Chapter Six: The Rivalry Begins
It was just like how professor Debroux had said, a rosey cheeked middle aged woman stood before them. She was observing the children silently before fully entering the classroom, just seeing what sort of people they are. Once she drew her conclusions about the children, she fully entered the room, and clapped once to make the kids settle down.
Everyone looked at the teacher at once.
Good morning everyone! I am Eliza Lovett, Your headteacher. Please take a seat.
Miss Lovett was a strict teacher, but this was all just on the surface. Once the students got to know her, their opinions changed. She usually was their favourite among the cast of the teachers. Her posture was always up-right, just like her teaching methods. She had curly red hair, and was very short. Her face was otherwise very featureless, she tried to hide her emotions in front of the children. The only sign that she had emotions, was the cheeks that would instantly light up a room that she enters.
Everyone settled down, sat down to a free seat, and started listening to the teacher.
Good - She stated with a strict, stern face - Let's assign seats.
She pulled out a paper which had every pupil's name written on it.
First of all - she started reading out the names - Adam Green, Azaela Hummings shall take the first table. Betsy Watts and Bill Paul shall take the second. Charles Brooks and Chester John will take the third, Helena Parry and Isabelle Scott take the fourth. And finally; Nyla Scott and Zephyr Reed will take the fifth.
Everyone took the seat assigned to them, they looked at each other. Nyla was a shy, not very talkative girl with hazel eyes, tanned skin and dark brown straight hair. Zephyr did not look at her, but she had her eyes on him, examining his green eyes, and red hair. She thought this was very unique, but also felt like there was something else about him.
Excellent! - She said as everyone took their place - Now we shall discuss what equipment will be needed for the classes. - As she was describing the necessary equipment, Zephyr's mind was occupied with the happenings of the last two weeks. The teacher noticed that he's the only one that isn't paying attention, and spoke up - Zephyr, pay attention!
This snapped Zephyr out of his thoughts, he looked at the teacher.
I'm sorry - He said.
She sighed, and continued on with her speech.
First off: your headmistress will be Bianca Wallace your peasant studies Corbin Debroux. He is the teacher that led you all here. Reading and English will be my subjects. Maths will be Josephine Wilson. Physical Education will be Axel Gardner, Cian Mitchell will be Art, and Cole Wilkinson will be history.
Your Schedules should have been handed out by now, but it bares repeating;
Today you are going to meet with all of the teachers. Once you did, you are free to go home, studying will start tomorrow morning.
Let us meet your Maths teacher first - She said gesturing towards them to stand up.
They walked to the next classroom in line. There waited Professor Wilson, an old, wrinkled lady who had grey hair, and cold eyes.
Good morning everyone! - She said void of all emotions.
In my class, you are going to learn about adding, subtracting, and shapes - she said with an annoyed expession. Any questions?
The class stayed silent, Adam had a slight smirk on his face, which the teacher noticed
Wipe that look off of your face young man - she said very rudely.
I have very simple rules. No talking without your hand raised, no notes passing while i'm teaching, and most of all, no funny buisness. You are here to learn - She said in a highly grumpy voice.
Alright, I think that's enough, let's get a move on - Miss Lovett suggested. Onto the history classroom!
Everyone was happy to leave the classroom, Miss Lovett included.
Welcome everyone! I'm glad to finally meet you all - Professor Wilkinson greeted them with a warm smile for a change of attitude. In my class you are going to learn about our great nation's history, our victories, and so on. I think we will have a lot of fun!
Professor Wilkinson looked to be the youngest of them all, he had pushed back long dirty blode hair with deep blue eyes.
Most of the class returned the smile, apart from Zephyr, who was wondering off into his thoughts again.
They went on to the gym, where a surprisingly casual clothed teacher greeted them.
He was bald, had wrinkles around his brown eyes and tattoos on his arms, and seemed like the tough guy of the staff.
Mornin' everyone - He said with his arms crossed, measuring the physical capabilities of the children by watching their physique.
In my class you are going to learn to get strong, and learn discipline. I will push you to your limits, and then some - He continued with his arms crossed still, flexing his muscles.
By this time, most of the kids realized, that they don't like gym all that much.
Zephyr couldn't help drifting off again, as he was the least interesting to him by far.
Next up was the peasant studies professor, Mr. Debroux
G-Good m-morning everyone! - He said while constantly shaking.
