on after the story ends! Thx
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