Chapter 25 (Last)
3 Years Later
"Nina! I'll see you tonight yeah!"
"Yeah of course, congratulations you guys"
"Thanks bye" My friend Abigail waved. We'll be having a little get together thing at a posh restaurant. I entered my apartment taking my rings and necklaces off.
Turning the TV on while taking my clothes off, picking up the phone as it continued to ring.
I smiled taking the call, "Good morning mom?"
"Hey babe!" She cheered making me giggle what got her so excited? I talked with her about my day for a few minutes. "When are you visiting?"
"Mom! You. Always ask that, when I get my holiday is always the answer"
"Alright chill, I miss you"
"I miss you too, how's dad?" I asked softly.
"He misses you too"
I showered and got ready, but of course taking no risks converse in the car? Check! After taking the time to buy flowers on the way.
Abigail just learned her pregnancy, I didn't understand why they needed to celebrate at The Nice Guy since it's busy on Saturdays.
I crossed the street with flowers in hand, I hope Abigail likes them.
I suddenly saw a dog walk out on the street and towards me circling around me. I laughed walking to the other side, nealing down. Patting it, reading the name on the coller 'Bruce ' "where's your owner?" I asked dogi. I named him dogi now, I stood up looking around. I plot down again rubbing the dogi's cuddly fur, "come on Dogi!" I said.
"Bruce here boy! Where are you?" I heard a female voice.
I turned around, "oh hey excuse me!" I called.
"Bruce! " the girl smiled opening her arms, I let go of dogi when he ran to her.
"Thank you so much!" Another boy said from behind her.
"Thanks" she finally said.
I smiled, "don't, it's nothing." I waved. "Take care" I said. Swinging my bag on my shoulder.
"I'm Max, nice to meet you" he said. Offering his hand, I shook it smiling.
"I'm Eleanor lovely seeing you, because Brucei is back" she said cuddling her dog. Her friend kept looking at me.
"I have to go now bye, Max and Eleanor" I pointed, oh I'm better at names now.
They waved at me, as Eleanor held Dogi's hand making him wave too.
I thought I had my share of socialism for the day, Nevertheless I took my phone entering the restaurant. It seemed more like a bar, that surprisingly looked empty glancing at my watch breathing in it's only seven I smiled when Abigail's boyfriend waved me over. I hugged and greeted friends, LA always felt like home to me because it is home but since I moved three years ago the concept of Home changed I'm not sure if it was because I missed my family or because I missed someone else; all I knew is that I felt lonely a lot of the time.
I do still play football, at least one thing didn't change. I got into Science Education (Physics) to be specific I study Mechanics, Thermodynamics, electromagnetism and Quantum physics and these kind of subjects. It is actually a lot interesting than physics branches we use to take at school.
I didn't have a bunch of friends, and I definitely wished I had kept a better relationship with high school friends. We do still meet but only on occasions last event was Dakota's son birthday a year ago.
I raised my glass to the toast smiling at the kind faces, "where is it?" Abigail asked, searching the table.
"Is it your phone?" I asked.
" Yeah I can't find it,"
"Are you sure you bought is with you?"
"It might be in the car. I'll look for it later then I can't leave the people"
"Give me the keys Abi I'll go look for it. That was a very smart way of telling me"
"You're the best" Abigail said handing me the keys.
I made my way out to the car, searching by the windshield shortly I found the pink IPhone 6 I took it locking the car behind me. I took steady steps back in unlocking the phone I saw the time 9 already. I gave Abigail her phone and excused myself after again wishing them a happy night.
I swang my bag checking my phone for any missed calls, I found one from Adam my lab partner. I got too caught up in my phone to see where I was headed, as I collided with someone spinning around from the force the drink they were holding spilled on my hand and floor. I shook the liquid out of my hand, looking up. "I'm so sorry, are you.... " before I got to complete my sentence my heart... Stopped.
For a second the noise around me was silenced, and all I can hear was Tic.. Tic.. Tiiiiii
"Hi" he said, a small smile on his face.
"Hey Lou.. Louis" I cleared my throat clipping my lose hair behind my ear; probably smiling.
"It's been so long, how are you?"
"Good, good. You" I answered timid.
"Perfect, are you here alone?" He replied, he's had a bit to drink.
"Ah no I was here with my friends from Uni, you?"
"I'm here with my girlfriend and friends. You should stick around" he offered.
I felt a bang in my heart telling me to get out of here. "Ahmm.. No I was leaving I've.. "
"Lottie is here" Louis cut me off, and suddenly I felt like crying.
"Okay" I said, he walked a head telling me to follow. He whispered something to a shorter girl with silver hair. She turned around, making me stop in my tracks. My face softened, she looked beautiful. My shoulders gave out as my bag fell to my wrist I felt like running as did she. I breathed heavily wrapping my arms tightly around her.
"I missed you so much" Lottie started.