In my class we are going to be learning about the history, the hardships, and the victo-
Miss Lovett clears her throat while subtley shaking her head at Debroux.
I-I'm sorry - He said - The losses of the peasants.
Miss Lovett smiled approvingly while Debroux was still shaking behind his desk.
And finally, the art teacher, Professor Mitchell - Miss Lovelett said as they were leaving. Before she did, she shot a dissaproving look at Debroux, which Zephyr caught and found really strange.
Welcome to my gallery, everyone! - He said with a whisper-like voice, his nose up, and a smile on his face.
The children looked around, the room really looked like a gallery for his paintings.
The man really caught Zephyr's attention. He didn't like him, but the art he made was quite interesting.
In my class you will learn how to draw, and paint your emotions, how paint, and graphite can take form into something truly spectacular, and magnificent! - He was using big words, the kids weren't paying attention, but Zephyr was.
He was impressed by the art that was hung on the walls. He wanted to learn from him, and eventually become better than the professor.
Miss Lovett didn't share the same appreciation that Zephyr did, and seemed like she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Thank you, for behaving well children, now feel free to get to know eachother in the headteacher's classroom - Miss Lovett said.
Once they were set free, everyone started talking to eachother once more, Zephyr just silently sat in the corner scribbling on a piece of paper, while observing people around him. He got bored after a few minutes of observing his classmates, and decided to focus on his drawing.
Oh, you can draw? - A girl's voice interrupted him.
Zephyr looked up at the girl with freckles, black hair, and blue eyes who was standing in front of his desk, observing what he's doing. He looked back at his drawing.
Come on, you can at least say something!
Hi? - He answered the persuasion.
Hello, I'm Azalea, you know usually boys start the introduction.
Zephyr - He answered shortly and went back to drawing
You are quite rude - She stated without giving Zephyr any thought and went on to talk to the other classmates.
Zephyr didn't think much of anything about this encounter either, he didn't like the way she went up to him, or the way she interrupted him. He finished the drawing, it was depicting the spirit animal, and him standing in the streets of Grey town.
Drawing about his life back at Grey town really reminded him of his parents. He was trying not to cry but each though that crossed his mind was about his parents being around. His face was overtaken by guilt, and it was very obviously noticable from the outside.
As soon as Azalea got bored with the other students, she went back again to Zephyr.
I'm sorry for coming to you so suddenly - she apologized while looking at the finished drawing.
Is that you? - she asked still admiring the sketch.
He softly nodded.
Do you have a pet snake or something?
Kind of... - He answered still being moody from the thoughts in his head.
Are you okay? - She asked with her eyebrows raised
I'm fine - He answered cooly.
You don't seem like it.
As soon as Zephyr took a deep breath, the headteacher came in, clapped once more to get the attention of the children.
Free time's over. You can go home now.
This relieved Zephyr quite a bit, as he was about to get annoyed with Azalea.
He stood up from the desk, put the notebook back into his bag.
Bye! - He said to Azalea.
Good... bye? - She muttered confusedly.
The headteacher guided them to the main entrance where Alfred was already waiting for Zephyr to come outside.
Zephyr, stuck in his thoughts almost went around Alfred.
Zephyr, I'm right here! - He said.
Oh, sorry - he answered shaking the thoughts away.
He started walking the boy home, but couldn't stop wondering why Zephyr has said nothing thus far.
So how was your first day at school?
It was... okay.
You can tell me a bit more than this, can't you?
Sure. What do you want to know? - He answered begrudgingly.
Did you meet anyone you liked?
Did you try talking to any of them?
No, but they did.
Did they like you?
I don't think so. There was only one girl that even cared.
What was she like?
Come on Zeph, there has to be more to her than this.
Maybe. All she did was annoy me while I was drawing - Zephyr said shrugging it off.
I see. Any teachers you liked?
I liked the Art teacher, there's a whole gallery of his works in the art room.
So I see, I thought you might like him - He said smiling - About that drawing, can I see it?
It's nothing, I just drew. Like usual.
Why are you so short on words? Is it your adoptive parents again?
Zephyr nodded with a grieving expression.
Would you like for me to stay silent?
Yes please.
They started walking home without even as much as a single word. The snake appeared around Zephyr's neck
Seemingly angry with Zephyr.
