A Mysterious Stunt: 3
Part 3 is up! Ooh! And I made a double update ;)
Girls: Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces
Boys: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Virgo's POV
[Thursday - 12:00 nn]
After the lights mysteriously turned on again, I looked around too see that there are only four of us left.
Cancer, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius are nowhere to be seen. It almost looks like they just vanished in air.
This shouldn't be our lives. I never expected that my future would be like this, friends betraying and kidnaps. We've known each other since childhood and were like a proper bonded family, but what happened?
"Where are the others?" I asked but they only shrugged fearfully in response. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped, ready to attack the person but rolled my eyes when it was only Capricorn staring at me with big fearful brown eyes.
"D-Don't you think we should see what happened upstairs? Because Scorpio and Taurus were there a-alone?" She suggested, her body shaking furiously. I frowned and hugged her, tracing patters on her back while whispering comforting words. I pulled back and nodded, taking her hand and began making our way upstairs.
"Virgo! Capricorn! Where are you g-girls g-going?" I looked behind us to see that Gemini is kneeling beside Pisces, comforting the smaller girl who was curled up in a ball sobbing.
"We're going upstairs to see what happened." I answered. He looked at me sternly and shook his head, "I'll come. Cap, can you watch Pisces?".
Capricorn sighed in relief and quickly went beside Pisces, rubbing her hand on Pisces' back up and down. Gemini grabbed a small knife from the kitchen and returned in no time.
"For protection, in case something happens." He said once I gave him a confused look. I nodded and let Gemini go first.
"Do you know where the bathroom is?" He asked after we reached the final step. I pointed at the hallway to the right and gulped uneasily. He nodded and quietly took small steps towards the bathroom located at the near end.
"Look Virgo, if we ever die, I just want to tell that you've been a great friend. Thank you for being a wingman, or woman, towards Libra and I's relationship. I don't even k-know for s-sure if L-L-Libra is still... is still a-alive." I patted his back reassuringly and pointed at the bathroom door before us.
This is it. It's either we see Taurus dead and Scorpio holding a bloody knife or the opposite. It's now or never.
"Wait! Virgo, if I open the door my fingerprint would be on it. The cops would suspect it would be me since I saw Scorpio wearing gloves earlier." Gemini whispered, stopping his hand from touching the knob.
I nodded in agreement, "Use the bottom of your shirt or something. And make sure the knife is pointing to the k-killer, not the body."
He used the bottom of his jacket to open the door and before pushing it open, he looked back at me nervously. "No Virgo, I can't do this. I need help. Let's call the cops, can we?" Gemini whispered, removing his hand from the knob and rubbing it on his jeans.
I nodded and got my phone out, calling the cops and saying the emergency. A few moments later, we heard the sirens. At least five cops are now standing in front of us, weapons in hand.
And with a large swift, the door is kicked open.
Capricorn's POV
[12:36 pm]
I rubbed my hands up and down Pisces' back to try to soothe her and it worked, she stopped crying and now she's breathing ruggedly.
"I'm scared Capricorn, like really really scared. I never thought that our lives would turn out like this. One of us betraying our long time friends and killing them." She said, gripping my shirt tightly. I pressed my lips into a thin line, not knowing how to respond.
I suddenly felt a metallic blade rip my skin on my leg and I feel my head hitting the edge of the glass table. I heard a muffled shriek somewhere nearby and I looked around frantically to find Pisces gone. I groaned in pain and clutched my leg. I looked around and saw completely nothing, almost like it never happened.
A small sticky note landed on my face and I read it over and over again, processing what it said.
Better watch next time! Thank you for sharing your blood, it was really nice of you :)
The front door suddenly opened and in came at least ten cops. I felt two of them carry me and I drifted into a pit of blackness, I'm not sure if it's sleep or something unknown.
Gemini's POV
[1:26 pm]
Nothing. There is nothing inside the bathroom. Absolutely nothing. No blood, no weapon, no fingerprints, no footprints except for ours.
I tugged on my hair and let out a scream. It feels good, it feels good to let it all out. A hand placed itself on my shoulder and I stopped, looking at Virgo. "This must be a joke! There's no proof! Like, what the fuck!?" I paced back and forth in the hallway, letting the cops go through every item in the house.
"Sir, I think we found a friend of yours and a note." I stopped pacing and looked at the cop angrily.
"THEN SHOW IT TO ME, BITCH!" I shouted, for no apparent reason. "Gemini! Calm down and take deep breathes, slow and steady ones." Virgo scolded and gave the man an apologetic look.
I did what Virgo said and finally calmed down. "Right, sorry. Show it to us." The cop nodded and led us back to the living room. I gasped in shock from seeing a pool of blood on the white carpet, making a stain. "We found a girl around 17 laying in the middle of the stain with her leg wounded. A big straight cut run though her ankle to her knee and she's currently in the hospital being treated. There was also a note left behind, and we suspect it was from the killer. Sadly, the only fingerprint seen belongs to your friend. The killer wore a glove since there's no other fingerprint. We looked to see if there's any footprints but there is none, sir." He informed.
"There's actually another girl here. Her name is Pisces and the one wounded is Capricorn. They share the same age and Pisces' didn't go with us upstairs since she's busy crying and we left Capricorn to comfort her. Since the killer is not found inside the bathroom, that means he escaped before our eyes with Taurus, the one who was originally inside the bathroom with the killer." Virgo said.
"Thank you for that information, ma'm. I am Mr. Robert Williams and we're taking you to the police station for further questions."
- - - - -
After hours of questioning what we did earlier that morning and yesterday, we're back at Virgo's house. I also shared the story of Taurus' and did a few tests. The cops also contacted our parents, who are in a business trip in Vietnam, and informed us that they're already getting a ticket to go home.
Since it's only me and Virgo left, we decided to sleep together and hired a bunch of cops to guard Virgo's house. "Hey Gem, want anything for dinner?" Virgo asked, pouring herself a glass of milk shakily. I shook my head and ran my hands across my face.
"Hey Virgo, your house is giving me an uneasy feeling. C-can we like...? I don't know, maybe check your house to see if there's n-nothing inside here? Let's also bring a couple of cops, yeah?"
Virgo nodded in agreement and called a couple of cops over. "Ma'm?" Robert, the one earlier, asked. The three men walked over to us with their weapons in hand, looking at us sternly.
"We just want to check my house if anyone else is here. Let's check the basement first, yeah? Then the attic. And if there's none, we'll go to sleep. Thank you very much." Virgo explained.
We took the stairs that leads to the basement and found metallic door at the end of it. Robert counted up to three before breaking down the door, pointing his gun towards the empty darkness while the other two men watched closely.
I sighed in relief and was about to turn back when I felt a cold object tracing my neck. I closed my eyes shut and accepted the pain but there's none. I opened my eyes to be met with solid cold black ones.
"Looks like you've found us."
CLIFFHANGER!!! Oops. Did you like it? Please vote, comment, and maybe share? Pls? Love you xx
REMINDER: This will not affect the other stories/chapters! This is only for this story and it would not continue on after the story ends! Thx
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