"I missed you too, so much." I whispered, my eyes shutting tightly. She let go of me flicking my tears off making me giggle. She smiled widely, from behind her I saw Louis smiling looking at me. I blushed looking down; as he wouldn't stop looking at me. And the fact he looks so much hotter is not helping either. "You look so pretty" I said touching her hair up.
"Look who's talking" she said, I blushed again. It's been a habit for the blood in my body to collect in my face making me look pink af for a couple of years now. "Are you blushing? Nina?" I glared at her.
Lottie hugged me again, she's way shorter than me now. Or could be the fact I'm wearing high heels, "I'm so happy I got to see you Nina"
"Me too" I said kissing her cheek. My eyes diverted to the side at the girl who was smiling at me, oh I know her.
"Do you know her?" I asked Lottie. "She in ahw?"
"Yeah," Lottie smiled a more like uncomfortable smile. Eleanor if I remember correctly approached us. "Nina this is Eleanor" she introduced.
"Oh Hi!" As Eleanor started talking Louis came in and joined the conversation. "We met before"
"Really?" Lottie asked looking at me.
"Yeah her dog.. " I quickly explained.
"Thanks again, I'm Eleanor Calder Louis' girlfriend" she explained. Again I felt like a panic attack is approaching me soon, when I saw her wrap her arms around Louis' waist and kiss his jaw. I lowered my gaze, looking up at Lottie who gave an apologetic smile.
I smiled at her, "okay, Lottie babe I'll see you yeah?" I said hugging her tightly after giving her my phone number. I looked at Louis contaminating whether to hug him or not. I went against it and offered him my hand he took it slipping from his girlfriend's grip. I glanced up at her looks like she didn't mind, Louis pulled me closer making me stumble he wrapped his arms tightly on my back face squished in the gab of my neck. My mind felt like it was in a trance, my concentration diverted to Eleanor who was looking at us with an encouraging smile.
I swallowed the lump in my throat lacing my arms together around his neck my forehead on his collarbone. I felt him leave a small kiss, no one saw, on my neck making me shiver. I tightened my grip on my upper arms. I let go after a moment he just looked at me, I gave his girlfriend a hug too before turning around to leave. Before I stepped outside I looked behind me to see Eleanor conversating with a friend while Lottie talked to the bar tender.
The place was getting busier by the passing minute and oh as everyone seemed occupied in their own world he seemed to be occupied in watching me.
I turned around again, feeling the rush of adrenaline. My body had goose pumps all over, capturing the heat of his touch on me.
I got into my car breathing unsteadily, started crying for an unknown reason. I really did try and forget about him I really did. I mean I don't know what makes it worse the fact the he's doing okay and I'm not or the fact that he still looks at me the same way he did 3 years ago.
I rubbed my face with the back of my hand, drying my cheeks with a tissue. Grasping my phone in hand as it dinged with a message.
I slid the arrow opening it before getting a chance to read it from the lock screen.
You looked beautiful as ever, I missed you.
Lou x
I read, time and time again. I smiled through my tears. Running my fingers over the screen, he sure knows how to make a girl smile.
I started the engine driving to my house, I took my clothes off putting shorts and a tank top on skipping to my back yard to play my old time favorite sport.
It felt like I've been at it for a while, I only took a shower and went straight to bed. Although I didn't have any lectures tomorrow I still felt the need to wake up at seven on weekends.
Surprisingly I felt a lot a better the next morning, I made myself breakfast and cleaned off in the kitchen for a while before my door bell rung. Hmm nobody really pays me unplanned visits, weird.
I opened the door, to.. The mail man? "Ms Nina Statham?"
"Yes," I answered.
"Sign here please, package for you." His strong taxes accent made me smile feeling like I was in a movie, was I about to open a package to a million dollars and go have a shopping spree and maybe buy my own stadium?
I opened the wrap taking out two boxes on the counter, opened the first box grinning grasping the holy item rubbing the qualiton my cheek like a total idiot. "Omg! Who sent you babe?"
I opened the second box, like a kid under the Christmas tree. My eyes softening as a smile drew itself permanently on my face, I bought the box closer to my face.
Stroking the soft petals, I noticed the card I took it out reading the horrible handwritten note.
I know this is stupid, this card has no meaning whatsoever. It's just because ;)
Lou x
I laughed reading, he's such an idiot. "But a cool idiot" I thought, smelling the flowers.
What am I doing?
What is he doing?
What are we doing?
Hello beautiful readers, 26th of April, 2017
@9:20 PM🌸💐
1930 WORDS! 🌻🌻
THANKS all of you.
Friday - 11th of August, 2017 been constructing at home for the past 3 days my back is not feeling okay plus that time of the month! And I'm out the door TO BED PLEASE MAN!!!!!!!!
@ 6:52 AM
Lots of love ❤❤❤
Mimi ✌
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