What is it? - Zephyr asked the reptile -Did I do something wrong?
The snake nodded and looked towards the school they just exited from.
Is it about the girl... Azalea or something? - He asked while trying to remember what she said to him.
The snake nodded silently.
Oh, you must be talking to your snake again, right? - Alfred asked with genuine interest in his voice.
Yeah - He answered without too much care.
Listen, Zephyr, you might not want to do that, your classmates might think you have gone mad. I can teach you to communicate to your spirit animal
in thoughts rather than out loud.
This statement caught Zephyr's attention.
Really? You would? - He asked excitedly.
Yes, I could, but you might want to cover that scar of yours. Word of advice, up to you - He looked at the shallow scar on his neck.
Why would I do that? - He asked naively.
It would just make you have more eyes on you. And seeing as you aren't very social, you might not want that. Awaking to your spirit animal at such a young age is very rare. Especially to such a powerful one.
Powerful? In what way? - Zephyr asked looking him straight in the eye for the first time.
Well, you needn't worry about that quite yet, you will figure it out once you are in a school for magic - He smiled at the boy's eagerness to learn.
Will we learn anything of that sort in this school? - He asked looking back at his new school.
I'm afraid not, you'll have to learn the basics so you won't be illiterate. Noone likes a boy that can't think for himself - He said suggestingly.
Well, why not? My classmates don't seem to have any thoughts of their own.
Well, that's why you are already ahead of them. You will make the top of your class no doubt - He gave Zephyr a non-answer.
And why would I want that? Are there any rewards for doing so?
Not really, no. But the teachers are interested in the top five much more than they are in the rest.
I don't think that's fair, I think that they should focus on the people that are struggling the most - He said speaking his mind.
I understand you, but at the end of the day they are human just like you and me, and they would like to challenge the ones that are doing the best, because those children understand the quickest.
I get that, still... it's not the best way of teaching - He said closing the discussion. After a few more minutes of walking they arrived home.
Are you hungry? -Alfred asked.
No. Can you teach me to speak to my animal rather than lunch? - He asked impatiently. He was all around a very patient boy, but when it came to learning new things, he wasn't.
Intrigued, huh? - He said smiling - Fine, I can. Have you figured out how to summon your snake willingly yet?
Zephyr shook his head.
Well then, that's a good place to start. What you should do is become one with the snake in your thoughts. Think like it.
How do I do that?
Unfortunately that's all I can say for now, we might have the same spirit animal, but awaking them isn't the same. You need to get to know what your animal is like. It will open up to you more and more as time goes on.
That's really dissapointing - Zephyr said, as his level of interest dropped.
No need to worry, I'm sure that you are on a road to success. You will pick this up in no time - He smiled.
Okay - He said regaining his cool nature.
So, what about lunch, still don't want to eat?
No, thanks - He said - Can I go to my room?
Sure, feel yourself at home Zeph.
Him calling Zephyr "Zeph" was a bit strange to the boy, but ultimately said nothing as he took the stairs up to his room. He immediately tried to put Alfred's advice to the test, since the snake was still around his neck.
What are you like? - He asked the reptile that started coiling down around his arm to take a better look at the boy.
As an answer the snake opened his mouth revealing his teeth and faking a bite in the air.
The snake shook its head
The snake seemed to be dissapointed at the mere mentioning of this and hung its head in shame.
Okay... sorry. protective?
The snake raised its head and gave a small nod.
Is that all? - He asked.
The reptile shook it's head.
Okay. What about... courage?
The reptile nodded once more and seemed to be impressed how fast the boy is catching on.
Alfred knocked on the door, prompting for the snake to dissapear.
Food's ready if you are interested.
Okay, coming - He said as he changed his clothes into his casual, less fancy clothes.
You were trying my advice, eh? - He asked with a smile.
Well, did you get any progress done?
Yes, now I know that it likes to protect people and be curageous.
I see... that's an interesting trait for a snake.
Why? - He asked looking into the man's eyes
Well... my spirit animal isn't like that at all, it likes to just sit around and do nothing... charming, isn't it? - He said smiling.
Well yeah.
So how about that lunch, huh? You must be starving by now.
Yeah, pretty hungry - Zephyr said as they went down to have a very uneventful dinner.
They ate silently, but a knocking on the door interrupted them. Alfred took his wand out, and went up to the door to see who it was.
This unsettled Zephyr a bit, as he felt like this was no way to greet anyone.
The snake around Zephyr's neck was sure to watch every move of his carefully.
Alfred opened the door to see a postman handing him another letter, just like before. It bore the same stamp just the same.
Alfred quickly shut the door without saying a word, and lept back into his room to give it a quick read, while swearing like a sailor.
The snake seemed just as confused as Zephyr was, this didn't make sense for the either of them.
Alfred took a handwritten letter, and gave it to the postman who for some reason was still standing in front of the door. The man took the letter, and they bid farewell. Alfred took a few seconds to cool off, but he wasn't as upset as he was last time.
What was this about? - Zephyr asked.
Nothing, more work stuff yet again - He said getting his composure back.
Okay - Zephyr said after the man finally looked to be calm enough - I'm tired.
Go to your room, and get some sleep, big day tomorrow - He said while he exited the house to feed the dog.
Zephyr did as he was told. The snake seemed to be more at ease while Zephyr wasn't in the same room as Alfred. After sitting down on his bed, the snake immediately gestured towards Zephyr with its tail.
What's up? Do you want to play guessing game again? - He asked barely having any energy to do so.
The snake nodded, and pointed in the rough direction of the school.
School? - He asked with his eyebrow raised
The reptile nodded again.
Did I do something wrong there? Upset a teacher?
The reptile seemed to be a bit hesitant because it knew what Zephyr was going through, so it gave a slight side to side movement with its head.
You aren't sure?
It nodded.
Is this about Azalea, or something else?
The snake nodded.
Should I try talking to her more? What if i upset her?
Yet another nod.
Well, I guess I'll try, thanks for the advice - He said as he was yawning and rubbing his eyes.
The snake gave a quick nod with a slight smile as if it wanted to say good night, and disappeared.
He laid down, and quickly fell asleep, this was the first night where he could sleep without any nightmares whatosever.
Zeph, wake up, it's time for school, you'll be late! - Shouted Alfred from the stairs.
Zephyr was startled by the sudden loud voice, and jumped a bit.
I'm coming! - He shouted back, and checked the clock, It was 7:00 am.
I really do have to hurry up - He thought out loud.
He quickly took a shower, and got dressed for the day.
What took you so long? You'll really be late - Alfred asked - I already told you twice to get up - He hissed in annoyance.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear it - He told the man towering over him.
Did you at least have a good night's rest? - He asked while slowly calming down.
Yes, no nightmares, nothing - He said with a slight smile.
Good - Alfred answered - Let's get a move on, you have 15 minutes before your classes start.
He took Zephyr's hand as he was leaving the house.
Teachers here are really strict, so you definitely shouldn't be late. I once got scolded for arriving a minute before the bells rang, and I was late to the lesson an entire 30 seconds - He said.
Sorry, I'll keep that in mind, and set my alarm clock - He said with a blank face.
Good - He said once more.
They arrived at school five minutes before the classes started, Zephyr ran into the headteacher's room, to see nobody in there.
This is odd - He thought to himself, and heard yelling from a different floor. He quickly went upstairs to see what was going on, but stopped before he could be seen.
Mister Debroux, as much as I want you here, teaching children such lies is not something that we will tolerate, consider this as your final warning.
Please, Ms Wallace, they need to know... only teaching them about one side of history isn't going to give them a full understanding about the world around them.
It is my call, you either get with the program, or you can be sent back to your peasant town, and be out of your job. I understand they don't like you much there, and since you managed to get out of your impoverished town, and they didn't, that wouldn't really help them welcoming you with open arms, would it? - She whispered seething with rage.
P-Please, anything but that, I'm sorry, I'll get right on top of that - He answered with a shaky, defeated voice.
Zephyr got really upset by this, and so did his snake friend, the snake quickly dissapeared, but this time, something was different, something felt wrong. His eyes were not his usual, they turned yellow with a vertical slit for a pupil. He wanted to shout at the headmistress, but he was scared to make a scene. He stood paralyzed until he heard steps approaching him. He tried to run back down, but the headmistress called to him.
Zephyr Reed, why aren't you in class? You are late - She asked angrily looking him in the eye.
The eye's shape and colour startled her.
Y-you should get to class right now - She stuttered.
Zephyr walked down to the ground floor not understanding what had happened.
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